
Eminem Song Hits #1 on Billboard Christian Charts

In a move few saw coming, famed rapper Eminem, (real name Marshall Mathers) scored a number one song on Billboard Christina charts after being featured on a ‘Use this Gospel’ remix, beating out more common mainstays like Toby Mac, Phil Wickham, and Jeremy Camp.

Use This Gospel originally came out in 2019 on the Kanye West album Jesus is King. The song was remixed by fames producer Dr. Drew in collaboration with DJ Khaled and Eminem, sounding like a completely new track. It includes these verses by Eminem:

’Im holding on (Yeah) but I don’t know if I can take it much longer
Today’s the day that I put all of my trust and faith in You, Father
Please let this hate make me stronger
‘Fore they turn on me like a zombie

’Im armed with Jesus, my weapon is prayer
Soon as I squeeze it, I’m blessed like sneezes
Call me Yeezus, I’m F’d in the head, maybe I’m bonkers
Regardless, never claimed to be flawless
Long as the mistakes I’ve acknowledged


White Horse Inn Says Pastors are Causing Gay Teens to Commit Suicide

Justin Holcomb is an Episcopal priest and a theology professor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Perhaps best known for his book ‘Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault‘ he co-hosts the White Horse Inn podcast with Michel Horton and Bob Hiller.

In a recent episode, they note the large number of LGBTQ-identifying folk who have left the church and offer that the church should speak about homosexuality from the pulpit, but “(the way) they are addressed, must not ever sound like CNN or Fox News.”

Horton: 86% of LGBTQ+ people who were raised in a faith community… with more than three fourths in mostly Evangelical, theological, religious, conservative communities. So that is to say, a large majority of people who identify with those that acronym, they were brought up in conservative Christian churches, and they have left…Why have they left the church? My guess, is that the conversation from the pulpit was ‘here are the evils of that sexual orientation, that temptation, that sin, that are ruining our culture, and if you’re a part of that group, you’re them, you’re out. And, if you identify that way, in our church, we’re going to kick you out or send you to camp until we fix you, and then you can come back and join us” because apparently, that’s how we’ve ever dealt with sin in the church is sending someone to a camp.

So what ends up happening is you start preaching against the culture, more than to the 13 year old boy who struggles with his sexuality in your pew. Who’s sitting there worried that he’s praying against this thing, and he’s terrified God’s gonna send them to hell. And you, from the pulpit, just affirm that for him. And so he says, ‘God hates me anyways, I don’t need to hear it every Sunday, why go back?’ instead of saying to him, ‘the Lord Jesus Christ took up a cross to die for you. He’s raised for your salvation and your justification. He’s promised you new life. You have a cross you’re going to have to bear, and we as the congregation are going to bear it with you. We’re not going to approve of homosexual activity in the church. Of course not. But we’re also not going to kick you out because you think that this is something you can’t overcome. We’re here to bear the burden with you, to carry you in our arms up to the altar to receive the body and blood of Christ with us.’

To remove that preaching from the ears and the hearts of the people in the pews, so that we can fix the culture is to miss our calling as pastors and as the church altogether.”

Holocomb: “Thinking of that 13-year-old boy, think of a pastor who wants to make a statement about sexual ethics for the culture. And they say that statement so clearly, unaware that a same-sex attracted teen is going to be four times more likely to consider suicide. The idea that we’ve traded in proclamation of good news to make a political moment, to be careless with your words, and to make a sheep of his flock think they need to not live, is a moment for deep repentance for that person.”

While it’s true that pastors need to be pastoral when talking about sin, it’s pure manipulation to dangle the threat of a teen throwing himself off a building or hanging herself in her bedroom and laying it at the foot of a pastor if he zealously preaches against that sin, or he doesn’t condemn it in a way that is well-received by the man or woman either battling it or joyfully frolicking in it. Perhaps the cause of their sadness and shame is the sin itself and the law of God being held up against their life, causing them so much discomfort.

It’s not just the teen suicide rate, but the trans adult suicide rate is much higher than the general population. Is railing against the impact that the trans movement has had on the culture at large from the pulpit anathema because they might kill themselves? Perhaps the pastors should start using personal pronouns to affirm them in this manner because otherwise a careless word will really kill them. 

To say that pastors must temper their tongues on account of the rate of suicidality in those being confronted about their sin is not a biblical concept, mainly because the weight of sin is a weighty thing. Sin is a shameful thing that manifests even more shame in the holder’s heart. Whether preaching against adultery, theft, murder, child abuse, pedophilia, gossip, drug use, etc, people feeling deep depression and anxiety to the point that they might not want to live after hearing the rebuke is not the fault of the pastor, and drudging up suicide rates and admonishing pastors that life hangs in the balance if they get it wrong is needless manipulation that is completely uncalled for.

