abortion Church Featured News

Rapper Lecrae: ‘Pay us Money or We will Kill our Babies’

No one ever came up with the political idea of ‘people will kill their babies less if we take money from their neighbors and give it to them’ from reading their Bibles. @NateSchlomann

“Reformed” rapper Lecrae, far removed from his articulation of a biblical worldview and now firmly riding at the back of the #wokebus, has come out with a stellar strategy and justification for reducing abortions that boils down to a tricksy progressive scheme.

Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years. He shows clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent, from promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.

It’s no surprise then that a recent Tweet is particualrily illogical and egregious:

Translation: “Let us steal from you or we will kill our babies. P.S.: Vote Democrat.”

Lecrae’s bright idea to suggest extortion under threat of escalating the incidences of mushed-up baby skulls and cranking up the vacuum suction on that dilation and curettage machine is a bold one for sure. You almost want to ask if he knows how women get pregnant and where babies come from, given that none of his proposals are actually required to conceive and not kill a child.

For someone who paid for a woman to have an abortion back in 2002, you’d think he’d have a deeper appreciation for how morally monstrous that really is, this is, notwithstanding the fact that the “systemic racism” and “income gap” that’s caused so much poverty in the black community comes from leftists whose policies created fatherless homes and welfare dependence.

There’s so much stupid and outrageous about his liberal talking point, however, that we and others can easily play the same game. Rather than abolishing slavery:

“What if Christians in the Antebellum South who want to reduce the amount of slaves, supported funding education for slave owners to learn better agricultural practices to maximize cotton crops, dealt with the inherent dishonestly of traders who were capturing and selling free black men, and addressed the wage gap between rich and poor plantations that necessitated the need for slaves?”

Or Jon Harris with a few of his own:

We could go on and on.

Here’s another way to reduce abortion: don’t vote for the party that idolizes Planned Parenthood – the apex-predator of the baby-killing world, and don’t vote for the party that wants to paint the country red with the slurry of scrambled baby parts in the name of feminism and personal choice, vowing to do all they can to entrench and embed that right into law.

Start there, Lecrae, then we can talk.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Social Justice Wars

Trump’s Lawyer Curb-stomps Karen Swallow Prior

We’ve written for you before about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated below.

Fortuitously, Prior recently found herself the victim of a verbal “mark-and-avoid” beatdown when Jenna Ellis, one of President’s Trump’s lawyers and also the special counsel representing John MacArthur and Grace Community Church’s struggle to stay open, took a potshot at her after Prior was caught complaining about someone justifying the Trump-loving caravan that escorted the Biden campaign bus out of Texas.

Displaying more discernment than the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed #BigEva elites who see nothing amiss with Prior’s theological proclivities, Ellis gets in another “name names” kick to the ribs for good measure.

With being called out by Ellis as a flaming troll and embittered progressive, and learning that President Trump retweeted Al Mohler’s support for the President, the sound of the veins pulsing in her forehead and the shrieking “REEEEEEEEEEE!” could be heard halfway across the country.

Promised enumerations below:

Church News Scandal

‘Prominent Peeing Pastor’ Leaves Church, Ministry Dissolves Amid $2,000,000 Civil Suit

The recently revealed “peeing pastor,” who drunkenly urinated on a fellow passenger during a late-night Delta Flight has stepped down from his role at Catch The Fire Raleigh.

Daniel Chalmers, Pastor of Love Wins Ministries, was axed from his position at the church after it was determined that his behavior disqualified him from ministry.

The church released a brief statement on Instagram:

Not only has his employment been suspended, but his ministry has also been shut down and social media sites being deleted and his website now simply leading to a locked splash page:

Consequently Alicia Beverly, the victim, filed a lawsuit against Raleigh’s Love Wins Ministries and Daniel Chalmers for $2,000,000+ plus attorney fees, alleging severe emotional distress, anxiety, shock, humiliation, and grief due to the incident.

As far as legal ramifications, Chalmers could receive an assault charge, indecent exposure, and some form of sexual battery, receiving up to 6 months in prison.

Coronavirus Featured News Righteous Defiance

California Church Approaching $400,000 in Fines for Defying Gov. and Having Services

Santa Clara County in California, known for having the most brutal and repressive lockdown policies in the Country, is suing a San Jose-based Church in an effort to prevent them from having indoor services after astronomical fines have proven ineffective.

