
Shellie Martin (aka The Joyful Patriarchy Wife) Has Passed Away

Welcome home, good and faithful one.

Shellie Martin, otherwise known as the internet personality The Joyful Patriarchy Wife has passed away at September 8, 2022, at the age of 58. According to her son Paul, she was diagnosed with breast cancer only three months ago, and despite a quick surgery to remove it, was taken to the hospital having trouble breath. Quicky deteriorating, further tests revealed stage 4 lung cancer as well as cancer in her bones. “It was too late at that point to do anything but make sure she was comfortable. It all happened so fast. I still don’t fully believe this is real. “

Martin was known for her kind but firm encouragement and conviction that women should find joy in being a wife and mother, and that it was a blessing to fill this role.

Paul says that they are in a bit of tight spot on account of the unexpected death and funeral costs, and that anyone who wants to donate to the funeral expenses can do so here.


Charismatic Prophetess Says the Lord Took Her to the Twin Towers on 9/11 As it Was Happening

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven or recounting how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, she’s recounting all the mysteries she’s learned during her thousands of trips to heaven. Such a celebrated celestial tourist has naturally made other charismatics inquisitive about what the afterlife is like, what Jesus, God and the angels are up to, and what sort of mystical revelations she’s been given to bring back to the mere mortals on earth.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz, she explains that God literally took her to the twin towers on 9/11 as it was happening, that she saw Jesus there who was bigger than the buildings receiving all those who cried out to him before they were killed. Kerr has an idiosyncratic belief (hah, I mean more than her usual nonsense) that if people pray for an unbelieving loved one, then after that person dies, Jesus will appear to them and they will have one final chance to accept him as Lord, before they get sent to hell.

Shultz: So I wanted to ask you this. So like in 9/11, 3000….perished within seconds. And a lot of those would have had people praying for their salvation if they weren’t. Of course we have no idea how many that would be. So even in a situation like that, God would have would have made himself real to every one of those that was perishing, if their relatives had stood for them?

Kerr: “Yes. And they actually had time, they really literally had time enough just to call out for his name. And I actually, I don’t tell these things very often, but I actually saw that part of it happen. I was actually, I think we were preparing for our women’s breakfast that we have once a week, and on 911 that’s where we were working.

And all of a sudden, somebody yelled, ‘the plane hit the building, and it’s on fire.’….And I stepped back into the kitchen and immediately the Lord took me to the to the Twin Towers, and I saw people screaming and yelling, there was smoke everywhere.

But Jesus was standing there with his arms open like this. He was big. He was bigger than the building, his head, his arms open like this. And I began to see spirits go up. They were the spirits of the people dying. And I didn’t stay there for a long time, but I saw him receiving them. So yes, I have to really believe that a lot of them, even those who didn’t want Christ at one time, I promise you if you’re dying and something’s on fire, the planes going down, you’re gonna start yelling out to Jesus…”

Shultz “Really. So Kat that was one of the times when God transported you in the spirit and took you, you didn’t just show you a vision, he took you..”

Kerr. “He took me there. He took me there.”

Shultz “Woooooow”


Notorious Preacher Greg Locke Threatens to Sue Discernment Minister and His Church for ‘Lying’ About Him

Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, has publicly threatened to sue both a discernment ministry and the man’s church, announcing during a recent church service that he sent them a cease and desist letter notifying they have 10 days to take down two critical videos that were created about him, under threat of legal action.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse -abandoning “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being Controlled by Illuminati Hand Signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his Teeth down his Throat, put up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”  He proffered that Your Children are Cursed + Animals Are Sick Because You’ve Been ‘Messing With Them Witches’, says Children with Autism, OCD are Almost Certainly Demon-Possessed and argued that  If you Deny Existence of Pedophile Tunnels Under the White House, You’re as Complicit as ‘Crack-smoking Perverts’.

Now, in a litigious mood, he explains what he did after seeing the videos which cast him in a poor light.

So I wrote his sending church. I said “you responsible for this dude. You his pastor. You his sending church. You got 10 days from the date of this message before you hear from my lawyer.”

