Andy Stanley’s Church Is Sending Children to All-LGBTQ Therapists: We Profile One of The ‘Gender fluid’ Counselors

For years, North Point Community Church, led by Andy Stanley, has been partnering with and promoting affirming LGBTQ+ organizations when desperate parents come to see them for help with their struggling gay children, all done through their Parent Connect Ministry.

Parent Connect is (was formerly?) led by Amy Blakeslee, an openly affirming queer woman, and is overseen by Debbie Causey, a gay-affirming, long-tenured pastor at North Point Community Church and the director of their Care network of ministries. Causey is also a board member at Renovus, a pro-LGBTQ+ activist and advocacy group led by many leaders within North Point church (and who recently sponsored a gay pride parade.)

During a conversation about her book by gay-affirming North Point leaders Greg and Lynn MacDonald, Causey gets asked about recommendations for “safe” counselors, which is a coded word they use to describe affirming counselors. She recommends an organization called ‘The Christian Closet,’ which she represents as a “great group” that serves children and youth struggling with their identity, and McDonald agrees. (She also recommended struggling parents attend a Queer Parent Summit)

The Christian Closet is a collective of all-LGBTQ+ ‘Christian’ counselors that offer virtual mental help on topics like depression, coming out, transitioning, starting your first queer relationship, deconstructing, dealing with trauma, and everything in between. It’s an “online therapeutic resource for people who are trying to work out what it means to have an LGBTQI sexual identity, or gender identity within a Christian context.”

This is not to say that some counselors are gay or that a majority are gay, but rather that all of them are gay, with their website reading “all of our clinicians identify somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum and have done the work of reconciling their faith with that.”

One of these counselors is Britt Kusserow.

According to her profile, she is a “she/they” who identifies as “queer, lesbian, and gender fluid” and charges a mere $160/hour.

She’s a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a “specialization in LGBTQ+ Affirmative therapy” and is “passionate about “work with LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly those of you whose multifaceted identities include an important, central faith practice, and/or relationship with divinity.” She explains her therapeutic approach:

“My work is relational and client-centered, guided by anti-racist principles, and the belief that we can deconstruct harmful stories and co-author new ones for the betterment of ourselves and our communities.”

Imagine being a desperate parent from North Point Community Church with a struggling gay teen or even an older child who is confused about their attractions. You build up the courage to talk to a Care ministry worker and get recommended by trusted church pastors to get counseling at a ‘Christian’ group, only to have your loved one end up in Britt Kusserow’s hands?

Andy Stanley’s church, when faced with a family who is in crisis because they think their child might be gay or non-binary, and is looking for some sound, biblical counseling and resources, directs the parents to pro-LBGTQ+ organization Embracing the Journey, and the kids to pagan pro-LBGTQ+ counselors at The Christian Closet.

There is no hope for children struggling with their sexuality if they’re going to these places to get this sort of help. The adults have stacked the deck against them. All the paths to freedom and deliverance have been taken away.

Lord, have mercy.

For more on Stanley:

North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
North Point Pastor Recommends Struggling Christians Attend ‘Queer Parent Summit’
Video: Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Cheers As She’s Given Lap Dance by Drag Queen
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley
North Point Church Staffers Found ‘Liking’ Pride Parade Celebration
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
North Point Pastor Praises Gay Man’s Affirming Org. ‘Lord, Let Him Create More Allies for the LGBTQ Community’

Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
North Point Church Baptizes Openly Transgender ‘Man’, After Giving Blessing to Transition?
Another One?! Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Hosted Same-Sex Wedding Reception
North Point Pastor Tells People Not to Attend Her Church Because It’s Not Affirming and ‘Safe’ Enough

Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
Exclusive: Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees That Scriptures Against Homosexuality Were About ‘Serial Sexual Relationships’
Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees He REFUSES to Say ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’
‘Unconditional Conference’ Speaker Teaches Christians Must Adopt a ‘New Script’ Where Homosexuality ISN’T Sinful

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2 thoughts on “Andy Stanley’s Church Is Sending Children to All-LGBTQ Therapists: We Profile One of The ‘Gender fluid’ Counselors

  1. Look for the UN based “children are sexual beings and have autonomy over their bodies,” coming to his church soon. If you can justify all these atrocities, then pedophilia is a natural progression.

  2. I don’t know what I would do if I were a parent in such a circumstance. If you don’t support and encourage the sin, you’re considered mean, abusive, hateful, and bigoted. And that is a part of the new state-imposed religion. You must fall in line with the belief that it is not wrong, perfectly fine, not sinful, but perfectly normal, or else you’ll pay the price, not only losing your children, but possibly losing your job and everything else. What do you do? There’s not much you can do, if you are to honor the Lord, except to go on and be that “bigot”, disallow it anywhere near your house, feed, clothe, and shelter them, then kick them out when they turn 18, if the almighty state doesn’t take them from you first, and trust the Lord to provide. Seems to me, that’s about all you can do. Unless you’re wealthy, then you just do what has historically been done with problem children – send them off to boarding school.

    In their reprobate mind, it is not rebellion against God, but rather rebellion against our supposed meanness, hate, bigotry, abuse, and is more about trying to “fix” or eliminate us, than it is anything else.

    And I don’t see it getting any better. It’s going to get worse. It’s deeply rooted in darwinism, psychology, sociology, and even secular ethics (as ThatWoman has correctly noted, they’re next going to say that because children have equal rights, including the right to select their “orientation” and “gender”, they should also have the right to engage in sexually gratifying activities, and that will be considered the loving thing to do).

    At the rate things are going, it wont be long before every church in America looks like this one. And Jesus’ prophecy concerning the time when those who are truly born again will not even be welcome in the church, will be fulfilled. If you believe the Bible, you won’t even be allowed in the building. I’m convinced we’re witnessing the foretold falling away. What follows is the final judgment. There’s a reason the specific sins listed in Rev. 21:8, and 22:15, are reiterated yet again, one last time, right at the very end.

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