Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Liberal Denom Introduces Insane ‘Who Will Speak for the Trees?’ Resolution at General Synod

Lest anyone had doubts that the United Church of Christ denomination (UCC) is about as crazy as a rat in a coffee can when it comes to their progressive policies and practices, delegates from the New Hampshire Conference introduced a bizarre resolution at the mainline Protestant denomination’s General Synod that reads like some bizarre version of The Lorax mixed with pagan Gaia worship.

Taking place during this week, the Who will speak for the Trees?” A Resolution on the Rights of Nature” stood out from the usual progressive resolutions about transexual rights screeds and anti-Israel embargos by beginning with some good old fashion scare tactics, explaining that “The manifestations of climate change have radically escalated with increased severity, and it is more than likely we have ten years to dramatically change our relationship to nature” or else it will all be too late.

Getting particularly pagan, the resolution proposes that Christians no longer see trees as “objects” or “commodities” or view nature as an “it” but rather insists that we must see creation and nature as a “Thou” that is “alive with the presence of God’s Spirit and part of God’s beloved community.”

They explain that “Humans need a dramatic shift from the point of view that the Earth and all her resources are available to our sole benefit” given that “Nature is not there for enslavement, and it is wrong for people of faith to view nature as property that we own and may abuse.” It’s for this reason that they “call for prophetic action by listening to the cries of the Earth and by adopting this “Rights of Nature” declaration.”

Naturally, they list some ‘resolvements’ and they are about what you’d expect from an apostate denomination who’d just as soon have a mother Gaia statues crucified on a cross instead of Jesus, if not for the fact that the act of cutting down the tree to make the cross is likely the unpardonable sin.

-Foster respect and gratitude for Nature as divine gift. Combat attitudes of relegating Nature as mere capital for profit nor trashed as dumping ground for toxic waste.
-Promote the rights to Nature to be free from undue human harm, the right of healthy habitants, the right to species flourishing.
-Promote the rights of Nature to have a fair share of the bio-region and its goods
-Promote the rights of Nature to fulfill their ecological potential without undue human infringements.

-Participate in the Season of Creation for September Sundays. Include Creation care during each liturgical season (Earth-seders, Tenebrae, Easter sunrise service outdoors, and Earth Day.
-Preach every six weeks often on Earth Justice.
-Ritualize environmental grief: Bio-Diversity Day and have days of remembrance for Lost (and extinct) Species.
-Start environmental grief support groups.
-Become a Creation Justice Church and Green Hub of God’s green grace
-Work for the Green New Deal
-Advocate for the Rights of Nature and take part in climate strikes and non-violent protests.

Thankfully, the denomination is in a death spiral, occupied by seditious seasoned citizens and confused queer kids, and is projected to lose 80% of their membership over the next 30 years- frustrating their ability to plant their particular plot of paganism ever again.

h/t to Juicy Ecumenism

Evangelical Stuff Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

‘Revoice’ Founder Calls Own Denomination ‘Rampantly Homophobic’ for Rejecting LGBTQ Clergy

The leader of Revoice, the subversive organization bent on normalizing the strangefire notion that is “same-sex attracted Christians” while introducing new language and phrases like “sexual minorities” into the Christian lexicon, has taken to social media to weave a false narrative of outrage and distress, a manifestation of being butthurt after he and his kind were curb-stomped with cleats by the the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) General Assembly, who voted that everything he stands for and believes is wrong and will not be tolerated within the conservative Presbyterian denomination.

The PCA passed the first phase of Overture 23, which says that homosexual attraction, thoughts, and temptation are in and of themselves sinful and that any pastor that either identifies themselves as an “LGBTQ Christian” or who is embroiled in a continued struggle against homosexuality, is not fit for the pastorate and is disqualified from the ministry.

Yea and Amen!

This has led Nate Collins to lash out online, venting his frustrations at having to pick up his broken teeth and severed tongue off the hot asphalt—all the inroads he thought he and his organization made over the years washed away down the sewer by the cleansing rain of faithfully applied scripture.


