Podcast: Judging Asbury, SBC Elites Destroying The Convention, Small Group Sermon Eval, and Do ‘Self-Deleted’ People Go to Hell?

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for February 21st, 2023, we talk about the SBC elites destroying the convention and how to judge a revival. We then spend a considerable amount of time dissecting the small group teaching from a local church that proves that the sermon reviewed a few months ago was not a “whoopsie,” but the intentional teaching that may very well infect the school the church is buying.
On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison talk about ‘self-murder’ . God’s law commands us not to murder. however most typically don’t view self murder as something that violates that command. Instead we typically view someone who commits self murder as a victim. The truth is, as the one who loses their life, they are the victim. However they are also the guilty perpetrator in the act as well. So what do we do with that? Can someone who commits self murder still be a Christian? How does committing self murder affect where a person will spend eternity? What brings a person to want to commit such a heinous act? How should we counsel these people?
As always, you cna search for Bible Bashed and Protestia Tonight on all your podcast apps.
Do you guys still hate Catholics?