
Tim Keller’s Church Segregates Unvaccinated Congregants to Separate Floor for Worship

Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, formerly led for decades by Tim Keller, has decided to segregate congregants based on vaccine status, according to the church website. The church, which has a woke underbelly in many ways, posted the following updates to their website, specifically at their Eastside location.

Jeff Maples of Reformation Charlotte had this to say about it:

Redeemer Church, which was founded and pastored by Tim Keller, is doing something arguably even worse than disallowing the unvaccinated from corporate worship–they are segregating them to a separate floor. Keller–who has spent most of his life fanning the flames of social justice and decrying “systemic injustices,” which he’s argued place minorities at a disadvantage–is now at the forefront of a church policy that will negatively impact minorities the most. Not that ethnicity should matter; church segregation based on any qualification other than profession of faith is strictly prohibited by Scripture:

I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. –1 Corinthians 1:10

Of course, I argue that this in-house segregation (division) is worse than the churches that are simply not allowing the unvaccinated in, to begin with, because at least those who are turned away will be forced to go seek out a biblical church. Redeemer clearly is not.  Redeemer is requiring the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to pre-register for worship service and those who are unvaccinated must sit on the second floor–away from the truly redeemed (vaccinated)–and muzzle their faces with cloth.


‘Fired for Endorsing Vaccines’ Staffer Lands on His Feet at SBC Seminary, and Lies About the Details

After enduring months of gnashing of teeth and garment rending from blue-check Christians in an uproar over the alleged termination of the Senior Vice President of Communications Dan Darling from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) for making pro-vaccine comments on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Show, Darling has landed on his feet, ending up working for the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary under President Adam Greenway.

He is to be the new director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement. Given that the center has been defunct and inactive since 2019, this really reads as he’s being thrown a bone.

As the Capstone Report points out, Darling is acting disingenuously by quoting that article in his announcement. He was not “fired after endorsing vaccines.”

Rather, according to NRB Ceo Troy Miller, he was disciplined for openly defying a directive sent to all staff informing them that ‘Regardless of (pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine), this is NOT an issue that NRB is called to advocate for one way or another..from here out NRB stay neutral.” It could just as easily been not to endorse a particular eschatological position or a position on baptism, or a viewpoint on soteriology. Darling was asked not to talk on air about a particular subject, Darling defied the CEO, and therefore was disciplined.

Note that we did not say fired.

After the incident, Darling was offered a path to another position that would have provided a significant salary and full benefits with NRB. Rather than accept it, he turned that offer down and chose to depart NRB. You can read all about that story here.

Darling quit. He was not fired, and retweeting a story saying that he was reveals why his character is so rotten. The fact that SWBTS is pleased to hire him should tell you a lot about them.


Canadian Pastor ‘Won’t Comply’ with Gag Order on COVID Speech, is ‘Prepared to go to Prison’

(Lifesite News) Pastor Artur Pawlowski has made it clear that he will not comply with the gag order imposed by a Canadian judge that was part of the final ruling against him and his brother for their outspoken stance against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Regarding the desire of the Alberta court that Pawlowski not contradict the government narrative when speaking publicly about COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, the pastor stated, “This is compelled speech the judge ordered like in China and North Korea … I won’t comply and I’m fully prepared to go to prison.”

Alberta Justice Adam Germain’s 12-page ruling contained instructions for what the court expects Pawlowski to say about COVID-related topics. According to the judge, if he speaks against any of the recommendations laid out by Alberta Health Services, he is supposed to state the following:

“I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.”

Pawlowski’s lawyer, Sarah Miller, intends to appeal the “compelled speech and unconstitutional” sentencing in a separate…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kennedy Hall and posted at Lifesite News


Supercut of Evangelical Elites Praising Mad Scientist Francis Collins

Last month we wrote about how National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins, the acclaimed scientist, geneticist, and professing Christian, released a statement for PRIDE month where he publically revealed himself to be thoroughly compromised on the Christian’s view of LGBTQ issues and the scriptures, offering them his personal support as an “ally” and regurgitating all the progressive talking points he could muster.

