He Got the Money! California Govt Approves $800,000 Settlement to John MacArthur and Grace Community Church

The legal battle between John MacArthur and the state of California came to a close on Tuesday, with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreeing to settle their court case and give a $400,000 payment to Grace Community Church (GCC), with the state chipping in another $400,000, bringing their total to $800,00- the result of legal fees and compensation for repeatedly taking them to court last summer and seeking to shut them down.
Last year MacArthur and CGC made national news and became the face of the movement of congregations that refused to shut down its services, insisting on having them in person, in their church building, unmasked, in violation of California lockdown laws.
After the government was sued by a few brave souls who refused to just submit like 99% of churches in the state did, the case eventually made its way to the supreme court, who ruled in favor of religious freedom, dealing a death blow to Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom’s shutdown schemes.
In a statement from county officials, there was no more defiance, but rather a resigned acceptance:
“After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that some public health safety measures could not apply to houses of worship, resolving this litigation is the responsible and appropriate thing to do”
Pastor MacArthur has already said that none of that money will be going to the church at all, but rather will all be paid to their lawyers and the legal team that represented them pro-bono.
To God be the glory, great things He has done!