Editor’s note. We’re not accusing these men of being soft on homosexuality. Consider this friendly fire in the form of correction.

h/t The Dissenter


Kyle J. Howard is Mad White Folk are Mourning the Death of the Queen

We talk about Kyle J. Howard frequently because he is an avatar for the logical end of Critical Race Theory, serving as a glimpse into the future of the movement on account of arriving there sooner than most. Recently, he asserted that Calling Someone ‘Woke, ‘Marxist, SJW’ is The Same as Calling them a ‘N***** . This is after he revealed that A Desire for Free Speech is ‘Racist’ and about ‘Preserving White Power’, and Being ‘Triggered’ by Supreme Court’s anti-Roe vs Wade Ruling Because White People ‘Sacrificed Black People’s Joy and Flourishing’ To Attain it.

You’ll recall Howard currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head on account of lying about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, and has really devolved over these last few months. We’ve written about him at the following links, as well as others, which give a good sense of all the ways he’s perverting scripture and molesting the text. In doing so, we’ve chronicled his slow slide into racial absurdity and witnessed the epitome of what it means to have one’s thinking to be futile and a foolish heart to be darkened.

Kyle J. Howard says Black Boys being Molested by Black Men is the Fault of White People
Kyle J. Howard Says The Dead Children in Texas were Victims of ‘White Supremacy’/ White Folk
Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

Now, Howard has come up with a new absurdity, in which case he’s bothered by all the outpouring that has been show to the queen, particularly by white people, writing:

“I deleted all my comments about Queen Elizabeth. Simply put, I have limited energy & capacity & I don’t want to spend it on centering White people’s Queen. But the Mourning & fawning of White people to the celebration of her death by non-White; I’m gonna just sit this one out.”

There’s also this reply which he disagrees with, in which he’s ‘shaking my head’ over.

We didn’t capture all the comments he wrote before he purged them, but we did capture one. As you can imagine, the rest were in the same vein.

Despite his open racism, Howard continues to be platformed by self-seeking folk like Julie Roys, who seemingly find no issue at all with his cruel invectives and racial sophistry bombs.

Bonus. Couple of tweets from yesterday.


Stealing Andy Stanley: Is there Another Megachurch Plagiarism Scandal Brewing?

A year after former SBC President Ed Litton resigned after being embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, bringing to the forefront of the evangelical mind the question of the morality of stealing sermons, new accusations are being lobbed against Pastor Josh Howerton of the multicampus Lakepointe Church in Dallas Texas.

Shelia Wray Gregoire of the Bare Marriage podcast has accused of Howerton of lifting material from Andy Stanley, Steven Furtick, Mark Driscoll and Rick Warren without attribution, which can be seen examples from the 4:20-12:30 mark.

They hosts elaborated more on the Stanley case, offering this tweet and then the video to show that Howerton was aware that he was monkeying about with murky things. (Ironically, in his defense provided below would go on to quote trinity-denier TD Jakes)

Howerton has responded to the allegations, offering in part these points:

1. “Permission & Understanding. Because they have a heart to help, almost every pastor tells other pastors to use anything from his sermons that’ll help them. “If my bullet fits in your gun, shoot it!”: I’ve heard Adrian Rodgers, JD Greear, Craig Groeschel, Chris Hodges, Bob Russell, Rick Warren, etc all say this.

2. Differing industry standards. A church-sermon is not an academia-dissertation or a book/journalism-publication. I freely give away my notes to bivocational pastors and church-planters, because pastors aren’t preaching to make themselves look good, sound smart, or sell something proprietary. We’re preaching for life-change and to grow the kingdom. Those differing goals of written communication in journalism or academia vs. the goals of verbal communication in preaching lead to very different standards

3. It is understood that TEACHERS aggregate whatever content best helps their students. Guys, stop and think for a second: Pastors are TEACHERS. In schools, 0% of people assume every sentence their teacher says is their teacher’s 100% original thought and they never heard it from anyone else. 

4. Many words / phrases / illustrations are common-source in preaching

5. The Bible. I’m not gonna go here, but if you REALLY want to get salty, know who didn’t always cite sources? Bible writers. Gospel writers and other epistles borrow liberally from the Old Testament, sometimes citing, but often just saying without citation because in preaching what really matters is that people are helped with the truth.

h/t The Dissenter


Peppa Pig Goes Gay: Introduces Same-Sex Polar Bear Couple

(Pink News) In an episode broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday (6 September), Peppa is joined by classmates Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Penny Polar Bear as they start drawing pictures of their family. 

Penny draws two female Polar Bears in dresses before turning to Peppa and saying: “I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mummy and my other mummy. One mummy is a doctor and one mummy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.”

The show has been running since 2004, but this is the first time in its 18-year history it has featured a same-sex couple.

The move comes two years on from a petition demanding a “same-sex parent family on Peppa Pig”. The petition… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by ASYIA IFTIKHAR and published at Pink News. Title changed by Protestia


Round-up of Fun Christian Memes We Like

This is all just mere ribbing and having fun, with new compilations every Friday. If we made them, we tag them accordingly.


New Poll: 1 in 4 Democrats Believe ‘Men Can Get Pregnant’

In a sign of the continued, intentional destruction and blurring of God’s designs for men and women; what it means to be made in the image of God and reflect his character, nature, and design for mankind, a new WPA Intelligence poll of 1000 registered voters, found that 22% of Democrats agreed with the statement “”Some men can get pregnant.”

Within the sampling, they also found that 36% of college educated white women agreed that the statement is true.

