
Group of 17 US Missionaries Kidnapped in Haiti

(Associated Press) – A notorious Haitian gang known for brazen kidnappings and killings was accused by police Sunday of abducting 17 missionaries from a U.S.-based organization. Five children were believed to be among those kidnapped, including a 2-year-old.

The 400 Mawozo gang kidnapped the group in Ganthier, a community that lies east of the capital of Port-au-Prince, Haitian police inspector Frantz Champagne told The Associated Press. The gang was blamed for kidnapping five priests and two nuns earlier this year in Haiti.

The gang, whose name roughly translates to 400 “inexperienced men,” controls the Croix-des-Bouquets area that includes Ganthier, where they carry out kidnappings and carjackings and extort business owners, according to authorities.

Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries said the kidnapped group consisted of 16 U.S. citizens and one Canadian, for a total of five children, seven women and five men. The organization said they were on a trip to visit an orphanage….

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This article was written by DÁNICA COTO and EVENS SANON and published at the Associated Press. Title changed by Protestia

Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Heresies News

Charismatic Prophetess Claims That in Her Teens, She Ran Covert Op to Bust Drug Lords

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or she’s talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s revealing how in her teens she secretly participated in covert operations to bust drug dealers, all without her parents knowing.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 46 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she reveals the time she sent a whole bunch of people to jail, insisting in such a sensationalistic way that even Ergun Caner would be leery of her childhood claims, while at the same time wondering if she didn’t drop more than a few hits of LSD herself.

It’s not a covert operation anymore, but back in the day in the late 1960s they started a brand new squad for the vice squad in our city…but that was in the day when drugs were really first being released in America…

…Back in the day, most young people didn’t have enough money to do anything…and so the drug lords in the area that moved in, they actually manufactured their own drugs, which actually killed a lot of people, because they didn’t know how to do anything.

Kat goes on to describe the ways that they smuggled drugs in, and how after it was distributed into her school, it killed 10 percent of the student body – killing 60 out of 600 seniors in one year. The drug cartels going undercover in schools as regular students resulting in an epidemic of overdoses and deaths in school was not being reported by the media. [Editor’s note: This seems like a clear attempt to pre-explain things to avoid fact-checking.]

So we were just targeted for that type of thing, and so they [drug dealers] would go around to different cliques in the school, maybe they didn’t listen, maybe they got into trouble sometimes wherever they would actually watch the students back in the day.

some [dealers] look like just businessmen visiting, or maybe somebody’s uncle supposedly was coming to visit somebody, but they would also have some plants in the school body that looked like teenagers. And so they would seek out the ones they thought would make good pushers, they would give them drugs for free and get them hooked.

Well, they didn’t have money. I mean it would cost a lot of money when you get hooked on these things out back in the day thing was like LSD and other stuff like that are really violent drugs.

And just so you know how bad it was. I have a body of 600 seniors – 60 died from drug overdose. Ten percent of our senior body died because of these pushers that kept coming on the property and getting them hooked.

Enter Kat Kerr- undercover agent.

So the vice squad and FBI back in that day came together with a plan which wouldn’t work today probably. They didn’t ask any parent’s permission. I didn’t sign any papers saying ‘yes’ but they [FBI] would highlight students who were the good students but maybe the loners, you know, stuck to themselves, made pretty good grades, but always listened to those in authority and respected authority.

They would take you aside into a room with just like a vice squad agent, and maybe a police woman, and they would offer you the chance to be a covert operation.
Back in that day, I was all for justice. Let me tell you how much so many of the students died. And they said, ‘would you mind being like an inside spy for us? We’ll give you a code name, here’s a phone number, you call this number, if you know about a drug deal going down.’

Ker claims that she watched the drug pushers that infiltrated her school, and because she says she has a photographic memory, she could recall all their names, faces, details, everything, which she then reported to the FBI.

And then I would just go call the phone number and say, ‘this is so and so again’, my code name, I said ‘there’s going to be a push going down with the drug dealers coming in to leave all the drugs with the teenager.’ They gave him free drugs to push the drugs, thinking they wouldn’t get caught. I think I turned in seven of the biggest pushers – one was the biggest pusher in the city. Yes, he went to prison. And so I called and told them when every time when it was going to go down. I could even be nearby and see him in jail.