Coupled with him being the founder of BioLogos, the self-described “Christian organization” that seeks to bridge the bible and evolution while insisting that humans evolved from apes 200,000 years ago and that Adam and Eve never actually existed, along with his low view of Church where he made the case that in-person public schooling is a higher priority than in-person church, openly supporting doing experiments on fetal tissue on account that he doesn’t believe human embryos to be life, but only ‘potential life” and refusing to condemn “pregnant people” language, we have no reason to suppose that this man is a brother.

Despite these egregious theological positions, he is beloved by #BigEva and is constantly being foisted upon us as an authority figure or someone we should respect and look up to, though we can’t for the life of us imagine why. Some of his foisters include David French, Rick Warren, Tim Keller, Ed Stetzer, Russell Moore, Gabe Lyons, Curtis Chang and N.T. Wright, to name a few. Have a supercut below to see this is the case.

This is especially true of Rusell Moore. Despite all the scandal, this has not stopped his paramour from gushing over him, inviting him out to be his special guest for a night of authoritative conversation.

Do you think that Moore will address the two most recent scandals with Collins including that to quote Laurence Boorstein, “NIH funded an experiment on 44 beagle puppies ages 6-8 months having their vocal cords slit to stop them from barking, howling or crying so researchers wouldn’t hear, having their heads locked in mesh cages so they could be bitten by sandflies before being killed and dissected?

Or the fact that, as summarized by TheFederalist, “NIH has funded macabre experiments that employ body parts collected from aborted human fetuses to create “humanized mouse and rodent models with full-thickness human skin? These sick people were using scaps from aborted babies and grafting them onto mice, and the venerable Francis Collins’s NIH funded it.

There is a tiny chance that Moore may address it, but only to give him shade and cover, without any effort to hold to his feet to the fire to ask him some real pressing questions.

Because after all, Collins is a part of the evangelical intelligentsia just like him.


Is this Church Service the Most Garish Thing You’ve Ever Seen?

Oh man- this one is enough to make your skin crawl. To celebrate ‘Coming out Sunday’ Fort Washington Collegiate Church, a verifiable sanctuary for Satan if there was ever one, had their Assistant Minister James Admans (they/them whose stage name Marge Johnson) do their October 17 service in drag, wearing a transparent plastic mask that made him look like a villain straight out of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Completely nightmare-inducing.

As part of the festivities, some of the LGBTQQIP2SAA folk who were part of the praise and worship team (to Lucifer) wore rainbow masks and LGBTQ capes. Furthermore, the church handed out boa’s and other ‘drag accessories’ to whatever congregation member wanted to show their support for their cross-dressing ‘pastor’.

The only thing that would be more garish than this perhaps is that one time Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades, but just barely.


Greg Locke’s Church Chants ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ During Service

Yesterday Morning, “Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN let a guest pastor take the pulpit for a brief spin, resulting in a shameful cheer by congregants of the deceived church.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” All that when he was not putting up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”

During the morning service, Mark Burns of Harvest Praise & Worship Center in South Carolina, as well as a political candidate for congress and co-founder of the NOW Television Network, took the opportunity on stage to lead the congregation in a spirited chant of “Let’s Go Brandon”- a phrase designed to be a stand-in for the coarser and profane “Fu– Joe Biden’- in the middle of his sermon.

Is anybody who’s ready to get rid of Joe Biden, we got to get rid of Joe Biden. We got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of. God help me. Lord, we got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of Kamala Harris. Anybody got to stand with me Global? Is anybody going to stand with me?

And can I say somethingt that’s very controversial. We should live in a country where our grown women should be allowed to go into a woman’s bathroom without being (unintelligible) by a grown man wearing a dress, pretending to be a woman.

