abortion Featured News

A Miscarriage Picture of a Baby at 9 Weeks. The Size. The Size…

We can always use reminders that babies in the womb are made in the image of God, whether they be 9 months, 9 weeks, or 9 minutes old. This is what we’re fighting for and what we’re putting our time and energy around, to the glory of God and his name. Let us use this to be motivated and committed to the cause. Though this specific picture is of a miscarriage, it demonstrates the size of babies being chopped up, gassed, or poisoned in the womb; 3000 a day, every day, at a million per year.

From an Instagram account miscarriage.stories

Iv almost shared this photo so many times. Iv decided to do it today. Because every birth matters, and I want to honor this child and every child who won’t grow up along with all the beautiful live births I capture.
This is my child, Elsie LynnGayle Allen. She was born in Colorado on Nov 27th at 5:30am. 3 days after my grandmas funeral. 6 days after my birthday. 7 days after my grandma passed.
The next day was thanksgiving. I flew home that night.

It was a full strong labor and delivery. She had passed away 2-3 weeks prior to this but I didn’t know it then. I was supposed to be 12 weeks along. She was born perfectly in her waters, en caul, with the placenta surrounding. This photo was taken after that was peeled away. She was whole and beautiful and her life mattered. I’m so grateful for the experience I had despite the heartbreak we are going through. So much strength and power flowed through my body during this labor.

So much grace was given to me as I flew home the day after. I had so many prophetic dreams and physical manifestations of this child, and her loss, before this pregnancy was even begun. We knew her deeply despite never seeing her alive. We love her. We miss her. And we’re morning everything she meant to us….

Let us not grow weary, or forget the names of those who said it was ok to support those who were ok with this.

Featured News Religion Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope in New Book: ‘It’s Time for Universal Basic Income’

In Pope Francis’ new book Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, which is set for release December 1st, the pernicious Pontiff who has been keeping Roman Catholic apologists on their toes with a whirlwind of spicy comments – approving same-sex civil unions, affirming Biden’s catholic faith, appointing pro-LBGT cardinals to positions of power, and generally engaging in Green New Deal fanboyism – has decided to feed his little Marxist soul a few rounds of outrage and attention by enjoining in a thinkalong about the merits of Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Universal Basic Income is a government program where every adult receives a set amount of money on a regular basis. Essentially, everyone gets a base income, typically tens of thousands of dollars a year in direct transfer from the government, regardless of whether one works or not. There are no strings attached and no restrictions on how it ought to be spent.

Universal Basic Income was last tried on a large scale in Canada in 2017, when 4000 low-income applicants were awarded the monies. Singles were given nearly $15,000 and couples $20,000 a year. This program was scrapped after an election was called and the incoming government crushed the outgoing one 10 months later. Finding that 25% of people stopped working altogether, the Conservative Party said the program disenfranchised people from keeping and maintaining a job, and therefore was discontinued.

The Pope, bless his heart, is salivating and licking his chops at such a prospect. He writes:

God asks us to dare to create something new. We cannot return to the false securities of the political and economic systems we had before the crisis. We need economies that give to all access to the fruits of creation, to the basic needs of life: to land, lodging, and labor…

We need a politics [sic] that can integrate and dialogue with the poor, the excluded and the vulnerable, that gives people a say in the decisions that impact their lives…

I believe it is time to explore concepts like the universal basic income (UBI), also known as ‘the negative income tax:’ an unconditional flat payment to all citizens, which could be dispersed through the tax system.

Criticizing the government’s “false assumption of the infamous trickle-down theory that a growing economy will make us all richer,” the Pope went on to plead with governments to hand out “an unconditional lump-sum payment to all citizens, which could be paid through the tax system” while asserting that “universal basic income could reshape labor market relations by guaranteeing people the dignity to refuse employment conditions that lock them into poverty.”

Featured News Righteous Defiance Shutdown World Headlines

Video: Pastor Interrogated and Fined $1652 For Traveling to Give Caregiving Help to Disabled Church Member Amid Lockdown

A Pastor in Melbourne, Australia, living under the harshest and strictest lockdown measures in the world, was stopped, interrogated, fined $1,652, and made to turn around and leave after attempting to give caregiving help to a disabled Church member.

This abuse of power took place on September 30, when a member of Pastor Stephen Hills’ Church who has a disability informed him that he needed some urgent help. Given that “caregiving” is one of the few legitimate means to be traveling, Pastor Hills grabbed his documentation and eventually found himself at a COVID-19 checkpoint, one of the dozens of blockades set up ensure no one is disobeying lockdown orders.

Australia’s lockdown has been so severe, for a long time people were not allowed to travel more than 5 km away from their homes and were forbidden from having anyone over to their houses, as well as were prohibited from going outside their homes to exercise in public parks or nature paths, or even a walk down the street.

