Briefing Evangelical Stuff News

Nation’s Largest LGBT Group Urges Biden to Strip Accreditation of Christian Colleges and Schools

The countries largest pro-LGBTQQIP2SAA lobby, the Human Rights Campaign, is urging President-Elect Biden and his wicked henchwoman Kamala Harris to strip accreditation from any Christian school, college, or university that has a policy of discriminating based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In short, any Christian institution holding to a biblical worldview and engaging in “the free exercise thereof” is going to targeted.

Writing that “the momentous election of pro-equality champions Joe Biden and Kamala Harris puts us on a path to move equality forward by advancing policies to improve the lives of millions of LGBTQ people,”
the Christmas wishlist of the gay lobby is found in their 2020 Blueprint for Positive Change. The 22-page anti-Christian screed includes 85 policy recommendations that range from the reasonable to the terrifying, with this particular one falling in the latter category. It says:

Ensure Nondiscrimination Policies and Science Based Curricula Are Not Undermined by Religious Exemptions to Accreditation Standards

Language regarding accreditation of religious institutions of higher education in the Higher Education Opportunity Act could be interpreted to require accrediting bodies to accredit religious institutions that discriminate or that do not meet science-based curricula standards. The Department of Education should issue a regulation clarifying that this provision, which requires accreditation agencies to “respect the stated mission” of religious institutions, does not require the accreditation of religious institutions that do not meet neutral accreditation standards including nondiscrimination policies and scientific curriculum requirements.

That is, The Higher Education Opportunity Act has a clause letting religious schools discriminate according to the tenets of their faith, and LGBTQQIP2SAAT wants to get rid of it. They would prohibit Christian schools from doing things like not hiring lesbian teachers, having morality clauses for their students that includes not engaging in transgendered activism and forming groups on campus, and being able to fire a male teacher that comes out as a woman, among a host of other things.

Al Mohler, commenting on the Briefing, had the following to say:

Yet, the most shocking demand in the report is found under the section for the Department of Education. The Human Rights Campaign demands the Biden administration to ensure that “non-discrimination policies and science-based curriculum are not undermined by religious exemption to accreditation standards.”

That is sinister. I’ve not seen any document like this before—the Human Rights Campaign is effectively calling for religious colleges and schools to be coerced into the sexual revolution or stripped of accreditation…

In terms of accreditation, that is an atomic bomb.

In clear text, for all the world to see, the Human Rights Campaign summons the Biden administration to deny accreditation—or, at the very least, to facilitate the denial of accreditation—to Christian institutions, Christian colleges and universities, and, for that matter, any other religious institution or school that does not meet the demands of the LGBTQ orthodoxy. This would mean abandoning biblical standards for teaching, hiring, admissions, housing, and student life. It would mean that Christian schools are no longer Christian.

The scary thing is, this sort of recommendation is right up Biden’s and Harris’s alley to implement. Don’t be surprised if the administration takes them up on their offer.

abortion Featured News

Pastor’s Pregnant Wife Dies by Jumping in Front of Train Because Baby had 5% of Being Disfigured

A mother of two from the United Kingdom has died by suicide after discovering that the child she was carrying in the womb had a 5% chance of being disfigured through a genetic abnormality.

Zdenka Yabani, 39, was 8 months pregnant with her child when she learned that there was a small chance her child could be born with facial deformities of some kind. Four days later, she bought herself a ticket, ran across the platform, and jumped in front of a non-stop city train traveling 115mph, instantly killing her and the unborn child in her womb.

One of the Railway employees who witnessed the encounter, Anna Bodja said:

I heard the fast train approaching, I heard the announcement and I saw the announcement on the board. I noticed a woman in a white jacket back away and start running across the platform. She did a star jump in front of the train, it lasted a second or two.

Though Yabani was bipolar and suffered from that particular mental illness, this callous disregard for human life, viewing a baby who might have some genetic defect as some worst-case scenario monster, is unfathomable. This also wasn’t the first time she did this. Yabani aborted a baby in 2012 after discovering it might be born with an abnormality, the result of a side effect of her bipolar medication.