My parents never found out until like 40 years later when I told them what I had done. My dad was not shocked…I could just be standing by a tree or something they don’t know. And they had a little group going over there I was not a threat to anybody. I didn’t look like a cop. But you know, we haven’t had a lot of covert people out there right now. And so I did, I just caught him all the information, it was enough to bust down. They did go to court, I didn’t have to be there. They had all the evidence because I gave that to them beforehand. They were caught red handed.”


Joel Osteen Joins T.D. Jakes for $1000.00 Conference

Joel Osteen is joining T.D. Jakes in headlining the 2022 International Leadership Summit (formerly called the International Pastors and Leadership Conference). This is not new, as Osteen frequently joins with other theologically amoral impastors Like Steven Furtick and Judah Smith to hobnob with the famed Trinity-denier, relegating Jakes’ belief that Jesus is merely a ‘manifestation of the Father’ as some irrelevant small detail that makes no difference and therefore maks partnership permissible.

They will be joined by Dr. Dharius Daniels whose biography reveals he is a pastor that is “on a mission to help people become their best selves while doing their best work. Speaker, coach, and certified emotional intelligence specialist, he concentrates on helping others self-optimize without self-destructing” and “nationally acclaimed trauma therapist Dr. Anita Phillips,” with more speakers to be later revealed.

Everything about the conference looks typical for your run-of-the-mill moralistic therapeutic deism leadership conference, except for the eye-watering price for premium tickets to the event.

For that price, the perks are pretty pitiful, with the extra $875 going towards a “special entrance into the sessions”, a seating service, exclusive seating, a small gift, and access to the premier business lounge, where you can stream the event on a TV, possibly meet the guests and speakers, and hope that one of the deigns to converse with you, presuming you can get past their copious amounts of bodyguards. (Which you can’t.)

But because TD Jakes is one of the speakers at the event A WELL AS ITS FOUNDER AND ORGANIZER, that he would jack up the price is hardly suprising. He routined wears outfits that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars and is known for his flashy ways. Besides, those $1990 Louis Vuitton bags aren’t going to buy themselves.


Pastor Greg Locke Talks Jack-O’-Lanterns, Demonic Druids, Rapin’ Demons, and the Gnostic Origins of Halloween

“Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN is spending his downtime after being permanently banned from Twitter in unhelpful ways, regurgitating conspiracy theories and bizarre unbiblical notions of demonic powers and abilities.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” All that when he was not putting up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”

Speaking during his October 13th service, Locke explained the origins of “Trick or Treat,” the Jack-o’-lantern and why his family doesn’t carve pumpkins anymore, blaming it on European demonic druids that would agitate and cast spells on their communities. Locke also pulled back the curtain to reveal gnostic insights into the secret powers of raping demons, proposing a power the scriptures never give them. Demons do not take on corporeal form with corporeal sex organs that they then use to rape human beings hundreds of times in a row. That is not a thing that happens.

Parents could literally give over one of their children for a demonic sacrifice – you study if I’m not telling you the truth – they would either have to give one of their children over to a demonic sacrificial system, or the treat was their virgin daughter to be raped by demons.

Did you hear me? I know a girl in this town that’ll put her hand on a mile-high stack of Bibles and let you know that every night for over a year she was raped in her bedroom by a demon and it changed her life tragically forever.

…I’m telling you that mess is a reality in the witchcraft world and they know it and they don’t want us exposing it but La-di-dah, the cat’s out the bag now jack, the black cat’s out the bag now.

So here’s what would happen: you would either give your child or you would give your virgin daughter. And do you know what the druids would do in return? They would place a pumpkin, started with gourds, they would place a pumpkin on your porch with the face of a demon on it, and if you had obeyed the sacrificial satanic system, they would then put a light inside of it so the demon would pass your house.

That is the cultural history and the truth behind the Jack-o’-lantern. Because if you did not give them the treat, the demon on you would play the trick. And that’s where they got the phrase, ‘Trick or Treat.’

Editor’s note. For a biblical alternative to whatever this is, read Op-Ed: Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

h/t to the hive of scum and villainy that is the Friendly Atheist


Ronnie Floyd Resigns from the Executive Committee, Warns of Threat on Way Out

Less than two years into his tenure, Pastor Ronnie Floyd resigned as CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, citing the need to prevent the ongoing damage to his reputation as the impetus for leaving, as well as the absurdity of the Executive Committee’s decision to waive attorney-client privilege in the face of sex scandals- an unnecessary move that does little except expose the denomination to enormous risk and potential implosion.

