
Jesus Christ Simulator? New Video Game Allows People to Play Through The Gospels as The Messiah

A Christian video game designer has created a virtual reality game that allows players to play as Jesus through the gospels, with the final levels being crucified and then rising from the dead. The promo material for the game ‘I am Jesus Christ’ explains:

“Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in this incredible first-person retelling of the story of Christ from birth to resurrection. Perform amazing miracles, interact with a cast of biblical figures and travel around the Holy Land from Jerusalem to Galilee. Become the Messiah in ‘I Am Jesus Christ.”

The game is the brainchild of Maksym Vysochansky, who created it for SimulaM games. In an interview with Premier Christian News, he explains that he hopes kids “will use this game to learn more about who Jesus Christ is.”

“If you are, for example, from a Christian family and you see that your child is playing games, why not give them this game as a test and say ‘hey, check out this game and maybe you’ll learn something.’ You can learn more deeply about Jesus Christ and then later you can learn by yourself, by reading Bible or stories, whatever you want it to do.

This can be a first step, especially for young generation of teenagers, to jump into the environment and to see the whole story behind Jesus Christ.”

The game has been in development since 2019, and Vysochansky expects to have it out to early access testers by December 2022, with a launch date around Easter 2023. The Church of Scotland has already given its blessing to the endeavor, telling the Telegraph:

For centuries, the story of Jesus Christ has been retold in different ways – from mediaeval mystery plays to Hollywood blockbusters.

“Anything which helps people to think about him and discuss his life, mission, ministry, death and resurrection in new ways can only be a positive thing.


A Timeline of Pope Francis Moving the Catholic Church Towards Homosexual Acceptance

A couple of days ago, we shard that Pope Francis reappointed a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to major 5-year post. The lucky man was Jesuit priest James Martin, a very prominent American Roman Catholic known for having an outreach ministry for proud and open LGBTQ Catholics. In fact, it was just two months ago that Martin was urging the Roman Catholic Church to start celebrating PRIDE month.

Last year he wrote a Twitter thread explaining that “Pope Francis has done more for #LGBTQ people than any pope. But he does so step by step. Two years ago today I met with him to speak about LGBT Catholics, and he asked me to continue my ministry. Often, however, people don’t notice these small steps, which add up to a sea change in the Catholic Church’s approach to LGBTQ people.”

Accordingly, he offers 12 important steps the decrepit pontiff has has made since his election in 2013, excitedly salivating in the ways that Francis is moving the church closer and closer into full inclusion and acceptance of LBGTQ folk into the flock.

1. When asked about gay priests in 2013, Pope Francis uttered perhaps the five most famous words of his papacy: “Who am I to judge?” With those words, he also became the first pope to use the word “gay” in such a public setting.

2. During his pastoral visit to the United States in 2015, Pope Francis met with his former student, Yayo Grassi, who is gay, and Mr. Grassi’s same-sex partner.

3. In his 2016 apostolic exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” (“The Joy of Love”), Francis wrote that when ministering to LGBT people, we should “before all else” affirm their human dignity as well as the church’s desire to oppose violence against them. 

4. In 2016, on an in-flight press conference returning from Azerbaijan, Pope Francis encouraged a ministry of “accompaniment” of LGBTQ people, saying that Jesus would never tell a gay person, “Go away from me because you are homosexual.”

5. On an in-flight press conference in 2018, returning from the World Meeting of Families in Ireland, the Holy Father said that LGBT children should never be kicked out of their families and encouraged families to love and accept them.

6. His 30-minute meeting with me in the Apostolic Palace in September 2019, was listed on his official public schedule and accompanied by photographs from the Vatican, a sign of his support for LGBTQ ministry overall.

7. In 2019, Vatican officials and rights group discussed decriminalizing homosexuality

8. In 2020, while defending traditional church teaching on marriage as between a man and woman, Pope Francis nonetheless signaled his support for legal protections for civil unions in a documentary film.

9. Also last year, he offered his support for Sister Mónica Astorga, an Argentine sister who had worked with transgender people for 14 years, saying, “God, who did not go to seminary or study theology, will repay you abundantly.”

10. This March, he appointed Juan Carlos Cruz, an openly gay man and a clergy abuse survivor and advocate, to a high-level Vatican commission. In 2018, Mr. Cruz had earlier reported that Francis had told him “God made you this way.”