Calvary Chapel San Jose, led by Senior Pastor Mike McMclure, has already garnered more than $350,000 in fines, with the number still growing at a rate of $5000 per day, for what Clara County is charging is a flagrant disavowing of public health and safety protocols. They allege the church is not socially distancing, wearing masks, and is singing in their indoor services – the same charge leveled against John MacArthur and Grace Community Church until they won a hard-fought legal reprieve until 2021.

This is the highest fine accrued by any church in the country for violating Lockdown-related regulations, with the previous being North Valley Baptist Church in the same county that were levied with over $110,000.

Despite the pressure of the fines, the church and pastor have not yielded or complied with these oppressive tactics, resulting in the County turning to the courts to put pressure on them to comply, with the complaint reading:

In light of the frequency and size of Defendants’ indoor gatherings, as well as the fact that COVID-19 spreads so easily and quickly from person to person indoors, Defendants’ conduct creates an immediate and serious risk to the health and safety of the people of the County and the State of California…

Calvary church closed down for a two-month stint between March and April, but has since reopened up and hosts up to 700 congregation members at a time. Though the megachurch can hold 1900, the restrictive policies would limit them to a mere 100.

A court hearing is scheduled for the case on Monday and we will update this story accordingly.

Featured News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Vote Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

Listen, Christian. Evangelical elites are lying to you. The Marxism-promoting Gospel Coalition and the mostly irrelevant SBC Voices have published articles excusing Bible-believing Christians from voting in this year’s election. The once-respected John Piper, in all his wisdom, can’t figure out what makes the major parties morally different from each other. Ignoring the blessing God has given us in our ability to affect the direction of our government, these ignorant cowards are unwilling to draw the clearest, most obvious moral distinctions between the two major political parties and take a stand. This is purposefully blind and morally repugnant.

Bible-believing Christians understand that the world is fallen. Our nature is fallen. Our worldly systems are fallen. No politician, government, or (gasp!) even pastor can hold up to God’s standard. Our current president is no exception. His current opponent is similarly sinful. So are you, in case you forgot. But you’ve been given a brain to use in weighing the viable options to determine which is morally preferable. Notice, I did not say which is morally perfect or even morally in the ballpark.

Both options in a given election (yes, there are only two viable options) might be distasteful to your delicate sensibilities. Deal with it. This is America, you are the government, and you must be mature enough to govern. Do you think for a moment that if (instead of the small amount of influence you have) you had much more influence it would be morally acceptable to not govern? To take your ball and go home? The same civically-ignorant evangelical elites, convinced the government could close their churches, are now trying to convince you that you are excused from using it to contend for Godliness.

The Pragmatism of Worldly Governance

A national election is the result of a combination of individual moral and ethical determinations. These decisions are mostly made by lost people. We are always forced to compare two imperfect options. We always decide which is the lesser of two evils. Sometimes this decision is extremely difficult as the two options are similar terrible choices. Fortunately in 2020 this is not the case.

Policy, Not Person

A little refresher on our system of governance: American political leaders do not make unilateral decisions. Even the president must work with congress and within the limitations of our system of federalism. Most notably, elected officials must work within the bounds of the law. This gift from our God-fearing founders means that a morally-compromised politician has limited ability to do grave damage. Things move slow, and (generally) move out in the open. Leaders are forced to develop consensus with others in order to exercise their agenda, which has an effect of minimizing the leader’s individual ethical and moral shortcomings, and maximizing the importance of party policy.

The president’s rhetoric and personal moral failings (while numerous) have little effect on the actions of the government since he is unlikely to find political support for policies that reflect these sins, and he can’t (despite media fearmongering) unilaterally rule over you. On the other side of the aisle, the abject immorality being promoted by Joe Biden enjoys the consensus and support of an entire political party. This kind of consensus has the real ability to do harm. Evangelical elites are drawing a functional equivalency between one man’s personal character and the policy positions of an entire political party. This is a false equivalency – a lie. It is unbecoming of any thinking person (much less supposed leaders), and demonstrates either abject ignorance or malice.

Think about the choices.

On one side, the official platform of the party is basically a direct refutation of biblical morality. Whether it is the murder and mutilation of the unborn, the celebration of radical sexual perversion (including the bodily mutilation of children under the lie of “transgenderism”), or the 8th commandment-violating and government-glorifying policies of income redistribution, the Democratic party platform is basically a list of commandments God told you not to break. No matter what you think of Joe Biden personally, these are the values you are voting for, and these are the policies you are helping to implement.

On the other side, you have a personally offensive, brash, rude, and narcissistic man who, despite these things, just so happens to have promoted and enacted many policies that reflect biblical Christianity. Is he a Christian? Probably not, but Donald Trump has proven himself to be a stalwart friend of religious liberty, individual freedom, and the rights of the unborn. He seems to support the LGBTQ agenda at least in words, but this (at worst) simply neutralizes that issue in terms of who becomes the next president. Overall, with Trump you have a set of policies that are largely in agreement with what you claim to believe scripturally.

