
Trump Hater Dave Miller Is Not A Nice Person

Dave Miller cannot stop his liberal self from surfacing.  He may say he is a conservative but his unfounded venomous rhetoric against President Trump and the Christians who support Trump speaks volumes otherwise.  He has posted yet another article at SBC Voices scoffing at those Christians who are complaining about the election results and their “conspiracy theories” of voter fraud.

Miller pontificates from on high about the lowly pros and plebes who are voicing “conspiracy theories” of voter fraud in the 2020 election cycle.  He mentions the Democrats complaining about voting results in the 2018 election cycle and Republicans telling them to accept the results.  Point of fact, the Democrats complained about the 2016 presidential results for four years, and Hilary still is.  I have a conspiracy theory for you, Mr. Miller: Hilary didn’t sue in 2016 because the Democrats did something wrong and didn’t want it to come out in court.  Instead, they did their best to impede Trump’s policies and impeach him on suspicion of colluding with Russia (a conspiracy theory).

I did a search and found one story about voter fraud in 2018 (I searched through five pages of results) and the only case I saw was a complaint of voter fraud against Democrats in Tampa Bay, FL.  All of the other results of my search were sworn affidavits of witnesses to voter fraud in multiple states, videos of ballot counters “correcting” ballots, and one of a Democrat official in Houston formally complaining about voter fraud in Harris County, TX, by his own party.  And not just 2020, ongoing.  Those are not conspiracy theories, those are facts, facts in evidence, by witnesses who were willing to come forward. Miller only believes conspiracy theories if they are about President Trump, or writers of discernment blogs.

And then Independent Dave Miller says this:

 Christians have come to the point where an accusation, if made against the other side, is assumed as fact whether the facts support it or not.

Would this include the unfounded accusations, in your last article, about President Trump being “ungodly, borderline racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic?”  An article in which you go out of your way to insult Trump and his followers within Christendom? I have not read any such vitriolic bile when talking about the character of that advocate for murdering babies, LGBT alphabet soup group of pillow-biting sodomites, angry hairy dikes and sexually confused perverted crossdressers, Fascist Democrat candidate wandering-hands hair-sniffing Joe Biden. You call him President-elect, which means you hold him in higher regard than President Trump.

I do want to pose one question: where is the denouncing of Ron Burns’ daily genuflecting at the statue of the Golden Donkey bracketed by images of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? 

Dave Miller is not an independent.  He is jumping over the fence and into the sheep pen to ravage the flock. The SBC Titanic is headed for an iceberg and the leadership is steering right for it.  The fog of relevance with the world clouds their vision and I pray more Godly SBC churches leave before they go down into the cold depths of spiritual mediocrity.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Thirty Four

The thirty-fourth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33

These churches are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services. Some with masks. Some without masks.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

News Righteous Defiance Shutdown World Headlines

Over 120 church leaders blast UK’s ‘unlawful’ closure of churches amid COVID lockdowns

(Christian Post) More than 120 church leaders are taking legal action against the U.K. government for its “unlawful” decision to ban worship services during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.

The leaders of various denominations are demanding a judicial review of the government’s decision, arguing that the “measures involve a direct and serious interference with the independence of religious organisations and freedoms of religious people.”

The Christian Legal Centre is supporting the religious leaders’ legal challenge, according to a statement by the group.

“The English and Welsh Governments have now introduced two successive sets of lockdown measures which have completely prohibited and criminalised public communal worship, a core aspect of religious life for the Claimants and their congregations,” the letter reads. “With these measures, the Governments have inflicted a terrible human cost, without rigorous consideration of less onerous restrictions, and as part of a package which leaves places of worship open for secular activities.

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar and published at the Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia

cancel culture Featured News Shutdown

Video: Antifa Openly Harrases and Assaults Families at Weekend Pro-Trump Rallies

In news that has been blacked out from mainstream media sources and is not being covered, (unlike last year, when the media cried bloody murder for two weeks straight when a teenager in a red hat smiled at a counter-protester who came up to him) the psychopathic rabble known as Antifa, who have been emboldened in the likely defeat of President Trump, took to the streets over the weekend to counter-protest pro-Trump rallies, cracking skulls, setting off explosives, throwing garbage and attacking and harassing families with children.