11. In June, he wrote a warm letter on the occasion of the Outreach LGBTQ Catholic Ministry webinar, and also promised his prayers for this “flock” of LGBTQ people.

12. In a conversation with Jesuits in Slovakia last month, he encouraged them to reach out pastorally to “homosexual couples,” not just LGBTQ individuals.

Martin writes:

“Taken together, we can see how Francis’s approach to LGBTQ people is one of pastoral accompaniment, moving slowly, avoiding the dramatic statements that some people may want and setting limits. His focus is always on encouraging the pastoral care of LGBTQ individuals, defending them against violence and supporting those who minister with them, in new ways that would have not been countenanced by his predecessors.


Hulu Cuts Paid Maternity Leave 60% After Paying for Employee Abortion Travel

(Right to Life UK) Disney subsidiary, Hulu, has slashed maternity and paternity leave at the same time as it has offered to pay for employees to travel to other states to obtain abortions.

Since the overturning of the abortion law in the US, which gave states the power to make their own abortion law earlier this year, a number of major US corporations, including Disney, announced that they would cover the cost of an employee’s travel across state lines for an abortion.

Now, however, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports that Hulu, a streaming service owned by Disney, is dramatically cutting back on maternity and paternity benefits. According to the WSJ report, Hulu cut its paid parental leave policy from 20 weeks down to just 8 weeks – a 60% reduction.

Furthermore, the WSJ reports a survey of 3,000 employers found that only 35% now offer paid maternity leave benefits beyond what is mandated by federal law, down from 53% in 2020.

“Companies are sending a not-so-subtle signal to women who want to start a family, and places on them a higher financial burden from the start”.

The impact of the cuts to parental leave….to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was published at Right to Life UK


Barna Survey: Only 4% of Executive Pastors have Biblical Worldview+ Why This Is

In a new nationwide survey released by George Barna for the Arizona Christian University, it’s revealed the majority of Christian pastors do not have a biblical worldview, with the Executive Pastor having the lowest that is on par with the culture at large.

Barna defines “biblical worldview” as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today. They explain:

The proportion varies by the pastoral position held. Among Senior Pastors, four out of 10 (41%) have a biblical worldview—the highest incidence among any of the five pastoral positions studied. Next highest was the 28% among Associate Pastors. Less than half as many Teaching Pastors (13%) and Children’s and Youth Pastors (12%) have a biblical worldview. The lowest level of biblical worldview was among Executive Pastors—only 4% have consistently biblical beliefs and behaviors.

What is an Executive Pastor?

Bob Buford invented the role of the Executive Pastor after conversations with his mentor, business strategist Peter Drucker. Identifying churches as an area he wanted to impact, Buford formed Leadership Network in 1984, inviting pastors and senior leaders of large and burgeoning megachurches to join him for several brainstorming meetings, picking up the tab on the way.

Their goal was to figure out how to handle the complicated organizational structure of a megachurch, deciding that it would best be run similar to a corporation for the most impact and growth, eventually creating the new church role, called the Executive Pastor. He (or she) who would function as the CEO of the church, rather than the shepherd, and typically require business degrees in order to be hired. According to Stand up For the Truth:

Three key players are carrying forth Peter Drucker’s legacy: Rick Warren, Bob Buford and Bill Hybels, who all studied extensively under their friend, Peter Drucker, and are considered the Druckerite “trinity.” These three men more than any others are responsible for innovating the church by purposely changing congregations from a pastoral ministry model to a CEO / Innovative Change Agent leadership model.

What’s more, all of these innovations were strategically crafted under the careful eye of Peter Drucker himself. And all of these innovations were incubated, introduced, and injected into the church through the coordinated efforts of Drucker’s disciples through their different but intimately connected organizations; Leadership Network, the Purpose Driven Network and the Willow Creek Association.

Given the extensive harm and wide-ranging watering down these institutions have done to the church, including introducing church growth strategies like seeker-sensitivism to the world, it’s little surprise their biblical worldview is non-existent.


Priscilla Shirer Keynote Speaker at Trinity-Denying Heretic’s Conference

Lifeway darling Priscilla Shirer, daughter of Pastor Tony Evans, has teamed up with famed Trinity-denier Bishop T.D. Jakes to be one of the keynote speakers at his final ‘Woman Thou Art Loosed’ conference in just a few weeks.