The Republican party is for stopping baby murder, for individual religious freedom, and supports smaller government (leaving your family and church more resources to use for the kingdom). Regardless of what the man has done in the past, Trump has largely aligned himself with and enacted policies that support a biblical worldview. This is undeniable, which is Piper has to focus on his “deadly” character. But comparing the theoretical consequences of character to the real-world evidence of the last four years is ridiculous. Trump is certifiably pro-life, pro-family, pro-religion, pro-freedom. No matter what you think of Trump personally, these are the values you are voting for, and these are the policies you are helping to implement.

Your responsibilities as a participant in self-governance:

  1. Get your emotions out of it. Don’t make a decision based on your feelings – use your brain. Often, doing the right thing doesn’t feel very good.
  2. Know how your government works. After all, it’s irresponsible for you to be ignorant about something you’re in charge of.
  3. Know what policies are up for debate, and where the major political parties and politicians stand on the issues.
  4. Get out your Bible and find out what God has to say about these policies. This may take time, but the Bible is not silent on any issue we currently face.
  5. Determine which viable candidate or issue is more righteous than the other. It is usually not close. Once you dig into the issues and the scriptures, this determination will become much easier to make.
  6. Vote, speak out, organize, and contend for righteousness. Push the ball the righteous direction.

As an American, you are the government, and you have been given the ability to affect things in many ways, especially by voting. Your vote affects the direction of the country, if only by a little. You’ve been given a brain with which to draw comparisons between political choices and the values and vision for the country promoted by each. Most importantly, you’ve been gifted the ministry of the Holy Spirit to help judge these imperfect political choices by biblical standards and choose which option is most likely to move the country in a righteous direction. By refusing to vote (or vote for candidate with no shot at actually winning), you choose to not stand up for righteousness. You choose to do nothing when you could do something. You choose not to lead in Christ. Instead, be a light in the world. Know what the Bible says, know how our system works, and make a difference for righteousness.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy News

Charismatic Prophetess Kat Kerr: ‘God and the Angels Call Biden ‘Sleepy Joe’ Too’

When charismatic “prophetess” and Dr. Michael Brown-approved seer Kat Kerr isn’t commanding 100 million angels to guard the RNC, or making a fool of herself when she tries to control the weather, she making daily trips up to heaven, claiming to have gone up and visited heaven thousands of times, to the point she has lost count.

Such a celebrated celestial tourist has naturally made other charismatics inquisitive about what the afterlife is like, what Jesus, God and the angels are up to, and what sort of mystical revelations she’s been given to bring back to the mere mortals on earth.

It was on this occasion that interviewer Steve Shultz, who oversees a litany of crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can malcontent prophets at the Elijah List, (whom incidentally, not a one predicted the pandemic) asked Kerr whether or not God is shocked or disappointed when Trump does something bad.

Absolutely not. He knows exactly who he’s going to pick and you all know none of us are perfect. Is that correct? But he chooses. You know God’s seen the beginning and the end, and he knows exactly who he needs to do those jobs.

After letting us in on a prophetic word that President Trump will win a second term and then after he wins Vice President Pence will run and secure another 8 years, she gives some insider baseball on the nature of those rascally and rapscallion angels, letting us know that heaven is essentially one big MAGA rally.

“God likes bold personalities and I can tell you this: passionate people, that means they’re expressive, they’re fierce about what they believe in, and sometimes those people maybe go over a line we don’t like, but he’s not shocking God at all. That means it’s not necessarily okay, but you get it with the package, ok? And he is definitely accomplishing everything God wants.”

“And Actually, this is hilarious, the angels sometimes will repeat the very things that Trump say. Like they call him ‘Sleepy Joe.’ When God had me prophesying up in Colorado, he actually said these words, ‘Why would you pick a villain for a president when I have already sent you a superhero?’ That would be Trump.”

Lest anyone think that prophtess Kerr is suffering from altituide sickness from her many heavenly voyages, she is not on the fringes of continuationism and charasmaticism, but rather is in the mainstream and represents the center.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Jerry Falwell Jr. Brings Multi-million Dollar Defamation Lawsuit Against Liberty University

Jerry Falwell Jr., the former President of Liberty University filed a defamation suit against his former employer, alleging destruction of reputation, improper, malicious, and politically-motivated haranguing against him, as well as breach of contract following his ousting as leader of the largest Christian university in the world

Falwell was caught with pants unbuttoned partying on a yacht cosplaying with his family as the Trailer Park Boys , ‘liking’ and giving ‘thumbs up’ to semi-nude students on social media, and for allegedly participating in sexual perversions and sundry forms of cuckoldry. As s result of these actions he was consequently let go as president of the University, leaving officially on good terms, which let him keep a $10,000,000 severance package.

