Update! Famed Christian Book Publisher Promotes Pride Month, Pro-LGBTQ Books

Update #1. In response to the overwhelming ratio of their post, Eerdmans has deleted the tweet, but we have a copy of it below.
Eerdmans Publishing Company is a long-time publisher of Christian books. Established in 1911, they’re an independent publisher of religious books, from academic books and scholarly works in theology, biblical studies, and religious history to popular titles in spirituality, ministry, and cultural criticism. Some of the more well-known recent books they’ve published are In Quest of the Historical Adam By William Lane Craig, a commentary on Galatians by N. T Wright, The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson, Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd-jones, and many, many Bible commentaries.
It’s enough to make you think they have their head on their shoulders and are not deeply compromised, but nothing could be further from the truth. This publisher openly promotes Pride month in a company blog, along with some accompanying book recommendations to read during this sacred and hallowed season, all of which are LGBTQ-affirming.

One book worth noting is In the Margins by Shannon Kearns. Despite presenting as male and desiring male pronouns, she is a ‘transgender man’ (ie, a woman) who was the first transman to be ordained in The North American Old Catholic Church (NAOCC)
As a side note for fellow wonks, this denomination is an independent Catholic splinter group that welcomes and ordains women; LGBTQ folk, and queer people.
Splitting from the Roman Catholic church in the 18th century, this group is so liberal that the only recognized group in America that is in communion with the Union of Utrecht is the thoroughly reprobate Episcopal Church. Given its nicheness, there are the NAOCC only has 22 churches in North America and only about 65,000 members worldwide, the vast majority in Germany Austra, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Poland.
In the summary produced by Eermands, they say that Shannon “moves the conversation beyond transgender inclusion to demonstrate the unique and vital theological insights transgender Christians can provide the church” while rehashing debunked progressive tropes in order to demonstrate all the ways the bible promotes transgenderism and other sexual minorities. This is done while weaving in personal stories and anecdotes to demonstrate the “gender-transgressing aspects of theology and Scripture.

The rest of the promoted Pride books are no better. When you do away with all the lofty words, suspect exegesis and emotional pleas contained therein, they all ultimately come down to some variation of “Jesus thinks having butt sex with another man is beautiful and affirms me in it.”
That Eerdman’s would actively promote and seek out these books to publish demonstrate that they should no longer be considered a Christian Publisher, but rather a ravenous promoter of wolves.
Accepting, encouraging, and celebrating abominable sins. Pridefully thumbing their noses at God almighty.