It’s not the first time she’s done it either. She preached at his church for their Easter service.

The prosperity-gospel preaching, capital ‘M’ Modalist T. D. Jakes, though continuing to be platformed by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God.

In fact, even now his website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” He is what we like to affectionately call an ‘Arch-heretic’ who has weaseled himself into the ways of evangelicalism, frequently being promoted by the likes of Stephen Furtick and Judah and Chelsea Smith.

Shirer, for her part, is quite possibly a worst preacher than her gal-pal Beth Moore. When she’s not advocating for mysticism and contemplative prayer, or platforming other awful teachers like Christine Caine, she’s demonstrating with startling clarity why she is such an objectionably terrible preacher and bible teacher, recently framing scripture as just “hand-me-down-the-revelation” that is not sufficient.

Ultimately, sound bible teachers know better than to preach at churches and conferences put on by Trinity-deniers, and the fact that she doesn’t says all there is to know about her.


A Word of Thanks to Our Supporters + Update

David and I were talking last night for a couple of hours about Protestia- about where things are going, the challenges we’re facing with our jobs cracking down on us on account of the ministry, a nasty new round of throttling on Facebook that has really eaten into our ability to share content and receive ad revenue. We spoke about everything that’s happened in the last few months, YouTube demonetizing our channel and the way that hurts us, about ministry friends who we hoped better of that are treating us like anathema still, some patrons dropping support with JD gone, the vision and direction of what we’re doing here in light of our time commitments, and the way it’s gotten so much more difficult and personally taxing. It’s been a bit discouraging, and in *some* ways, we’re asking ourselves if we’re spinning our wheels.

We’ve also spoken about some bright spots, such as Bible Bashed joining the family, a new upcoming shorter show we’re hoping to launch, (the graphics for this are super fun) the testing of a 24/7 streaming channel, and a call we put out to partner with people that are willing to be associated with us. There’s the quest for new writers to expand our universe, some positive feedback we’ve been given, building bridges with several places that formerly banned us from sharing content, and their willingness to reexamine that policy so that we can start posting again, and finally you guys, both our patrons helping keep the lights on and our hands at the wheel here inside the ministry, as well as our beloved freeloaders, bathing us in prayer and sharing our content.

It means the world to those who keep supporting us and sacrificing for us. Perhaps this is simply me getting emotional, but last night while talking to David I was getting pretty overwhelmed at what a grace and mercy it is, knowing there are people out there that see the value in the mission and are willing to stand with us in the manner. We’ve always said that we want to be a resource not just for you, but for others, unlike anything else on the internet. What has been nice is that we’re not just getting clicks on our new posts, but receive thousands of views on older posts each day from people wanting to know about this teacher or that, and we are receiving feedback, like these two emails sent to me:

“Thank you so much for what your doing. I used to attend Bethel church for almost three years but always felt an unsettling and uneasiness in my spirit every time they started to preach and really teach about healing. I found your website after googling and after seeing posts after posts about what my church was doing, and the ways the leaders did not teach the bible, it all made sense to me. My husband was skeptical and didn’t want to leave, but after seeing what I shared, including pictures and video, he agreed and we left and found a new church that I feel like my spirit can breathe in, and which teaches the bible much better.”


“Im not sure who is reading this, but someone there needs to know that this website is great. Everything is to the point and looks research. My country has been hurt and attacked by the prosperity teachers who come and preach a false gospel of wealth and money, and when I send this to my friends, they dont go to the see the bad service and it help convince their parents and brothers not to go. Aleluia praise the almighty for this teaching. The wicked shall be expose!

That’s all you guys. It’s the people who stand with us unashamed, the people lifting us in prayer, the people interacting with posts, the people working overtime away from their families so they can send us that extra $20 or $50 each month, especially with inflation happening and things getting tighter and tighter. We’re doing our best to honor the sacrificing in return, and if you’re curious about the specific ways we do that, our DMs are open. But thank you, thank you, thank you.

Lastly, I realized a few days ago we haven’t had our Patreon link at the bottom of our posts for the last few months, so I need to figure out how to do that as soon as possible. If you’re not a patron and want to join us, click here. If you can’t support us financially at this time, we still appreciate you so much for the other ways you help us. (But as usual, don’t give if you are not part of your local church or actively looking, and don’t give to us if by doing so you’re abdicating your responsibilities to give to your church.)

