
Pastor Announces Vax Mandate, Boasts ‘Our Church Already Turns People Away’ Without Masks

In a video announcement message to his congregation on October 17th, Rev. Jim Head-Corliss of Kent United Methodist Church in Kent, Washington, issued an announcement to his church that as of October 31, they would insist on having proof of vaccination or a valid negative COVID test as a precondition for attending worship, and further boasts that they have already turned people away who were unwilling to provide one.

In the ironically named ‘All are Welcome’ Section, which is rife with, pro-LGBTQ imagery, they also include a spiel about inclusion, where seemingly everyone but the unvaccinated are worthy of full participation in the church.

Kent United Methodist Church joyfully embraces God’s acceptance and love of all people.  We affirm that all individuals are persons of sacred worth.  We welcome the full participation in our church of everyone, without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, education, marital circumstances, physical and mental abilities, economic status, theological perspective, political affiliation, and any other means people use to categorize or discriminate. We are committed to discovering how we can most faithfully include, learn from and grow with all people in our community.

Our purpose as a church family is to ensure that all feel welcome by providing an open, inclusive and non-judgmental place to worship.

Unlike other churches like Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church, or certain campuses of JD Greear’s Summit Church which segregate by vaccination status but at least let you attend unmasked if you’ve gotten the jab for the novel coronavirus, this ‘church’ does not, and even the vaccinated must wear masks and are prohibited from singing during worship. (which given they are likely all lost, is probably a good thing, as they are just bringing more judgment upon themselves with their false worship)

The Rev Jim Explains:

Good morning, church, and happy Sunday. When we reopened in July, we and all United Methodist churches throughout the Pacific Northwest, we all agreed to follow the guidelines provided by local, state, and national authorities concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. We also promised not to avail ourselves of any exceptions in those guidelines that are allowed for religious organizations. We also agreed to take the most cautious path forward.

Well, this week on Tuesday, the administrative council leaders of our church followed the recommendation from our own “Reimagined Church” task force to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours or a medical exemption to attend in-person worship or events within our building.

Now, this requirement applies only to those who are eligible to be vaccinated and begins Sunday, October 31st. This requirement follows the King County Health Department’s new mandate which, remember, church, we agreed months ago to follow. The goals of this decision are simple: keep the church spaces and events as safe as possible for all people and to encourage all eligible people to get vaccinated.

Church, healthcare professionals and experts stand in strong support of vaccination mandates as one part of a multi-layered approach to preventing COVID-19 infection. Research is showing the vaccine mandates are the driving force behind the current decreases in COVID cases and COVID deaths. Those in the medical field also tell us that these mandates are vitally important in protecting healthcare capacity for our community, as well.

… Here’s what you can do to get ready. If you are unvaccinated, please, please, get vaccinated now. If you are vaccinated, find your vaccination card and bring it with you to church. The big goal: let’s get everyone vaccinated, everyone protected. In order to keep people safe and protected, our church already turns people away. If you arrive with COVID-19 symptoms or if you are not willing to wear a mask, you cannot participate in our in-person activities.

… Church, there’s no need for division around these policies. As Americans, as followers of Jesus, please, let’s unite for the well-being and the safety of everyone. If we ever want to see life together get back to some version of normal where everyone feels safe to participate again, we’ve just got to do everything we can together to beat this pandemic. I love you, church

h/t to @WokepreacherTV for the clip, who got it from Jonathan Shuttlesworth


Charismatic General Sends 100,000,000 Angels to Unleash ‘Terror’ on White House

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or that Miscarried Babies are Reincarnated For the Next Pregnancy, she’s acting as a general in God’s army, claiming that she’s unleashing 100,000,000 angels to unleash ‘Terrors’ on White House.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 50 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Kerr, who has previously sent 1 million angels to “stop” critical race theory, and even has her own 150ft tall angel that follows her around wherever she goes and will literally murder anyone who messes with her, explains:

I take power over all the power of the enemy that is involved in activites in the White House or
D.C., in ways that they’re… cheating, stealing, and lying. They’re defiling the people by allowing evil
to come in.

I command my hosts of heaven, 100 million, to go there now and 24 hours-a-day, for the next 10
days, or 30 days, you will release the terror of God upon those places
, upon the people doing those
things, that they will come to repentance, or great fear will fall upon them and they will just sometimes
stop what they’re doing, or feel like they have to report it. Go host, make toast!