In the letter, Floyd laments that “In the midst of multiple challenges facing the SBC, I was asked to come here because of my proven personal integrity, reputation, and leadership. What was desired to be leveraged for the advancement of the Gospel by those who called me here, I will not jeopardize any longer because of serving in this role.” He further shares

“Due to my personal integrity and the leadership responsibility entrusted to me, I will not and cannot any longer fulfill the duties placed upon me as the leader of the executive, fiscal, and fiduciary entity of the SBC. In the midst of deep disappointment and discouragement, we have to make this decision by our own choice and do so willingly, because there is no other decision for me to make.”

He’s not the only one who has left. At least 10 other members have left, as well as the longtime lawyers for the denomination, pulled back in order to preserve their own reputations and livelihood.

Historically we have been very critical of Ronnie Floyd and the goofy, worldly behavior he has employed during his tenure as an Arkansaw megachurch pastor and later as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

As previously cited, Floyd does things like hang out with the likes of charismatic arch-charlatan, Kenneth Copeland joins forces with the hyper-charismatic IHOP. In many ways, Floyd started the ‘woke’ movement in the SBC, claiming prophetic utterance that God has commanded the denomination to repent for racism (again and again and again). Floyd’s church is an ungodly mess, worldly and carnal (but large and attractive). The church spends hundreds of thousands on fireworks, he has a set of luxury automobiles, and he pays a full-time photographer to follow him around take pictures of him. Heck, Floyd is perhaps best known, among other things, for having a Walt Disney designer create his children’s ‘set’ and manufacture a baptistry that looks like a fire engine that shoots confetti over the audience when someone is baptized.

Despite our disagreements with him, it is beyond dispute that he was done dirty by a cabal of #BigEva progressives, including Russell Moore, who has been an especially hellacious thorn in his side and has been working to undermine and dismantle Floyd and the SBC. This is true as Moore has been particularly incensed after Floyd supported the recent SBC Executive Committee investigation into the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and how that entity’s progressive politics was negatively affecting giving to the Cooperative Program.

For Moore, who for years has been working behind the scenes to bring down the SBC, Floyd’s resignation and head on a platter will be a victory indeed.


One Year Later, Still No Report From GRACE on Sexual Abuse Allegations from CCM Musician

A year ago to the day, Tates Creek Presbyterian Church in Lexington, KY released a public statement saying they were investigating charges of sexual abuse against CCM artist Chris Rice after one of their previous male students came forward and alleged that Rice sexually assaulted him on several occasions 20 years ago.

While Rice hasn’t been relevant in the music space for a long time now, he was active and a big deal in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. He is best known for writing the Michael W Smith hit “Welcome to Our World,” releasing albums Deep Enough to Dream and Smell the Color 9, and releasing the controversial (at the time) “Cartoon Song.” Rice also was nominated for and won several Dove awards.

Rice is accused of molesting a male student, with the statement saying “While these remain allegations at this point, we are treating them as credible because of the source of the allegations and corroborating evidence we have discovered.”

The Church also announced that they were commissioning GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment), a Virginia-based non-profit organization run by Boz Tchividjian (brother of unrepentant, notorious womanizer Tullian Tchividjian) that helps Christian groups confront sexual, psychological, and physical abuses.

A year has passed since then, but nothing has come of it yet

Ministry Watch recently followed with GRACE, given much time passing without an update. They note:

Today, a year later, GRACE has not issued a report, and GRACE President Pete Singer told MinistryWatch that he did not have an estimated time for completion of the investigation.  Experts told MinistryWatch that investigations of this nature often take months and should not be rushed because of the impact they have on people’s lives.

The law firm of Miller & Martin completed its investigation of Ravi Zacharias in about six months, and issued an interim report to the public after three months.  Guidepost Solutions completed an investigation into allegations that Pastor Bryan Lorrits mishandled sexual misconduct in his church in about three months.  The Zero Abuse Project completed its investigation into Menlo Church in about 10 months, interviewing 104 witnesses and reviewing more than 500,000 documents.

h/t Ministry Watch


Karen Swallow Prior: Will You Name Names of Sexual Predators at Liberty?

