
A Case Study in Downgrade: PCA Church Invites Pastrix to Preach, Then Plays Dumb About It

Let’s talk about downgrade. Located in Purchase, New York, Trinity Presbyterian Church is a PCA church affiliated with Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church network of churches in the Metro New York City Area. On Reformation Sunday, they did something quite disagreeable, which is to invite a well-known pastrix to preach the sermon.

Delivering the message was Mrs. Fleming Rutledge. She is a well-known Episcopal priest, author, theologian and preacher, who was one of the first women to be ordained to the priesthood of the Episcopal Church, back in 1975. Though more conservative than most Episcopalians, she certainly has her liberal streak, such as when she discussed ‘gay’ marriage and the place of the practicing homosexual within the church, writing:

“We will do well, I think to make an honored place for the devoutly Christian gay people who sincerely want fidelity and stability in their lives insofar as that is possible for them. These couples are in the distinct minority and it seems to me that we should support them in their wish to carve out a more responsible style of life. I therefore agree (I think) with those who say that we should be discussing the possibility of some sort of blessing for gay couples who fit this description…. For the phenomenon of homosexuality I would suggest the word “adaptation.” Homosexuality is not a normal variant of human sexuality but an adaptation to the circumstances, whatever they are, that have produced exclusively homosexual desires in a person. Therefore I do not believe that gay couples should be “married” as heterosexual couples are married. There needs to be some tacit acknowledgment that this is something less than the full intention of the Lord in creation. My own sense at present is that gay unions would be conducted rather like second marriages after a divorce─quiet, restrained, and dignified (at least that is the way second marriage ceremonies used to be).”

To this end, she was invited to attend and give the Sunday morning sermon, which she did with gusto. When pressed on their Facebook page about this sinful endeavor, the church pushed back and straight-up lied about the whole affair, making excuses and offering justifications for why they invited her in the first place.

Not true. She gave the sermon for that day. It was not a “one-time bible study” but rather was the message delivered to the entire congregation for that church service. Even the church’s own media lists it as such.

The rest of the sermons on the site follow the same template, listing the sermon and the preacher, demonstrating the last year wasn’t comprised of 51 sermons from the pastoral team and 1 bible study from a wayward pastrix, but rather a full year of preaching.

The church has three pastors on staff- could they not find anyone to deliver the message? Why invite someone that is unapologetically in clear violation of their creeds and confessions of faith? This is the definition of downgrade, where violations let slid result in violations grown big. Even if she was a great teacher and had no weird or aberrant beliefs, the fact that she is a pastrix who travels across the world preaching ought to be enough to ensure she would never have been invited.

With a pastoral team that is violating the denomination’s confessional standards, as soon as the congregation realized who was teaching they should have shouted her down or all walked out of the service, and then go scorched earth against the pastors and the elders, contacting the Presbytery to have charges brought against them, even going so far as removing them from office.

You don’t take nail clippers to theological weeds or treat them gently, pruning them down and merely minimizing their presence. You dig them out with the shovel, hack them up, burn the roots, and then salt the land where they once laid, rendering it a wasteland where nothing will grow for a hundred years.


John Piper Says You’re Ugly So That Others Can Be Reminded of Sin and the Devil

In a recent episode of ‘Ask Pastor John’, John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church has sparked controversy in a listener’s question about the travails of being unattractive, telling them that their ugliness is on account of the fall, and so people can see a physical representation of how ugly Satan and sin is.

Question: “Why did God make some people ugly and unattractive? How can I accept the fact that God though capable of making me beautiful or at least average looking, chose to create me in an unattractive manner?”

Piper begins with a bit of a humblebrag, sharing that he’s never really been called that before, and then explaining that being ugly is just the ‘tip of human suffering’ when compared to the breadth of physical maladies and disformities people can have.

“When I hear a question like this, it makes me groan partly because I can count on three fingers, maybe, maybe less, the people who have ever called me, ugly, or handsome. In other words, I groan because I know I’m being asked to speak to a sorrow that I’ve never tasted.”

Piper responds further:

“Very few people escape the relevance of this question at some point, I think the deepest answer to the question why there is so much ugliness, and deformity and injury and disability and misery in the world is found in Romans 8:18-23.

I think that’s the most important passage in the Bible, for our friend to think about. Ugliness and disfigurement have their roots in the origin of human sin. Now, listen carefully, because this could be so easily misunderstood. Not in a person’s particular personal sin, but the origin of human sin in Adam and Eve which infected the whole human race. In his wisdom, God decreed that there would be physical manifestations of the horrors and outrage of sin against God. This does not mean that everyone’s disability or everyone’s disease or everyone’s disfigurement is because of their own sin.”