And in that second, they will immediately go and begin to leave waves. There is waves of the terror of
God. I mean, God has- there’s a terror. There’s a terror of God coming
. Not for us, it’s not for the
body, it’s for the wicked. And He is going to do it.

But we can send the Army of Heaven who actually can bring that and release that, they will do it.

She is not the most angels she has ever sent on mission. Previously, she described how she sent 5 billion angels to work on a daily basis- sending them off to scour the earth to find and expose wickedness, to the point that her exploits will soon be covered on TV and shown in magazines.

As crazy as that sounds, her streams are routinely watched by hundreds of thousands of people, and the combox has thousands of replies agreeing with her and giving her a hearty amen.

h/t to the hive of scum and villainy known as “the Friendly Atheist’


Carl Lentz’ Wife Laura Details PTSD Over Fallout from Husband Carl Lentz’ Adultery

Laura Lentz, wife of disgraced former pastor Carl Lentz, has opened up on Instagram about the hardships she endured over the last year, after it was revealed that her husband Lentz engaged in several extra-marital affairs, putting the couple and their marital struggles directly in the international public spotlight.

Though it was initially believed that her husband’s only sexcual infidelity was with designer Ranin Karim, the couple’s former nanny and now a pastor at Hillsong Boston, Leona Kimes, also alleges that Lentz sexually assaulted her for over 7 years. She claims that when she finally spoke up, she told Laura, who bullied her and terminated her for her troubles, explaining:

When his wife sat me down, she told me that I should repent and dismissed me from all of my duties in the house. I’d been fired from their family, but not from their staff. I felt like it was my fault, leaving me full of shame. I wasn’t given another role, and thought we could resolve it, though I wasn’t sure how. I just knew we were all going to keep quiet.

As far as public statements, Lentz and her husband have been very silent over the last year, with Carl being off social media altogether. In her first real comment about it, Laura revealed that the last year gave her PTSD-like experiences.

“this past year was a doozy for our family. i have dealt with so much personally, i have never experienced anxiety or PTSD until this year! i have struggled with a mild depression for many years, but this year it got to be so bad that there were days i didn’t want to get out of bed... although i wouldn’t wish my journey on my worst enemy (i apparently have a few), i would not change my story!!..don’t get me wrong it’s not easy, everyday i feel the trauma, the thoughts and memories. and geez am i grateful for my therapists! We all have scars from many of life’s experiences, and i am choosing to see mine as “BEAUTIFUL”..”

Furthermore, in a separate post, she shared that she starting is a new career as an interior designer, far away from the pastorate.

This is good news, as not only is she thoroughly unqualified, but as one of the primary leaders of Hillsong NYC during its heyday, she oversaw the years of spoils, excesses, and scandals, benefitting from all the bad behavior that was going on at the church and being fully complicit in it.

Two documentary tv series based on the fall of Hillsong and Carl Lentz are currently in the works.


Political Idolatry? John Hagee’s Church Breaks out in ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chant

Editor’s Note. An earlier version of this article described the event as happening during their Sunday service. In reality, it happened during Clay Clarke’s Reawaken America Tour, which Hagee’s Cornerstone Church hosted from the 11th to the 13th.

Furthermore, the church itself has released a new update, writing “This past week, Cornerstone Church facilities were used by an outside organization. Cornerstone Church is not associated with this organization and does not endorse their views.” 

We are leaving the unedited article up for the sake of transparency, with the erroneous words striken through.

Proving that Greg Locke is not unique in his ability to conjure up a ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant in the middle of service, he was joined yesterday by famed false teacher and heretic John Hagee, whose own congregation likewise broken out in the infamous rallying cry during their November 7th service.

During the service, the speaker on stage was firing up the crowd and actively encouraging them to chant it, with the majority of the congregants joining in as he let them through the chant fit for a sports arena.

While some may share the sentiment, the pulpit is decidedly not the place for this. It is to be reserved for preaching and teaching, not for shouting out stand covert language for coarse expressions.

ht/ Reformation Charlotte


Pastor Gives ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Prayer for Veteran’s Day

In what is fast becoming a nasty little trend, Pastor Steve Simons of Creation Springs Church in Eldersburg, MD offered upon a public, corporate prayer during his Sunday Morning service on November 7, 2021.

During the prayer, Simons prayed for politicians like President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harries, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and AOC, and then finished off with a flourish: invoking the kinder, less controversial stand-in for the expression ‘F*** Joe Biden’ as the exclamation to his prayer.