Because dude’s a liar. He lied on me, lied on my wife, lied on this church. Spliced things together. Made us say and believe things, crammed stuff in our mouth that we never said. I said “so listen here. You got 10 days to notify him or since you the sending church, you his authority. I’ll put you in a lawsuit because you’re just as guilty as he is.”

The offending videos in question are the documentary produced by Spencer Smith, as well as the video Greg Locke’s False Gospel and Deliverance Conference...which is critical of the recent round of ‘deliverances’ the church has been putting on.

Smith plans to release a video Thursday at his channel addressing the controversy.


Church’s Sermon Illustration Includes Acrobats and Aerial silks above Congregants?

Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, an 8000- member Southern Baptist megachurch continues its celebration of all things fleshly. Know for their extravagant attempts to keep their members entertained, in the past few months alone they played a cover of Run D.M.C’s sleazy and sexual song Walk this Way in church, as well as preformed Kendrick Lamar’s N95, only cleaned up and sanitized for church audiences, removing the curse words and racial epitaphs for a sermon illustration.

It’s not the first time the church has engaged in such shenanigans. According to the Dissenter:

(They) made headlines in early 2020 after its pastor, David Hughes, was selected by another Florida pastor, David Uth, to speak at the 2020 Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting. Church by the Glades has been well known for its carnality, worldly appeal, and extravagant performances of secular dance and music including the Stormtrooper Dance, Disney Medleys, and covers of Beyonce’s Freedom.

Other world-worship songs selected by this church and its band include a cover of the pro-LGBTQ Mormon band, Imagine Dragon, and another of Shirley Manson’s band, Garbage.

Now, as part of their sermon series The Power of Small, the worship band covered the song “What a World” by Kacey Musgraves as acrobats performed aerial stunts overhead. At the end, the worship leader herself is strapped in a swing and flies over the congregants, singing about her love for the world and her special someone:

Oh, what a world, don’t wanna leave
All kinds of magic all around us, it’s hard to believe
Thank God it’s not too good to be true
Oh, what a world, and then there is you

Did I know you once in another life?
Are we here just once or a billion times?
Well, I wish I knew, but it doesn’t matter
‘Cause you’re here right now, and I know what I feel

When the bible isn’t enough, nothing is ever enough!


Brent Leatherwood Elected ERLC President, Hates Abortion Abolition as Much as the Last Guy

n a troubling sign that the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission will continue unabated in its role as the smug and smarmy bastion of SBC elites, the organization’s board of trustees has unanimously elected Brent leatherwood to fill the role as the next President of the ERLC, following Russell Moore’s departure.

A Russell Moore clone, Leatherwood has been the acting President since September 2021. The search committee was tasked with replacing Moore but never released their list of candidates, ultimately replacing him with a man who mirrors his predecessor perfectly and who had been Moore’s right hand man for years.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about the ERLC President is that, like the whole organization, he despises everything about it abortion abolition. From the demands that abortion is made illegal without exception to the insistence that all persons receive equal justice under the law, to the suggestion that women who take their babies to an abortionist ghoul to receive the sanitized equivalent of three swift kicks to their soft skulls and then a curb stomp to squish the brains out, really are murderers. He especially hates the notion that women should be punished in some way for killing their babies. God forbid! Leatherwood has been very vocal about this and considers the idea blasphemy.

His denial of this base reality is nauseating, as is his insistence that women who pay their boyfriends to drown their three-year-olds should be punished but women who pay their abortion doctors to drown their three months old in their own blood should never, ever be punished or even entertain the hint of some form of consequence. He explains:

Here’s the reality. You’re not going to get me to say that I want to throw mothers behind bars. That’s not the view of this entity. That is not the view of this convention. It is not the view of the pro-life movement. That was proven yet again today.

I believe the same principles that Jesus used in John 4 and John 8 apply right here. Maybe instead of rushing in like a mob, we instead rush in with the truth given to us by the author of life showing we are able to bear the burdens of others and offer the healing that comes with grace, just as has been poured out for us.

He put teeth to his conviction after joining forces with Planned Parenthood to help stop a bill to abolish abortion in Louisiana, prior to the overturning of Roe v Wade because it amended the Louisiana homicide codes to define “unborn child” as “an individual human being from fertilization until birth,” and “person” as “a human being from the moment of fertilization.” 

