Church Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies News Social Justice Wars

The Wokefication of World Vision: Whites View Black People as Either ‘Pets’ or ‘Threats’

Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Professor, North Park Theological Seminary, is leading the way in demonstrating the extent that Critical Race Theory is spreading throughout World Vision. Parks is the moderator and one of the leaders of the May We Be One: Pastors pursuing Racial Justice course, whose stated goals are to have church leaders “be prepared to lead conversations about racism in America,” and to “engage with one another to dismantle racism and change the landscape of the church.”

From remarks he made at a Black & Asian Christians United Against Racism conference on April 5th 2021 at the Apostolic Faith Church, and also reiterated in Session 9 of the course, Soong-Chan Rah explains that by default and intrinsically, white people view black people and Asians as either “pets” or “threats” and view Asian women as invisible or sexual jezebels.

For African-American communities, I’ve often described how the spiritual demonic power of white supremacy, the gaze of the dominant culture defines the black community, so that the rest of us have to play along.

So that when the white male looks at the black male, the black male is either a pet or a threat. The black male is a pet because the white community wants you to entertain them, wants you to be their comedians that make them laugh, the musicians that make them dance, and the sports athletes that make them jump up and clap.

But they also see you, if you’re not the pet, you become the threat. You are the unidentified black male that commits every crime in our city. You are the individual that is seen as the unsafe person in our society. And even worse, if you are the pet that becomes the threat.

Hypothetically, it could be an athlete who takes a knee. That pet has become a threat. Hypothetically, it could be pastors who decide we’re not going to play the game anymore – we’re going to stand against injustice. You’ve gone from a pet to a threat.

And it is the same scenario that Asian-Americans often find ourselves in. The gaze of the white dominant culture looks at the Asian male and says: you are a pet or a threat.

They are the Chinese virus. They are the Kung flu. And how easily and quickly it became for that pet to become a threat. And we’ve seen this on the gendered side, as well. Bell Hooks says that when the white male gazes upon the black female, he categorizes the black female in two ways: the Jezebel or the Mammy.

The Jezebel, that is, the sexualized fantasy of the dominant culture, and the mammy that takes care of you and gives you what you need. You see that same paradigm now play itself out in the Asian community, as well.

…because you are seeing the Asian women as disposable and invisible. The ones that pick up the towels after you. The ones that feed you. The ones that take care of you. That’s what you’ve seen, the Asian women. You have sexualized or you have made invisible the Asian-American woman. This is the reality of white supremacy.

This is what world vision is teaching thousands of pastors and tens of thousands of people each week. It is not an unknown program.

To give one example, Willow Creek, the multi-campus 20,000 member church founded by Bill Hybels, announced months ago that they were participating in World Vision’s May We Be One year-long conference “in an effort to help equip all our staff to better engage justice and racism from a biblical perspective.”

Sadly, we have only scratched the surface of how deep this all goes.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the find.

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

The SBC 2021 SEND Conference is an Embarrassment and a Mockery of Conservatives

If you thought the initial 2020 SBC Pastor’s Conference lineup was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. Jacob Johnson had the best succint take on it, and he put it this way:

This is worse than the initial 2020 SBC Pastor’s Conference Lineup; this is intentional deception and absurdly obvious in that this isn’t an intended solution, this is a backhand display of mocking conservative BF&M affirming Southern Baptist’s and a spiteful response from SBC Liberals/Elites to the EC’s action and position taken last year. This is a directly intended message.

Instead of a “pastor’s” conference, they change it a “SEND” conference; hosting (non-SBC) heretics, feminists, social justice warriors, and destructive forces against the biblical family / Godly ordered homes. A send conference presented by North American Mission Board (NAMB) / IMBKevin Ezell / Paul Chitwood.

Tony Evans is not SBC and a dangerous social justice warrior; this man is a rank heretic. Evans’ heresies include (but are not limited to) Pelagianism (the denial of original sin), Inclusivism (you don’t have to be a Christian to be saved), and Limited Theism (the denial of God’s omnipotence). Kevin Smith (falsely self-proclaimed ‘Dr.’ recipient of SBTS) a woke social justice/crt advocate, Shelia Walsh, etc.

SBC Executive Committee previously stated, regarding the 2020 Pastors Conference, that they rejected the conference and argued its participants and alignments to be: “sufficiently beyond the parameters of the faith and practice of Southern Baptists in accordance with The Baptist Faith and Message.”

Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of the 2020 SBC Annual Meeting, the 2020 Pastors’ Conference had drawn criticism and concern because not all speakers were Southern Baptists and scheduled performer Hosanna Wong, a spoken word artist, is also a teaching pastor at her non-Southern Baptist church. The SBC Executive Committee voted Feb. 18 to give the SBC pastors’ conference officers until Feb. 24 to make “amendments to its proposed program”

Following “prayerfully considered options” and “counsel” among SBC elites … it was decided for 2021, there would instead be a “Send” Conference— “NAMB president Kevin Ezell said NAMB would be “honored to produce a SEND event for the 2021 Pastors’ Conference in Nashville and to work with our friends at IMB to present it.”

This is worse than the 2020 Pastors Conf. Conflict and it’s more rebellious against the Gospel and a willful rejection of the BF&M 2000 than previously in 2020. This is a message SBC Elites/Progressives/Liberals are making [“SEND”(ing)] loud and clear.

If that isn’t messed up enough, the SBC’s International Mission Board (IMB)’s official Facebook page joined nine other people in ‘liking’ that status update, though given that this was a direct shot across the bow at them, their ‘like’ was nothing more than a grim, sardonic mockery.

Their purposeful ‘like is an affirmation that they saw the post, and they don’t care. Johnson believes it’s backhanded, and that “they will claim it was a slip-up and believed it to be promotion for the event— as someone familiar with how they operate, the social media (publishing) power they have… it was intentional. They are all PR Masters. (The “KY Boy Club” at work). They’re mocking us, conservative/confessional Baptists.”

We could not agree more. The fox that is Russell Moore may be out of the hen house, but there are more than enough predators left behind to frolic, feast, and cause some bedlam within the body.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

The Wokefication of World Vision: ‘White Male Gaze’ and Why White Christians Desire White Primacy

World Vision’s online course designed to equip churches and pastors to understand “racial justice” is a hotbed of Critical Race Theory, unbiblical syncretism, and radical progressivism, infecting the organization and resulting in the wokefication of World Vision and a denial of some core tenets of the Christian Faith.

Discovered through their monthly “May We Be One: Pastors pursuing Racial Justice” course, this is part two in a five-part series exposing the extent that CRT has compromised the mission of the famed NGO (See Part one for more information on these courses).

In this case, Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Professor at North Park Theological Seminary and one of the primary moderators for World Vision, explains the CRT concept of “white male gaze” and the ways it is designed to frame black people as a threat, resulting in the propensity of White Christians to “act instinctively to preserve that narrative of white superiority” and “act naturally, instinctively, to preserve…the narrative of white superiority.”

Whose perspective determines the perspective of society? Willie Jennings [of Yale Divinity School] talks about the four quadrants of relationships, a four-part relationship, between the white male, the black male, the white female, and the black female. And that interrelationship between these four oftentimes is determined by the gaze or perspective of the white male.

In other words, how the white male views the others determines how the rest of society views the other. So, for example, when the white male gazes upon the black male, how is that black male perceived? The black male is perceived in such a way that the rest of society views the black male in the same way. So, when the white male sees the black male, that black male is a threat.

In fact, if you think about the six o’clock news and what leads every single news report on the six o’clock local news, what is the most scary, threatening person in our society according to the six o’clock news? It is the unidentified black male

…Now that threat of the black male is translated in a lot of different ways, and one of the ways is translated is the gaze issue again, the perspective, when the black male looks at the white female, that is oftentimes conceived as a very real threat.

Narratives are like a good actor in a good TV show or in a movie. So there are good actors who use something called method acting. In method acting, what they do is they embody the character so deeply that they reflexively and improvisationally, impulsively act out of that character. So, for example, if Robert De Niro is playing a mobster in a movie shoot, and you run into him at a Starbucks, don’t talk to him, because he’s so into that character, he’ll respond to you like he’s an actual mobster.

So that embodied character, getting so deeply into that character that your instinct, your reflex, what you improvise, comes out of that character, that’s what narratives do. And so these narratives have been played out over and over again. The unidentified black male. The superiority of white culture over other culture. The demeaning of other cultures and the elevating of this culture.

When that narrative gets played out over and over again, we end up embedding that character into our imagination, our value system, our worldview, and we act improvisationally, instinctively, reflectively, reflexively, out of that character.

One of the questions we want to grapple with as we go through this material is what are the ways that we act instinctively to preserve that narrative of white superiority, white primacy? What are the ways we act naturally, instinctively, to preserve or act into that narrative of white superiority?”

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the clip and most of the transcript. Everyone should follow him on Twitter, Gab, and YouTube.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies

California Loses Lawsuit, to Pay Church $1,350,000 For Shutting Them Down

A California District judge has given the win to Harvest Rock Church (HRC) and ordered the State to pay them $1.35 million in legal fees and attorney costs, the result of landing a monstrous victory over California Governor Gavin Newsom. HRC and other churches sued the governor for imposing pandemic rules limiting the size of church services and attendance, as well as the ban on singing and chanting, which they say violated their First Amendment rights.