“May the day be the day that you come to Jesus, and you fall on your knees and you ask for forgiveness. You submit yourself to the king of kings and Lord of Lords. He is your king. He is your Lord. He is your savior. He is your God, and we pray that you would see that you would recognize, that you would embrace it, you would walk into his presence and you would humble yourself to him to see his truth, his way, his life reaching out in front of you. That you would come under the good shepherd and you would do what he asked you to do. That you would give up your lives and your wealth and your position and your power for the goodness of the people of these great United States of America. God we pray.

Let them be convicted. Let them walk back from their evil plans and their tyranny. Let them walk back from their corruption/ Let them walk back from their evil ways to be set free and to make America great again.

…convert them, revive them, wake them up, turn them around, kick them in the butt and set them on the right direction. That they may know you. That they may see you. That they may embrace your way, and that in so doing they can bring peace, justice, equality, respect, dignity and prosperity to every human life. Not just in America, but around the world. God we pray this in Jesus’ name.

And for those who would oppose us, we say ‘Let’s go Brandon.’


Pastor Greg Locke Asking FBI to Subpoena Him over Jan 6 Insurrection so he can ‘Rebuke the P-‘

During his recent church service “Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN put out an open invitation to the FBI to come and collect him and question him for his role in the ‘January 6 insurrection’ on account of him being at the rally (yet consistently denying that he ever went into the capitol building) so that he can rebuke the demons and pedophiles that work in government.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and put up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”

He shared:

I got a message today. It said, ‘Hey pastor, they just sent out their second round of investigation subpoenas for Nancy Pelosi’s… whatever, ‘watch terror hitlist’ that I’m on… and somebody said, ‘are you okay? Did you get your subpoena yet?’

I said ‘Nope… But I hope I do.’ You hear me? I hope I do!

I can’t wait to sit up in the halls of justice, stand up to my feet, and, in the name of Jesus, rebuke that Jezebel demon baby-killing pedophile in the name of Jesus Christ on national TV. Don’t you think I won’t do it! Yes I will! I rebuke ’em all in the name of Jesus! Ain’t a bit scared. So FBI, I hope I get my subpoena soon. I been waiting.

The reference to the pedophiles is because Locke holds to a particularly nasty Qanon theory, telling congregants if they deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, they’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.


The Gospel Coalition Contributor Says If You Don’t Believe in Social Justice, You’re a Heretic

(Reformation Charlotte) Justin Giboney, a co-founder of the social Marxist organization known as the AND Campaign and a prominent The Gospel Coalition (TGC) contributor, says that a rejection of redemptive social justice is a rejection of orthodoxy. To phrase this in simpler terms, Giboney is essentially saying that unless you’re on board with the Marxist oppressor/oppressed ideology and its tenets of class warfare, you’re a heretic.

Yep, he said that–out loud.

He goes on to suggest that…

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.


The Business of Bethel: Church Charges $20/month to Access Sermons, Testimonies and Worship

Bethel TV has a lot on the go, and we’ve certainly written about it. We offered An Inside Peek into Bethel’s Demonic ‘Fountain of Youth Fire Tunnels’, expressed our disbelief after Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’, frowned upon the terrible theology after Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’, and then expressed our dismay that they are working towards a $100 million dollar Apostolic Training Center. In the latter, that money has to come from somewhere, and one avenue of mammon-making is access to their Premium Church Service offerings: Bethel TV

Bethel TV has the same function as Xfinity, Spectrum, Direct TV or Dish, whereas they do provide a free basic service, namely their church weekly services for that week. Anything else the church does, people need to pay for it. And not just outside consumers, but members of the church as well.

Whereas the free plan only offers:

  • Live access to Sunday services 
  • The previous week Sunday Service
  • Live access to Midweek service (When streamed)

The paid plans have more to offer, including:

  • Live Monthly Friday Night Services (When streamed)
  • Over a decade of Sermon Archives Library
  • Over a decade of Worship Archives Library
  • Library of Testimonies
  • Library of Interviews
  • Noteworthy 
  • Library of select BSSM classes

Pay an extra $10 and you get:

  • Everything included in Free and Basic
  • Some live and on demand main Bethel conferences
  • Over a decade of Bethel Conference & Events Library 
  • Library of classes 
  • Bethel TV Originals 
  • Group Enrollment option for Premium Monthly Subscribers – Once you sign up for the premium monthly account you can add users under your account settings for $10 a month

If you pay for the plan yearly, and something comes up and you need to cancel, then like a cell phone company “you will have access to your account until your next bill date” but sadly, the Christian Church does not “prorate or refund canceled annual subscriptions.”