The fact is that a child born with a deformities or with cognitive struggles are precious and delightful, and their births ought to be celebrated as no different than one who might be born otherwise healthy, rather than being viewed as a doomsday event worthy of killing oneself over.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

University Professor Finds Lost Bible, Reports it to the ‘Bias Hotline’

(The College fix) In November 2019, a George Mason University professor stumbled upon a Bible and an accompanying CD in her classroom. The professor collected the items and immediately reported the items to the school’s Bias Incident Reporting Team, which classified the episode as “discrimination” and “harassment” against “religion.”

The professor accompanied her report with photographs of the Bible, and the items were collected by the Bias Team.

The incident was one of 12 filed with the school’s bias reporting website between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020 and obtained by The College Fix through an open records law request. The documents provided by the university were redacted to protect the privacy of students involved.

The reports were obtained as The Fix continues to investigate the types of complaints that are lodged through bias response teams at college campuses across the nation. Nearly two dozen universities have been included in the investigation so far since it launched in 2019.

According to George Mason’s Campus Climate website, students and professors are encouraged to report and “act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, violence or criminal offense committed against any person, group or property that appears to be motivated by prejudice or bias.”

According to the school, “bias” could mean “negative…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Christian Schneider and posted at the college fix. Title changed by Protestia

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff News Social Justice Wars

Russell Moore Claims to Not Know Any Conservative Evangelicals ‘Influenced by Critical Race Theory’

Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, has said in an interview that he doesn’t know any conservative evangelicals influenced by Critical Race Theory, and if someone put a gun to his head and asked him to name one, he wouldn’t come out alive.

Now, there is a sense that is true, only because once you begin to be influenced by CRT by definition you are no longer a conservative evangelical, but that is not what Moore has in mind, as that’s a bit too straightforward and big-brained for him. Rather, statements like this show once again that Moore is being duplicitous or woefully ignorant, all the while acting the ingénue.

This is reminiscent of Albert Mohler saying that there are no women pastors in the SBC, and that he’s never heard of such a thing, when in reality there are hundreds. He just doesn’t care, which is a scary prospect from the soon to be President of the SBC.

We digress. If Moore wanted to save his life, he could have actually just pointed to himself. That would have been more than sufficient to twitch the barrel of the gun away from the back of his head and avoid a messy explosion of brain, blood, and bits of bone that would inevitably occur as Moore throws up his hands, with tears running down his face and snot dribbling down his upper lip, whimpering “I swear on my life! I don’t know any conservative influenced by it. Please! Don’t! I have a family! I have a corrupt organization that bilks the co-operative program I need to get back to. Please. Anything!”


He could point the finger at his boss, J.D. Greear, who never heard of a police shooting that he wasn’t able to attribute to down and dirty racism, but let’s look at something a little closer to home. Two years ago the ERLC hosted the Cross Shaped Family Conference. Here is a list of speakers.

Well well well. That’s like a veritable smorgasbord of who’s who, isn’t it? Anyone wanting more insight into why 80% of those people are influenced by critical race theory can read our archives, either here or at, but to name just one of the more prominent ones, he’s on the top row, second from the left. (Silver and gold, hallelujah!) If you don’t consider him to be a “conservative evangelical” you probably shouldn’t have invited him to your conference. If you want more, bottom row far left, bottom row middle, top row far right, top row second from the right, etc.

But Moore can’t name a single one.

“I just need more time. Let me think for a second…Um…Um…Karl Marx? No wait. Let me ask Al Mohler. He might know. I just need a second to- “


Sorry folks.

He’s dead.


World’s first Christian airline eyes 2021 launch; aims to transport missionaries worldwide

(Christian Post) A nonprofit ministry is set to launch the first-ever Christian airline next year, providing a source of travel for missionaries seeking to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe.

Judah 1, currently based out of Shreveport Regional Airport in Shreveport, Louisiana, has already carried small groups of missionaries to disaster areas and mission fields in its capacity as a private airline. 

But starting next year, Judah 1 will “go from being private, which is what we are now, to an actual airline standard,” Judah 1 President and CEO Everett Aaron told The Christian Post in an interview. 

When this happens, Judah 1 will have a Federal Aviation Administration certification, putting it in the same league as well-known airlines such as Delta. While the ministry currently deploys smaller aircraft for small teams of missionaries, the airline is planning to acquire larger planes that can fly hundreds of people by the end of 2021. 

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s note. This article was written by Ryan Foley and posted at the Christian Post.

