
The Wokefication of World Vision: “Jesus Stepped Into The Gaps That Existed In The Gender Structure”

Continuing our journey through the wokefication of World Vision, we have another clip from Dr. Efrem Smith, the Co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church Midtown in Sacramento, explaining that, after he had a “second conversion” into the religion of “racial reconciliation” he began to see things for how they are, and Jesus for who he is. It is for this reason that the gospel of Christ demands the elimination of “disparities.” Taken from Session 10 of the ‘May We Be One’ course which is being taught to thousands of pastors and tens of thousands of people:

I grew up in the African-American church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Still have high regard for the African-American church, deeply connected to the African-American church. Believe in the need for thriving, flourishing, missional, reproducing African-American churches. It’s needed.

And at the same time, I was gripped as a teenager when I rode my bike past a Methodist church in my neighborhood. It was having an outreach event called the Soul Liberation Festival…I heard a message by a guy named John Perkins preaching on reconciliation…I found myself at the altar. I was already a Christian. I’d been baptized. But I had a second conversion in that moment, a calling to racial reconciliation and righteousness. That’s where my journey began. This passion that the church, whenever possible, would look as much like heaven as it can.

In response to that, commenter Matthew Shepherd points out in the combox: “The moment you need to hit the brakes and reevaluate your beliefs is when you begin a sentence, “I had a second conversion to…fill in the blank.” If you’re elevating your calling to the status of conversion your view of calling isn’t biblical.”

…The multiethnic church can’t simply just be about diversity. The multiethnic church, in order to be a reconciling church, also must deal with disparities. As I became a youth pastor in Minneapolis and eventually a church planter of a multiethnic church, our church was diverse, but I realized that in the city where I was pastoring, there were disparities. Chasms. Gaps that existed by race, class, and place.

In areas of home ownership, in areas of economic net worth, in areas of education, of high school graduation, of going on to college and graduating, when it came to issues of incarceration, there were these disparities that existed. These gaps that existed by race.

But sometimes it was not just about race. It was about place. Where you lived, your zip code. And it was about class. Where you were in the economic categories, statuses, in our nation.

And so the multiethnic church, it can’t just be about, ‘Oh, look how diverse we are. ♫Red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in his sight♫’ It also has to be: is the church willing to stand in the gaps, to bridge the gaps, to address the disparities that exist? So my life journey went from this passion and heart for diversity to also a church that is missional enough to deal with disparities. That’s what Jesus did.

Jesus stepped into the disparities and the gaps that existed between Jew and Gentile. Jesus stepped into the gaps that existed in the gender structure. That’s why he would stand between stones and a woman caught in adultery, getting ready to receive the death penalty but yet the guy was nowhere to be found. People that didn’t want to be touched by a woman with a disease.

And so Jesus steps into the disparities. Jesus doesn’t just develop diversity, Jesus stepped into the disparities, the gaps between the slave and the free, the incarcerated and the empowered, male and female, Jew and Gentile.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at
h/t to WokePreacherTV for the clip and transcript.


Tim Keller’s Woke PCA Pastor: Racism Affects ‘All We Are and Do’

Pastor Abraham Cho was, up until a few days ago, the Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (RPC) East Side, one of the satellite campuses of Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church. He spent 6 years as senior pastor and 14 years in all with Redeemer, leaving the church on June 28, 2021, and writing of this departure plans:

Over the last several months, a sense of calling to teach and train pastors and ministry leaders in New York City has become more and more clear to me. God has placed in me a deep desire to take what I’ve learned from my experience in 20+ years of pulpit and pastoral ministry and use it to equip and train other leaders in the city.

Cho was also a speaker at the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) General Assembly, where he was invited to give a message on the spiritual power of weakness. A few days prior to his message he had this to say on Twitter, giving us a hint of the man who would seek to “teach and train” pastors:

Racism affects all that we are and do….

This is not a one-off, awkwardly worded missive. Cho is of the mindset that like Total Depravity, racism is a sin that is bound up in every square inch of our society, and all structures and institutions are thoroughly laced with it; a pervasive force that can’t ever go away. This has bled into his preaching at Keller’s church for years, and this is what will be taught to the next generation. It’s no coincidence that the church recommends books like Jemar Tisby’s (who works for Ibram X. Kendi) The Color of Compromise and repeating falsehoods like the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor were racially motivated.