Mat Staver, the Liberty Counsel Chairman whose firm has been representing Harvest Rock, was ebullient over the news, saying in a statement:

Newsom has now been permanently quarantined and may not violate the First Amendment rights of churches and places of worship again. We are grateful for Pastor Ché Ahn, Harvest Rock Church, and Harvest International Ministry. Pastor Ahn’s leadership and courage has toppled the tyranny and freed every pastor and church in California…

For over a year, California prosecutors were levying threats of criminal charges for each individual congregation member at HRC, amounting to thousands of individual $1000 fines and jail time for up to a year for violators.

In fact, the prosecutor’s office in Pasadena informed HRC, led by the defacto head of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Pastor Ché Ahn, that they were revved up and ready to criminally charge every congregant member who chose to show up at the church, including the pastor, the staff, and the parishioners, if they did not immediately desist worshipping together on the Lord’s day, sending letters like these.

Though Pastor John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church has garnered most of the attention and publicity for restarting their services after a lengthy shutdown, hundreds of Churches in California have been defying Newsom for weeks and months before GCC ever did, if many even closed at all.

Harvest Rock Church opened its in-person services back in late May of 2020, joining 1200 other pastors in a day of defiance that set the date for reopening their services despite shutdown orders. They launched a lawsuit against the state in June, and have been a thorn in the side of government officiants wanting to shut them down ever since, battling it out in court over and over with the help of the Liberty Counsel.

It was Harvest Rock Church’s win that resulted in the statewide permanent injunction against COVID-19 restrictions on churches and places of worship being put in place, meaning every church in California owes them a word of thanks and gratitude. In a statement, Pastor Ché Ahn said:

This is a momentous day for churches in America. After nearly a year-long battle defending our religious freedoms, our lawsuit has reached a permanent settlement in our favor.

I am thrilled to see the complete reversal of the last discriminatory restrictions against churches in California, knowing this case will act as a precedent, not only in our state, but also in our nation. We are incredibly grateful to our attorney Mat Staver and to Liberty Counsel for their relentless support and fierce determination. Most of all, we give all the glory to God for moving mightily in this historic season.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hillsong’s Brian Houston Opens up About Fired Pastor Carl Lentz

In an interview with NBC’s “Today” show, Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston opened up about the termination of disgraced pastor Carl Lentz and the subsequent implosion of Hillsong churches in North America, saying that he has had concerns for years about the celebrity pastor, describing him as a “unique character” and a “narcissist.”

During the interview, Savannah Gutherie pressed him on whether or not Hillsong Global Senior Leadership was turning a blind eye to his activities, so long as he brought in people. She asked what he made of the fact that his congregants and other staff members described Lentz as “aloof” and “removed” from the actual ministry, where he would arrive at the church in a chauffeured car, wait in the green room, preach the sermon, and then leave with his entourage.

Look – Carl was Carl. He’s a unique character. There’s a lot of things I miss about Carl. But having said that, there were leadership issues that I believe included lying, included what I would call narcissistic behavior.

I’d have to admit I’ve had concerns and many conversations over the years with Carl. I think there’s a lot of things I should have known earlier, and hopefully moving forward we make sure we have far better systems in place and better accountability.

Asked when he first noticed Lentz exhibiting this behavior, Houston replied that for years he’s had “concerns” and “many conversations” with him, and yet still continued letting him lead. In retrospect, Houston is reflective:

I think there’s a lot of things I should’ve known earlier, and hopefully, moving forward, we’ll make sure we have far better systems in place and better accountability…I do think that we did allow a culture to develop where it was one rule for celebrities and a different rule for other people.

Guthrie shifted to what he made of all the scandals Hillsong has been enduring recently, of the pastor who was sexting, to senior pastors resigning in shame after their financial impropriety was unveiled, to even allegations that volunteers are being overworked and bullied:

[This season in the church] has been difficult, clearly, because of a lot of disappointment in some of the things that have emerged. Some obviously are false. Other things are real…

In my mind, if one person is treated badly, that’s one too many. If it’s true that people have been treated badly or that people have been bullied, I am 100 percent committed to moving that out of our church.

Finally, as the interview closes out, Houston is asked what he thinks Jesus would have felt like sitting in Hillsong church, with the lights and the music and the “pretty people.”

Honest answer? I think he would have liked it. Because the focus is on glorifying him.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA

DC Talk’s Kevin Max Renounces His Faith, Promotes ‘Universal Christ’

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1 John 2:19

Ex-‘Jesus Freak’ Kevin Max has announced on social media that he considers himself to be an “exvangelical” and that that he has been “deconstructing” his faith for years, for all intents and purposes revealing himself to have become a progressive pagan who has renounced orthodox Christianity and now holds to some weird form of belief in the “Universal Christ”.