Nonsense about oppressing “sexual minorities” and trying to co-opt racial language aside, Collins then went on to claim that his denomination is “rampantly homophobic” and was “silencing” said “minorities” on account of the General Assembly applying the equal rule to all men. Unable to contain himself, he also took a shot at the notion that “same-sex attraction” is “sinful” without explaining why being attracted to minors shouldn’t likewise be included in that list of acceptable exceptions.

Nothing about this of course is homophobic. At the very beginning of the General Conference, the Moderator was clear that he was going to be enforcing strict time limits, and as a result, many people’s mics were cut off. This happened more than once, and even Collins himself admits this was “by the book.” Furthermore, the man wasn’t “actually silenced” but rather he had his audio dimmed because he was being too long-winded; a plight suffered by more than one man. For Collins, who was scrambling to hide the blush over the stinging rebuke bestowed upon him, however, it might have been a personal slap in the face, and serves to demonstrate that it is not the facts that matter to him and the Revoice crowd, but rather the stories he can spin them into.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Jim Bakker Beaten Within An Inch of His Financial Life After Being Forced to Pay 156K Settlement

The hits keep coming for our beleaguered false prophet and snake-oil salesman Jim Bakker, who has been forced to pay restitution of over $156,000 in order to settle a lawsuit stemming from selling colloidal silver as a cure-all for the novel coronavirus in 2020.

Bakker hosts a doomsday show and peddles survival supplies in the name of Jesus. After scaring the daylights out of his octogenarian audience with charismatic end-times “prophets” like Jonathan Cahn or Mark Blitz, Bakker drags out merchandise, like 5-gallon buckets of survival slop emergency food and 5-gallon buckets which you can then use to vacate your bowels of such horrible tasting food. From head to heel, Jim Bakker has you covered when it comes to the Apocalypse. After all, God gave him a vision in prison to help you prepare.

When the coronavirus popped up in March of 2020, Bakker brought a guest on to ply her product—the same special elixir that he previously claimed can heal every single venereal disease.

Then New York’s Attorney General stepped him and told him to knock it off, followed by Missouri’s Attorney General tagging in and do likewise, filing suit against him and ultimately winding up here a year later.

Bakker, who already has had his credit card companies cut him off and is reduced to only taking checks to support his ever dwindling ministry, will have to give refunds to everyone who bought his paraded products, which was sold between $80 and $100 a pop.

Along with the settlement, Bakker and Morningside Church Productions will be prohibited from advertising the magical formula “to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or illness.”

It is unclear how much longer the 81 year old Bakker can hang on, but given the way things are going, we predict he will be done in six months. Mark it!

Heresies Scandal

Discovery+ Announces TV Series Chronicling Fall of Hillsong NY and Carl Lentz

Discovery+ has announced they have ordered a documentary series titled “Breaking Hillsong,” which will “chronicle the headline-making world of global star-studded megachurch Hillsong and the downfall of its ultra-hip, celebrity senior pastor, Carl Lentz.”

“Through a partnership with the New York Post with investigative journalist Hannah Frishberg’s in-depth coverage,” the three-episode run will feature, among other things, “exclusive, never-before-seen interviews including Ranin Karim, the New York-based fashion designer whose five-month affair with Lentz led to his downfall.” According to the release:

BREAKING HILLSONG will take viewers into the world of Hillsong, the megachurch with more than 150,000 global members that has recently come under scrutiny. The series will profile numerous current and ex-members of the church who have come forward en masse to share harrowing stories of the trauma, abuse, financial and labor exploitation, homophobia and racism that created a culture of chaos at Hillsong. Additionally, BREAKING HILLSONG will examine the greater phenomenon of corruption within megachurches.