In a letter on the gospel, race, and the church, he writes:

The Bible also teaches that sin [Editor’s note: racism] has a corporate dimension—that the unrepented sins of a people are carried with them and later generations are held responsible…Sin also has a demonic dimension, which becomes especially evident when human evil becomes embedded in our traditions, philosophies, and legal regulations. This is why “just preaching the gospel” while necessary, is insufficient. Where sin becomes embedded into our structures, repentance requires institutional reform…We must dismantle structures that perpetuate injustice and keep us divided.”

The PCA may have done good work in curb stomping the Revoice crowd on the topic of homosexuality, but they have a lot fo work to do if they’re going to push back or survive the coming storm of Critical Race Theory, such that is evidentally alive and well in the church home of one of the denomination’s best known Presbyterians.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at


Was it Personal? Health Minister that ordered GraceLife Church Shut Down Was President of Atheist Club

As GraceLife Church settles back into their home after being locked out nearly three months ago by the Alberta government and Alberta Health Services – forced to have underground services on account of their pastor James Coates being thrown in jail and fearing further retribution, questions are still being raised about how that could have happened in the first place. How could the church be barricaded by the government, and who signed off on it?

Back in April, the Western Standard reported that Alberta Health Minister Tyler Shandro personally approved the unprecedented attack on GraceLife, with a fellow political party ally and Member of the Legislative Assembly reportedly saying “Shandro directly signed off on the raid.” He didn’t have to do it, but chose specifically to.

As for why he would engage in this level of provocation, his hatred for Christianity might have something to do with it. We think he saw an opportunity and took his shot. La Revue Gauche gives us insight into why that might be, revealing that for years he was President of his University Atheist Club who would pen antagonist columns denouncing Christmas while mocking spiritual beliefs.

Lest one think that Sandro has become kinder and less smugly confrontational, this doesn’t seem to have been the case. Shandro managed to find himself one of the most disliked politicians in Alberta, the result of blocking dozens of doctors who have disagreed with his COVID approach, as well as a series of scandals he’s been embroiled in, to the point where 98% of doctors within the Alberta medical associates declared that they lost conference in him, voted by nearly 9000 physicians in the province.

It’s entirely possible that two are unrelated, but Coates and supporters have long suggested that something about their particular piece of persecution seems personal. If anything, we know Shandro doesn’t like being criticized, having paid a visit to a private citizen who posted a meme that critical of him, standing in his driveway and yelling at him for the insult and slight.

With Coates having publicly criticized the Province’s handling of the pandemic, and him by proxy, Shandro may have seen an opportunity to stick it to Jesus man by getting his hands dirty, fulfilling a childhood dream of shutting down a church, all while looking on with pleasure and seeing his atheism lived out.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at Protestia


Breaking! SBC President Ed Litton Copied J.D. Greear Sermons as early as 2015

(Capstone Report) Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton copied J.D. Greear sermons for years including a sermon Litton preached in 2015 that Greear preached in 2013.

Ed Litton copied a 2013 J.D. Greear sermon on Acts 4:1-21 in 2015. According to video of Ed Litton’s performance, Litton adopted Greear’s sermon title and utilized the same opening points.

Greear’s sermon was titled: “The Inclusive Exclusivity.”

Litton’s sermon title: “The Most Inclusive Exclusivity.”

Greear’s sermon made use of an opening two points examining how contemporary society rebels at the idea of exclusive truth—that God demands salvation in the name of Jesus.

Greear’s first point, “It’s like you’ve got somebody who has never heard about Jesus, and the moment they die, God shows up at their deathbed and says, ‘AHA! You didn’t receive Jesus!’ And they are like, ‘Jesus, who? I never heard about any Jesus!’ And God says, ‘Well, it’s too late now!’ And He casts their souls into Hell, and as they go tumbling into Hell screaming ‘wait, wait’ he mumbles in Latin something like ‘tough cookies’ at them.”

Litton’s first point, “People that I’ve talked to will often paint this picture of a cruel God. There is a guy on his deathbed and I’m going to throw you into Hell, and the guy goes ‘Wait, wait! I didn’t hear. I didn’t know, there was another way and he hears, in Latin, ‘Tough Cookies. Boom.”

Greear’s second point…

To continue reading the rest of all the things he copied, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report


Protestia’s Curated Ringtone to Wake Up To/ Be Alarmified By

Because we love you guys, we have gifts for you. Here are our curated ringtones, based on strange instances of “speaking in tongues” that we’ve shared below. They are how we wake up every morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in order to serve you better.

Feel free to download them to your heart’s content.

Alarm #1: Yadadada Pulpit Chimes

Alarm #2 Summer Skrenth

Alarm #3 Punchy Mist

Antifa Attacks Street Preachers: Smashes Skateboard in Face

A group of street preachers* were attacked by a crowd of hostile protesters and Antifa agents, leaving at least one man bloodied and their property utterly destroyed in an act of intolerance and fascism that demonstrates the brazen hostility of the far-left movement.