Warning: Language.

The impending presidency of Joe Biden will not satiate those who have developed the taste for blood through months of violence and from their perspective “Nazi-hunting.”

Christians: prepare yourselves.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hillsong Hires Law Firm To Investigate “Cultural Issues’ at Carl Lentz Former Church

Hillsong Church has elaborated on head honcho Brian Houston’s announcement that an investigating is being launched into the inner workings at Hillsong NYC after Senior Pastor Cal Lentz was fired for having a 5-month cheatfest with another woman.

We reported earlier that the leadership of the Australian prosperity-preaching megachurch was launching an “independent investigation” into the “inner workings” of their East Coast church plant in light of revelations that fired celebrity senior pastor Carl Lentz was engaging in at least one adulterous affair.

Houston said that the church needed “a solid foundation for a fresh start and new beginning” leading many to believe that there is more than just a wayward pastor and a heap of bad theology at their New York location, but rather the whole foundation is rotten.

Houston has since elaborated on what that would look like and why. Speaking via livestream to some of Hillsong NY’s congregants, he said:

“It’s a time when I’m so grateful for the team we have there, we’ve got such strong, committed and deeply loyal people who are part of the team. And I must say that not only [are] our key leaders in New York supportive of the decisions that have been made, but they have in fact been part of the process. And in a season of transition they’re looking over the things and making sure that all is in place, that people are pointed forward.”

He also said in a statement to the Daily Mail.

“Since last week’s announcement of a leadership change at Hillsong East Coast, we have heard from a number of people about their experiences and concerns. It is important that we establish the truth and then do everything we can to ensure our church is both a safe place and one that seeks to glorify God in all that we say and do.”

“For this reason we have decided to appoint a New York based legal firm that is not associated or affiliated with Hillsong to conduct an in-depth review and investigation into all concerns and any wider cultural issues. We are taking this extremely seriously and on the basis of this report, we will be better positioned to take whatever actions are deemed necessary to right the wrongs and see Hillsong East Coast move forward in a way that enables many more people to find hope in Jesus.”

Here is the salient point, however: the message that Carl Lentz was preaching every Sunday is far more offensive and destructive than his acts of adultery. The theology that springs forth from Hillsong is more cancerous and poisonous than his marital infidelities.

We’ve covered it every which way to Sunday, as have other faithful biblical discerners. Go to Pulpit & Pen and in the search type “Hillsong.” To listen to systematic responses and assessments of full-length Hillsong sermons, visit Chris Rosebrough’s “Fighting for the Faith.” or click this link from The Messed up Church to get a cornucopia of links showing the problems with them.

The long and short of it is that Hillsong Church is a word of faith, prosperity preaching organization. Brian Houston is a heretic who routinely peddles and promotes false teaching. Everything they do is seemingly an advancement of the popularity gospel, and they are compromised on the sin of homosexuality. The foundation of this church is wicked. Wretched theology permeates every pore.

The fact that so many people, including Hillsong parishioners, are more outraged and upset that one of their pastors was sleeping around, rather than the fact that they have not been taught the word of God and instead have been fed a slow drip of spiritual strychnine this whole time, is a damning indictment against them.


Bethel Church’s Sean Feucht Has #1 Album in the World

Worship leader Sean Feucht, a Bethel Church School of Supernatural Ministry graduate who has been tearing up the cultural scene with a series of worship concerts all across America in the midst of the pandemic, drawing frequently tens of thousands of people to his outdoors concerts and making headlines in major newspapers and media, can now add another accomplishment to his year, as his album “Let us Worship, Washington DC” hit #1 in the global charts.

The non-labeled album features 12 tracks, a mix of originals and classics (such as “Did you feel the Mountains Tremble”). It was recorded live at a “Let us Worship” event in Washington, DC, and for a brief time hit #1 in the global iTunes charts, surpassing superstars like Carrie Underwood, Luke Combs, Kylie Minogue, Ariana Grande, and Sam Smith.

The worship leader spent the better part of the last two days tweeting out various music charts and praising the Lord for his blessings.

