Texas Law Banning Abortions After 6 Weeks Goes Into Effect Today

Three months ago Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed a fetal heartbeat bill into law, making it illegal to have an abortion once the heartbeat can be detected, which can happen as early as 6 weeks.
The law, which goes into effect today, makes it illegal for any physician to abort a baby if he or she can detect a heartbeat, as well as bars them from engaging in their murderous practices if they haven’t performed an ultrasound first to detect that heartbeat.
Any abortion provider not following these practices can be sued and subject to civil action by any interested party (The girl, her boyfriend, her husband, a friend, etc.), to be awarded no less than $10,000 and all attorney fees.
Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, has vowed to fight it tooth and nail, and is joined by President Biden, who also pledges to uphold Roe v. Wade
This is the first time a ban of this kind has been permitted in any state since 1973, and comes after the U.S. Supreme Court declined a request by pro-choice groups and lobbyists to block the law.
While some groups like National Right to Life and the ERLC which have consistently opposed abolition for years have cheered the new law, not all groups believe this is the be-all-end-all. Free the States, an abortion abolition group, shared in a message to supporters on their Facebook page that there was dep trouble with this, including:
1) It is fundamentally unjust, unbiblical, and dehumanizing to children without a heartbeat. Further, the whole purpose of this particular heartbeat bill was to go around the federal courts by having citizens, instead of the state, enforce the law. If the idea is that the federal courts won’t be able to do anything about it, there is absolutely no reason they had to stop at a heartbeat. They could have gone all the way but chose not to. It’s an addiction to compromise.
2)…The child sacrifice center parking lots (in Ft Worth and San Antonio) are as full as ever this morning. We’ll have to see whether the private enforcement pans out but it doesn’t seem likely to us that it will, and the abortionists don’t seem to think so either.
If any lives are saved by this bill, we praise God for that. But we also pray that the eyes of Texans and pro-lifers would be opened to the need to call for and work for justice to be established without iniquitous, dehumanizing compromise.
Demsocialists are something else. Parents have the supposed “right” to murder their child before birth. But after birth, the child becomes the property of the state, to be indoctrinated, brainwashed, mutilated, as the state sees fit. The only parental “right” democrats recognize is the supposed “right” to murder the child.