Prominent Charismatic ‘Prophet’ Claims Dolly Parton’s New Song is ‘Prophetic’ and a Message from God

Shawn Bolz, the poster child for false prophecies and whose prophetic predictions have proven less accurate than a drunken meteorologist, claimed in a recent video that God has sent a warning message to the world through a dream and song given to country singer Dolly Parton.
Bolz, who is no stranger to these bizarre bablings, falsely prophesied about the end of COVID-19 back on February 28, 2020, before there were any deaths in the United States and only 2800 worldwide, saying:
The Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now!
He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight….Even now, several vaccines are coming out, as well as a natural dying out of the virus itself. The Lord is saying, ‘I am removing the threat of this.’
Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel as though it is in the distant past.”
Shortly thereafter, he would prophecy that Trump would win a second term, another error he would have to hang his head in shame over. Despite being proven wrong repeatedly, Bolz does not consider himself a false prophet, offering that “a false prophet is somebody who is intentionally prophesying with an agenda that is not God’s agenda” and not someone who, as the bible says, prophecies things that do not come to pass.
In a recent video Bolz explains: why he’s so enraptured by this message from Parton.
Dolly Parton’s been an icon in the entertainment industry, both film television but also of course music and she had a dream recently, at what she calls a prophetic or spiritual dream….She’s always had a great reputation behind the scenes and also a Praying reputation and a Bible reputation where she believes in the Bible and reads the Bible every day. So it’s really interesting to have someone there’s an icon on this level in society who is sharing that she had a prophetic dream and wanted to give it to the world on her birthday…
I think it’s really incredible that she would do this and I think we need to listen to- sometimes it’s easy to listen to a pastor (when) they say they have a dream but everyone’s listening to Dolly Parton when she says she has a dream. It made the Billboards in the charts when she released it, and so I think God isn’t limited to speaking through a pastor on a local platform but he can speak to anybody he wants to and a lot of times he’ll use major artists or politicians to give a message…
I just thought you guys would like that story. It’s very interesting, kind ofgoes along with something that Glenn Beck shared in a prophetic dream that he had…
Some of the ‘prophetic lyrics include:
Last night I had a dream about God
He was standing on a mountain top
Looking down, around in such dismay
And in my dream I heard him sayDon’t make me have to come down there
My children, you had best beware
If you don’t pay attention, consequences will be dire
Don’t make me have to come down thereI’ve told you time and time again
You can’t disobey and hope to win
I am still the boss here in case there’s any doubt
You know I put you in this world and I can take you out
It’s sad and desperate, and is emblematic of the sad understanding that many charismatics have of the prophetic today.
For a deeper dive into this prophecy, check out Revealing Truth’s page here
Yet another idiotic self-concocted fantasy from a proven false prophet/narcissistic opportunist.