Featured News Roman Catholic Stuff Scandal

Pope Francis IG Account Likes Bikini Model’s Racy Photo

Someone at the Vatican apparently needs to go to confession, after it was discovered that the Pope gave the thumbs up to a Bikini model’s naked Instagram picture.

While it is unclear if Francis runs his own social media accounts, or to what degree he oversees them (whether it was a slip of his thumb or someone else at the helm) the verified Instagram account, which has over 7 million followers, gave the like to Natalia Garibotto’s photograph, which is so salacious that we had to crop half the photograph because even the blurred image was too immodest to post in full.

It is just one more strike against the aging pontiff, who has been under fire for being willing to give pro-abortion Joe Biden communion, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, and having interfaith prayer meetings and ceremonies with Muslims.

The Brazilian model, who routinely posts half-nudes of herself, is happy as a kite and high as a clam that the Pope liked her photograph, joking with Barstool Sports, who also saw and captured the like before it was deleted:

“My mum may hate my a** pics but the Pope be double-tapping,” she said, referring to the pope giving his seal of approval before the “like” was “unliked” and “Brb on my way to the Vatican.”

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured News Social Issues Social Justice Wars

Tom Ascol Helps Woke Ministry Leaders Save Face

(Christian Intellectual) Tom Ascol has once again helped ministry leaders who push ideas inspired by Critical Race Theory to save face through a proclamation about a private phone call.

Before, it was Matt Hall (Provost of Southern Seminary). Now, it is Paul Chitwood (President of the Internation Mission Board).

In both cases, after concerns about the men’s ministries went viral on social media, Tom Ascol came to their rescue by announcing that he had had a private phone conversation with them, and that there was nothing to be concerned about.

In this most recent case, with Chitwood, Conservative Resurgence Voices recently released an article containing the text of an email which Chitwood had sent out on behalf of the IMB. (Published in full below) The email included a number of alarming indicators that the IMB has been cultivating the Woke ideology of the world within the organization (see below for details).

Of course, this raised quite a few alarms among conservative Southern Baptists––including Tom Ascol. But then Ascol was graced with a private phone call from Chitwood, and afterward announced that there was nothing to be concerned about.

Specifically, Ascol’s tweet focused on the language of the email, saying “The IMB no longer uses the language in the email, recognizing it as problematic in our environment.”

Okay… But what about the ideas communicated through the language? The concerns being raised were not about semantics. They were about the radical ideas and assumptions laced throughout the entire email.

Here are just a few:

  • The email talks about the “current events in June” (i.e. rioting after the killing of George Floyd) as if the killing was racially motivated (racial injustice is the context of the email). But only those who have bought into the Woke narrative — that American police are systemically targeting black people, and that racism is the motive behind any instance of a black man dying at the hand of police officers — would think that.
  • It recommends this deplorable article on what it means to “belong.” Here’s an excerpt:
  • It promotes the idea, throughout, of actively “diversifying” the IMB at all levels of leadership. This means utilizing functional racial quotas which artificially give preference to people based on their race.
  • It promotes the idea that white people need to “listen” and “learn” — as if most white Christians are ignorant about racism (which is only true if it’s the Woke / Critical Theory type of “racism”).
  • It talks about new training programs on “Cultural Sensitivity” and “Unconscious Bias Sensitivity.” Chitwood may be telling the truth when he says they don’t use that language anymore, but are they still the same programs? What is being taught by the IMB to their leaders and their missionaries? Are we just supposed to take Tom Ascol’s word that Paul Chitwood has given him his word that there’s nothing to be concerned about?
  • There’s a new “TEAMS channel” devoted exclusively to people of certain races (racial segregation). Is this still going?
  • This all came about through certain “conversations” conducted over the course of months. If it really is “problematic,” what about the damage already done? Chitwood says the language is “problematic in our environment.” Why? And if the language is problematic, aren’t all these other things much more problematic? Tom Ascol needs to stop helping these guys hide behind private phone calls.

Based merely on the email alone, there appears to be a MASSIVE influence of CRT-style thinking invading all levels of leadership at the IMB. Until and unless, Chitwood does the following to fix it, the IMB should be defunded and condemned:

  • Explicitly retract all language of “unconscious bias” and the promotion of the other problematic things listed above.
  • Explicitly denounce the idea that America is presently systemically racist & the idea that George Floyd’s death was an instance of systemic racism.
  • Explicitly denounce the idea of racial partiality which favors “people of color” as an inherently racist and evil idea.
  • Explicitly define racism exclusively as race-based partiality, and denounce every contemporary attempt to redefine it as something less.

