
SBC Prez Ed Litton Hosts Worship Service with Roman Catholics, Pro-Choice/ Pro-LGBTQ United Methodists

Southern Baptist President Ed Litton hosted on Monday a worship and prayer service for ‘Shrink the Divide’ an event sponsored by ‘The Pledge Group’- a collective of churches whose mission it is to “shrink the racial divide in our own community and throughout the Body of Christ by establishing and fostering relationships across ethnic and denominational lines.”

The group, who makes recommendations that churches who particulate in it (such as Ed Litton’s Redemption Church) do things like “Take steps in the community to reflect equality and create a ‘level playing field’ and ‘Hold a joint regular worship service at one of the churches; then alternate locales” is led by a steering team of churches and lay leaders across denominational and even religious lines, and is populated by Roman Catholics, United Methodists, Charismatics, pro-choice and pro-LGBT AME churches, women pastrixes, Liberation theology, you- you name it. We’re talking as ecumenical as they come.

In this event, Litton’s church hosted the fracas, which had hundreds of people show up, hold hands, and have a service together, with the President of the Pledge Group Roy Hill gushing:

Today is an opportunity for a diverse group of believers to come together and communicate the fact that we believe the Gospel is the way to bring racial reconciliation in every situation. In fact, we believe that’s the only way to do it effectively.”

Given that there is a focus on having service at each other’s churches, we wonder how often Litton attends service at the thoroughly apostate ‘Little Flower Roman Catholic Parish” or “Christ United Methodist Church”- the latter which is hosting the next worship ad prayer service on October 14.

Yet during the message, Litton had some friendly words for these Steering members, noting:

But what a joy it is to be with you tonight, what an honour It is to be asked. I’m gonna ask everyone who’s a part of The Pledge Steering Team just to stand right now. These are my brothers and sisters, we have walked together, worked together. We love together, we see God move together. They are the heart and the inspiration for why we do what we do in this city.

Litton went on to claimthat he’s not the president of a denomination (hunh?) , but a collection of 50,000 churches who just recently committed to dealing with racial reconciliation and sexual abuse in the church, saying “That’s something we’ve avoided for years.” In a 25 minute message he unpacks the story of the good Samaritan and how the priest left the injured and wounded man in the ditch but the Samaritan didn’t.

This is a model for how white folk needs to care more about black folk and racial reconciliation, not leaving them in the proverbial ditch, and vice versa, noting:

I’ll tell you what’s killing us today. Nobody in the Southern Baptist Convention that I’m a part of, and nobody in my church, probably nobody in your church would ever want to be called a bigot. But indifference is killing us.

The event concluded with everyone joining hands across the aisle in prayer and all the leaders of the various churches getting up on stage and reciting the pledge together.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

I am writing this for my church. I think it might be helpful for others, and so I will make it available here.

Clearly, certain questions are a matter of adiaphora, and no one should deny the reality that certain ethical questions fall into that category. Adiaphora is a term developed by stoic philosophers and adopted by Christians to describe decisions that are neither inherently moral nor immoral, right or wrong, or necessarily good or bad. As a category or framework to understand ethical conundrums the concept of adiaphora is often helpful.

However, not every ethical question can be answered by categorizing the matter adiaphora. There are also questions with answers that do not echo sentiments of Christian liberty but can rather be clearly categorized as moral or immoral, right or wrong, righteousness or sin. Christians seem all-too-eager today to silence the collective conscience by putting every issue in the pigeon hole of adiaphora, shrugging their shoulders and mumbling something about floating your boat. In reality, even if something is adiaphora – meaning that it is neither explicitly forbidden nor explicitly commanded – it doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t a wise or unwise, helpful or unhelpful, healthy or unhealthy decision to be made regarding that ethical decision. In short, even if something is adiaphora, it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook of thinking out the costs and benefits, implications, and consequences of ethical decisions.