The investigation will surely be a bitter pill to swallow for Hillsong’s head honcho Brian Houston, whose American wing has been embroiled in several high-profile scandals all year, so much so that he had to disband and shut down one of them, and who likely isn’t happy to have the dirty laundry aired in public.

Hillsong HQ launched an internal investigation into the New York branch but never made the findings public. At the time, Houston said that the Church failed in “significant ways” to reflect the culture they wished to impart. Houston also said previously in a leaked phone recording that there was a “culture of dysfunction” at Hillsong and other officials confirmed that the misadventures of staffers using the church like a seedy dating service, “sleeping around” with volunteers and asking them to send nude pictures was “mostly true.”

Discovery+ is the streaming service of Discovery Inc., which operates several educational and lifestyle television brands, such as its’ namesake Discovery Channel, as well as DIY Network, HGTV, Animal Planet, TLC, and the Science Channel.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Huckster Jim Bakker Makes Desperate Plea for $1000, Will Give Blanket and Mug in Return

Jim Bakker, peddler of end-times wares and false prophecies, spent the last few minutes on his show yesterday making a pitiful plea for some financial assistance, offering to give a blanket and a mug in exchange for $500 apiece.

Fortunately, Bakker is barely coherent and sounds like a compilation of Biden when off his meds, being barely coherent and forcing our transcriptionist to work double time to capture his mammon-loving mewls.

I’m asking everyone who’d say ‘Jim, I’m going to stand with you. We’re going to beat the devil back. We’re going to beat him back into hell where he belongs.’

I mean the massiveness of what God is doing through the ministry is so unbelievable, that I just know if everyone gives, we’re going to make it through this. It’s going to grow and grow and grow…if you can give $1000 do it. If you can give the $100 offering, you can do that. If anyone is still with, the special PTL blanket, you can ask for it, and we’ll be able to send that to you as well, and the cup you’ll get the PTL Profits Prophets mug. [Oops! Wrong word! What WERE we thinking? LOL -Ed.]

Call me right now, would you? We need help…

Bakker and his ministry are still reeling from a series of financial hits he took last year, after being sued, prosecuted, and investigated by the government for selling a fake coronavirus cure, which resulted in Visa and MasterCard cutting him off and severely impacting his ability to rake in cash. Now, all they can take is a check, which they note can take 2-4 weeks to process.

As previously explained, Jim Bakker has a racket. His schtick works like this: He brings in “prophets” like Bill Johnson, Paula White, Rodney Howard Browne, or Jonathan Cahn who issue doomsday revelations. Then, Bakker sells survival supplies.

However, he’s technically not “selling them.” He’s giving them in exchange for a “gift” as a gift-for-gift transfer. “Purchases” are actually tax-deductible gifts to his ministry and what is “sold” doesn’t have to have tax added on because it’s only a “gift” in exchange for their contribution. Doing so allows Jim Bakker to undersell his doomsday profiteering competitors.

The sooner he goes belly-up and his ministry devolves into a sad, ineffective heap of irrelevance, the better.

h/t to @RightWingWatch for the video

Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies In-person Church

EXCLUSIVE: Al Mohler’s SBTS Invites Woke CRT Proponent to Teach Class on ‘Black Church Ministry’

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) has invited a woke, Critical-Race-Theory-loving (CRT) advocate to teach a week-long class on ‘Black Church Ministry in the Community,’ leading many to wonder to what degree his left-wing biases will impact his lectures, and what this says about a Sothern Baptist Convention (SBC) Presidential Candidate who leads the seminary and insists that CRT would never seep into the hallowed halls under his watch, despite evidence to the contrary.

Dr. Tyshawn Gardner is the Pastor of Plum Grove Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, AL. He is a recent SBTS graduate where he was pursuing a Ph.D. in Christian Preaching and Practical Theology, as well as is President of the Tuscaloosa Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

He also tweets, preaches, and shares some very progressive things.

