
Ted Haggard Now Denies Any Wrongdoing in 2006 Scandal that Killed his NAE Presidency, Reputation

Months after being accused of sexual misconduct by a former staff member, Ted Haggard preached a sermon engaging in a bit of revisionist history, denying any wrongdoing in the original 2006 scandal that saw him fall from grace as one of the leading figures in evangelicalism, to leading a life in disgraced obscurity.

Pastor Ted Haggard, 66, used to have it all. He was the pastor of the 14,000-member megachurch New Life Church in Colorado Springs, a best-selling author of over a dozen books, and the president of the National Association of Evangelicals. Then in 2006, a male prostitute named Mike Jones came forward alleging that Haggard had been paying him for gay sex and crystal meth for years.

While Haggard initially denied it, after voicemails emerged, he admitted that he did buy methamphetamine from Jones but says he never used it. He continued to deny the claims of gay sex, but then his church overseer board announced, “Our investigation and Pastor Haggard’s public statements have proven without a doubt that he has committed sexually immoral conduct.” At this point, Haggard finally relented and confessed that Jones had masturbated him but still denied they had ‘intercourse’.

Shortly after, another young man from his church came forward, claiming Haggard had masturbated in front of him. Haggard admitted to this, and the church paid the young man nearly $200,000 in counseling and tuition. This was enough, and Haggard was kicked out of the church.

After his expulsion, he did what most disgraced pastors do: start a new church and get back into ministry. He started St. James church in 2010 and has been teaching and pastoring there in obscurity and working as a Lyft driver until the new allegations emerged. When most of his flock left him in light of the allegations, he closed up that church and started an even smaller church attended by a few dozen people.

Whereas he used to use what happened to him as an illustration of the grace of God and how He uses broken people, Haggard is no longer taking that tact, now apparently denying all the sins he previously publicly admitted to.

In a July 31 sermon entitled “Ted Haggard Responds to News Article Accusing Him” he explains:

Every time one of these accusers have come up, they’ve investigated these things and found them not to have merit.

…Our current media will use anything they can to try to redeem themselves by selling a newspaper or getting one more person to watch ’em. And because of that, they want to stick to their own narrative no matter what.

In 2006 I had a guy accuse me. And he’d never been to church, he didn’t know the difference between a church and a parachurch ministry like Focus on the Family or Newlife church. He didn’t know anything anything about how this works, and he made all kinds of accusations.

...My accuser took one lie detector test and failed it. I passed all four of my lie detector test and nobody in the press, or very few people in the press ever reported that. Nobody ever cared about it because they wanted a narrative that we preachers are bad guys. And that’s what that guy that didn’t know me was saying, all right? And he had a narrative, and so that became my public reputation.”


Dave Ramsey Under Fire For Allowing Some Sex Outside of Marriage+ ‘World Class B****’ Insult

We have a moral code of conduct at our office. I fire people if they have extramarital affairs. The hilarious thing is I put that on Twitter and people go, “Won’t you get sued for that?” Uh, no, you’re allowed to discriminate against infidelity. I’ve got a right to tell my employees whatever I want to tell them. They freaking work for me. This is an employment-at-will state, which means if I decide I don’t like people with green eyes, I don’t have to hire you. I don’t have to keep you anymore. Dave Ramsey

In the fall of 2018, it was discovered by financial guru Dave Ramey that one of his employees, bestselling author, and radio host Chris Hogan, had cheated on his (now-ex) wife Melissa with a former employee. According to the company’s values and long-held practice, infidelity always results in termination, and so this should have been a swift sacking. Yet Hogan was a star and a major draw, with a tour planned for his book ‘Everyday Millionaire’ just months away.

Rather than treat him like the rest of the employees, where Ramsey previously said in his book EntreLeadership, “I won’t let a team member stay if they decide to have an affair. If their spouse can’t trust them, neither can I” and having a long-term policy of terminating associates who break that moral code, Hogan received special treatment and was allowed to go on tour, with the company unwilling to sacrifice their cash cow, justifying their decision because the affair happened years ago.

After the tour, Hogan took a 30-day sabbatical, with Ramsey informing staff that there was nothing “earth-shattering or evil” about the decision to take time off, but that he simply needed some time off.