Paul references this notion in 1 Corinthians 10:23“‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up.” Clearly for the Apostle, even those things that may not necessarily be wrong, may still be unwise, unhelpful, or unedifying. It would be foolish of the Christian to embrace “all things are lawful” while neglecting his admonition, “but not all things are helpful.”

First, we need to ask if it is sinful for a Christian to celebrate Halloween. Then, we must ask – if it is not sinful – if it is wise, helpful, or edifying to celebrate Halloween.

In order to answer the first question, I need to explain the holiday known as “Halloween.”


First, Halloween is a “holiday” as the term defines it. It was designed as a “holy day.” Known originally as “All Hallows Evening,” it is celebrated the evening prior to “All Hallows Day.” That holiday (also known as “All Saints Day”) originated with the Roman Catholic church (Eastern Orthodox celebrate the holiday as well, but immediately following Pentecost) and is a “Holy Day of Obligation,” which is a day that idolaters are expected to attend Mass. Beginning with Pope Boniface IV (although not systematized until much later).

Roman Catholic historians suspect that the day was chosen to co-opt a pagan holiday known as “Feast of the Lemures,” which the Romans observed to help exorcise evil spirits from their homes, and those evil spirits out and about at night working mischief. This is why Pope Boniface IV consecrated the day on May 13 (the same day as Feast of the Lemures), which was only later changed to the end of October by Pope Gregory III.

After a mixture with pagan tradition (described below), the holiday came to the United States through Anglicans who still observed the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar. However, the holiday did not receive widespread celebration until a large influx of Roman Catholic Irish immigrants came to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


All Saints Day was designed by Papists to celebrate all those who have died and already made it to Heaven. This is in contrast to All Souls Day, held a few days later, which commemorates all those who have died and have not yet made it to Heaven, stuck in purgatory to purge their own sins until they reach perfection. The point of the holiday for Roman Catholics was to pray for the dead.

As Nordic areas became Catholicized, pagan nativist religions slowly merged with Romish traditions, and various familiar aspects of the holiday eve’s celebration came into being. As it was celebrated at the end of Harvest, Gaelic tradition held that it was a “liminal time,” in which the barrier between the “other world” (the supernatural beyond, or afterlife) and this world was exceptionally thin, on account of the transition of seasons. It was during this liminal time that spirits were seen as being especially active, with ghosts, goblins, and demons running about causing mischief. In Ireland, nativist peoples would burn candles for those departed souls meandering about and leave out treats for them to enjoy, in exchange for being left alone. Likewise in Ireland and Britain, festivities would be held to divine the future, give prophecy, and engage in general revelry.

In Ireland, Britain, and Wales, people began to dress in costumes and go from house to house, reciting songs or verses in exchange for food (essentially playing the role of dead spirits). In fact, most of what you’ve heard about the pagan origins of Halloween are remarkably accurate, historically. Trick or treating began as a house-to-house blackmailing for gifts in exchange for protection against vandalism or pranks, “bonfires” really were “bone fires” and jack’o’lanterns really did begin by pumpkins or gords lit with candles to show evil spirits their way.

In every sense of the word, the origins of Halloween are religious in nature, and a perfect mixture between the paganism of Rome and the paganism of nativist religions in northern Europe.


Clearly, Halloween is still a religious observance among Papists and it’s still a part of their liturgical calendar. However, one would be hard-pressed to argue that most of those celebrating the holiday in America see it as a religious observance. And yet, there does seem to be a religious zeal for the holiday that is ever-growing and expanding. Modern pagans are increasingly excited about the holiday and spend increasingly amounts of time and money in its observance. There certainly seems to be a correlation between the increased lostness in our culture and the increased fervency displayed in observance of Halloween.

This doesn’t mean, however, that it is an overtly religious observance for most people. Its origins, however, are inarguably religious in nature.


There is no doubt that it’s a sin to take part in what is an overtly religious observance of false religion. I would admonish Christians to never step foot into a Roman Catholic church unless it is under protest, to never take part in its blasphemous Mass, and to never engage in syncretistic prayer with members of a false religion. Obviously, Christians mustn’t take part in any exercise that explicitly or implicitly worships a false god or is an intrinsic part of false religion. Christians need not take part – indeed, must not take part – in any religious service of worship of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam, Hinduism, the Church of Satan, or any other false religion.