The lawsuit alleges:

Falwell is seeking a pretty penny. While the official word is that he’s asking for an “undisclosed sum,” given the nature of what Falwell is alleging, he is effectively seeking tens of millions of dollars along with a gag order and an NDA to prevent the University from publicly criticizing him and his actions going forward.

While Liberty has not responded yet to the charges, we reported last week that they took the next step in their pledge to launch a comprehensive review of their business operations and shady practices, hiring global forensic law firm Baker Tilly US to investigate the University, as well as setting up a website to “facilitate the reporting of potential misconduct to the investigative team.”


Christians Against Trumpism & Political Extremism

Christians Against Trumpism & Political Extremism (CATPE) is an organization founded by John Kingston and Joel Searby.  Upon reading their statement titled “Our Statement,” one would summarize that they are attempting to take a centrist stance in their politics.  They neither take a stance supporting Trump (as can be noted in the name of their organization) nor are they openly advocating for Christians to vote for Biden in that statement.  However, their “News and Resources” page tells a different story, that they are on the same page as the rest of the Evangelical Intelligentsia.

In a recent tweet, John Piper stated “that he did not sign and would not sign” and that “his name is being used without his permission” as it relates to CAPTE.

Kingston is a former executive for a Fortune 500 company who now spends his time and money to correct the political steering of the church.  Searby is a former Republican operative who headed a political consulting firm, resigned in 2016 (apparently not happy with Trump winning the presidency) and has redirected his efforts to support and run a campaign for an independent candidate, a person who never rose to any notoriety.  

According to their “Our Story” page, Kingston and Searby:

As they surveyed the landscape, they noticed something both shocking and yet at the same time unsurprising.  Five years into the rise of Trumpism and the acquiescence of the evangelical/historically orthodox Church in the spiritual darkness of the day, no one in such circles had organized to stand against the darkness of Trumpism and other political extremism.

John and Joel stepped into this space, gathering those already standing against that darkness, but with no place to call home. They aim to build a large community speaking into the darkness, united to launch into the next phase of re-imagining and re-grounding the church’s engagement in civic life.

They want the church to believe that they are a couple of White Knights who are going to save the Church from the ravages of that demonic despot President Trump.  Their definition of Trumpism is people who use language to insult their opponents and mock them. They are endeavoring to rescue the church from the depths of darkness of Trumpism and position them in the enlightened centricity of their views. (I also want to note that they do not support the rioting, looting and violence of the Left.)

In their “Statement” they troll out the recent talking points of Big Eva Trump-haters.  They claim that “One of the most fundamental principles of the Christian faith is that we’re better together, so we must pray for and declare our love for all Americans, no matter their political views.” Indeed, that is true, we are to pray for our fellow Americans for their salvation and show our love by preaching the gospel, but that is different arena from politics. 

And there is also the usual twisting of understanding scripture.  “Because the call to unity comes from Christ himself, we ardently seek it” doesn’t mean that we lower our standards of Christian orthodoxy, which is what would need to happen for any kind of unity.  Those who oppose TGC, 9Marx, Russell Moore, and the ERLC would have to trash their convictions regarding abortion, socialism, communism, and a lot of other Leftist “isms” for that Unity.  It is never the liberal thinkers who make compromises of their convictions.

So far, their words seem almost too altruistic.  They are claiming that they have found the political middle ground on which the church can stand on.  Then the reader checks their News and Resources page.

This page reveals their true political view.  Their featured resources are Never-Trumpers David French and Mona Charen, and Michael Gerson of the Washington Post.  A scroll down the posted articles on the website are from sources like The Atlantic, CNN, NYT, and this list goes on from politically left “news” sources. They are not the centrists that they claim to be.

Basically, their issue is that “Orange Man” is a big meanie with his insults and mocking.  People like Kingston and Searby, self-appointed Christian leaders, do not appear to be good students of the bible.  Elijah did not use accommodating speech.  God often lamented through the prophets about the whoring of Israel after false Gods, and He was blunt.  God did not soft-pedal His commentary on the spiritual state of Israel.  Jesus Himself, whom Kingston and Searby claim taught unity, not only did He say that His teaching would be divisive but He did not hold back in His speech to the Pharisees of His day. 