These are bare minimum steps the IMB needs to take in order to demonstrate that it is not, and will not be, influenced by the evil ideology of Critical Race Theory. The only reason a Christian organization would not do the above is if it was attempting to tickle the ears of both sides.

Until Chitwood does the above, he is just being a politician.

And Tom Ascol is helping him to save face.

Email in Full

From: Chitwood, Paul <redacted>
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 1:01 PM
To: Chitwood, Paul
Subject: Belonging

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

In Philippians 2:3, the Apostle Paul instructs us: “In humility, count others more significant than yourselves.” In Galatians 6:2, we read, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

As a father of an Asian daughter and a foster parent to a biracial son, I’ve seen up close the pain that racism and racially insensitive comments and behaviors bring. I don’t want to contribute to that pain, nor do I want our organization to do so. Knowing your love and passion for the beautiful mosaic of those from every nation, tribe, people, and language who will stand before the throne of God and before the Lamb, I know you agree.

Racism a direct consequence of the Fall and has infected every culture but the history of the US and, frankly, the SBC, is a tragic example of how God’s image bearers whose skin is black have endured unspeakable injustice, exploitation, and pain. In June, our company hosted a call for our employees who identify as Black, African American or Biracial to discuss current events, provide support for one another, and to introduce themselves to one another for the sake of creating new relationships. It was a beautiful time of fellowship and some have expressed a strong sense of belonging. What does “belonging” mean in this context? Here is a link to AN ARTICLE that explains the importance.

From this call, new friendships were formed, mentors were identified, and I am prayerful that some healing began. I want to share with everyone in our company family some insights from the participants so that all of us may better understand the feelings that were expressed and what we can do in response.

We asked the participants in August, “How are you feeling now?” and heard:

• I am encouraged, but I’m still waiting to see viable action to diversify our organization both on the field, staff, and leadership.
• I am encouraged that many in our organization, including our leadership, are willing to listen and look at what changes need to be made.
• I’m feeling focused. The lament was necessary, and the time together was healing. Now my attention has turned towards how we can move forward together.
• While there are more public conversations going on about the issue of racism, I can’t see in my personal world that there has been much change in terms of dialogue and personal conversations with others. The “silence” is still there, which makes me sad.
• Time has helped me process many things about what I was feeling and really come to terms with the sins that pervade life. Listening to others, reading articles, talking with others, and most importantly seeking what the Lord says in Scripture has helped tremendously.
• I think it would be great for our organization to continue the dialogue of how we can do better and be better leaders in this area.
• I’m excited to get on board with the ways that the IMB plans to move forward. Whatever that plan is, I plan to get behind and see how I can help to achieve the vision and goals.

We also asked, “How can your coworkers who are not Black, African American, or Biracial best support you now and in the future?” Some participants said:

• Several ways: Listen well. Educate themselves on how to understand and promote diversity. Learn to empathize with people as they walk through a crisis. There are Scriptural reminders, love others, treat people like you want to be treated, and bear each other’s burdens. Advocate for people when you recognize they are being treated unjustly.
• I have found “silence” to be a bit hurtful in the past. While I understand that race is an uncomfortable topic for many, it doesn’t feel like an “optional” topic of conversation for me, especially when tragedies occur.
• As intentional as each Affinity is in preparing their missionaries to engage their host cultures, I would like to see the same amount of intentionality in each cluster to receive cultural sensitivity training. It would be beneficial to have more intentional conversations and training on racial issues.
• Our coworkers can assist with this by seeking to learn from the People of Color around them and not just when something happens. It’s important to seek the perspectives of People of Color on your team to know what changes need to be made for a more effective and fruitful future.
• I want to be able to commend this company to People of Color knowing that the company at every level is committed to growing and welcoming and better supporting People of Color.
• Don’t assume that everyone with the company has the same perspective on the issue of racism. Let’s seek what the Lord want us to do to move forward. As a faithful organization of like-minded followers of Christ, we must continue to improve in our efforts, and I am personally committed to do so.