However, the assumption that Halloween is a religious observance for all related festivities, is just that – an assumption. The fact is, religious observances often fade into purely cultural – and secular – reflections of those celebrations. We have seen this with our own celebration of Christmas. Christmas began as a Papist construct (and arguably nativist pagan before that), was co-opted by Protestants and evangelicals who divorced it from virtually all Papist strings except for the name itself (Christ-Mass), and it has since been co-opted by secularists with no religious sympathies and who observe it with all the zeal and consumerist fervor as the most religious of its celebrators.

In the same way that Christ-Mass could be uniquely Roman Catholic, uniquely Protestant, historically pagan, or contemporarily secular, Halloween likewise ranges from religious to irreligious in nature, even though it is of religious origin.

Please note: Although Christmas and Halloween are both traditions born in the Roman Catholic church, there is a difference. There is nothing inherently flawed in celebrating the birth of Jesus. The notion of praying for the dead, on the other hand, is at its onset theologically wrong.

To answer the question in the above heading as clearly as I’m able, if Halloween is treated as a religious holiday belonging to a false religion (as it is to some), it is clearly a sin to observe it.


There is a hint in Scripture that First Century Christians had to deal with this very topic. What if pagans are having a holiday, and giving away free food? Can we eat the free food?

Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “there is no God but one.”  For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”—  yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist. However, not all possess this knowledge. But some, through former association with idols, eat food as really offered to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.  Food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do.  But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will he not be encouraged, if his conscience is weak, to eat food offered to idols? And so by your knowledge this weak person is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning against your brothers and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble (1 Corinthians 8).

What the Apostle is writing to the church in Corinth is that it may very well be acceptable to eat food sacrificed to false gods. It is free food, after all. If there is a giant pagan festival and they’re worshiping their dumb, little deities it may be acceptable to come along afterward and eat some of the barbeque that is being passed out to the crowd. However, they were told to abstain from eating such if they have someone onlooking who is drawn toward such idolatry and it may weaken their conscience and put them in a compromising position to embrace that which what they shouldn’t.

To give the plainest answer from the Scripture, it does not seem to be a sin to take part in a free candy giveaway. However, if someone was saved out of a life of demonic revelry and worldliness, perhaps it is best that they and the Christians around them abstain from benefiting from the candy-giving generosity of the pagan culture. In this sense, taking part in the candy-giving aspect of Halloween does not seem to be at face value a religious exercise, being sufficiently divorced from its religious origins. It is doubtfully not a sin to give or receive candy as a part of that cultural celebration.


It would only be foolish to pretend as though there is no connection between the pagan religious roots of Halloween and its cultural observance, in the same way, it would be foolish to pretend the two can’t be sufficiently divorced in the mind of the participant.

Regardless of whether or not the culture understands why it’s been a tradition to dress up as ghouls and goblins and evil things (historically, to imitate and ward off scary spirits), this is an element that remains. It is my belief that Christians must not dress in any way that is imitating evil things – even if they are fictional evil things. Vampires and monsters may not exist, but these are but fictional representations of a very real and demonic evil that exists in our age. There is nothing that I see in the Holy Bible that would lead me to believe it is acceptable for Christians to engage in the revelry that includes dressing up as the devil. Such is a lostness that shouldn’t even be named among God’s people.

For those of you dressing up your children as evil things, shame on you.

For those of you decorating your home to make it look demonic or frightening, this does not accord with sound doctrine or a holy lifestyle imitating Jesus.

Furthermore, there is a stark difference between being in a candy line and going “all in” for the pagan cultural celebration of Halloween. The First Century Christian, in the context of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, was permitted to take some grilled meat from the open buffet. However, they would not have considered actually taking part in the pagan worship service in which the meat was sacrificed. At the most, Christians should be on the periphery of such events, and not organizing, leading, or decorating for such events. We may not turn down free candy, in the same way, that Christians in the First Century wouldn’t necessarily turn down free meat, but we shouldn’t be the ones doing the sacrificing.

