Revoice 2021 Conference To Feature Roman Catholic Lesbian Speaker

Once again, Revoice is upon us, and once again, their speaker list is suspect. Along with a plethora of gay, lesbian, and transgendered speakers, many who openly insist on using he/him, she/her/, they/them personal pronouns in their bios, we see that Revoice has once again brought back openly lesbian and Roman Catholic speaker Eve Tushnet to give a message.
Revoice, you’ll recall, suffered a teeth-shattering, cartilage-crushing, skull-splintering blow to the satanic scourge when the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) voted at their 2021 the General Conference 1438-417 to adopt Overture 23, which states in full:
Officers in the Presbyterian Church in America must be above reproach in their walk and Christlike in their character. Those who profess an identity (such as, but not limited to, ‘gay Christian,’ ‘same-sex attracted Christian,’ ‘homosexual Christian,’ or like terms) that undermines or contradicts their identity as new creations in Christ, either by denying the sinfulness of fallen desires (such as, but not limited to, same-sex attraction), or by denying the reality and hope of progressive sanctification, or by failing to pursue Spirit-empowered victory over their sinful temptations, inclinations, and actions are not qualified for ordained office.
Despite the denomination utterly rejecting the means and methods of Revoice, they insist to persist, putting on their event October 7-9 in St Louis, and they want this particular brand of lesbian to teach.
Eve Tushnet, the author of the book Gay and Catholic, is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but rather a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis. In fact, she’s been a dedicated Roman Catholic for over 15 years, which would make her categorically NOT SAVED and NOT a BELIEVER.
According to the promo provided by Revoice:
Eve Tushnet is a freelance writer, a Patheos blogger, and the award-winning author of Gay and Catholic. She also has written two novels, is the editor of the anthology Christ’s Body, Christ’s Wounds [Editor’s Note: The book is about life within the Roman Catholic Church], and has contributed to several books, including Sex and the Spiritual Life. Tushnet has written on the paths of love available to gay Christians for a wide range of publications, including America, American Conservative, Commonweal, and Christianity Today, and online for The Atlantic, New York Times, and Washington Post. She has spoken at multiple conferences for LGBT Christians. She also writes and speaks on the arts. Tushnet lives in Washington, DC.
Tim Baly did an excellent job a few years ago recounting how during her first message at Revoice in 2018, she used “speech disfluencies, fillers, and hedge words 310 times” during her brief 30 minutes session where she argued how Jesus and the apostle John gave us a “striking example of same-sex love being used as a way to teach us what love of God is, what discipleship is,” and the same kind of love that they had is paralleled to what homosexuals have now, making comments like “(John’s) relationship with Jesus is unusually intimate, uh, …physically he leans on Jesus’ breast at the last supper, uh…”
Recently, Tushnet was seen in an interview with the National Catholic Register explaining that being a sodomite is a huge blessing from God, and that she has received so many blessings for being gay. She also reiterates her belief that while sexual activity is forbidden, “same-sex love is holy” and ought to be nurtured and fostered.
As we will see in a series of upcoming posts, this is hardly the worst speaker to be featured at this blasphemous event.
I rolled my eyes so far back, they are stuck in the back of my head.
Do people not read the Bible?
They know well what’s in the Bible, but choose to ignore what goes against their twisted, sinful, personal worldview.
These apostates are causing and encouraging a lot of little ones to stumble. And they’re helping to make it very hard on true Christians who are increasingly finding it very difficult to live and make a living without being forced to support, condone, or affirm abominable sins, sick and perverted lies, and insults to the Creator.
Id like to see JD and his team do stories and expos’es on the churches that fly below the radar but are just as apostate. How about presbyterian usa and the churches under its umbrella? ?
The PCUSA has been apostate for many decades. It’s old news and they certainly aren’t under the radar. The same with the United Methodists, Episcopal Church USA and other mainline denominations. I’d rather learn about allegedly conservative Evangelicals going woke and apostate. We already know the mainlines are dead.
What kind of scum sucking devil worshiping writers do you have working for Protestia? Nearly everything you wrote hear is total lies. You certainly do a good job of spreading the Gospel of Satan and tearing down the Church. Also – she is clearly not a sodomite as she is CELIBATE YOU IDIOTS ! seriously, do you have to fail both IQ tests, theology and basic reading to write for the devil controled website>