We’ve written many times about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated at the end of this post. Recently, however, she’s caused a bit of a stir by refusing to condemn the creepy curiosities of galpal and disturber of the peace Christine Caine. After asking why she won’t condemn her, Prior flatly said “I don’t condemn people. So don’t ask me to again.”

This of course is not true at all, as she routinely condemns those she disagrees with, including the same day, where she lobbed this grenade:

Sounds like a condemnation to us.

Speaking of Liberty, in a move that garnered barely a stir, she tweeted out yesterday that Jerry Falwell Jr. sexually preyed on young people for years at Liberty, and the followed that up with the revelation that ”Other known sexual predators continue to be employed at @LibertyU now under (Jerry) Prevo’s watch as president’ before casually asking when the promised presidential search will be.

This was written shortly thereafter. :

In a move reminiscent of Russell Moore knowing about where all the dead and raped bodies of the SBC are but not saying anything about it for months, if not years, who are the other known sexual predators who continue to be employed at Liberty University? Can we get some names? Can we get some evidence? Are they professors? Teacher’s aides? Janitors? Are they coaches?

If there are at least two known sexual predators working for Liberty while molesting women on campus, and possibly more, what is Prior doing about it?

Prior clearly has no issue naming names when it comes to other people associated with Liberty, making claims that Martin “harasses abuse survivors unmercifully” without a shred of proof, and then refusing to follow up to qualify or elaborate to those asking her to back that up.

So we ask again, which sexual predators are still employed at Liberty? Are these names what she is referring to when she claims that she “tried” to speak up with what she knew? She has the floor and has a big audience: So who are they?

When asked how to support sexually assaulted students, Karen explains that we ought to not “close our eyes” but rather should “speak up and do the right thing when there are people in the room” while “holding people accountable.”

Well, here’s your chance: let’s hear it.

Promised enumerations below:


SBC Legal Counsel Quits After Denomination Votes to Waive Attorney-client Privilege over Sexual Abuse Investigations

Nearly 2 weeks a week after the SBC Executive Committee (EC) members voted to waive attorney-client privileges in order to be ‘fully transparent’ while sexual abuse claims are being investigated, the Southern Baptist Convention’s legal team has quit, sending a letter to Ronnie Floyd and tending their resignation after nearly 60 years of representation.

The whole thing is worth a read, but in a nutshell, the firm has always operated under good jurisprudence and there has always been an expectation of attorney-client privilege and that matters that are discussed would be confidential. However, the firm writes going forward we can no longer assure Executive Committee and Convention personnel with whom we work that the privacy of their communications with their lawyers will be secure.”

One of the lawyers, James Guenther, 87 and has been representing the SBC from the mid-1960’s. He went go on to say that there is nothing sinister about it, despite the EC’s attempt to paint it as such, but rather this legal concept has been in the bedrock of the rules of evidence in the country for centuries, writing:

“We understand the Executive Committee’s decision to convey a negative attitude about the
attorney-client privilege which it and the Convention enjoy. The decision causes us to carefully consider
the prospect of moving forward as we try to represent the Executive Committee and the Convention in an
alien environment. We simply do not know how to advise a client, and otherwise represent a client, with
the quality of advice and representation the client must have, and in keeping with the standard of practice
our firm tries to uphold, when the client has indicated a willingness to forego this universally accepted
principle of confidentiality.”

The whole thing can be read below:

The vote to waive attorney privileges passed earlier in the month 44-31 after weeks of deliberation, mostly with the progressives berating and beating the conservatives about it. At the news that they decided to waive, 10 executive committee members resigned.


Bizzare! Judge Orders that Viral Canadian Pastor Must Say _________ Every time He Mentions COVID+Vaccines, Or Go to Jail

In a bizarre, unprecedented, and unheard-of decision, a judge ordered that for the next 18 months, Artur Pawlowski, the pastor made famous after he chased the police out of his church shouting “I do not cooperate with Gestapo. I do not talk to the Nazis. You came in your uniforms like thugs…You are Nazi Gestapo Communist Fascists,” must self-denounce himself every time he speaks on issues of COVID, vaccinations or pandemics and must include a reference to the fact the majority of scientific opinion contradicts him and disagrees with, or else he will be in breach of his probation and will be arrested and imprisoned.