Finally, I would ask you to look at this situation through the lens of priority. Do you have a zeal for Halloween – a holiday that at best we should only take part reluctantly and cautiously as dwellers in a pagan land – that is greater than your zeal for Resurrection Sunday? If you are Reformed, shouldn’t your zeal for Reformation Day (which is the same day as Halloween) exceed that which you have for Halloween? Are you making a candy-centered holiday more important than a Christ-centered holiday?

As for my family, I’ve made the decision (only in the last several years) that I don’t want to touch any unclean thing (2 Corinthians 6:17), and I consider Halloween to be unclean. However, we do hand out candy for the few trick-or-treaters who knock on our door (along with tracts) and we let people give candy to our kids without protest at stores or other places they happen to be in public. For my Christian brothers and sisters to dress their child up like a non-demonic object and knock on doors to receive candy, I choose not to judge them in the matter and place it within the category of adiaphora.

But, for those who treat Halloween like a great and noble event worthy of expense, planning, and revelry, I stand aback as the weaker brother as it deeply offends my conscience. I pray that it doesn’t deeply offend God, who has called us unto holy separation.

Editor’s Note. This article was originally published on Pulpit & Pen in 2017


Kyle J. Howard Makes His Most Racist and Demonic Statements Yet!

Our favorite race-baiter Kyle J. Howard, a man who currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head on account of lying about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, and who finds himself traumatized and triggered so frequently by all things white that he likely had to buy stainless steel appliances in his house, lest he never step foot in his kitchen, has really devolved over these last few months. We’ve written about him at the following links, as well as others, which give a good sense of all the ways he’s perverting scripture and molesting the text.

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’,
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women
Kyle J. Howard Claims SBTS Full of Racists, Twauma
Kyle J. Howard Films Himself Crying and Then Shares it Because of Attention

Now, just in the last 4 days, we’ve accumulated a bunch of tweets where he reveals he won’t step foot into churches with predominantly white people or take the Lord’s supper there, that black people can’t be racist if they repudiate the ‘white gaze’ (see more here. Basically, it means that white folk see all black men as ‘pets’ or ‘threats’ and black women as ‘mammies or ‘jezebels’ and says there is scientific data showing that white people are more racist than not.


That’s just a few highlights over a few days. You can imagine what the rest of his toxic feed is.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

The Wokeficaton of World Vision: Series Finale + Black Christians in Church Need to Form ‘Affinity Groups’ Based on Race

World’s Vision’s woke “May We Be One” seminar has ended. It concluded with Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Rev. Sandra Maria Van Opstal, and Dr. Efrem Smith offering their reflections on the past year and answering questions to what has been an absolute theological dumpster fire of a time.

The first half of their farewell concludes by addressing those who have been critical of their programming, slamming bloggers who have been less than thrilled at their progressive agenda. They concluded that anyone accusing them of smuggling in Critical Race Theory (CRT) doesn’t know what they are talking about, because CRT, “in its very specific application is a particular academic discipline. It’s actually a legal discipline that focuses on law schools and on legal precedents.” Because they view it as such a narrow concept, they say it’s impossible for CRT to be taught to children, much less from their mouths.

But of course, CRT reigned supreme, as can be seen in some of the sessions here, with their talk of white privilege and the white male gaze turning Asians as pets or threats and black women into sexual mammies.

To prove their point, how little Critical Race Theory has shaped their perspective, Dr. Efrem Smith explains the importance of “black folk” being in “affinity groups” with each other based on race and then gives some final words of advice while explaining what a racist place the church is.

Sometimes, especially if one group is not the dominant group, culturally, in a multi-ethnic setting, you may need affinity groups so that people can see themselves growing, thriving, and developing in a multi-ethnic context.