For their part, Bethel explains why they charge money, noting in a FAQ:

“In the church bookstore, people might decide to pay for ten years worth of DVD sets, books, CDs, and other resources. Premium plans are charging for “on-demand access” to the archive, which is comparable to purchasing DVDs. Premium plans also include videos that have a cost associated with the offline-version the same content.

For example, conference tickets cost money offline, so the online version is contained within a premium subscription…The subscription costs cover the operating costs of Bethel TV or go directly to support the mission of Bethel Church to spread the message of the Kingdom and equip revivalists around the world.”

This is strange reasoning when we consider that this applies to congregants too, of which Bethel has nearly 12,000. If one is a long-time church member who has faithfully given thousands of dollars of years to this church, and he wants to access a back catalog of sermons to hear one from a few months ago or to access a particularly poignant and powerful testimony from earlier in the week, he needs to cough up a coin. This is despite the fact that he has already supported these things with his tithes and offerings, making them possible in the first place with his faithful support. And more importantly, because this is supposedly a church.

That’s because Bethel is a business, with their annual report showing how much this is true. Theor merchandise store is massive, and has everything ‘Bethel branded’ you can imagine, from books, fleece hoodies, drinkware, posters. At bethel, the sermon is free, but if they can add the extras and upsell you a bit, as you head down to the cash-register altar, then why wouldn’t they?

Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff News

Was Franklin Graham’s Heart Injury Related to the Jab?

Franklin Graham, evangelist and president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, underwent heart surgery for complications resulting from pericarditis on Tuesday.

Graham’s surgery involved the removal of his pericardium, the protective sac surrounding the heart and the large blood vessels connected to it. According to a press release from Samaritan’s Purse, Graham had developed constrictive pericarditis – a swelling and hardening of the pericardium that was compressing his heart:

Franklin Graham successfully underwent a specialized heart surgery today at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. In recent months, Franklin had developed constrictive pericarditis, inflammation, and hardening of the sac around the heart that compresses the heart and prevents it from working properly. The surgery involved removing the pericardium.

His doctors expect a full recovery and assured him that he should be able to return to his normal activity and ministry schedule. Mr. Graham said that he is looking forward to multiple opportunities across the globe in 2022 to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invite people to put their faith in Him. He is also eager to resume riding his motorcycle by springtime. He and his family appreciate everyone’s prayers.

Pericarditis and myocarditis are well-known side effects of mRNA “vaccines,” with nearly 15,000 post-vaccine adverse events reported in the United States alone.

Graham notably promoted the righteousness of the COVID-19 vaccine for Christians, going so far as to say in an interview with ABC News that Jesus Himself would have promoted the jab, stating, “I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them.”

To Graham’s credit, he has voiced opposition to vaccine mandates, preferring instead to encourage believers to willingly submit to the experimental injections.

The Christian Post reported Graham’s surgery on Tuesday yet conspicuously left out any mention of his promotion of the vaccine, or that the previously rare condition of pericarditis has suddenly become a much more common diagnosis. Doctors around the world (most alarmingly in countries with near-universal vaccination) are reporting influxes of patients who have developed sudden cardiac and respiratory complications post-vaccine – many weeks or months after the patient was “fully vaccinated.”

We certainly lift up Franklin Graham and his family in prayer and wish him a speedy and full recovery.


Russell Moore Begins New Podcast Series Where he Lets his Critics Confront Him, But Only Not Really

Russell Moore, the Southern Baptist Conventions’ most famous tick that attached itself vigorously to its underbelly, sucked out its blood and then gave it a nasty case of Theological Lyme Disease for their trouble, has announced that he’s starting a new podcast series as part of his Russell Moore Show.

Moore reveals that he’s inviting guests that disagree with him on issues big or small, so that he may learn from them, restricting his ability to argue or debate, but only asks questions.

First up is Shane Clairborne, the progressive pacifist to talk about war and capital punishment, with others to follow. His friend Tish Harrison Warren is apparently next up on the list.

While this is certainly an interesting concept, don’t for a second think that Moore will have on anyone that will genuinely challenge him on half the garbage he’s pulled over the years, or some of his baser perspectives and actions. The beauty of this is that he doesn’t even have to defend his view, but can simply let others share theirs.

For this reason, this will be a long line of friendlies that he exchanges pleasantries within a safe environment, and not the brave venture into the lion’s den this is being heralded as.