Arguing that people are unattractive so they can serve as avatars of the unattractiveness of sin is a hot take indeed, but Piper presses forward:

God brought the physical world, the bodily world into sync, into correspondence with the moral world. He made physical ugliness and misery correspond to moral ugliness and misery, even in some of the most godly people on the planet. Every bodily or material burden in the world should point us to the burden of sin. Every ugliness should point to the ugliness of sin and Satan. Satan is a real secondary cause under God. He is immediately responsible for many physical horrors….So all physical ugliness, and deformity and misery points to the moral ugliness and deformity of sin and Satan.”

One would be forgiven for concluding that Piper is basically saying the uglier you are, the worse the sin you are representing. For many, the notion that a child born with down syndrome is “physical manifestations of the horrors and outrage of sin against God’ is more than a little troubling.

Piper does not share how on account of sin, our standards of beauty and what is good and pleasing are compromised, but rather paints a theology where the world’s standards of beauty are assumed, rather than challenged. There’s about 10 other response that he might have said about this, and apparently, he’s gone with this one.

It’s for this reason that a man or woman with characteristics such as lazy eyes, hooked noses, buck teeth, and asymmetrical features aren’t viewed as part and parcel of God’s good design. Instead, he seems to be suggesting that all the 1-5/10 are meant to remind of us sin and the devil, with the more attractive 6-10’s/10 meant to remind of… his greatness and glory? He concludes:

Christ is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him, especially in our temporary ugliness.

NATURALLY, this has garnered a fair amount of pushback, with the following tweet summarizing most the bulk of the responses.


Abortions in Texas Fall by Half After Introducing Heartbeat Bill

A month after Texas enacted the most restrictive abortion ban in the country, which bans abortion after a heartbeat can be detected and makes it possible for anyone to sue any doctor who murders a baby in the womb, abortions are down 50%, according to a brief by the University of Texas, which studied the impact of Senate Bill 8 on the rates of abortion in the state over the last 30 days.

“The number of abortions in Texas fell by half following implementation of SB8. We obtained monthly data on the total number of abortions provided at 19 of Texas’ 24 abortion facilities, which provide approximately 93% of all abortions reported in state annual vital statistics data. We compared the percent change in the number of in-state abortions that occurred between July and September 2021, relative to the same months in 2020.

There was a 3.0% change (95% CI: -0.1, 7.0) in the number of abortions provided in Texas in July 2021
(n=4,564), compared to July 2020 (n=4,432). This was followed by a 28% increase (95% CI: 23%, 33%) in August
2021 (n=5,377) compared to August 2020 (n=4,198), which likely reflects facilities’ expanded hours to
accommodate more patients needing care in anticipation of SB8 going into effect.

Overall, 2,164 abortions were provided in September 2021 and 4,313 in September 2020, a 49.8% decrease
(95% CI: -52.4%, -47.2%).”

According to a NY Times,report “At Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center in Dallas, about half of patients who thought they were early enough to receive an abortion have been ineligible because fetal cardiac activity was heard.”

This has either forced them to either get an abortion out of state, or choose in the preferred course of action, which is abandoning the abortion altogether.  Dr. Allison Gilbert, a physician and the medical director at the clinic, says that as a result of the new law passing, abortions at her health center have declined nearly 80%.


Relevant Magazine Features Pro-choice ‘Unitarian Universalist’ On Why the ‘Bible is an Idol’

It’s no secret that Relevant Magazine is a heretical cove where progressives go to get their talking points and to find safe harbor from the judgment of Biblically faithful Christians who don’t hate Jesus.

Protest all they may, it’s a liberal rag slurped up by seeker-sensitive 20-somethings that populate megachurch corner offices, along with Emerging Church ex-pats wanting to relive the glory days. The magazine will claim they’re not “that progressive” and push back on claims that they are outside the bounds of the Christian faith or have descended into a vat of crippling heresy, while at the same time platforming and promoting the theological musings from Unitarian Universalist John Pavlovitz.

If Pavlovitz’s denial of Jesus as the author of scriptures and the second person of the Trinity wasn’t enough to know that this man is no believer, a quick perusal of his social media shows that he is pro-LGBT, pro-choice, and about as far away from Christian orthodoxy as one can imagine.