In May 2021, Ramsey Solutions was sued by former employee Caitlin O’Connor. She was fired by Dave for that very same thing; breaking the company moral code by having pre-marital sex, and decided to go to court on the grounds that she was unjustly terminated. Looking at the optics of having a well-known policy of firing their staff who fornicate, while making an exception for Hogan, they let him go shortly after.

As part of discovery for this lawsuit, several emails and a deposition were released, including this admission by Ramsey, who was nervous about the Hogan situation being discovered.

I am afraid we are being played after we were warned that he (Chris Hogan) is a world-class liar and manipulator…. We owe God to steward a huge situation with wisdom and thoroughness. If it breaks that he has done some huge things and it looks like we did not dig for truth, and checked boxes, we will not only have lost (Hogan), but will also have a legitimate PR problem of scale, because we covered up a horrible act to line our own pocketbooks.”

During the deposition, O’Connor’s lawyers spend most of the time hammering away at the fact that Ramsey Solutions had a policy to prohibit pre-marital sex but made exceptions for years for Hogan, who is revealed to have engaged in multiple instances of adultery and sexual behavior. This includes in 2018, where Hogan was discovered to have received oral sex from another woman. But because this was not ‘intercourse’ he likewise was not terminated.

Under oath, Ramsey reiterates numerous times that the policy of firing those who violate the moral clause was a matter of principle and something the company was proud of, defining the culture.

If we hold — when we hold ourselves out as Christians to the community, if an employee is doing something that is contrary to standard Christian beliefs, normative Christian beliefs, then the people that we deal with in the Christian community would feel that we are hypocrites, and it would damage our brand….


A large portion of our customer base — in the early days the largest portion of our customer base — are Bible-believing Christians.· And they expect –they — they hold us up to that standard.· And if someone inside of our organization is damaging that brand, it’s a business decision to not retain them…our condoning people having sex outside of marriage can damage our brand.

But condone they did. For years. They only terminated Hogan when the heat and scrutiny go too much. In the deposition, Ramsey acknowledges that Melissa did come to him claiming that her husband had cheated on her again, but he didn’t believe her in light of Chris’ denials and because of the way she acted when she did so. Ramsey described Melissa as:

“Erratic. Completely out of control. Inconsistent. Changing her story. (She) was not a credible source to make a decision on someone’s life with.” (She) lost her credibility because of her behaviors. And so we couldn’t tell any — if anything was saying was true. So she said a lot of things about a lot of people, including me, that weren’t true.”

Later he calls her this nasty little invective:

Melissa disputes the claims that she was acting angry or erratically. She admits she was upset, particularly after being doubted and gaslit after she gave them documentation of her husband’s wrongdoing, only to be accused by the board of making up false claims about Chris and trying to cause trouble. This experience, she would later note, would feel like she was being emotionally raped. Later, Ramsey would disparage her by announcing to the entire staff that she and her husband were going through a “nasty divorce” and that there “there are no angels in this story,” suggesting equally bad behavior.

Clearly, not all is well, honorable ,or upright at Ramsey Solutions.


Christian Teacher Jailed in Ireland After Refusing to Address Transgender Student With Preferred Pronouns. Are We Next?

(The Dissenter) If you think the militant LGBTQ mafia isn’t powerful, you’re wrong. Those given over to the lusts of their hearts are given over to and controlled by forces of darkness. And they are powerful. They will crush anyone who dissents from their propaganda and ideological movement. And those who have the most to lose are those in notable positions such as business leaders, celebrities, and professional sports players.

And teachers.

Making headlines this week is a story of an Evangelical Christian in Ireland who was jailed after refusing to use the preferred “gender-neutral” pronouns of a transgender person in his class where he worked as a teacher at Wilson’s Hospital School in Westmeath. Enoch Burke, who wouldn’t use continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Dissenter.


Copeland! Hinn! Dollar! Jakes! Former LifeWay CEO Opens New Bookstore Peddling Heresy and Blasphemy

Former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer has started a new bookstore, selling the same blasphemous trash and prosperity-gospel heresy his old organization did before running it into the ground.