Sometimes in order to thrive and flourish and grow, you need some people, people that know your slang, they know your experience, they understand your background, they understand why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling about a certain circumstance, why you’re approaching it a certain way.

And we see in the Bible we see times where people are in affinity groups. And you know, sometimes we see a picture, we see a story of development. Amongst the Jews, we see a story of development amongst a particular Gentile group in the New Testament.

And there are other times when we see a very diverse story of flourishing and developing, and they’re both good, they’re both enriched. I mean, man, if I couldn’t be blessed by watching the affinity journey of Ruth and Naomi, and then at the same time, being blessed by the more multi-ethnic, multicultural story of Peter going to the house of Cornelius.

So whether it’s ethnic-specific, or it’s multi-ethnic, there is an opportunity for development. There are times, I love my multicultural, multi-ethnic church. I love it, I love it. And there are times when I need to be in an African American-specific experience. That’s right. And both are good. And in a multi-ethnic church, we should affirm the blessing of both.

Yeah, my closing word would be, do not go back to Egypt. Please do not go back to Egypt. There is a promised land experience for those that are committed to a church that looks like heaven. You know, ultimately it is eternity in the kingdom of God. But until such time as Jesus returns, there is this great, great opportunity to experience ministry more and more in the multi-ethnic, biblical-justice, transformative context.

And when I say don’t go back to Egypt, just so we’re clear, I’ll name what Egypt is. Egypt is the Christian Church in America, deeply rooted in the race structure, a sociological structure that says, based on the colour of your skin, your physical features, your slang, where you were born, we decide who’s fast, who’s slow, who’s smart, who’s dumb, who should be revered, who should be feared, who can clap on beat, and who shouldn’t bother.

And this is all based on the race structure. And whether we acknowledge it or not, the church in the United States was born in the soil of a structure that had already decided who was more human, and who was less human.


Trump Claims that ‘Nobody Has Done More for Christianity’ than Him

Making an appearance on the Christian TV station The Victory Channel, former President Donald Trump has again repeated his assertion to have been God’s gift to Christians, telling Flashpoint host Gene Bailey that no one has done more for the faith that he has- an eye-raising assertion that has no basis in reality, given the millennia of thousands of preachers, pastors and writers that Christianity has produced (Such as Charles Spurgeon or the apostle Paul, for example) while also taking shots at his Democratic rivals.

Bailey: Alright, last question. I know you need to go here soon. There are between 90 and 100 million evangelicals in America. And as you know, our Flashpoint audience is a highly motivated part of that group. What’s your message to them? How should they stay engaged with you and the nation during this tumultuous time?

Trump: “So nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals, or for religion itself, than I have. So many different things, getting rid of the Johnson Amendment, You know that that’s where people like you that we want to hear, but were unable to speak because you lose your tax exempt status, which is a very bad thing, and very costly, and not even, not even anything that you can do.

But so many different things. We’ve done Mexico City policy, and we could go down a list of items. And I said that Biden was going to be bad, he’s turned out to be far worse than anybody ever thought.

You talk about abortion, you talk about all of the subjects that you do every Sunday and, or during the week. And he’s terrible on these subjects. And he lied. So they also cheated very much on what they really think of organised religion and religion, and frankly, Christianity.

And I said it was going to happen, but I had no idea was going to be this bad. You take a look at what they’re doing. It’s, it’s destructive. Also, nobody’s done so much for Israel as I have, as you know, with Jerusalem, and frankly, ending the Iran nuclear deal, which is a disaster. And all of the other things that done for Israel,.

So and by the way, in the evangelical community, I mean, I actually get probably more credit for that than I do with Jewish people. But Israel is a very important element. So nobody’s done what I’ve done. And I’m very happy to do it. And they’ve turned out to be much worse than anybody ever thought.”