The Canadian pastor has garnered the ire and eyes of Alberta Health Services on account of being a vocal defender of free speech while denouncing the government’s COVID policies and lockdown restrictions as fascistic and conspiratorial. This was particularly true when the province was jailing other pastors for the great sin of refusing to shut down their church services- something Pawlowski himself has been arrested and imprisoned for.

Judge Adam Germain ruled that every time he speaks out against COVID, masks and vaccines, like a YouTube disclaimer or a Twitter alert he must preface or conclude his comments by condemning his own worst and include government-sanctioned talking points, lest he is thrown in jail again.

The judge suggested wording to bookend his speeches to include something along the lines of “I am aware that the views I am expressing to you may not be held by medical experts” and “(this is just my opinion) as the majority of medical experts favor social distancing and vaccine programs.”

During the trial, the judge also berated him for appearing on Fox News, fined him $30,000, ordered him not to leave the province for 18 months, castigated him for going on a pro-freedom speaking tour across the United States, and ultimately declared that Pawloski and his brother “have contributed to this ominous health situation encouraged others to doubt the legitimacy of the pandemic.”

Basically What the judge is saying is that I cannot be a pastor anymore for 18 months. I have to give up my convictions, I have to give up my faith, and I cannot participate in anything that I believe in, and every time I open my mouth to the public I have to lie to the public, stating that vaccinations are saving lives, that masks works, that doctors and scientists are all for the restrictions. Pretty much I have to lie in public. I have to become a liar every time I open my mouth in order to appease the corrupted judges of the corrupted court system…Welcome to Chinada 2021.


Todd White Says Jesus BECAME Child Por******* and Bestia**** on the Cross

“Christ was not guilty, and could not be made guilty; but he was treated as if he were guilty, because he willed to stand in the place of the guilty. Yea, he was not only treated as a sinner, but he was treated as if he had been sin itself in the abstract. This is an amazing utterance. The sinless one was made to be sin.” (Spurgeon)

In a clip roiling with bad theology, charismatic evangelist and professional cold-reader and leg-lengthener Todd White has claimed that Jesus became a God-hater and child pornography itself on the cross, in some bizarre and brazen take on 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”

For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had repudiated his false beliefs after delivering an emotional sermon where he admitted he was not preaching the full gospel– leaving people to wonder if he’d been saved. We put on our discernment caps and explained this is how we would know he was repentant. Sadly, the next week he demonstrated that he was not.

Now, instead of having sound doctrine which would understand Jesus never sinned and at no point did he become a sinner or guilty or sin. Instead, Christ became our representative sin-bearer, identifying completely with our sin, resulting in the Father treating the son as if he were sin itself, though he never actually became that. For White, however, he has a unique take on it. From his October 13, 2021 service:

It’s all about this stuff, like when we say Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus in Corinthians, right? Jesus became a gossip, a murderer, full of strife, deceit and malice. Wasn’t in his mouth, was on his body.

Oh, you have to hear this man. Jesus who knew no sin, became sin. Paul describes sin; gossip, slander. Imagine Jesus as a gossip. You can’t. He didn’t do it. He became it. I’m like seeing this for the first time. Like I’ve read the Scripture so many times that I’m seeing it and I’m like, ‘you (Jesus) became gossip.’

What!? It’s hard for us to think about it because Jesus, never gossiped. But he became gossip. On the tree he became gossip. On the tree became a slander. Did he slander, no, he became it! He became enslaved, became haughty, he became boastful, he became an inventor of evil.

Jesus became an inventor of evil on that tree. Jesus became child pornography on that tree. Listen! Jesus became full of child pornography on the tree. Jesus became a thief on the tree. Jesus became addiction on the tree. Jesus became a hater of God on the tree. What does it mean for him to become sin? Jesus became lost on the tree. Jesus became Satan worship on a tree.

Are you hearing me? This is really hard to even say, yet it’s true. What does it mean that he knew no sin but became sin? Jesus became bestiality on a tree. Jesus became sex-trafficking on a tree. Oh my gosh. Jesus became every lustful thought on a tree. It’s no joke, it’s real. Jesus became child molester on a tree. Jesus became Taliban: Christian murderer on a tree. Jesus became sacrificing babies on a tree.

Jesus, our Jesus became that on the tree. That’s what it means when he who knew no sin became sin.

h/t to Revealing Truth for the vid