Now we get back to work.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 5

The fifth album in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4

For our multi-volume series showing the progression of the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here.

For our August 2021-August 2022, click here


Video: Pastor Arrested After Being Caught Beating, Whipping his Congregants in Church

(Howwebiz) Police in Hoima District have arrested a self-proclaimed man of ‘God’ for flogging his followers during a live church service.

The self-proclaimed prophet identified as Denis Kintu of empowerment City Church was captured live, during a Wednesday live streamed service whipping his choir members and ushers with a long wooden stick.

In the video that has since gone viral, Kintu grabs a long stick and commands his flock to either receive whips or exit his church. One by one, he lines them up and flogs while claiming his stick chases out demons.

Kintu says he will not tolerate a church with leaders or a flock full of demons.

“All of you come fast, I told you I am from the Army, you will not take me backward, these demons must be released by my stick. And anyone who doesn’t receive my cane, don’t come back to my church, don’t hold my microphone,” Kintu says as he hand picks the mostly female flock to receive his whip.

He claimed the miracle stick would unravel miracles, signs, and wonders in the lives of his followers.

Albertine Regional Police Spokesperson Julius Hakiza says the self-styled prophet has since been arrested at the Hoima Police Post and charged with assault.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Businge Brian Franco and published as Howwebiz


Trinity-Denier TD Jakes Ending Famed Conference after 25 Years

Famed Trinity-denier TD Jakes is ending his ‘Woman Thou Art Loosed’ conference after 25 years, holding his final event on Sept. 22-24, 2022. The event, which has drawn over half a million people, was supposed to have its last year in 2022, but the pandemic thwarted those plans until now. According to the promo material;

“What Bishop T.D. Jakes started as Sunday school lessons at his church in West Virginia in 1992 has transformed into one of the nation’s most riveting women’s conferences. Through the years, Bishop Jakes has “loosed” multitudes of women from the shackles of abandonment, low self-esteem, addiction, and more to become victorious, secure women. “

Jakes held the first Women, Thou Art Loosed! conference in 1996 after discovering the impact his Bible study message had on women. Over the years, he claims he’s seen “breakthroughs in thousands of women ” because of it. As to why he’s ending things now; he told EEW:

“Women are taking leadership. They’re moving in positions of power. They’re being healed emotionally and spiritually. Now it’s time to talk about some other things that need to happen.

“We’re losing our men. We’re losing our sons. We’ve got all kinds of crazy stuff happening in our country right now, and I need to free my hands from what I used to do so that I can have availability to focus on the ways that I can best contribute now.”

We’ve recently written about Jakes when he noted how he disgraces his wife with his twerking comments, joined Joel Osteen for a conference where tickets cost $1000.00 , and known to frequently wear insanely expensive designer shoes, clothes and watches, that cost more than many of his congregants make in a year.

Jakes, who has continued to be platformed by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, has gone on record saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now, his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”


KJVO Pastor Has a Book Burning Night, Setting Fire to NIV, ESV, NASB, and NKJV Bibles

Stedfast Baptist Church is an independent fundamental King James Only church in Watauga, TX, pastored by Jonathan Shelley, a controversial perhaps best known for publicly and repeatedly calling for the death of all homosexuals, exemplified in this brief sermon snippet:

It’s going beyond just saying you do all this wicked stuff, it’s saying you enjoy it. You enjoy murder. You enjoy malignity. You enjoy hating God. Look, there’s only one group that enjoys that, is the PRIDE parades going up down the street.

And you know, it’s great when trucks accidentally go through those, you know, parades. I think only one person died, so hopefully we can hope for more in the future.

You say ‘oh that’s mean’. Yeah, but the bible says that they’re worthy of death.

You say, ‘Are you sad when fags die?’ No, I think it’s great. I hope they all die. I would love it if every fag would die right now. And you say, ‘Well, I don’t think that’s what you really mean’. That’s exactly what I mean. I really mean it.

Far from believing that the KJV is simply the best or preferred translation, Shelley’s particular brand of fundamentalist, including notables like Steven Anderson, believe that all bible versions not the KJV are filthy vile, perversions, and deserved to be destroyed.

During the festive event, which he held August 25, 2022, Shelly tells the many children lined up to make sure they have their parents permission to toss the bibles into the burn barrel, warning ‘hell’s going to be hotter than this folks.’

h/t to the Friendly Atheist