Report: 90% of the top Christian Facebook Pages Operated by Eastern European Troll Farms

Eastern European troll farms operated dozens of ‘Christian Facebook groups’ that reached nearly 140 million Americans months before the 2020 election, according to internal reports from the social media giant. In an article by Karen Hao in MIT’s Technology Review, she alleges that it was the company’s “engagement-hungry algorithm’ that recommended the pages, rather than the viewers seeking them out. Jeff Allen, a former senior-level data scientist at Facebook explains

“Instead of users choosing to receive content from these actors, it is our platform that is choosing to give [these troll farms] an enormous reach…This is not normal. This is not healthy. We have empowered inauthentic actors to accumulate huge followings for largely unknown purposes… Our platform has given the largest voice in the Christian American community to a handful of bad actors, who, based on their media production practices, have never been to church “

These pages that were run by these farms-“professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda”- have all been since deleted, but were basically a hodgepodge of inspirational meme repositories, where a quote like ‘When you’re alone, always trust and pray to God. Click like to amen and share’ would make the rounds and be commonplace in some form.

While mostly benign, some were concerned that these would affect the election, given that some of them did contain messages that mocked the Democrats or called into question their policies on abortion, for example, though these were seemingly few and far between.

While it’s a good thing that Facebook has shut these sites down, they continue to have a chilling and censorial effect on free speech as they control and filter the content that is published. For example, those looking for premium Christian content without the trollfarmery, can check out our page, but even then we don’t publish every post there, particularly as it comes to transgendered topics, as that will result in our page being further throttled. For this reason, we also post to fully uncensored, as well as have our Patreon feed, which can be signed up for below.


Host Pat Robertson Leaves The 700 Club After 60 Years

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 91, the world’s longest running TV host and the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” has announced on the show’s 60th anniversary that he’s stepping down as the host of the ‘700 Club’ after 54, telling viewers:

“Today’s show will be my final as host of The 700 Club. My replacement will be my very capable son, Gordon, who will take over as full-time host of the program.”

Leaving the 700 Club is a good thing, as Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things. Consequently, his advice has been getting worse and worse over the years.

Unfortunately he’s not going away permanently, but rather is leaving so he can purist other endeavors. He will still appear as a guest every month where he will answer listener emails and offer occasional guest hosting appearances, especially when he gets a “revelation from the Lord’ that he wishes to share, but will be dedicating the bulk of his time to teaching at Regent University.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’

Days after A TikTok user-created and posted a short minute-long clip from several snippets of a Bethel pastor’s sermon, that pastor has taken down the video from YouTube and has “clarified” his comments amid the backlash from #metoo proponents who found his comments alarming and sexist

Preached by Kris Vallotton in 2014 the Co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church claimed that he’s heard hundreds of testimonies of girls’ hymens being recreated and regrown as part of a miraculous healing from God.

Guys are stimulated sexually through the eyes, women through the touch. You’re like ‘Not me!’ Whatever, you’re a freak…I’m saying listen, if it’s not for sale girls, don’t advertise… If you fish with shark bait, you’re going to catch sharks…remember there’s always someone with a better body than yours…the girl in the front row, she was sitting on a bench, she was my most promiscuous girl there was letting everybody grab her on the basketball…I’ve seen thousands of people’s virginity restored. I have had hundreds of emails, (testimonies) about girls hymens being restored


some of y’all always wanna ask why i’m so angry. why aren’t you?? #fyp #recoveringevangelical #christiantiktok #churchtrauma

♬ original sound – Rachel

It’s the latter comment that interests us, not the former. This is not the first time he’s made such a claim. He also said on Facebook 10 years ago:

This is the testimony of the regrown hymen, from his book Moral Revolution:

Regrown hymens fits well in with Bethel’s theology on the supernatural, with Valloton himself and other pastors claiming over the years that God has regrown legs, teeth, eyes, hair, and other parts of the body.

In response to the backlash, he borrowed a page from SBC president Ed Litton and removed the video so that it could be ‘reviewed’, posting on his Instagram a message where he gives a bit more context to the other ‘sexist’ comments he made that the secular media find troubling (if it’s not for sale, don’t advertise) but did not back away from his hundreds of regrown hymen claims.