The attacks took place neat the Wi Spa Saturday morning, where hundreds gathered in protest and counter-protest the storied salon after earlier in the week a woman’s Instagram went viral after she complained about a naked man walking through the span and in the changeroom. She was seen on video asking the attendant behind the counter “It’s ok for a man to go into the women’s section, show his penis around the other women- young little girls, underage? Wi Spa condones that- is that what you’re saying?” The attendant at Wi Spa confirmed that they did support it, on account of “transgender rights.”

As a result, hundreds came out to show support for the spa, announcing to the world that they support sexual perversities being foisted upon young girls by creepy mentally deranged men.

These psychopaths encountered the street preachers, screaming at them, cursing at them, and then stealing and breaking their signs, feeling completely justified in their behavior. They further began pushing, shoving, punching and smashing eggs on their heads.

A man in an ‘Obey Jesus’ shirt pushed one of the women screaming and chasing away the preachers and their supporters, and he was quickly attacked by the crowd, with one degenerate smashing a skateboard in his face, leaving a gash in his forehead and blood pouring down his face. He was further kicked and beat until he was able to get behind a police officer, who finally arrived on the scene.

*We are aware of the highly problematic theology of men and women in these groups.

News Scandal

‘Fight Church’ Founder Plead Guilty to Child Sex Abuse

The 71-year-old founding pastor of the controversial ‘Fight Church’ has pleaded guilty to second-degree sexual abuse charges; stemming from the sexual abuse of two teenage girls who were under the age of 14 at the time, and happening as late as August 2020.

‘Pastor’ Joe Burress pleading guilty to this wicked crime come three years after his son, Paul, also plead guilty to third-degree sexual abuse after being charged with four counts of forcible touching. Paul served a year on probation and has been branded as a sex offender with all the restrictions that accompany such a moniker.

The two came to D-list prominence within the evangelical world after the film Fight Church was released in 2014. The documentary follows the blasphemies of Victory Church, a non-denominational charismatic church in Rochester, NY who formed a Fight Club ministry within the congregation so the men could beat each other up, hosting mix martial arts matches that pit pastor against pastor in a bid to knock the other out, all to the glory of God.

Two well-known lines from the trailer include one pastor asking the congregation “You guys want to see me fight another pastor?” and then explaining “I’ll just be a couple of god-fearing men punching each other in the face.” The other, a participant defends the decision, justifying their barbaric practices by arguing “at the end of the day [this] is about reaching people with gospel regardless of what you do to introduce them into a relationship with Jesus Christ

With Burress senior, second-degree sexual abuse is considered a Class A misdemeanor. It comprises of touching the imitate parts of a child under the age of 14 without their consent. Punishment includes up to a year in prison and registration as a sex offender.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at Protestia

Featured News Religion

Op-Ed: “Plagiarism is a Disqualifying Sin, and I Resign,” By Ed Litton

Dear Southern Baptists,

[Ed Litton] It was a hard fight at #SBC21, doing our very best to ensure that messengers calling for Reform in our great denomination were defeated. I knew that SBTS seminary president, Albert Mohler, has done everything within his power to quell this notion of reform and used his influence to promote those who better conform with the pre-1979 version of Southern Baptist “orthodoxy.” However, thanks to many so-called discernment blogs fueling the public outrage from their readers in the pew – who seemed to be fairly astute SBC Messengers who were “wise” as to Albert Mohler, I threw my hat in the ring knowing that if his attempts to appear conservative failed, he and his acolytes in the denomination’s ruling class would throw support behind the most liberal candidates nominated for SBC President. And so, reluctantly and without high expectations, I threw my hat into the ring.

Some called me out for my wife preaching to a gender-mixed Sunday assembly only weeks before the vote, and honestly, didn’t think I had a chance of winning. But given Mohler’s incapacity to speak out of both sides of his mouth without the convention eventually noticing, I sound found myself in a run-off election with conservative Southern Baptist Pastor, Mike Stone. However, with Mohler’s support and those of the SBC establishment fighting reform behind me, I was able to pull off a narrow victory.