Last summer he preached a sermon on Psalms 126, declaring that we live in a completely racialized society, and as a result, reparations must be paid to black people by white people. Gardner explains that even for black folk who did well in school, got a nice job, have never been called the n-bomb, and who claim they haven’t experienced racism before, that they actually did, and that they need to get paid as a result.

Those things don’t mean that you have not experienced racism. It does not mean that you have received everything that belongs to you.

Let me say it this way; just because you never had it, doesn’t mean it’s not yours…the fact of the matter is what’s yours was taken from us centuries before we were born.

The fact of the matter is, in a racialized society, even those who have succeeded and succeeded well, have been affected by racism, and we need the Lord to intervene to keep the scales balanced. We need the law to intervene so that everything that was taken and everything was stolen doesn’t happen again.

His social media feed is hardly better, retweeting pro-choice Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, and messages lauding Nikole Hannah-Jones’ supremely racist The 1619 Project.

He also takes several shots at critics of Critical Race Theory, saying that its purpose is to demolish “white supremacy” and that those who fight against it are protecting racists.

And a few more freebies, showing you where Gardner’s mind is.

Sadly, more and more and more at SBTS, these sorts of beliefs are not bugs, but features. This guy is who they want teaching a class on Black Church Ministry in the Community? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies SBC

Mini-Doc ‘Woke SBC’ Exposes Alber Mohler’s Role in Allowing CRT to Flourish

‘Enemies Within the Church‘ who recently rereleased their documentary on the scandalous shenanigans that went down in 2019 at a now-prominent Southern Baptist Church (SBC) megachurch, where a failed pastoral search led to scurrilous accusations of racism and sin against dissenting members, has released a teaser/ promo of sorts documenting wokeness and a capitulation to Critical Race Theory within the Southern Baptist Convention.

Judd Saul, Director of EWTC, explains:

After conducting 3 years of interviews and research for our upcoming film Enemies Within The Church, we decided to put together a compilation and excerpts from interviews and footage that we have acquired during our research. We feel that this content was too important to sit on given the current climate within the Southern Baptist Convention.

This is a must-watch for anyone wanting any sense of the direction the SBC is heading, and features many of the characters we frequently rag on here at Protestia, showing the depths of their deception.

Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Miracles as a Subscription Service? Only $1 for the first month, then…

A new business venture is offering to ship “transformation, healing, miracles, prophecy and heaven on earth revival into your world” and the cost of that is just $1, at least for the first month.

Healing Room Global is an “Apostolic and Prophetic Network” that has begun offering a service that “includes everything you need to become proficient in the supernatural realms of God in every sphere of life,” and which will bring about “signs and wonders” on the daily. The current promo is a $1 trial for the first month, and then $15.95/month thereafter. If you sign up for the full year right off the bat, you get a “free” copy of a demonic bible.

Further investigation reveals that this is not a legitimate promo, because the timer on this website informs that you have only 18 hours and 27 minutes to claim your spot in order to qualify for the promo, but rather the timer resets every time you refresh the webpage, showing the duplicity of the game even before you sign up.

The scheme includes an interactive private Facebook group, monthly video teachings, a live question and answer time every month, and will feature teaching from New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) false teachers like Bethel’s Bill Johnson, “apostle/prophet” Randy Clark, Johnny Enlow, Graham Cooke, Sharon Murphy, and others.

The promises they make are manifest:

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to grow in heavenly realities – right here on earth with the Global Network Training School! Bring miracles, signs and wonders into your city and every sphere of life with the Healing Rooms Global Network! Connect with leaders and get equipped with teaching unlike anything you’ve ever seen before!

Ironically, this whole thing is being put on by Healing Room Ministries, which advertises a network of 3000 healing rooms and miracle centers across the globe. A quick perusal of their site shows they have a pandemic policy, which states, “Due to COVID-19, the hours and service of each Healing Room may differ. To inquire on hours, contact your local Healing Room, or search here for the nearest Healing Room near you.”