Originally designed as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board and commissioned to create Sunday School material, LifeWay Christian Resources, led by Rainer, became the nation’s most prominent peddler of outright heresy, including Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, Word-Faith Theology, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, New Age mysticism, and Anti-Trinitarianism. LifeWay’s doctrinal standards amount to profit motivation.

Before 2014, however, few focused on the heresy being sold at LifeWay Christian Resources until a tweet from Ed Stetzer set off a firestorm on social media and set our eyes on the prize. We took it and ran with it, calling ourselves the #15movement on account of Ed Stetzer blaming the uproar on “the same 15 Calvinists who are mad about everything.” Thousands of Christians began a grass-roots movement to boycott LifeWay, chiefly because of the theological heresies by their stores. We did undercover investigations and used recording devices to determine that LifeWay would special-order nearly anything for customers, including everything from TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and gay propaganda. Basically, they were stocking every sort of soft-covered spiritual strychnine they could put on their shelves in any space not currently occupied by a Beth Moore bible study.

During that time, Alex Malarkey joined #the15 movement. He was incensed that LifeWay continued selling the best-selling ‘heavenly tourism’ book falsely ascribed to him, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven. Malarkey wrote his Open Letter to LifeWay and Other Retailers, raking them over the coals for selling such wretched doctrine and for refusing to pull the book when he and his mother asked.

The blog article at Pulpit & Pen soon became the #1 news story in the world on January 17 and 18 of 2014. This website was featured on The Today Show and as far away as the UK Daily Mail and the South China Morning Post. LifeWay’s shame was covered in the New York Times, the LA Times, and the Chicago Tribune. In response, LifeWay spokesmen claimed they had no idea the book was false. Then, we released private emails with Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer in which Justin Peters told them that the book was false and asked to pull it many months earlier. They refused to do so and attacked their critics instead. Simply put, LifeWay, under the leadership of Thom Rainer, was caught in a lie.

Rainer never responded to Malarkey’s letter or gave him an apology for using this story against his permission and in the full knowledge that it was contrived. LifeWay was run into the ground half a decade later, losing tens of millions of dollars, closing all their brick-and-mortar stores, selling vast chunks of property, and engaging in mass layoffs.

Thom Rainer left LifeWay in 2018 but remains heavily involved in SBC life. He oversees his ‘Church Answers’ Ministry and partners with the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) while co-hosting the Revitalize and Replant podcast with NAMB CEO Kevin Ezell.

Recently, his ministry announced that they opened up a new bookstore, partnering with Christianbooks. His son Art Rainer, executive director of retail of Church Answers, and Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers are intimately involved with the new venture, as the Press release explains:

Church Answers has taken a major step forward to provide resources for local churches and Christians, including homeschool parents and leaders. Thom S. Rainer, founder and CEO of Church Answers, expressed his enthusiasm for this new venture: “We are always looking for ways to serve local churches and Christians better. This full-service Christian store is a natural and exciting step toward that purpose. For now, we will begin with a digital store, but we are open to other possibilities.”

Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers, noted some exciting aspects of the new store: “The new Church Answers store includes special curation to address the needs of local churches. We also have many specialty areas such as homeschool resources. Even more, we have committed to give a percentage of our profits to missions. Our initial gifts will go to train pastors in East Africa.”

What’s he selling that’s specially curated? Basically all the heretical books that LifeWay had to drop which resulted in sales tanking.

These include books by Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, open and unrepentant homosexual Jonathan Merritt, Joyce Meyer, Arch-heretic Benny Hinn, prosperity-gospel preachers Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar. There’s the emergent heretics Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and Tony Rollins and then the usual suspects of liberals and pagans like Justin Lee, Jim and Jay Bakker, Richard Rohr, Marcus J. Borg, Tony Campolo, Joseph Prince, John Dominic Crossan, Rachel Held Evans, Sid Roth, Eddie Long, Donald Miller, Norman Vincent Peale, Pope John Paul II, Pope Francis, John Shelby Spong, and William P Young. All caried by this bookstore.

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Thom Rainer’s new bookstore features the worst of the worst. They are not serving the church, but rather their own bank accounts and their spiritually bankrupt hearts.