These redefinitions classified abortion as homicide by including preborn children among those protected by the laws against murder, and therefore women who kill their babies in the womb would be subject to the same fines and punishments as those who kill their babies out of the womb. Equal protection under the law. Equal justice. Either it’s a baby, or it’s not.

The authors of the bill reasoned that you couldn’t decry this act as the “murder” of an innocent baby and then have absolutely zero consequences for those who indulge. They assert you can’t give a baby in the womb the same rights as a baby out of the womb would have, and then shrug your shoulders when someone melts them in a chemical bath or dismembers them and turns them into a chopped up slurry of blood and brains.

But the ERLC and Leatherwood were adamant that you could, writing in an open letter:

“Women are victims of abortion…let us be clear: We state unequivocally that any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women is not pro-life and we stand firmly opposed to such efforts...we will continue to oppose legislative and policy initiatives that criminalize women who seek abortions

The new ERLC president is no friend of the unborn, and Leatherwood’s hands have blood on them that will not easily wash off.


Critical Race Theory Advocate Ligon Duncan is Teaching at John MacArthur’s Seminary. Why?

Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III, the Chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary, has been drifting in a big way for years. He took a pot shot at John MacArthur for telling Beth Moore to ‘go home’ a few years ago, partnered with gay priests at conference events, had a CRT syllabus at his University, said there is great wisdom in a pastor never letting congregants know which side of a political conflict he leans or where he stands on major political issues, and famously lamented that his black friends have a really good reason not to trust him: because he was a white mandrinking the bitter lies of the burgeoning progressive movement.

Ligon Duncan is not someone to be trusted, as Justin Peters recently pointed out at John MacArthur’s own 2022 Truth Matters Conference.

So why is he being brought in as a teacher at the Masters Seminary?

Scott Ardavanis, lead pastor of Grace Church of the Valley and Dean of the Masters Seminary Central Valley location, piped in Duncan to teach a class in pastoral ministry, praising him for his ministry.

We’ve said it before: after signing and promoting the Dallas Statement, MacArthur turned around and not only invited the woke trio of Al Mohler, Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan to speak but platformed them on stage. The Q&A was an absolute debacle, although thanks to Phil Johnson those men were at least put on the spot to squirm and sweat.

The Dallas Statement was supposed to be a line in the sand, as important as The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, or at least, that’s what many believers concluded. However, it turned out to be an irrelevant blip in history, hardly worth noting. It’s long dead. Not only is it dead, but in the words of JD Hall, “The Dallas Statement is dead and John MacArthur killed It.”

The statement became meaningless when those that were involved in the signing continued to promote the very people it was designed to warn against. Without teeth, what protection from dangerous teachings did it have to offer the church? MacArthur once said in regards to Duncan, Mohler, and Dever, “I’ll fight error, but I won’t fight my friends.” That’s pretty difficult when his friends are the ones promoting error. It is difficult when Ligon Duncan is being given a platform of influence, teaching the next generation of pastors in your own college.

Now, we are not saying that MacArthur had anything to do with the choice to have Duncan speak and teach at the seminary. In fact, maybe Scott Ardavanis doesn’t know about all the recent shenanigans Duncan has been up to. We’re very open to that, and that’s why we’re not going off; because they’ve earned the benefit of a doubt. Still, if this is something that those in his circle are going to keep on doing, then MacArthur needs to soften up his stance a little on the social justice gospel and not be so hard on critical race theory, lest he is guilty of being a hypocrite.

Either CRT is bad or it’s not. Either Duncan saying “It’s gonna take us 100 years to overcome the trust issues that have come out of (slavery). I tell people: my very best black friends have trouble trusting me, for really good reasons. Because people like me have been doing awful things to them and to their families for four centuries. You know? It’s gonna take a while before the trust issues that exist between otherwise good friends in Christ are gonna be addressed. We’ve got generational issues here.” is bad or it’s not.