At the checkpoint, Hills explained to the officer why he was traveling “just going down to (visit) a church member. Caregiving and practical help.” He showed the officer his Driver’s License and Pastor’s ID card, but the officer again asked why he was going down. Hills reiterated that he was going to help a disabled church member with an urgent task but the officer then began to question why Stephen was acting so nervously.

After explaining that he was unnerved by the checkpoints, the officer told him to pull off to the side, due to his suspicious behavior, a move Hills found incredulous.

I gave him the evidence. I gave him the license. I gave him all the requirements, and he just wouldn’t believe me; and it was the injustice of not being believed and knowing I was doing something to help someone out.

The officer demanded to know the name and address of the disabled church member, information Hills declined to share, citing that ministers have the duty to maintain confidentiality. The Officer said that he didn’t believe him and because he wouldn’t give up the name said, “I don’t think that you meet the criteria of caregiving under essential travel.”

The officer fined Hills $1652 and turned him around, forcing him to find other arrangements for the distressed parishoner.

See the video below:

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal Social Justice Wars

Movie Launch! Documentary of the Scandalous ‘First Baptist Church Naples’ Story is Out

Enemies within the Church has released their documentary about the scandalous shenanigans that went down in 2019 at a now-prominent Southern Baptist Church (SBC) megachurch, where a failed pastoral search led to scurrilous accusations of racism and sin on part of dissenting members made national headlines.

We covered the story extensively at the time, and anyone wanting a ton of articles and primary sources can check out the Pulpit & Pen archives, but as a bit of a primer, an SBC megachurch in Florida needed a new pastor after Senior Pastor Hayes Wicker announced he was stepping down. After a time the pastoral search committee sought to bring on Marcus Hayes on board. Congregants had some questions about and concerns about what they viewed as Hayes’ progressive beliefs and ultimately he wasn’t voted in, receiving only 81% of the vote that requires an 85% threshold.

This caused the leadership of FBC Naples blow their top and to. go. off. Because Hayes is a “POC,” they got up on stage and declared that the reason he was rejected was that the congregation’s members were all racists. They released a public letter and lamented the congregant’s prejudice, announcing that anyone who voted against likely did it because he has black skin and they have a black heart and as a result there would be hell to pay.

And there was.

After the dust settled. 700 people left the church and nearly 20 families were formally excommunicated, including some that had been there decades, without ever having provided proof of their charges.

The President of the SBC, J.D. “Hold-my-beer” Greear did as he is wont to do: ignorantly going off half-cocked without knowing what the heck he was talking about and concurred with the accusation of racism despite no evidence.

There’s much more than that, of course. There is so much double-crossing and backstabbing and kind of sin is not even heard of among unbelievers. And this film by “Enemies Within the Church” documents it all.

You can watch the trailer below, and then the full length movie after that.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News Social Justice Wars

Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s Friends say ‘He Will NOT Start His Own Church’ – They Mustn’t Know Him Well

A friend whose identity has been confirmed and authenticated by People Magazine says that Carl Lentz is “not working and plans to take time away from the church to work on his marriage. He has no plans to open a church or seek fame at this time...He never planned to leave his marriage nor said he would do so. He has led the church and his parishioners for more than 20 years and takes his duties extremely seriously and has never shared confidential information about parishioners.”

According to reports, the couple, who are parents to three youngish children, are going through intense therapy after Carl chased and pursued another woman in a bid to scratch his fleshly desire. It worked. He dragged his fingers bloody through that one and lost his church and his reputation in the process.

The telling words from the friend, however, are “away from church” and “at this time.”

First, the idea of being caught in sin and then selling all you own and running away across the country is completely foreign to the scriptures. We are not privy to what steps Hillsong took, but we have some good indication based on their actions and their silence. Rather than just firing him and sending him on his way, Matthew 18 should have been implemented for the purposes of restoration.

The biblical, Christian response from Lentz should have been to stay within that community and be disciplined and discipled by its elders and co-laborers. It should involve the church body supporting his family as he seeks biblical counseling for the restoration of his and his wife’s marriage. This is because that couple needs both the church and the grace of God to fix their marriage. Hillsong should have done all they could to make that happen.

Instead, Lentz sold his home for 1.5 million dollars, moved across the country mere weeks after the revelations of his infidelity came out, and is now living in California renting a $16,000 a month manhattan beach home, and plans on staying away from church for a while, with Hillsong saying nothing further about it.

That’s a bad plan.

And because it’s a bad plan, it means he will only be able to keep his manicured fingernails off that itch for the better part of the year before he will announce he is starting a new church so that he can scratch the hell out of it.