Exposing Revoice: Scott Sauls, The Tim Keller of Nashville

(Evangelical Dark Web) Last week, Woke Preacher Clips posted a video of PCA pastor Scott Sauls asking Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships. On a podcast with Jeff Norris, a pastor at Perimeter Church, Scott Sauls said the following.

Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.

In broader context surrounding the quote, Scott Sauls was pointing out a call to not be hypocrites. Perhaps this is a mitigating factor, but in general he did just ask that we compare our marriages to inherently degenerate relationships rather that asking us to compare and adhere to the standard of God. The broader context of the segment is worse. Sauls recommends anyone answering questions on sexuality read Preston Sprinkle and Sam Allberry, two proponents of side b theology.

Additionally, there is a posture that the church has been too mean to gays, rather than bending over backwards not to offend homosexuals and family members of homosexuals. Woke Preacher Clips was frustrated with the posture that seems all too common in the church.

Yet again the broader context of Scott Sauls is worse, not just his Big Eva background but his history on this specific issue. Scott Sauls is the Tim Keller of Nashville, an observation I made before finding out… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web


J.D. Greear (Mostly) Renounces His View of Using Personal Pronouns

Christians disagree—hopefully charitably—about pronoun usage. Some think that as a personal courtesy, you should refer to a transgender person by their preferred pronoun. Others think that it is wrong to inject further confusion into a person’s situation by referring to them with a pronoun that is not aligned with their biological sex. In other words, there is a spectrum of generosity of spirit vs. telling truth. I tend toward generosity of spirit.JD Greear. 2019.

In a recent podcast, former SBC president J.D Greear has rejiggered some controversial public statements he’s made in the past, walking back earlier assertions affirming that Christian should use personal pronouns and mostly taking a much bolder stance.

Previously, Greear argue for a ‘generosity of spirit‘ when it came to the topic, quoting favorably Preston Sprinkles acceptance and urging of ‘pronoun hospitality’ in light of how the bible appears to use accommodating language. Now, things are much different.

I want to clarify some things that I said, some things that have been passed around since that podcast, partly because the conversation in our culture, has shifted, it’s evolved. I mean this is a rapidly changing thing….So my own thinking on this has crystallized and I would say, in some ways matured or, you know, evolved...

There are several dynamics at play. I think when we think about a question like this, ‘should we use somebody else’s pronouns when they they ask’ one of those is truth. Our job as witnesses to stand uncompromisingly in the truth, to rebuke our society, to stand against untruth and darkness. The other thing are the relational aspects of just knowing somebody, walking with them, maintaining a relationship with them. And we’re not just called to defend truth, we’re called to win people.

So you know, if somebody has transitioned, if Tommy, you know, now wants to go by Tara and wants to be called she/ her instead of he/him, should you consent to that go along with it? Let me actually use a phrase I first heard from Andrew Walker, because I really liked this framing. The answer to that question begins and ends with ‘no’. And the reason I say that is because I think as believers, we have to be crystal clear on the truth. So the answer begins and ends with ‘no’, that we should not use someone’s preferred pronouns when we know that Tommy is a male, because that’s how God created him.

He continues:

“I mean 1 Corinthians 6:9 makes that clear that people who embrace gender confusion and celebrate it and go along with that, I mean it says they will not inherit the kingdom of God. And I don’t know how that could get any clearer. Romans 1, Paul tells us that pursuing this kind of lifestyle not only brings the wrath of God, it’s evidence of the wrath of God. God gave people up over to this kind of stuff to not recognize and submit to the gender that God wrote into your cell structure at birth. Paul says in Romans 1 that is a rebellion against the creator of the highest order. I know there’s a lot of brokenness. I know there’s a lot of you know, dysphoria. I understand that for some people, there’s, there’s a lot of complexity and mess. But I think we have to be honest about what the Bible says about it. And we got to be clear.

In the previous ask me anything, I was hypothesizing about a situation where I’m sitting in my office …and I’m with a dad and his transgender child as they come to me for clarity on what the Bible teaches. So I make clear to them what the Bible teaches. But if in the course of conversation, in order to keep that conversation moving along, I use the child’s self referential pronouns, I talk with and about them, just to keep them in the conversation, I don’t think if someone chose to do that, that that would represent a capitulation or a compromise of truth, if on the front end and back end that’d been made clear.