Almost immediately, discernment ministers – in particular, Jeff Maples of Reformation Charlotte, Dustin Germain and Protestia, and Alan Atchnson of Capstone Report began to notice similarities between my sermons and those of former SBC president, JD Greear. And by “similarities” I mean word-for-word, paragraph-for-paragraph theft of his sermons. Other “reform influencers” like Rod Martin, Tom Buck, Gabe Hughes, and Elizabeth Prata soon took those videos and shared them even more widely. Meanwhile, my history of widespread plagiarism spread widely throughout the Twittersphere and social media, with respected ministers like Justin Peters putting up my memorized and plagiarized sermons video up against the original sermons preached by JD Greear. This, in particular, surprised me because after I was caught plagiarizing one sermon, I asked that hundreds more be taken down lest my lifestyle of sin is further exposed. But as is often the case in the land of the Internet, discerning souls downloaded those sermons before my team was able to erase them.

At first, I tried to excuse my sins of repeated, gratuitous plagiarism (a form of theft) by blaming it upon my 8-member writing staff. It may surprise pew-sitting Southern Baptists that megachurch pastors are so busy they cannot write their own sermons, but it is equally as surprising that their full-time sermon-writing staff are apparently also too busy to write my sermons. It became evident through countless sermons already exposed, that the majority of them were stolen from JD Greear.

Then, I also tried to argue that I had asked permission from Greear by the virtue of calling him on the phone and telling him I appreciated his sermon series. Of course, I did not ask him to “borrow” the material, or to steal it without attribution, but I presumed that a compliment toward another man’s intellectual property was the same as explicit permission to steal it. Of course, this doesn’t work with your neighbor’s cars, wives, or houses, but megachurch ethics are slightly more nuanced, and regular church-goers don’t understand the pressure mega-church pastors face. We have to steward six-figure salaries while carefully delegating every ounce of pastoral care, counseling, and prayer to other subordinate staff members. It’s hard work!

And while I’m thankful for arguments from certain of my #SBC21 supporters like Bart Barber (who insisted that plagiarism is okay because it doesn’t violate the BF&M2000), I am faced with the hard reality of what has already been put into print by my close friends on the topic of plagiarism and that which we have yet figured out how to erase from the Internet.

For example, one of my greatest supporters – with whom I could not have been elected president at the #SBC21 run-off election – Albert Mohler, once said in his Daily Briefing podcast on plagiarism, “This is just one of the most despicable practices that I can imagine [whether] read, borrowed, or stolen from somebody else…. He is not a preacher if he is preaching somebody else’s stuff” (source link).

JD Greear’s 2017 article on what constitutes plagiarism was clearly trespassed, no matter how much he has now changed his opinion regardless of whether he is a ‘respecter of persons’ over and against his own words.

Dave Miller and the guys at SBC Voices ran numerous articles on plagiarism back in 2012 and beyond including here, here, and here (two of these three have been taken offline in recent days, but don’t worry, I linked them from the WayBack Machine because the Internet never forgets). They explicitly called for the resignation of Land because of his thievery.

One SBC Voices author, the aforementioned one who tried to delete his words, said at the time (speaking of Richland Land’s plagiarism, the former head of the ERLC), “Clearly, Land’s intent was to pass off Kuhner’s words as his own.  That’s the definition of plagiarism.  As you can see, Land attempted to make Kuhner’s words his own by adding extra comments and using different adjectives.

Dave Miller, one of my strongest defenders wrote of Richard Land, “I am afraid that sermon-stealing is more common than we’d like to admit, especially now that online repositories exist.  It is unethical and immoral to do so. The preacher’s most sacred task is to search the scriptures for God’s word to his people every Sunday.

I’ve come to this conclusion; no matter how much conservatives in the SBC might dislike me for coalescing with the Beth Moore and Russell Moore SBC expat-wing of evangelicalism, and no matter how much they might like my replacement (who was appointed in the very event that I died or morally disqualified myself), I have morally disqualified myself from pastoring, let alone from being the president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

I had basically one Biblical job, and chose not to do it. Instead of preparing sermons by study, I claimed to have outsourced it to my writing team. But as you can tell from the many videos, I clearly took time to memorize Greear’s words (and mannerism) when re-enacting his sermons like an actor rather than a preacher.

And so, I repent. I repent of lying to my church as I used JD Greear’s words as my own, without proper attribution. I repent for laying the blame at the feet of my writing team, when clearly I took part in watching, memorizing, and reenacting Greear’s sermons. I repent for willful rebellion and theft and directing my duty as a pastor.

I will now submit myself to church discipline, resign my position from the SBC post-haste, and find a job in the private sector while seeking repentance in sackcloth and ashes. I had one job. I failed at it. And not only did I fail it, I failed it at as a megachurch lifestyle choice. And most of all, I repent for trying to cover it up, for deleting my sermons to avoid further inspection, and for fraudulently presenting myself as a man of God and not as a thief.