We are already taking some actions based on what we have learned:

• Our mobilization team is focused on improving our engagement and relationships with churches throughout the nation that are predominately attended by People of Color. We hope this will also yield more People of Color as missionaries in the future.
• We are in the beginning stages of rolling out two new training programs within GE and MOBI and plan to begin expanding to all in the near future:
◦ Cultural Sensitivity
◦ Unconscious Bias and Sensitivity
• We created a TEAMS channel for our employees who identify as Black, African American or Biracial to have personal conversations and support each other in the future. New employees are also given the opportunity to join this as they are hired.
• We are working to develop an Hispanic Employee Network
• We will continue our efforts to become more diverse in our representation of our denominational family, in our thinking and across our teams.
• In the spirit of celebrating diversity, we will begin to formally recognize two days on the calendar in 2021: Juneteenth and Hispanic Day.We will celebrate these days both internally and externally with communications via all online channels.
◦ Juneteenth, observed on June 19, is also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day, and celebrates the emancipation millions of people who were enslaved in the United States.
◦ October 12 is Hispanic Day. For almost 75 years, the descendants of nations emerging from the Spanish empire have embraced the word “Hispanic” to give a name to the family of nations, comprised of almost 400 million people who are united by the common bonds of culture, history, and language. Many of our home office staff, and a growing number of our overseas personnel and the fellowships we serve in the US are Hispanic.

Pray. Pray with me that hatred or injustice towards anyone because of racial differences will cease. Pray that the horrific acts of violence unfolding daily across the US will end. And pray that we will see healing and reconciliation across our land and around the world. No one is better positioned to model what that can look like than us. Our mission to serve the most diverse religious body in the US as approximately 20% of SB fellowships are African American or ethnic. Moreover, our vision and work included every nation, people, language and tribe! I want to express my sincere thanks to the Human Resources team for moving us forward and I am excited to see what God has planned for us in the future.

Blessings, Paul

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jacob Brunton and published at the Christian Intellectual. Republished in full with permission.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Young Christian Congressman-Elect Under Fire for Trying to Convert Jews

Rising GOP Star Madison Cawthorn, who is set to become one of the youngest members of Congress in history after winning his seat in North Carolina against Moe Davis, is under fire from leftists for the great and evil sin of trying to proselytize other people to his Christian faith.

Cawthorn, the 25-year-old politician who was paralyzed from the waist down 6 years ago after an automobile accident, has been open about his Christian beliefs and has spent a lot of time preaching at churches and sharing his testimony all through North Carolina.

In an interview with the Jewish Insider, when questions of his faith came up, Cathown was ebullient. “I would say I have a very, very, very strong faith and [am] very grounded in the actual word” he said, and described how he has read the holy books of other religions in order to understand them better and convert them more successfully. “If all you are is friends with other Christians, then how are you ever going to lead somebody to Christ? If you’re not wanting to lead somebody to Christ, then you’re probably not really a Christian.”

The Insider reports:

Had he ever tried to convert any Jews to the Christian faith?

“I have,” he said with a laugh. “I have, unsuccessfully. I have switched a lot of, uh, you know, I guess, culturally Jewish people. But being a practicing Jew, like, people who are religious about it, they are very difficult. I’ve had a hard time connecting with them in that way.”

Cawthorn expressed a similar sentiment during a July 2019 sermon at a church in Highlands, North Carolina. “If you have Jewish blood running through your veins today,” he told the crowd, mulling on a chapter from the Gospel of Mark, “this might not mean as much to you, but for someone like me, who’s a gentile, this means a lot.”

It’s these comments that have caused the ire to rise in many of his critics, accusing the young man of being culturally incentive, judgmental, and downright evil for these endeavors. This negative attention from the media has led Cawthorn to comment

While there are many individuals and organizations aghast at the very act of proselytization itself, there are others who are upset and outraged over what they see as perceived hypocrisy from Cawthorn, who does not have a very good reputation in some circles, with some extremely serious charges being leveled against him.

You can read more here and here but the gist of it is that while Cawthorn was still running for office, 10 students who attended the Patrick Henry College with him, a Christian post-secondary institution in Virginia, wrote and signed a statement accusing him of wide-scaled sexually predatory behavior and a pattern of lying, using filthy language, and being an all-around hypocritical scumbag. This letter was later co-signed by another 150 students and alumni.