Our stance? The church has been battered by progressivism and ravaged by Critical Race Theory, along with all the deviltry that comes with it. It is an ever-present threat, becoming more and more entrenched as it swallows congregations whole. Men like Duncan, who were once esteemed as unbending giants, are revealed to have saplings for spines, a previously unknown love for nuance and whimsy, a fascination with intersectionality and standpoint theory, and a damned-if-I-do dive into pure and abject theological and cultural squishiness. Until he repents of his previous positions, there’s no reason he should be viewed as a trusted instructor.

So why is he teaching there again?


Church of England School Reported Own Chaplain as Being a TERRORIST Then Fired Him for Anti-LGBTQ Beliefs

(CBN) A Christian chaplain in the United Kingdom who was fired for preaching a sermon on “identity politics” in a Church of England school three years ago, has taken legal action against his former employer. His case is being argued in front of an employment tribunal for the next several weeks. 

Represented by the Christian Legal Centre, Rev. Dr. Bernard Randall is taking Trent College to court for discrimination, harassment, victimization and unfair dismissal after the school reported him – without his knowledge – to the government anti-terror watchdog for the 2018 sermon. 

Randall, 49, from Derbyshire, was ordained by the Church of England in 2006. He had been employed by the school for four years until he was dismissed in 2019. 

He told the East Midlands Employment Tribunal that the school had shown “absolutely no regard for the concern {he} had for those upset or confused by the implementation of Educate and Celebrate” – a charity that provides training “to embed gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation into the fabric” of their organizations.

According to The Daily Mail, Randall told the tribunal in a written statement, that it was clear that the charity’s stated objective was to promote LGBT+ inclusion in schools. However, he said E&C went beyond “a natural stance of inclusivity into the active promotion of ideas which he believed amounted to identity politics.”

He also claimed much of E&C’s program appeared to him to be “contrary to Christian teaching.”

Randall also…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by CBN staff and published by CBN.


Witness BCC VP Says White Children are RACIST after Observing THIS Normal Playground Behavior

While Jemar Tisby and his supporters go around complaining and raging that a college that he once spoke at repudiated one of his messages for being too progressive and having “divisive racial themes,’ the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of his Black Christian Collective Organization is out slinging racial accusations faster than Kyle J Howard can Say ‘Twaumatize.’

For context, this is the same woman who advised black women not to enter into interracial relationships with white people, then she said that she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office, because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them. Now, she’s getting more an more extreme, sharing:

So two years ago, my family moved from Missouri to the south side of Chicago in order to get away from racist white people. So we went from predominantly white context to all black everything. Like I rarely interact with white people like at all. So whenever I’m around white people now, I see racism much more acutely than I did back in the day.

I was at an activity with one of my kids today and I was able to observe just how much white kids are socialized into white supremacy.

So in two separate instances, I watched white kids treat black kids like they were invisible. In the first incident a white kid literally crawled all over this black kid trying to see what he was doing on a mobile device, no respect for his bodily autonomy at all whatsoever.

The second incident, I watched two little white girls treat a little black girl like she didn’t exist. They would look at one another, they were talking, they would look at one another. She would say something they would glance and then they would look back at one another and just keep talking. It was really hard to watch. And I know that somebody’s gonna hop in the comments and say, ‘well, kids will be kids, this is how kids’ This ain’t it. In both instances, it was clear that these white kids did not see these black kids as full human beings and worthy of dignity and respect.

h/t The Dissenter


2000 Mongolians Get Saved At Historic and Unprecedented BGEA Outreach Festival

Thousands of Mongolians ‘decisions for Jesus’ according to a report from The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, who say that their outreach was the largest in the countries history.

Franklin Graham spoke at the two-day Festival of Hope in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, a much-hyped event that was the result of the cooperation of 250 protestant churches and two decades of prayer. Franklin gave over 17,300 attendees the gospel message, while 400 volunteers from churches across the country were at hand to minister to them.

“He sent his Son from Heaven to earth to save you. Are you broken in your spirit? Are you spiritually empty? Have you wasted your life? Will you come to Him? You need Jesus Christ — He is the only way to God. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.'”

With Christianity only breaking into Mongolia in any significant way in the late 1980’s, only 1.7% of Mongolia claims to be Christian, but that number includes Roman Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, and Seventh Day Adventists. Once you remove them, that number is much lower and likely hovers around 15,000-20,000 people. Assuming all these conversions are genuine, the salvations would correspond to a 15% increase in the amount of Christians in the country.