Quickly, it seems, the charismatic Bethelite is fast on its way to becoming one of the most well known Christian musicians in the world.

Featured Heresies News Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope and Bishops Congratulate Biden the Butcher for Election Win, Affirm his Catholic Faith

The Roman Catholic Church, led by a cowardly pope who embodies the spirit of antichrist more than any pontiff since Pope Alexander VI, has repeatedly refused to show even a smidgeon of backbone when it comes to abortion-promoting grim reaper Joe Biden, and his little grim reapette Kamala Harris.

The most recent evidence of their lack of vertebrae and indwelling of Beleezebub is the Vatican confirming that the antipope Francis had a friendly phone call on Thursday with the media-presumed president-elect, congratulating him on his win. The call came shortly after Archbishop José H. Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, sent the following letter to Biden, noting his Catholic faith and dropping not even a hint of rebuke.

We thank God for the blessings of liberty. The American people have spoken in this election. Now is the time for our leaders to come together in a spirit of national unity and to commit themselves to dialogue and compromise for the common good.

As Catholics and Americans, our priorities and mission are clear. We are here to follow Jesus Christ, to bear witness to His love in our lives, and to build His Kingdom on earth. I believe that at this moment in American history, Catholics have a special duty to be peacemakers, to promote fraternity and mutual trust, and to pray for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country.

Democracy requires that all of us conduct ourselves as people of virtue and self-discipline. It requires that we respect the free expression of opinions and that we treat one another with charity and civility, even as we might disagree deeply in our debates on matters of law and public policy.

As we do this, we recognize that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., has received enough votes to be elected the 46th President of the United States. We congratulate Mr. Biden and acknowledge that he joins the late President John F. Kennedy as the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith. We also congratulate Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California, who becomes the first woman ever elected as vice president.

We ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of this great nation, to intercede for us. May she help us to work together to fulfill the beautiful vision of America’s missionaries and founders — one nation under God, where the sanctity of every human life is defended and freedom of conscience and religion are guaranteed.

This is not the first time the Vatican has affirmed Joe Biden’s Catholic faith. Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan, one of the most influential Catholics in the world and a legitimate contender for the papacy after Francis passes, when hearing of a rogue priest in North Carolina refused to give Biden communion due to his being in mortal sin due to promoting baby-killing, confirmed that if he were in that spot, he would have given him communion.

Likewise, after the one event of his life where he was ever denied the elements, Biden was dumbfounded and aghast that he would be chastised this way, explaining “It’s not a position that I’ve found anywhere else, including from the Holy Father, who gives me Communion.”

Sounds like all these papists are in lockstep.

Critical Race Theory Featured News Social Justice Wars

Eric Mason Challenges His Opponents to Fisticuffs

Eric Mason is the one the loudest voices for the Woke Religious Sect within Evangelicals. In a tweet posted on November 7th, Eric Mason challenged those who challenge his tweets to a fight.

Maybe he is unable to match wits with his critics so he has to resort to violence.

Church Coronavirus Featured News Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur to Battle in Court Tomorrow: This is What’s Going Down

John MacArthur, the Senior Pastor at Grace Community Church (GCC) in Sun Valley, California, is scheduled to be in court tomorrow to discuss his upcoming contempt charges and trial stemming from the church’s decision to defy a court order insisting they shut down indoor services in order to comply with Governor Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 lockdown restriction.

Instead of submitting to the government’s will, the church deliberately continued to have church services, despite being ordered not to and disregarding a September 10 injunction. The County wants them to be found in contempt for flouting the injunction. The church argues that the injunction was granted on the faulty premise of an unconstitutional order, and should have rightly been ignored.

On September 24th, Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff ruled against LA county for the fifth time. Rather than adjudicate the contempt charges, GCC lawyers argued that MacArthur and GCC were first entitled to a full-blown trial on the merits of their lawsuit challenging Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, proposing that “a final determination on the constitutionality of the orders must occur before the County could seek contempt against MacArthur for merely holding church.”