No longer a passive rebel to God’s law, he is an active participant and planner of theological terrorism, with each article he writes tossing in bits of unbiblical ball bearings to sustain the maximal amount of casualties with his sophistry bombs.

Like his new article, which is aptly titled Have We Made the Bible Into an Idol? where he argues that people have needlessly elevated the authority of the scripture and idolized its perspicuity, suggesting it is much more grey and muddy than people give it credit for. He openly suggests direct, divine inspiration apart from the bible by pointing out that we make a point of saying the Bible is ‘giving and active’ while refusing to give that same courtesy of God. The bible, he says, ought not to be elevated so.

“If we trust in a Jesus who is alive, and in a God who is fully present to individuals through His Holy Spirit, we will be fully expectant and confident that His voice and vocabulary are not confined to 66 books and 800,000 words. The Bible commands us not to add to the Scriptures, but that doesn’t mean that God can’t…As Christians, we should read, study, reflect on, respect, and where we feel personally convicted, obey the Bible, but we should never worship it.”

His ultimate point is that we mustn’t be so dogmatic, offering that instead of giving clear, uncontested assertions about what the scripture says, we ought rather to say, seemingly about any point of doctrine (including the Trinity clearly, as again, he’s a Universalist Unitarian) “The Bible appears to say that in this particular passage. I think I believe that interpretation, and now, let’s talk about it.”

It’s this sort of nonsense which demonstrates why this magazine is so irrelevant after all.


Facing Jail For Domestic Abuse, Dr. Dino Kent Hovind ‘Marries’ 4th Wife

Only a few months after Kent Hovind’s ex-girlfriend/ third common-law wife took an order of protection against the disgraced creationist, claiming that he physically abused her by ‘body-slamming her’ and has engaged in a pattern of psychological torture, resulting in him being sentenced to 30 days in jail for domestic violence, he has taken on yet another common-law ‘wife,’ bringing the tally up to four.

Hovind, also known as Dr. Dino, has a creation ministry of sorts that is run through his Alabama-based Dinosaur Adventure Land; a somewhat decrepit touristy destination where people can camp and explore the trails on ATVs and visit his creation exhibits. Routinely expressing and advocating for sovereign citizen conspiracies, he famously spent almost a decade in prison after being convicted of nearly 50 federal counts of tax fraud, at the time claiming that he didn’t owe anyone taxes (especially not Caesar) because everything he owned belonged to God.

This new ‘marriage’ continues a personal life that is in disarray and stained by sinful, selfish, and self-justifying choices.

He married his first wife Jo in 1973 and they stayed together until their divorce in March of 2016.

He then ‘married’ Mary Tocco in September 2016, though no sexual adultery had taken place in his former marriage, making him an adulterer. They did not get a marriage license and instead had a private religious ceremony. That ‘marriage’ lasted a little more than a year, and then they ‘divorced’ in 2017 after she discovered that he was behaving shady with the money again, and not on account of adultery.

He then got ‘married’ again in 2018 to Cindy Lincoln, becoming twice an adulterer in a private ceremony, and then he ‘divorced’ her and put her out in 2020, also without a legal marriage or divorce.

Now, he has ‘married’ yet again, this time to Sandra Sawyer, who explains:

If history is any indicator, she has a little under two years of being his ‘wife,’ before he ‘divorces’ her for number wife #5.

h/t Robert Baty


Kyle J. Howard: 48 Hours of Spicy Racism

Our favorite race-baiter Kyle J. Howard, a man who currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head on account of lying about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, has really devolved over these last few months. We’ve written about him at the following links, as well as others, which give a good sense of all the ways he’s perverting scripture and molesting the text.

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

For this reason, we figured a roundup of all the racist things he’s said over the last 48 hours would be fitting. He claimed that white people would rather ‘weaponize’ black folks against each other rather than love them, called a newly called black pastor a token ‘black enabler’ for being part of a mostly white church, talked about how scared he is to go to Cracker Barrel on account of how racist it is, and said that black folk shouldn’t trust white folk who are friends with ‘white supremacists’ – an interesting proposal considering he basically believes all white people are racists and white supremacists, including everyone who voted for Trump.



A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 14

The fourteenth album in our series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers. While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click to enlarge.

For previous albums Album #1Album #2, Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13

For our multi-volume series showing the progression of the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here.



Biden says Pope Francis Called him a ‘Good Catholic’ + ‘Keep Taking Communion’

Well. That answers that. Joe Biden met with Pope Francis in person during his visit to the Vatican today, with the President of the United States clear and content that the man who sits in the seat in Rome did not confront him about being one of the most pro-choice presidents to ever live.

