Podcast: Racism in the Modern World, Questionable Cartoonists, and is it Sinful to Kill Animals Merely for Sport

On Protestia Tonight, David talks about the scattered Christian response to the recent comments made by Dilbert creator Scott Adams, and how Christians should approach the general topic of racism in the modern world.
On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask whether or not hunting animals for sport wrong. What does it say about someone who hunts purely for sport and no other reason? Is there a limit to how far the command to subdue the Earth and exert dominion over it is to go? Find out on this episode of Bible Bashed.
Having pets that impact your neighbors (barking, ruining lawns, defecating, approaching their families to jump/sniff/lick, etc…) is sinful and destroys your witness. Taking your pets to church, stores, public places not designed for them, etc… is sinful (idolatry and not loving others that don’t worship your furry idols/have allergies or bad experiences…and destroys your witness). Having an emotional support animal is sinful (not relying on the Holy Spirit…and destroys your witness), even most service dogs could be replaced with technology/monitors for less. Very few animals are killed solely for sport. They’re used in some fashion by someone (even if just to cull populations that would upset the ecosystem). So-no, not at all. Disney (evil from day one) has really messed people up in convincing the last few generations that animals are in any way like humans. This would not even be a topic in any other age of non-idolaters/non-narcissists that didn’t project onto animals (and it shouldn’t be now). Just look at home many “Christians” threaten death to those that kill a dog running loose (happened a few times the last week or so), but don’t get nearly as up in arms when their fellow man (with a soul) is actually murdered (not just killed). I hope those people are just as concerned about the deaths of “innocent mosquitos and mice”.