Might God Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner,
Ed Litton

[Contributed by JD Hall, president of Gideon Knox Group. If anyone has a problem falsely attributing my words to someone else, I refer you to Ed Litton, who has a ton of excuses for why this is perfectly okay]


SERMONGATE: Ed Litton Lies to the Washington Times

(Capstone Report) Ed Litton, Redemption Church tell conflicting stories on deleted sermons

It might be time for Ed Litton and Redemption Church to compare notes and get their stories straight. Right now, they have told two different, contradictory stories about why the church hid hundreds of Ed Litton’s sermons. According to the Washington Times:

“Mr. Litton said Redemption Church had removed dozens of his old sermons from its website because of a transition in web hosting and to conserve disk space, stating the older messages remain available on YouTube.”

This is filled with false information.

The older messages were hidden YouTube. In fact, no message prior to February 2020 appears to be viewable on YouTube. At first, the church hid over 143 videos. Currently, the church is hiding 85 videos on YouTube.

Plus, Litton’s statement is in direct conflict with the church’s statement to Baptist Press. According to BP:

“By the action of the leadership at Redemption Church we have taken down sermon series prior to 2020 because people were going through sermons in an attempt to discredit and malign our pastor,” the statement from the elders said. “It is our highest priority to care for and shepherd our church.”

As we reported on this comment…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written at and published by the Capstone Report.


Charismatic Prophetess: God Will Freeze Time Right Before Death to Give Pagans a Chance to Repent

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or she’s talking about dispatching her army reserves of more than 5 billion angels to go do spiritual battle, she’s explaining that men and women can “give Jesus the right” to freeze time seconds before a loved one dies in order to appear to them and give them a chance to be saved.

It’s an interesting bit of theology from Kerr, who also spent Episode 31 of ‘Wednesday with Kat and Steve’ talking about how hell is actually located in the center of the earth

But speaking on the age of accountability Katt informs chief-enabler Seve Shultz that people can “stand in the gap’ for a thousand generations, making it so that right before their ancestors die, Jesus will stop time and appear in front of them and give them an opportunity to believe in him, all but guaranteeing their salvation and profession of faith. She explains:

God had told me that there was not an it’s not a specific age, it’s what’s in the heart of the person. It’s what their understanding is in their heart. And everybody understands things or receives things at different ages or stages in their life. The other thing is, is you have to consider about a person and you may not have known, even if it was in a car accident, even at that very moment or time before the action took place, Christ can present themselves to them in the spirit realm, there is no time is what I’m trying to say. And many people even that moment, especially if they had somebody praying for them, if somebody close to them was praying for that person, it gave Christ the right, at that moment of death, because he has the keys of hell, death and the grave, to present himself to that person if they want him or not. So you can’t in your mind, you can’t put God in this box, except for one thing.

You’re not going to heaven without Jesus Christ. So that’s why God, when we declare things and stand in the gap for people, it gives Christ the right to present himself to them. Even if they’re in a coma, even at that moment of death coming itself. Remember that he has the keys to death. There’s a reason why he has those keys. So I’m telling people, I’m not giving people the right to just sin wantonly, thinking it doesn’t matter, that they’ll get a chance to know him.

But there are people standing the gap for people and God wants them to know you didn’t waste your words. And this also makes a difference; maybe you didn’t know your grandparents, maybe didn’t know your great grandparents. What if they stood in the gap? Christ will take the words of these people who gave themselves to Him, and they stand there and declare ‘I stand in the gap for the next 25 generations because I have been surrendered to you, because I have given my whole self to you, and I have not held back. I declare that you will use the keys and you will be able to present yourself to all of my family members coming on the earth, that they’ll know you, they’ll be in heaven, they’ll be in eternity, and we will have a time to rejoice.

If that happened-and you may not have ever met them- God takes those words. They’re alive. They’re just like they just spoke them even though they’re in heaven they’re still here, left them in the atmosphere of the Earth. Jesus will take those words and pursue that person….

So if these people are living this way, and they say, ‘I’m standing in the gap…I’m standing in the gap for the next 1000 generations of my family line that come upon this earth, if we’re all still here, we’re still here on earth is still here, I stand in the gap. They will know you, they will love you, they will give you their selves to you. However you do that, they will be in eternity with me and all of my family, we will rejoice, and there’ll be great in the earth for you.’ And God said, ‘I will give you that’ And then he said this. ‘And anyone who’s willing to make a stand like that, for their family line and those around them and their loved ones, I will do everything within my power and my son’s power to make a change give them a chance even at death to receive Him.’

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at Protestia