That church will be called “Freedom Church” or “Second Chance Church” and after he is restored by T.D. Jakes or another one of his friends, he’ll leverage his infamy, stock the place up with young millennials, and take the stage and begin preaching the same mix of sugary fusion of wokeism and name-it-and-claim-it theological delicatessens. If we had to guess, by the end of 2021 he’ll have over 500 attendees and the hippest ethos around.

Another outside possibility is that he will join one of his friend’s churches as an attendee and within a few months will be brought on as a pastor. There he’ll spend a couple of years before he heads off on his own and starts his own church, with said given names and personality.

Mark it down and chisel it in stone. It’s going to happen. Given all we know about this whole wretched situation, how could it be otherwise?

Church Evangelical Stuff News Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur, Grace Community Church, and the Strip Clubs

Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church (GCC) are readying themselves to go to court and fight for their right to have church services now that they have a trial date, which is set for January 15th, but a recent ruling on strip clubs being open may be the key to the case in showing how absurd these restrictions really are.

Two weeks ago, on November 6th, Judge Joel R. Wohlfeil of the San Diego Superior Court issued a temporary restraining order against the tyrannical Governor Gavin Newsom and San Diego County, stopping them from enforcing their shutdown restrictions against the strip-club, “Pacers Showgirls.”

The court found that the strip clubs’ ungodly entertainment of women shamelessly dancing in the nude is “constitutionally protected speech” and decided that “the harm to the strip clubs if the application is denied is greater than the harm to the government if the application is granted.”

How lovely.

Paul Jonna, a lawyer at the Thomas Mores Society, which is representing Grace Church, explained the relationship between both entities staying open when he told ONN:

The county is trying to hold the [Grace Community Church] in contempt for violating the court’s preliminary injunction, so there is actually a trial set now for January 15 where the court will hear testimony and consider whether to hold Pastor MacArthur and the church in contempt for holding indoor services in defiance of the court’s preliminary injunction order. So, our position, the church’s position, is that the order is unconstitutional.”

We have currently pending multiple petitions at the U.S. Supreme Court we could hear next week or next month. We could get the five justices we need to enjoin these restrictions, because we previously had four in a different case we were involved in. But with Justice Barrett on the Court, these restrictions could easily be enjoined with five votes…”

[As fas as the strip clubs go], they said that the dancing was protected speech. So, I mean, the absurdity in California right now with judges saying there’s constitutional protections for strip clubs and not churches, we’re quite confident that ultimately this will get sorted out the right way.

This is a constitutional travesty that must be immediately rectified. As one California judge aptly noted — you can’t treat a church like a hair salon because churches are entitled to greater protection under the Constitution. And you certainly can’t treat a church like a strip club. In California, churches are being treated worse than strip clubs. The constitutional right to worship God is infinitely more important than any right to entertainment.

MacArthur, commenting on the moral freefall of America that allows this to happen, said in an interview with Laura Ingraham:

America is in a moral free fall. Just look at it as I would as a pastor. You murder the babies in the womb. If they survive the womb, you try to seduce them into transgender sexual deviation when they’re young. If they survive that, you corrupt them with a godless education. If they survive that, you have divorce in the family and if they grow to be adults, you drown them in a sea of pornography. This is a nation so far down in the sewer of immorality and wickedness that nothing surprises me. In fact, I would be shocked if a judge said, ‘Open all the churches and close all the strip clubs.’

Just a quick run through history. Go back to Julius Caesar. Go back to Napoleon. Go into the modern era. Every revolution – including Hitler’s revolution and the revolution in Russia – every revolution took place in a time when the powers of the people in authority were enlarged because of a supposed emergency. Power-hungry people are using this emergency to gain greater power. This is historic. This is nothing new, and if people don’t fight back, they’re going to fall victim to whatever the intention of this revolution is.

Pray for GCC and Pastor MacArthur as they ready for battle.

Breaking News Politics Religion Righteous Defiance

Supreme Court Rules Against Cuomo’s COVID-19 Limits – Barrett plays Key Role

Justice Amy-Coney Barrett had Ruth Bader Ginsberg rolling in her grave (metaphorically speaking; all Indication is that sadly she is in hell) late last night when she joined with the other conservative justices to block NY Mayor Andrew Cuomo’s re-imposition of hard attendance caps on church services.

Naturally, Justice John Roberts joined the court’s liberal wing to uphold Cuomos’ “cluster initiatives” – a territorial color-coded system that assigns caps on how many people can attend churches depending on how hard hit by the coronavirus an area is – i.e., “Red Zones” were limited to 10 people or 25%, or whatever is fewer.

Churches did not like this, found it unconstitutional and discriminatory, and sued.

With Coney joining the majority against Beyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor, it was her first consequential action on the court, casting the deciding vote in favor of the religious groups.