The judge was persuaded and agreed. Special Counsel Jenna Ellis explains in a statement from the Thomas More Society:

This is significant because no person can or should be held in contempt of a constitutionally invalid order. Los Angeles County continues to presume that its order is valid, with utter disregard for First Amendment protections. It’s tyranny to even suggest that a government action cannot be challenged and must be obeyed without question. This case goes to the heart of what our founders designed for the purpose of legitimate government—not to be above the rule of law. Pastor MacArthur is simply holding church, which is clearly his constitutionally protected right in this country.

It was a brilliant tactic. With LA’s Superior Court suspending civil trials the rest of the year, this decision effectively let GCC continue holding services for months without being bothered- at least until January 2021 at the earliest. Though it cost the church substantially in legal fees, it guaranteed them the freedom to have their services unimpeded.

The court date tomorrow then is to discuss the extent, scope, and merits of the trial. When it is scheduled to start. How long it will last. What it will cover, and who will be deposed.

One specific matter of contention is the deposition list. Lawyers for GCC are seeking the depositions of LA County Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis and one of their supervisors, Sheila Kuehl. County lawyers argue that such information is not needed, preferring to only have the case assessed on the merits of the contempt of the injunction.

In their court papers, GCC lawyers want to ask Davis to “explain in detail why you have not sought a temporary restraining order against any political protesters or protest organizers,” and have him elaborate on why the church was seemingly singled out, and why Davis specifically sought an injunction rather than fines or citations. They state:

Plaintiffs have refused to produce Dr. Muntu Davis for a deposition, despite him being a named plaintiff and the signatory to a key declaration. By so doing, plaintiffs attempt to render themselves the finder of fact on the issue of contempt and to strip defendants of any ability to effectively defend themselves.

The same thing goes for Kuehl. The church’s attorneys want to ask about “any and all actions taken by the County of Los Angeles against Grace Community Church of the Valley, including evidence regarding the basis, motivation, and reasons for such actions.” The County lawyers, however, are supremely opposed to this, arguing:

Defendants’ attempt to kick the can down the road until after a trial on the merits should be rejected. The contempt proceeding should proceed now and should be limited to defendants’ challenges … as to whether this court exceeded its jurisdiction in issuing the preliminary injunction order, i.e., whether the order is void on its face.

As things happen behind the scenes, there has been no further comment from MacArthur about the trial since the 81-year-old pastor took a break from preaching duties on October 5th, following his long-standing habit of taking about a month off each year.

Church Featured News Righteous Defiance

1 in 10 Churches Still Have Attendance Down more than 70%

While most American Churches are back to having in-person services, the numbers of people attending remain cratered, with a large majority of congregations reaching only 2/3 of their pre-pandemic numbers.

According to Lifeway Research:

One in 10 churches (9%) say their attendance in September was less than 30% of what it was in February before the pandemic spread to the U.S. Another 20% say attendance was between 30% and less than 50% of what it was.

A third of pastors (34%) say it has reached 50% to less than 70% of previous levels. For 1 in 5 (21%) attendance is between 70% to less than 90%.

Few pastors say attendance is close to what it was earlier in the year. One in 10 pastors (11%) say September’s attendance was 90% to 100% of February’s, while 4% say their current attendance is more than what it was pre-COVID.

We’ve been chronicling here at Protesia what church services have looked like for the past 8 months, and our galleries show that frequently these churches are half-empty and extremely sparsely attended.

It’s not just American churches that are having this problem. Many countries such as Canada, France, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Greece, UK, and others have gone into full or partial lockdown again, forbidding churches from having services altogether, or severely limiting the number of people who can attend under threats of fines or jail time.

In the United States, Joe Biden, the media’s presumptive president-elect, has gone on record saying he would institute a second lockdown if he felt it was required, saying “I would shut it [the country] down; I would listen to the scientists.” One of his main advisors, Dr. Michael Osterholm, is openly advocating a nation-wide lockdown right now to “bring the virus under control.”

Ostensibly these acts would shutter anew Churches with a poor ecclesiology, driving them online and “virtual” with all the sin and wretched theological justification that such a prospect entails.

Or some wolves just voluntarily do that on their own, no persecution needed. J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Summit Church’s Senior Pastor would fall in the former category, purposefully making the choice to suspend services until 2021 despite having the means and mechanism not to.

In any case, it’s not looking good, and likely won’t for a long time.