We looked into a few of the healing centers, such as Guelph Healing Center, Abby Healing Room, and others. Wouldn’t you know it, a suspicious amount of them shut down and went to “Zoom only” during the pandemic, or timed their hours of operation and whether or not they were shut down according to what wave they were in, exactly like to Bethel Church shut down their healing rooms and School of Supernatural Ministry when healing was needed most.

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31 KJV)

Bethel Church’s newly launched YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel,” which features an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives, has already paid dividends, as Bill Johnson and his associate pastor talk shop about whether or not God is in control of everything, concluding that he is not.

In contrast to that, we would say that not only has God numbered the very hairs on our head, but he controls every movement they will ever make throughout their lifetime, so that a breeze cannot shift a single hair a tenth of a micron to the right without the Lord knowing about it and ordaining it to happen. There is not one stray atom in the universe for God. If this is not true, He is not God.

For Bethel? They find the notion laughable and unpalatable in the extreme. In their view, sometimes things just happen, and God has no control over them.

Q: Does he control everything? Is he in charge of everything, but doesn’t control everything? What are some of the ways you think about that and understand scripture?

Johnson: My understanding in this area creates the greatest challenges for me…my approach is that God doesn’t control everything.

He’s in charge of everything. And the way I’d illustrate is well, you’re a parent, or you’re in charge of your household, but you’re not in control of everything that happens, you know?

Some dish will break. Something will happen. Somebody will say something that was unkind. Those things aren’t because of your influence. They just happen because you have a household of free will.

So that’s my approach, is that God is absolutely sovereign and that he’s in charge of everything. But I don’t credit him with Hitler. I don’t credit him with the disasters that take place in the earth. I don’t look at these and go, “Well, this is the plan of God who’s devised wickedness so that his glory could be seen.”

For me, that’s absolute nonsense.

So I look at his, at his sovereignty seen, in that he’s written you and me into a sovereign plan. For example, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God is not willing. So is it God’s will for people to perish? No. Are they perishing? Yes. Why? Because there’s a [sic] wiggle room in there somewhere, where we have some measure of influence on the outcome.

This eventually prompts Dann Farrelly, Bethel’s Associate Pastor and Dean of Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry, to chime in:

And I think that’s the worldview of Scripture, you see a lot of powerful decision-makers in the angelic and demonic realm, as well as the human realm. And in the Lord’s sovereignty, sometimes I’ll say it to the students. “He’s so sovereign, he’s decided to be in control of what he wants to be and not in control the things he doesn’t want to be.”

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Delusional Charismatic Prophet About to Have Reckoning After Declaring Trump Will Return to Power by June 23

A self-proclaimed prophet who seemingly forgot the cardinal rule of charismatic chicanery- never, ever set a date– has gone ahead and done just that, declaring that they would be dancing in the streets on account of Trump returning triumphantly to the office of the presidency by June 23rd.

The remark was made by Jeff Jansen, who we featured less than a month ago after being fired from the ministry he founded on account of leaving his wife and family and other “unscriptural and unbiblical behaviors.”

Now, in a video posted to his Facebook page, Jansen explains:

“President Trump is going to be addressing the GOP and the nation….watch what happens. I said by spring, which starts officially June 23, we’d be dancing in the streets. The Trump administration is on its way in. The pedophilia Biden administration- the fake administration- Biden’s administration, is on its way out. I don’t care if you like it or not- it doesn’t matter. We all know what took place, and God is going to do something amazing in this nation and through this nation, It’s revival time. It’s revolution time!”

Jensen is perhaps best known as being a bold speaker in defense of Donald Trump. He falsely prophesied that Trump would win reelection, and when he didn’t, declared Trump was recognized in heaven as the legitimate President of the United States and that God would soon remove Joe Biden from office and reinstate Trump with the help of a military coup.

Naturally, his followers have been undaunted by his repeated wrong prophecies and gutted personal life, commenting on the post:

We look forward to seeing how he tries to weasel out of this one.