The case also has national implications, as other states have similar “hot spot” impositions.

Gorsuch, another of Trump’s nominees, was delightfully sarcastic and caustic in his opinion:

It is time — past time — to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques…

So, at least according to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pick up another bottle of wine, shop for a new bike, or spend the afternoon exploring your distal points and meridians. Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience?

Featured News Op-Ed Righteous Defiance

Oh the Irony! ERLC’s Russell ‘Shut Down the Churches’ Moore Wins Award for ‘Defending Religious Freedom’

In a move done with a completely straight face and nary a smirk or an eye roll to be seen, the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) presented the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Russell Moore, with their “2020 Defender of Religious Freedom Award.” The award is given to “a person who defends religious freedom for everyone, everywhere from within his or her faith tradition.”

Thomas Farr, President of RFI, said in a press release about their newly minted winner:

Dr. Moore is a brilliant, winsome, and tireless advocate for religious liberty. Whether making his case from the pulpit, or in the pages of The New York Times, Dr. Moore finds a way to speak so others can listen…

Dr. Moore defends the religious liberty of all people. He challenges believers to be better public witnesses to their faith, and he challenges secularists to have greater appreciation for the importance of religion in American public life. Dr. Moore stresses: ‘One thing we need to be very clear about is that religious liberty is not a government “benefit,” but a natural and inalienable right granted by God.’

Oh Really?

How interesting.

I suppose from their clearly warped perspective, it makes sense to give the award for “defending religious freedom” to the man who has been on the record multiple times saying that the government has a right to shut down the churches and that churches must comply with restrictions on if they can gather, when they can gather, how many they can gather, and what they can do or can’t do when they gather.

In fact, he’s on record as saying that God gave the government the right and authority to shut churches down, and when we obey the government and not have services, or not have services in a way that the government forbids, we are in fact “rending what is due both to God and to Caesar.

Prohibiting singing? Moore’s ok with that. Required to put up signage in the Church? That too. Forced to write down the names and contact information of every person attending Church, or requiring pre-registration? Straight into his veins, man.

Thoughts on John MacArthur’s months-long struggle to stay open amid national and international scrutiny? We have no idea because Moore has been utterly silent about that one.

But hey – according to the RFI he writes winsome articles in the New York Times.

That’s got to count for something, right?

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News

150 Defiant SBC Church Members Fire Pastor, Nine-member Board of Trustees, and Half their Deacons. Or do They?

(Sun-Sentinel) A self-styled “Advocacy Group” of members of First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale is about to find out how difficult it is to wrest control of a pulpit from its recognized leaders.

The church was roiled by a divisive decision earlier this year to permanently cancel its signature event, the spectacular Fort Lauderdale Christmas Pageant, which sold thousands of tickets each year. The decision exposed deeper divisions that have some members trying to stage a coup.

A group of more than 150 defiant members met after services a week ago and fired head pastor James Welch, the nine-member board of trustees, and half the church’s deacons — hours after listening to a sermon on congregational unity. At least, that’s what they say they did. Welch and the church’s established leadership see it differently.

“They called an unofficial business meeting. It was off-site and private,” Welch said in a video message emailed to the congregation. “I need you to know that none of the decisions they made at that meeting have standing in our church.”

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by RAFAEL OLMEDA and published at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Title changed by Protestia.

Featured News

Suspect Identified in Horrific Baptist Church Stabbing that Left 2 Dead and 3 Injured

A suspect has been been identified in the Brutal stabbing deaths and maiming at Grace Baptist Church in San Jose on November 22.

Fernando Jesus Lopez, 32, who was on parole at the time of the incident, was staying in the Church basement on the night he went haywire and stabbed five people in a bloody melee, including church volunteers.

The gay-affirming and inclusive church runs a winter program in the basement and gymnasium of their building that is designed for the “forgotten and vulnerable.” Guests are able to stay overnight and receive a hot meal, breakfast, a boxed lunch, and even a shower. 

Shaunn Cartwright, a homeless-outreach worker who is also involved in the church’s shelter community, described Lopez as “friendly and helpful,” and said, “that’s why it makes it even more shocking.”

Lopez was featured in a KTVU news segment about the cold snap facing the homeless population just a few weeks ago, where he said on camera, “it’s warm, cozy. They provide everything, such as showers, hygiene, food, a warm bed, a warm blanket, and it’s a blessing to be able to have this spot.”

Though accounts are still vague, by all indications Lopez had a dispute with another person staying at the shelter and stabbed him and other volunteers who sought to intervene. The three who were injured are in serious but stable condition.

Lopez has a long and storied criminal history, marked with multiple arrests for domestic violence, drug use, and assault with a deadly weapon.