Bethel Church’s Annual Report Shows us Just How Big They Really Are

With the news that Bethel Church has broken ground on a nearly $100 million dollar Apostolic Training Center, we wanted to throw some numbers and statistics at our followers, to show just how big and expansive the organization really is. We get some stats from their Arise and Build campaign which purports to be from their 2020 annual report.

The 15,000 ‘prophetic words given’ and ‘305’ dream interpretation sessions are probably the scariest numbers of them all, demonstrating how frequently they engage in acts of biblical butchery and showing that for this crowd, the scriptures are not enough to satisfy them.

Of the thousands of people who attend weekly, the crowd skews incredibly young, with 45% of congregants being under the age of 25 years old. According to a 2018 report, they brought in $21.6 million in tithes and offerings, which only represents about 35% of their annual income, as the church brought in over $60.8 million. According to Anewscafe, much of it was generated by Bethel TV and Bethel Music, which brought in nearly $25 million, as well as multiple school tuition and fees which provided $13.7, including their Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry,  Bethel Christian Schoo, WorshipUBethel Conservatory of the Arts,,  Bethel School of Technology, their online Leadership Development Program, and Bethel Business School.

Bethel’s influence is on the rise. This juggernaut is only growing and expanding in influence, and in the last few months, we’ve been brought stories on how:

Bethel Patrix Tells Congregants to just ‘Make Up Prophecies’ if they Don’t Hear from God,
Bethel Church Claims Congregants Healed by Looking at Paintings,
Bethel ‘Prophet’ Who Falsely Prophesied Trump’s Victory Headlines Prophetic Conference
Never Forget: Bethel’s Chief Prophet Praises Pope ‘You’re My Hero’
Bethel Church Does Damage Control over ‘Grave Sucking’- Fails Miserably
Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’
Bethel Pastor Claims Christians Have Doppelganger ‘Angel Twins’ that Buy Strangers Pizza
Bethel Church Pastrix Promotes God Healing Through Holy Snoring

When Bethel grows, the kingdom of God suffers. By all accounts, however, it looks to be doing just that.

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4 thoughts on “Bethel Church’s Annual Report Shows us Just How Big They Really Are

  1. “revival leaders who are passionate about bringing Heaven to Earth.” That says it all, right there. It’s a demonic cult.

  2. 136 people baptized?
    While our church has over twice the number of members (avg weekly attendance: 27,619 across 10 campuses) we baptized 2292 individuals last year, all without a single flake of gold dust, phony prophecy, grave sucking, self-anointed ‘apostle,’ phony healing, or twisted Scripture.

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