It is this inconsistency they say is what makes his statement so gross to his critics, and not the act of converting itself.

Featured News Politics

Facebook Openly Admits Election Interference

At Protestia, we are intimately familiar with Facebook’s censorship of conservative content. Now they are brazenly admitting their disdain for free speech, brought to bear during the run-up to the 2020 election.

In his remote testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to using the censorship power of the Facebook “platform” to control speech before, during, and after the 2020 election – although shadow banning and algorithmic censorship has been happening at Facebook for years.

Zuck reading his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Facebook, according to Zuckerberg, added what he calls “additional context” to posts trying to “delegitimize the results” of the election, which as of November 17th does not have a clear result. Apparently forgetting that Facebook allows anyone to rebut political claims, he bragged about “locking down” political posts in the week leading up to the election because (in his words) these “misleading claims couldn’t be rebutted.”

Absent any evidence, he claimed that Facebook censored “militia and conspiracy groups” like QAnon because they were organizing violence and civil unrest.

Using his best Newspeak, Zuckerberg characterized this admitted election interference as an “election integrity effort,” and that “people” (apparently big government and media) expect Facebook and other online platforms to engage in the kind of heavy-handed censorship that has been the hallmark of 2020.

Zuckerberg also bragged about steering Facebook users to his “election information center” and helping them vote. He also noted that he and his wife donated 400 million dollars to the same voting infrastructure that is proving to be largely corrupt and ripe for fraud. Big tech has become another enforcement arm of the unholy trinity of entrenched government, corporate media, and academia. Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative sites since the 2016 election. We pray that justice comes to these companies in the form of them losing their section 230 legal protections.

Zuckerberg’s prepared statement starts at 24:58:

Conspiracy Featured News Politics

Antifa Voting Systems?

When Donald Trump accused the Obama administration of spying on his campaign, it was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Then it turned out to be entirely true. Now Trump is accusing bad actors of using Dominion Voting Systems to switch votes from Trump to Biden, and the same media is calling him crazy again and Big Tech is ramping up censorship. Yet the Denver-based Dominion employed an Antifa-connected, Trump-hating radical as their Director of Security and Strategy since 2010.

His internet presence has already been scrubbed from most social media sites.

Social media accounts of those who have been exposing this have been censored, but the internet is forever and screenshots of this guy’s awfulness have been captured. His name is Eric Coomer, who reportedly has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, and here is a direct quote from his now-removed Facebook page:

Facebook friend land- open call-

If you are planning to vote for the autocratic, narcissistic, fascists, as–hat blowhard and his Christian jihadist VP pic, UNFRIEND ME NOW! No, I’m not joking. I’m all for reasoned political discourse and healthy debate- I’m looking at you ( 3 names of friends). I disagree with you three on many philosophical grounds but respect your opinions. Only and absolute F—ING IDIOT could ever vote for that wind-bag f–k-tard FASCIST RACIST F–K! No bulls–t, I don’t give a damn if you’re friend, family, or random acquaintance, pull the lever, mark an oval, touch a screen for that carnival barker—UNFRIEND ME NOW. I have no desire whatsoever to ever interact with you. You are beyond hope, beyond reason. you are controlled by fear, reaction, and bulls–t. Get your s–t together.

Oh, it that doesn’t persuade you, F–K YOU! Seriously, this f–king as–clown stands against everything that makes this country awesome! You want in on that? You deserve nothing but contempt.

Eric Coomer’s unhinged screed.
Eric Coomer.
Coomer echoing Antifa.
Coomer’s info on

Joe Oltmann, founder of FEC (Faith Education Commerce) United, covertly participating in an Antifa conference call in late September, when the conversation turned to what would be done if Trump wins, heard “Eric the Dominion Guy” say (paraphrased): “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f–king sure of that!”

Coomer admitted back in 2016 that Dominion software was not recertified for election use each time hardware or software changed, and that with proper access a person can bypass the software and access the raw data tables themselves. 30 states, including every state currently facing dozens of legal challenges to their 2020 election results, used Dominion voting systems. He explains this to Illinois election officials here:

The fact that this information is being censored by Big Tech lend credibility to the information’s importance in untangling the horrific and corrupt 2020 election. More evidence of fraud – mathematical and eyewitness – continues to pour in.