…Globe, are you going to sit back and let that nasty evil mess take over our country? This is why we need leaders.

(Let’s go Brandon chant)

Globe I feel like I’m in the right church today. I’m in the right church.”


TGC Author: Straight Men Should Consider Singleness Out of Solidarity for Celibate Homosexuals

In an interview with Sam Wan featured on the Gospel Coalition, Simon Shead, a 24-year-old from New South Wales, spoke about his intention never to get married, serving as a microcosm for the problems with TGC as a whole.

He explains that the primary reason he is choosing lifelong celibacy and singleness is because “I believe that being single helps us to understand the sufficiency of Christ and to be undivided in our posture towards him.”

Shead offers that a secondary reasons for being single is counter-cultural, as “Non-Christians might wonder where my hope is placed if it is not in the deeply fulfilling sexual relationships we see on TV. This provides me with a great gospel opportunity.”

And the third? Out of solidarity with the gays.

Sam: You say singleness and celibacy is a godly and possible choice for straight Christians—and for the communities they are a part of. Why is that?

Simon: It is godly and possible because it is scriptural. Both marriage and singleness are great ways for a person to serve Christ!

But the cry I hear from celibate gay evangelical Christianis that straight Christians are not quite upholding the standard we apply to them. Sometimes the message from the evangelical church can feel like: “Marriage is great! Get married, everyone’s doing it. Oh, but if you’re gay, singleness is good too …”

I think a good way we can support our brothers and sisters in Christ in this area, is to stand in solidarity with them; to reclaim the gift of singleness for the church… it is worth gently pondering in the current cultural climate, is this a way we can further support our gay brothers and sisters in Christ?

Interviewer Wan affirms his decision, noting:

Standing in solidarity with your brothers and sisters who experience attraction to the same sex is such an important thing, and the choice you’re making is really putting your money where your mouth is.”

Talk about peak TGC right here.

Bonus: The message from the evangelical church should be that if you’re ‘gay and single,’ then you need to mortify that, as even the desire and inclination towards homosexuality are sinful. Thankfully, Christ died for those sins, and the scriptures clearly state that ‘such were some of you” is possible and in fact, is the natural progression in a life that has been submitted to Christ for sanctification. 

A heart given over to God becomes given over to heterosexuality, as there is not one realm of our life that the Holy Spirit does not conform.

There’s no need to stay single, as a “same-sex attracted Christian” who will only be so temporarily as he conforms himself to Christ, ought to find a spouse in a similar position as they are or different, and get married, make babies, and conquer the world.

This above reality is what makes the upcoming comments so disastrous, as it reinforces their status as someone whom Christ can’t change and is destined to singleness and celibacy forever, suggesting it as support when, in reality, it is spiritually severing.


Chris Tomlin and Hillsong Tour Removes ‘VIP Ticket Packages’ Amid Backlash

The megaworship concert featuring Chris Tomlin and Hillsong has dialed back some of the more nakedly commercial aspects of their upcoming worship tour, with Premiere Productions, the organization in charge of tickets and putting on the event, pulling one of the add-ons and rebranding them as ‘Experience packages’ rather than ‘VIP experiences, followng backlash on social media. See the before/ after pictures;/

We had previously written:

For an event supposed to be designed to worship the Lord, this reeks of money-lovin’ and mammon-grubbin’ commercialism, offering multiple perks and add-on’s such as closer seats to the band, gifts, merch, lanyards, the ability to shop for merch early, early check-in with a host, and some degree of access to bands so you can bask in their presence. We support any band hocking their wares, as capitalism is a gift from God. But the fact that this is a worship event makes it feel unseemly.

We reached out to Hillsong and Tomlin’s reps but have not received a response.

