‘Many’ Of Guidepost Team Members Support Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Choice Orgs

Many prominent Southern Baptist pastors and leaders are up in arms over the decision of the SBC’s Executive Committee to enter into deep partnerships with Guidepost Solutions to define, monitor, and adjudicate sexual abuse claims, paying them millions of dollars to do so. Much of their misgivings come from Guidepost being a secular organization with an affinity for supporting Pride events.

Former SBC Presidential candidates Mike Stone and Willy Rice both have expressed their deep discomfort with Guidepost, with Stone warning “its corporate support for the LGBTQ agenda….poses an existential threat to our cooperative efforts as a convention.” Rice likwise declared:
“This is a hard “No” for me; a line in the sand that I cannot cross. To employ an organization that affirms and celebrates a sexual worldview directly at odds with Scripture to serve as a type of enforcement arm, directly empowered to field and assess accusations against leaders within our movement, is a bridge too far.”
In response to criticism of the SBC’s use of Guidepost, president Bart Barber defended the embattled organization, claiming that the most leftist cause Guidepost contributes to is a police association, even as the evidence demonstrates otherwise.

One inconvenient truth is that Guidepost Solutions is a ‘Diamond’ sponsor of the liberal WWCDA (Women’s White Collar Defense Association) to the tune of $25,000 a year. This organization promotes “women in the practice of white collar defense” and gets a juicy donation on the regular.

This is not surprising given that Guidepost CEO Julie Myers Wood is a long-time member of WWCDA. The WWCDA highlights LGBTQ members for Pride month and members who have fought for abortion rights.

They also have galas and award programs which”supports the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by recognizing a law student who best exemplifies Justice Ginsburg “commitment to social justice, her advocacy for women, and her tenacity and resilience in the face of obstacles.”

More disturbingly, however, is that according to Guidepost’s website, one of the organizations that “many of our team members are actively involved in” is Human Rights First. Capstone Report explains
Guidepost Solution’s website proudly declares that its members support charities including Human Rights First—a group that declares on its website that “The human rights of LGBT people should be a foreign policy priority of the U.S. government.”
Further, Human Rights first opposes the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. Why? Because it restricts access to abortions for immigrants. In a post titled Dobbs Restricts Access To Abortion Services For Asylum Seekers, Represses Reproductive Rights, the charity that Guidepost brags about supporting comes out squarely for abortion.
According to the Human Rights First website, “Late last month, the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs that overturned Roe v. Wade and stripped hundreds of millions of people of their fundamental human right to abortion care went into effect. Reproductive surveillance and restricted access to reproductive healthcare disproportionately affect women of color, low-income women, LGBTQ+ women, and gender non-conforming pregnant people, among many others.”
Human Rights First is exceedingly radical, with this just a small foretaste of their priorities.
Lastly, if the non-leftist “police association” that Barber has in mind is the Cops and Kids All-Star Project listed on Guidepost’s website, well, even they are not immune from a touch of the gayness.

Barber says anyone who claims Guidepost is donating to any organization more leftist than a police association is “lying to you.” We hope for his sake he’s simply ignorant and misled rather than purposefully gaslighting Southern Baptist faithful.
SBC should just send the money directly to Hell and take out the middlemen.
we wrote on this last June– https://theologyarchaeology.wordpress.com/2022/06/10/do-not-go-to-unbelieving-organizations/