But that should never be done in a way that implies acceptance or affirmation, not even for a second. The easiest thing honestly in this, because, you know, I don’t want to even normalize the way they’re thinking of themselves, the easiest way is just to use their name, even if it’s awkward.

Greear explains that every time it comes time to use pronoun, he’d just avoid it and use ‘her’ name ‘Tara’ instead, noting that “that’s a little wooden and awkward…but that awkwardness is really on them because they created the situation.”

I can show respect for them, while not affirming something that I know to be false. Again…what we’re trying to do is, we’re trying to balance two things. One, clearly testify to the truth. And then number two, doing our best to keep the person in relationship in order to keep things moving, to be able to really engage this issue at the heart level, where it has to be engaged .

…So let me add a third to that….the third one is to fight the battle at the right location. This being clear and truthful about gender, that’s a battle we have to fight, no matter how unpopular it is in our day. But that doesn’t mean that I fire shots or draw battle lines in every other sentence. You know, when I’m trying to get the conversation focused on what we need to get focused on.

Lastly, Greear is asked what should someone do if put in a situation where he is asked to present or give his pronouns, such as for work:

“For me to clarify what my pronouns are, I’m normalizing the question. And we believe that that’s not even a valid question. And so when I point out my pronouns, in one way is I’m making a true statement. But another way, I’m normalizing a question that should not be normalized in our culture. Because we believe that the pronouns you have are what God wrote into your cell structure when you were born. So for that reason, I would resist., I would resist giving my pronouns wherever I could, because I don’t want to normalize the gender confusion, or affirm that this is a legitimate question.”

Credit where credit is due. It’s good that Greear has changed his mind on this, and we wanted to offer a full transcript for all the times we beat him up for his previous perspectives. While we’re on the topic, here’s a couple more things Greear can change and “crystalize’ his thinking on.

J.D. Greear Uses Epic Bible Twist to Explain why Parable is Actually about ‘Social Justice’ and ‘Older Brother Privilege’
J.D. Greear Statement Response Lauds Critical Race Theory, Affirmative Action in SBC
J.D. Greear Advocates for ‘Gender-Justice’ in New Woke Screed
With Latest Comments, SBC President J.D. Greear Is Officially a Race-Baiter
As Rick Warren Announces Successor, New Pastrix, JD Greear Praises Him for ‘Faithful’ Example

h/t The Dissenter


‘Climate Vigil’: This Little Light Of Mine’ Become an Anthem for ‘Responding to Climate Change’

During a recent ‘Climate Vigil,‘ which join Christians from around the world to ”pray, sing, and reflect on what it means to be Christ-followers in the age of climate change,’ Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap over saw a candle-lighting ceremony as the song ‘this little light of mine’ became a powerful anthem for responding to climate change.

Meyaard-Schaap serves as the Vice President of the Evangelical Environmental Network and is ordained in the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), spending the last decade educating and mobilizing Christians around the world to “address the climate crisis as an act of discipleship and neighbor-love.” He explains as he closes out the vigil:

So friends are you ready to take Jesus at his word when he tells us that we are the light of the world? In just a minute all of us gathered around the globe are going to light our candles.

…You might be wondering ‘why candles?’ Why are we lighting candles in response to the climate crisis?’ Well one reason is because it’s prayer in action. Another reason is because it’s an act of resistance, of standing against the darkness and like our savior, refusing to let our light be overcome by it.

Now I’ll admit, lighting a candle can feel like a small thing, but as frail creatures in the face of the climate crisis, I think we have to admit to ourselves that sometimes all we can do are small things. But we believe as Christians that even small things done in faith those can move mountains.

That’s why we’re lighting candles and praying, because we believe that our God is big enough. Big enough to take our small efforts and do more with them than we could ever ask or imagine. That somehow in God’s mysterious economy of salvation, lighting a candle and praying for the climate crisis can make a difference. Maybe it can make all the difference in the world that’s why we pray and light our candles.