Premiere Christianity, which has been covering the story, had a nice op-ed from Tom Read, where he writes:

“Looking through the various options available (of which there are a few), I can’t help but wonder: how could anyone think that this is a good idea in the context of worship? Many of us are well aware that the worship music industry has a thinly-veiled but dark underbelly of commercialism. But here, they don’t even seem to be trying to hide it anymore. Worship music, and much of the contemporary church, has a celebrity problem. And it’s about time we started talking about it…


Looking at this latest offer through even the most charitable eyes, it’s hard to see it as anything other than a money-making opportunity…What about worship concerts then? Should we ever pay to attend a worship event? Some people argue that worshipping God should always be free.

While I don’t disagree with this opinion, I do think there is also a strong (and biblical) argument to be made for artists and ministers being fairly paid for what they do. This is certainly the case when it comes to covering the costs of events and other projects. But let’s be honest, there’s a significant difference between paying an artist for their work and buying VIP tickets so you can have a photo on a catwalk at a worship event. What is so problematic here is the leveraging of the worship of God for the creation of personal fame and fortune…

Visibility matters. Leaders have a responsibility to set an example they would be proud for people to follow. Are Christian VIP experiences something we really want to encourage? 


John MacArthur Has Unflattering Words for Mother Theresa

We never covered this when it was released in 2015 and later discussed at the 2021 Master’s Academy International Symposium (TMAI 2021) but pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California had some alternately complimentary and then unflattering things to say about Mother Teresa, likening her knowledge of Christianity to that of a small child.

Speaking about the time when the title ‘born again’ became popularized, MacArthur explains:

Charles Colson wrote a book called ‘Born Again‘ and there was testimony in it by Mother Teresa. I remember when I met her, she did she didn’t know as much about Christianity as a Sunday school kid at Grace Community Church, I mean she didn’t know the real gospel.

And from his 2015 comments.

Mother Teresa was very true to her catholic faith. My family and I went to visit her when we were in Kolkata. We gave her a copy of the book The Gospel According to Jesus and it was an interesting occasion. She’s a very gracious woman, very strong, very gracious little four-foot lady. And the kids wanted to give her this book and so they did and she said she’d read it. Bbut mother Teresa was very, very true to her catholic faith. She’s a very true catholic.

She understood catholicism very well. In in the front of a bible which she autographed, she wrote ‘may you enter into the heart of Jesus through the Virgin Mary’ and signed her name.

So she believed that salvation is by virtue of Mary and that’s very true to the catholic faith. Another thing that was true to the catholic faith, was we went into her home for the sick and dying in Kolkata, and on the walls were Hindu gods. Pictures of the Hindu gods- you know those multi-armed bizarre gods and deities of the Hindus on the walls of this catholic facility. By the way it it was immediately adjacent to the the most vile, deviant temple that I have ever seen inmy life anywhere in the world.

For some excellent commentary, check out the BTWN page below, where we also saw the story.


Pope Demands that Big Tech Censor ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Conspiracy Theories’

Last we wrote about Pope Francis called BLM Rioters ‘Social Poets’ and ‘Collective Samaritans’ For Protesting Racist Death of George Floyd during a video call at the World Meeting of Popular Movements, where the chief papist insisted on universal basic income, praised the BLM rioters as ‘social poets’ while insisting their demonstrations were keeping Geoge Floyd’s legacy alive in a way that is akin to the story of the ‘Good Samaritan’.

Typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine, and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.

We missed one section, however, which is where he invoked the name of God to punctuate his plea, asking Silicon Valley giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google to continue following their better demons and take action against what may or may not be ‘hate speech, ‘conspiracy theories’ or ‘fake news.’

According to Summit News, ‘Pope Francis also invoked the term “post-truth,” which was invented by establishment media organs after they began to lose their monopoly on controlling the narrative following the election of Donald Trump. The Catholic leader apparently believes it’s Christian and Godly to empower giant corporations to shut down free speech. This is no surprise given his previous stance on free speech in response to the slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, when he rhetorically sided with the terrorists who murdered them in cold blood.”