Woman Who Launched Lawsuit Against SBC Entities and Personalities Attempts Suicide, Mercifully Fails

Just days after the story broke that Hannah-Kate Williams ( the woman at the center of the Mike Stone SBC 2021 Convention controversy) filed a lawsuit against a plethora of entities and personalities, including LifeWay, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mike Stone, Rod Martin, the SBC Executive Committee, and others, she tried to kill herself again.

The attempt to take her own life came after she publicly accused the pastors who stood by her at SBC 2021 of using her, a claim she took back a few days later, writing that Grant Gaines and Ronnie Parrot did not use her after all. Rather, because she is emotionally damaged from her abuse and not fully healed yet, she was not able to fully discern both their and her actions and motivations about the situation, resulting in her saying what she did.

Sadly, this is not her first attempt, but she also tried a few years ago too, and we are immensely grateful that she did not complete it and that she is still with us here today.
She shared on social media that given the way her plans are going, and the continued roadblocks the SBC is throwing up in order to not properly address and deal with the sexual abuse happening within the denomination, she is going back to her original plan, as stated below.

Though we are frequently at odds with Hannah-Kate and have reported on some of the things she has done and said that have not always been complimentary, we want her to be justified, sanctified, and one day glorified, and we thank God she is still with us. Please pray for her.
A personal plea to Hannah Kate
H, we know you read this, and you’ve been chatting with S for a few months now. His line is always open. Furthermore, if you send me a DM, I’m always open to chat and will gladly give you my number. -D.
“This guy did nothing, but is a good guy.”
“That guy did nothing, but is a bad guy.”
“Somebody should’ve done something, but I’m withholding my evidence files”
“CPS, DHS, the government should control the church”
“If you don’t comply with my demands, I’m going to go to the media”
Hannah, dear, you’re bringing the stress all on yourself. Get off of social media, it’s going to destroy you. Listen to what your friend told you. Cry out to God, and let Him fix it. Quit crying out to social media, trying to fix it yourself. You’re just making it worse. The abuse policy is found in God’s Word. That’s supposed to be our standard. Tell me why you think God would break down walls, if you’re setting aside His Word, and going about it your own way. Have you thought about that? Are you crying out to Him, or are you crying out to Twitter? Are you taking it to His court, or to the court of public opinion? Is your trust in Him, or is it in the world? You take it to the world, and then stress about what the world thinks about you. That’s wrong on both counts. Take it to God, it doesn’t matter what the world thinks. What He thinks is all that matters. Get well, and then if you want to come back and tackle the problem of abuse, in the way that it should be tackled, in a manner consistent with God’s Word, fantastic. What you’re doing now is not the right way.
I’ve not read everything she’s posted, but I see confused ramblings of a tortured mind. I don’t read about her love for Jesus or about her faith in Him. I suggest putting everything aside and plunging into God’s Word, and staying there until she is delivered and joy is restored. She needs to let the Word heal her, Proverbs 4:22. God, send your Word and heal her! Psalm 107:20