…So now friends, would you join me in lighting a candle as a symbol of our Christian commitment to responding to climate change with faith, hope and love? May our light shine before others to drive out the darkness and to glorify our Father in heaven, Amen.


Podcasts: Lost Pastors and Is it Sinful to Eat Crickets

In this episode of Protestia Tonight, David Talks talks about the sorry state of the pastorate and the craziness surrounding online/home churches, and whether or not you should consider doing attending one. In Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask whether or not should Christians love their neighbor by giving up meat, is climate change truly a concern, and should we eat crickets and people instead of beef?


Saddleback Pastor Andy Wood’s Old Church Defends the Use of NDAs

After Echo Church received sustained criticism and scrutiny over allegations that their former pastor Andy Wood was bullying the staff and acting like a spiritually abusive tyrant before he left to become the new senior pastor at Saddleback Church, an investigation was launched seeking to corroborate these accusations. 

Within weeks the investigation commissioned by Saddleback to put their congregants at ease came up empty and cleared him of any abuse or wrongdoing, along with another independent third-party firm that found similar results. Yet some critics were not assuaged, pointing out the investigation was a farce in light of the use and enforcement of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) utilized by the church necessarily made it so that current and former staff members were not able to speak their minds. 

In a new update posted on their website, the church put out an FAQ regarding their use of NDAs and the accusations of using them to silence critics, explaining:

“No, Echo does not use NDA’s in this manner. In fact, Echo puts a lot of emphasis on staff safety, care, transparency, and professionalism. Our handbook encourages staff members that “if you believe that you are being, or have been, harassed in any way, please report the allegations of the incident or incidents to a Leadership Staff member or Human Resources within a reasonable time, without fear of reprisal.” In such cases, the situation is immediately investigated.

In order to protect everyone whose information is housed in our database system, Echo does use a traditional NDA every time someone is granted access to our database, whether staff or volunteer. This is because the privacy of our church members’ personal information is very important to us.

We also ask employees that transition off our staff to hold other private organizational information in confidence. Again, this is common practice, used simply so that employees do not inappropriately share passwords and private information with those that shouldn’t have them.

Such agreements are not intended to prevent anyone from sharing their experience at Echo, whether positive or negative. It deals specifically with information, not the individual’s personal experience.

Some of our separation or termination agreements in the past asked employees to agree “to not to disparage or slander the reputation of the church, its directors, pastors and staff, or any church members/attendees” and also stated that the church “agrees to abide by this same condition” toward the staff member. The heart of this was to serve as a reminder for the church and the Christian employee to act in a Christ-like manner, avoiding gossip and destructive slandering that causes division, rather than unity.

Though the documents and verbiage mentioned were designed by a third-party HR company and is standard for many churches in America, Echo is currently having all our HR documents reviewed again by another company to ensure that we are operating with the highest standards possible.”

There is currently a petition on requesting that the church “release all former employees from any non-disclosure agreements, any non-disparagement agreements, and any documents that prevent former employees from telling their stories” that has garnered 1167 signatures, arguing that these practices “can “act as silencers on victims of abuse.”


Gospel Music Association (GMA) Encourages Prominent Worship Leader to Paint his Nails for Dove Awards

After Christian worship leader Cory Asbury, the former member of the Bethel Music collective best known for the monstrously popular song ‘Reckless Love” broke his long-held silence about his propensity to wear nail polish in public, explaining that there’s nothing Jesus or the Bible has said that prohibits him from doing it, and that any opposition to it is rooted in ‘societal construct’ and ‘social norms,’ he was given varying levels of support for the statement.

Most of the feedback was negative, however, with many of commenters asking if the same theological justifications would apply to boys and young men wearing makeup, lipstick or dresses in school.

One account that seemingly had no problem with it, however, was the folks behind the Gospel Music Awards . Far from asking the worship pastor to reconsider in light of the transgender craze and a society seeking to erase gender differences, @gmafoveawards egged him on, writing:

“The real question is…can your daughters paint doves on your nails for this year’s Dove Award??!!” Followed by a fire symbol and pairs of clapping hands.

It’s all so dumb, but it shows the state we’re living in and the seriousness the evangelical industrial complex is operating under.