Roman Catholic ‘Revoice’ Speaker Praises X-Rated Gay BDSM Film

Revoice speaker Eve Tushnet, heading off to the conference in just a few days is not the type of speaker you’d expect to see at an event that has its roots in the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). This is because Tushnet, author of the book Gay and Catholic, is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but rather a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis. In fact, she’s been a dedicated Roman Catholic for over 15 years, which would make her categorically NOT SAVED and NOT a BELIEVER.

According to the promo provided by Revoice:

Eve Tushnet is a freelance writer, a Patheos blogger, and the award-winning author of Gay and Catholic. She also has written two novels, is the editor of the anthology Christ’s Body, Christ’s Wounds [Editor’s Note: The book is about life within the Roman Catholic Church], and has contributed to several books, including Sex and the Spiritual Life. Tushnet has written on the paths of love available to gay Christians for a wide range of publications, including America, American Conservative, Commonweal, and Christianity Today, and online for The Atlantic, New York Times, and Washington Post. She has spoken at multiple conferences for LGBT Christians. She also writes and speaks on the arts. Tushnet lives in Washington, DC.

When she’s not glorying her life as a lesbian papist, she’s singing the praises of the 1980’s film ‘Cruising” directed by William Friedkin. The movie is about a police detective investigating a string of murders within the “gay community” where he goes deep undercover in gay S&M and leather bars in order to catch a killer, an environment we see in graphic detail.

The film has a storied and controversial history. The uncut film was banned in several countries, and in others, it received the “X rating.” In fact, it originally received an ‘X’ rating in the United States for copious amounts of graphic sexual imagery, with the director claiming he took the film before the MPAA board “50 times” at a cost of $50,000 and deleted 40 minutes of footage from the original cut before he secured an R rating” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Now rated R or 18+, it contains endless sex, nudity, orgy scenes, unending kissing and making out scenes, fellatio scenes, and one infamous scene where one gay man sticks his hand…where he ought not to. There is also, seemingly and allegedly, gay porn scenes intercut within the movie- a few frames inserted during the first murder that cannot be seen unless the film is freeze-framed, which she refers to at the end of the post.

For this Revoice speaker, however, this perverse and sexually twisted film is ‘perfect”

Given the current quality of Revoice speakers, this should surprise no one.


Canadian Pastor Who Kicked Police Out of Church Arrested Again…For Having Church Service Last June

The Canadian pastor who famously shouted “Out Gestapo Nazi” and chased away police and government workers who came to his church to investigate whether he was violating lockdown laws has been arrested again and is facing jail time for church crimes in Alberta.

Pawlowski, who has been in the United States these last several months on a speaking tour, was picked up on the tarmac by Canada Border Services Agency once his plane landed. He had the warrants pending from several months ago, stemming from his continued insistence on having church services and refusing to wear masks, including failing to wear a face-covering from last March, and disobeying a court order from early June.

In an interview with Rebel News, his lawyer explains:

While he was away, the Calgary police service decided that they wanted to lay a charge regarding church services held outdoors on June 5. Although they had nearly a month to delay that charge before he had left, they decided to initiate the charge once he had departed from the country. Of course then they can’t actually serve him with the paperwork or charge him with the criminal offense, so as a result a warrant was issued for his arrest, essentially, so that they could play the charge. So he was arrested at the airport yesterday for that purpose and that warrant was issued while he was in the states.

During his bail hearing, the condition that the prosecutors desired to put on him for his release was that he does not “engage in any illegal gatherings” (read illegal church services) but his lawyer argued that it was an ambiguous order. The Justice of the Peace agreed, letting him out on bail so long as he “keeps the peace.”

Currently in the province:

  • Churches are not allowed to gather indoors at more than 30% of their fire code capacity.
  • Masks are mandatory and must be worn in church.
  • Mandatory physical distancing between households for both indoor and outdoor services.

The hearing to decide his fate and determine whether or not he goes to jail for longer than three days will be on October 13.