And neither should we hold back on our words to the Pharisees of our day.


CA Church Holding Outdoor Service Faces Fines for These Awful Reasons:

A California church is under fire from the government for what they say are a host of breaches of the state’s repressive shutdown policies.

The congregation of Orchard Community Church in Campbell, California was holding an outdoor service with another congregation on Reformation Sunday when two non-official officials for the County Health Department pinned a series of compliance docs to their doors after the service, charging that they were violating health orders by their service and would be fined if they didn’t change their wayward ways.

Despite the Church following recommended health protocols by being outdoors, socially distanced, wearing masks, had sanitizer stations set up, and had signage present, they were dinged anyway, with the church receiving 6 violations.

1. Failure to submit online compliance protocol

2. Failure to require face coverings while singing

3. Failure to maintain a list of those in attendance for contact tracing

4-6: Official signage violations

The report states that the Church failed to require the use of face coverings while singing and not properly socially distancing, telling Pastor Todd Burgett “We saw that you had one person without a mask during singing, only 6 ft not 10 ft away.” The pastor notes that only 1 out of 82 people weren’t wearing a mask during one song, but that was enough for the decrepit long arm of the law to curl its talons around the neck of the church and squeeze.

They received three violations for improper signs, with Burgett telling us “We had our own signs, not the county official signage that you can only get if you sign the online compliance protocols – which we decided to do on Monday.” Compliance protocols refer to the plan churches and businesses must submit showing how they will abide by the mandated meeting guidelines.

The most offensive violation to the pastor, however, was the insistence that the church records the names and phone numbers of all members or visiting guests, which the pastor calls “reminiscent of communist-controlled countries.”

I found out yesterday that they are supposed to give two warnings before a citation – this was told to me by a church employee who is working as a church liaison between the county and churches. He sent me a document corroborating that the county promised not to just react to an angry neighbor reporting – but that is what started this issue – a neighbor reporting us 3-4 weeks ago for meeting inside (which we were – air quality was dangerous in light of forest fires) but said that we were not wearing masks or social distancing – which we were. They seemed to single us out – nit-picking over details.

Santa Clara County, where the church resides, is one of the top 5 strictest counties in the country. County health director, Dr. Sarah Cody was the first in the country to order a coronavirus lockdown and has been critical of even the small steps Gavin Newson has taken to re-open California. She’s on the record of denoting churches as “not essential” and if she had it her way, they would likely be the very last to open.

Pray for our brothers and sisters at Orchard County Church.

Church Featured News Righteous Defiance

A Few Staff Members at Grace Church Have COVID-19, and That is Not a Big Deal

In a notification chain sent out to Church Members, the leadership at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, updated congregants on the LA Times claim that a Coronavirus “Outbreak” has occurred at the Church:

You may have seen a report on the news claiming that there is a COVID-19 Outbreak at our church. There is no Outbreak at Grace Church. We have three part-time employees who tested positive and are now recovering at home, having never been hospitalized. As we enter the flu season, we encourage you to stay at home if you are not feeling well or have COVID-19-like symptoms. We are going to meet for worship this Sunday to celebrate the Lord’s table together.

Grace Chuch made the announcement in order to comply with Los Angeles County’s health protocols, which require all churches and houses of worship to report to the Department of Public Health when three cases of COVID-19 are reported or identified within a period of 14 days.

While it is true that three part-time staff members tested positive, there are other cases of members getting COVID-19 at Grace Church. Tim Hurd at the Biblethumpingwingnut reports that congregation members have contacted him informing him that either they or people they know who attend have it, though to which degree the leadership is aware remains to be seen.

The point remains, however, that a few cases out of more than 7000 people gathered together is hardly news. The overwhelming vast majority of these cases will be resolved in the same way the flu is – with people staying home, feeling sick for a few days, and then recovering. The fact that the media is trying to frame this as an irresponsible superspreader event so that they may point and say, “See? See?!” is beyond the pale.

Furthermore, it has never been the church’s position that it is only safe to hold services if no one ever tests positive. Pastor John MacArthur has acknowledged that congregation members and staff may get sick and even perish, but that the Lord is sovereign and they will not discontinue services for that reason.

In light of this, Grace Church is still going ahead with hosting their annual Fall Fair on Halloween, where the church is hosting a fun afternoon for children. Members are encouraged to invite their friends and neighbors to the event which will take place at the church, and there will be sno-cones, carnival games, bouncy castles, face-painting (a prospect that would be anathema anywhere else) and popcorn for everyone to enjoy.