Speaking of the results,  WPAi Managing Director Conor Maguire notes “Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant. But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement.”

While the results do not give the percentage of Republicans who believe similarly, this continued desire to erase women and wipe out gender differences reveals that newest satanic scheme is effective, and is being driven by a demographic hell-bent on transforming the culture into their wicked likeness, of which Christians should resist with all our might.


VP Kamala Harris Applauded at National Baptist Convention For Denouncing “Extremists” Seeking to Outlaw Abortion

Guest of honor Vice-president Kamala Harris was greeted by a round of applause at the National Baptists Convention’s 142nd annual session in Houston, Texas, telling roughly 2000 people in attendance that there’s no conflict in being both Christian and pro-choice, denouncing extremists who are seeking to outlaw abortion.

“As extremists work to take away the freedom of women to make decisions about their own bodies, faith leaders are taking a stand, knowing one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held religious beliefs to agree that a woman should have the ability to make decisions about her own body, and not have her government tell her what to do.

And she will choose in consultation with her pastor or a priest or a doctor and her loved ones. But the government should not be making that decision. In this moment, let us heed the words of First Corinthians; Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous, be strong and do everything in love.”

The National Baptist Convention (NBC) is the largest predominantly Black Christian denomination in the United States and the second largest Baptist denomination in the world. Claiming over 8 million members and 21,000 congregations, they sit between the more conservative National Baptist Convention of America and the openly liberal Progressive National Baptist Convention.

The NBC has has no official position on abortion, and a result many of their congregations are pro-choice. While their president Dr. Jerry Young is professingly pro-life, their denominational policy is to allow each individual congregation to determine its own views on abortion. According to a 2012 Pew Research poll, 57% of National Baptist Convention believe abortion should be legal in all or most situations.

h/t WokePreacherTV


Drag Queen Album Feat. Prominent Apostatized Christian Artists Launching Soon

In less than two weeks, Drag Queen and musician Flamy Grant (Real name Matthew Blake) is set to release his album ‘Bible Belt Baby,’ about the spiritual trauma he endured growing up in a town where his whole world was a “faith-saturated, fundamentalist, very evangelical space that didn’t exactly embrace a queer kid with cross-dressing tendencies.”

@flamygrant The first single from #BibleBeltBaby is due very soon. 💅🏼💚 #dragqueen #exvangelical #religioustrauma #evangelical #ccm #gospelmusic ♬ original sound – Flamy Grant

Blake, who describes himself as a “shame-slaying, soothsaying, hip-swaying heathen and infidel” while singing “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord a look. A bless his hearts, we’re gonna leave them feeling shook” has a bit of help on this nasty little endeavor, with collaborators Jennifer Knapp, Grace Baldridge (Semler) and Derek Webb lending a hand.

Jennifer Knapp is a Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter who sold a million albums with her first three releases KansasLay It Down (2000), and The Way I Am (2001). Perhaps best known for the song ‘Undo me,’ she won four Dove Awards before going on hiatus for the better part of a the decade, reemerging as a lesbian and LGBTQ advocate who recently sang at an ELCA ordination while being accompanied by drag queen nuns.

Webb apostatized several years ago into the purest form of paganism, but used to be the frontman for Caedmon’s Call, garnering 10 GMA Dove Award nominations and half as many Christian radio hits.

Semler is an openly queer artist breaking into the Christian music scene, gaining some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts. She gained prominence after going on tour with gay-affirming Relient K and for getting Switchfoot lead singer Jon Foreman to make gay-affirming statements.

According to his website, “Flamy is founder and co-host of Heathen Podcast, a show about breaking up with bad religion; a songstress and musician who performs across the country; and the internet’s polygender preacher, taking on toxic religion by turning looks and tearing down shame in her signature 60-second sermons on TikTok.”

A featured panelist at the upcoming Spiritual DragCon, his single ‘What Did You Drag Me Into? is set for release on September 12, with the whole album dropping on the 23rd.


Preacher Sentenced to 80 Hours of Community Work for Calling Trans Bystander ‘Man in Woman’s Clothing’

(PCN) A Christian preacher has been served a community order for harassing a transgender woman in Leeds city centre.

David McConnell, 41 years-old from Flockton, Wakefield was preaching, with a microphone in front of a small crowd in Briggate on 8th June 2021 when he made comments about “drunkards, adulterers and homosexuals”.

When one transgender woman tried to challenge McConnell, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said McConnell referred to her repeatedly as a “man in woman’s clothing”

After McConnell’s sentencing on Friday 2nd September 2022, Elizabeth Wright, from the CPS, said:

“People have the right to hold opinions and express their views. But when words cross the line between a legitimate expression of religious views and become distressing and threatening, the CPS will prosecute offenders if our legal test is met… His comments crossed the line between a legitimate expression of his religious views, to become a distressing and threatening personal attack”.

McConnell was sentenced to 80 hours of unpaid work following his trial at Leeds Magistrates Court.

He was found guilty of intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress and was sentenced to the 12-month community order and ordered to pay fines to the cost of £715.

Leeds City Council and…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Alex Colett and published at Premier Christian News