After a photo op with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi a reporter asked Biden, “Did the issue of abortion come up at all?” Biden responded:

“No, it didn’t. – we just talked about the fact that he was happy I was a good Catholic and keep receiving Communion.”

The fully-throated endorsement is likely to infuriate conservative catholic organizations like Lifesite News and Church Militant, who have been criticizing the Pope for years over his inconsistency around the murder of millions of babies a year, and the fact that he is harder and more openly critical of capitalism and the destruction of the environment than the destruction of children via abortion.

In September, Biden previously said ‘ “I happen to be a practicing Catholic, and one of the things I like about my pope today is that he’s all about renewal and forgiveness, that’s what he’s about. And I’m looking forward to – I hope I get to see him in the not too distant future.”

Some American Roman Catholic Bishops will find themselves disappointed by this, as they hoped that their morally decrepit leader would at least try to function like a Roman Catholic, with Bishop Thomas Tobin noting:

In November, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is expected to draft a document on rules for who can and cannot take communion, and many are hoping that it will include something about not giving the bread and the wine to unrepentant pro-choice politicians.

Featured Heresies News

JD’s Confessions. Consequences, Come What May…

I don’t know what the consequences hold. I don’t care. Kids belong with their parents. Here’s some explanations as to where I’ve been, that is a long time coming.

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Truth Table’s Ekemini Uwan: ‘Black Christianity’ is an ‘Inheritance’ That ‘Stands as a Judgement against White Christianity’

Ekemini Uwan is a ‘public theologian’ that Christianity Today recently named as one of the top new or lesser-known female theologians worth knowing. She is also one-third of the podcasting trio ‘The Truth’s Table.’ a show that is “built by Black women and for Black women” where they share their perspectives on “politics, race, culture, entertainment, and gender which are filtered through an accessible yet robust Christian theological framework.”

Uwan shares the mic with co-hosts Christina Edmondson who a few months ago wrote an article about how White Christians as Racists who Commit Violence on Black People by Voting GOP and Michelle Higgins, the pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix who recently preached a sermon about how the Trinity is Queer.

Ekemini herself has not been as blatantly pro-choice as Higgins is, but she has stated her opposition to making abortion illegal, telling Jonathan Merrit ‘“I’m not pro-repealing Roe v. Wade,”… As law of the land, the landmark decision should stand…. “Let’s move forward. Let’s not go back and fight wars we’ve already lost.”

Speaking at the 2021 ‘Courageous Convo’ she devotes about three minutes explaining why ‘white christianity’ is evil and ‘black christianity’ is awesome and is God’s gift to the white folks, while also describing ‘black christianity as a judgment against ‘white christianity.

I mean, if I can be really real with y’all, I resent the fact that we have to have a conversation about white supremacy, in conversation with black christianity. And that ain’t on Jude 3, this is just the culture that we live in, right? This is the wages, the rotten fruit that has bore out in our society right over 400 years of racial oppression that we have undergone.

But I just, I hate that, you know? I just hate that we have to be in conversation about whiteness and white supremacy and blackness. You know, I think I do want to go on record and say that I don’t believe- and this might be controversial- but I just don’t believe that blackness and whiteness are the opposite.

And I think for me to accept that is to accept the thesis of white supremacy. I think blackness stands as a judgement against whiteness. And I think Black Christianity stands as a judgement against White Christianity, in that I see blackness as an inheritance, as a gift from God. And I see not only in it, resilience, but I just see a brilliance.

And that’s not to say that the black church is perfect. I know. We’ve got flaws, I’m there. So that means we got flaws, right? But I do think that there is just an ingenuity, and wisdom that we gain from our ancestors. We talk about our grandparent’s faith, we could talk about our ancestor’s faith before they came onto the boat, and then when they got on the boat, and what they brought with them as well.

And so I just think that there’s we have better stories to tell. I just believe that we have better stories to tell, I don’t believe that our fate will forever and always be tied to oppression, you know. And so I just, in some ways, I guess I’m just I’m off of that. I’m tired talking about white people, and white supremacy and whiteness.

We have a lot of good things to talk about, we really do. We have a lot to contribute, I think to the faith. Now, I’m not ignorant. I know, I know, I know, I know, we always have to be very cognizant and wise about the ways in discerning of the subtle ways that white supremacy creeps into our institutions, our black institutions, like the black church, what that looks like.