‘This Will Surprise a Lot of the Audience’ Max Lucado Says He Started Praying in Tongues For The First Time At Age 64

Author Max Lucado says he’s now a tongue speaker, revealing that three years ago, at 64, he acquired a heavenly language after praying about it for a couple of weeks.

We last wrote about Lucado, who pastors Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, after he argued ‘Faithful People May Disagree About What The Bible Says About Homosexuality. In an interview with Ed Stetzer for the Church Leaders podcast, he explains:

Lucado: “A significant gift came my way, and this will surprise a lot of the audience, it already has. It sure surprised our church. But you know, when I was 64 on a July morning, as I was praying, I began praying in tongues.

I had not done anything different, except I came across the passage where the Apostle Paul said, ‘Eagerly desire the spiritual gifts’…I said ‘Lord is there any other gift you desire for me?’ And I prayed that every morning for two or three weeks. And then one morning, early in the morning, I began praying in a heavenly language.”

Again, I had been taught those languages were discontinued and I really am not raising this topic so somebody can send me an email okay I’m really not.”

Stetzer: “Yeah. The restoration herald is writing an article right now.”

Lucado: ‘You know I get it and… I’m not advocating one way or the other. But I will say, that it is just a tender moment every morning when I enjoy it.”

Stetzer: “So you regularly now pray in tongues as part of your prayer time?”

Lucado: “Yes sir, yes.”

The use of a so-called ‘Private Prayer Language’ is diametrically opposed to scripture and opposes the conviction he intends to uphold. While we know that speaking in tongues, in and of itself, is described in scripture, we do know that scripture never condoned an unintelligible form of babbling. John MacArthur had this to say about the biblical use of tongues in the early church:

The Gift of Tongues was a divinely bestowed supernatural ability to speak in a human language that had not been learned by the one speaking. According to the Apostle Paul, when believers exercised the gift of tongues in church, they were to speak one at a time, and only two or three were to speak in a given service (1 Cor. 14:27). Furthermore, when tongues were spoken in the church, they were to be interpreted by someone with the gift of interpretation so that the others might be edified by the God-given message (1 Cor. 14:51327). In this way, tongues did not serve as a private prayer language, but rather “like all spiritual gifts” as a means by which one might serve and edify the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:71 Pet. 4:10).

Some who defend the use of a private prayer language will argue that the language is unintelligible in order to communicate with God in a way that only God can understand. They suggest Satan and his demons can’t, and therefore cannot use our weaknesses against us. The idea is pure nonsense and remains one of the more bizarre speculations of the charismatic movement.

Many who favor the practice defend it based on their personal experiences, but speaking in tongues is a learned behavior, both consciously and subconsciously, and its experience can be emotional, based on the mind and body’s natural reactions to “new things.” The truth is, this babbling use of a Private Prayer Language is a contemporary invention popularized by the modern charismatic movement and has no basis in scripture or church history, and the fact that many cults and false religions also use the practice of speaking in tongues and claim personal experience with the Holy Spirit doesn’t help them any either.

The claim that Paul taught a Private Prayer Language is a manufactured idea based on conjecture. Acts Chapter 2 shows the apostles having the ability to teach in foreign languages as part of their preaching ministry. Still, it does not offer this as an indecipherable driveling that nobody but God understood. First Corinthians 14 is probably the most cited verse in defense of the use of a personal prayer language, but this verse, when understood in context, has nothing to do with the modern-day gibbering we hear from Pentecostal cults, charismatics, and sadly some who are creeping their way into orthodox Christianity. Verses 13-17 reveal that even this “praying in tongues” was to be interpreted. Therefore it could be used to edify and illuminate the body of Christ.

Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also. Otherwise, if you give thanks with your spirit, how can anyone in the position of an outsider say “Amen” to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you are saying? For you may be giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not being built up. (1 Corinthians 14:13-17 ESV)

The private use of this gifting is never condoned – and neither is it seen in all of Scripture. We don’t know what Lucado thinks is happening, but it’s not the Holy Spirit.