Max, 53, who is best known as one-third of the trio DC Talk, has spent the last year taking potshots at “narrow minded-judgmental evangelicals” and got the ball rolling to an even greater degree on Twitter when he said:

He followed it up with a few more points of clarification, writing:

Lest there was any doubt, the singer, whose Twitter bio describes himself as a “Leftist” Mystic” and “Liberal”, also came out as Pro-LGBTQIA and in a later tweet came out as pro-choice (“Prolife with exceptions”)

He further posted this song lyric from a recent album, explaining that it encapsulates where is he is right now spiritually. He says he still “believes in Jesus” but it’s pretty evident it’s a deity of his own making, according to the lusts of his flesh, with his talk of the “glowing universal Christ.’

In an interview with Gabriel Jones, Kevin also explains that he no longer believes that the bible is literal or accurate or true, telling him:

“I believe in a God of the universe, and I believe that He can hear me. And that, in itself, is just plain kind of crazy. But if I believe that, then I truly believe that He cares about my progression and asking questions and wanting to know what is real and what isn’t real…I don’t think the God that I believe in is going to just all of a sudden ignore me because I don’t believe every single thing that’s written down somewhere.

Now is about as good a time as any to pray that in His providence, God saves him.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Scandal

Mark Driscoll Lies About Where His Bible Came From

On March 21, 2021, Mark Driscoll of the elderless and abusive The Trinity Church dropped this image on Instagram with a caption that reads:

Some 30 years ago, my beautiful girlfriend (and eventual wife) gave me this bible. Since then, my life has been about learning and teaching the words written within the leather binding. I may or may not have had it rebound a few times. 😂 What’s the verse that changed your life? Drop it in the comments.

There is only one problem: his girlfriend couldn’t have given him the Bible he has in his hands, because the ESV didn’t exist yet.

The ESV was published by Crossway in 2001, and so it would be impossible for it to have received it 30 years ago back in 1991.

He did not misspeak and mean 20 years ago, as he was already married for nearly 10 years by then – certainly, no girlfriends were giving him bibles.

It is technically within the realm of theoretical possibilities that he was given a different bible and just rebound it with an ESV cover – say an NRSV or something, but that would make no sense, particularly because he frequently uploads pictures of his sermon notes to Instagram and all the bible verses are from the ESV, as well as has said on multiple occasions that he preaches from the ESV.

Any explanation from Driscoll and company on how that time-traveing bible came into his possession would be most appreciated.

h/t to @renatlsurvivors on Twitter and @trinitycult on Instragram for the find.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Prophetess Gives Wild Answer to Gruesome Q&A about Angels Chopping off Demon Heads

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, that St. Patrick’s mansion is surrounded by giant singing shamrocks, or that heaven is full of 20ft Sasquatch Warriors, ‘Fairies,’ and unicorns, she’s explaining how she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment.

Appearing on Episode 23 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Kerr, who really is excellent at improv [the form of comedy in this case? -Ed.], answers the question from the ever-gullable Steve: “Can I ask my angels to draw their swords and cut off the heads of any and all devils that I find attacking me, and if not, what can I ask them to do?”

Kerr informed the poor tormented soul that she herself can’t kill the demons, but that if she invites heaven’s army to accompany her, the angels can do her dirty work. These are not the 40-foot tall guardian angels that look like people, but rather a separate class called “hosts.” She explains:

The hosts don’t mostly don’t ever look like people, they look like creatures. They’re made out of things like light or sound. But, they’re real and they’re fierce. They can battle the demonic, they can shred them but not kill them and I mean they will literally shred them. They can leave marks on them but they can’t kill them.

I…literally took a picture one time, when I first invited heaven’s army according to the protocol the Father gave me. I invited heaven’s army to be one of my weapons and they began showing up outside in the sky over my home.

And one time, not kidding, there was a whole group of them, the ones that looked like lions, they’re the world guards, they had some demons in chains and brought them over my roof and I got a picture.

Steve: “Really?”

I’m not kidding. I’m, not kidding. They were showing me the ones they had captured and were dragging either for judgment, because I have been in the courtrooms in heaven where sometimes demons are dragged up and judged and then the father deals with them. They’re either thrown in a dry place or they’re thrown in chains. That’s what ‘spear force(?)’ is all about. You’re gonna learn so much about that so I don’t have time or won’t answer any questions, but I can tell you you can command your army if you have an army.

Featured Heresies In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police Issue 26 Churchgoers The Steepest Known Fines in North America for Attending Services

Police in Nova Scotia have fined 26 churchgoers a total of $2,422 each for attending an “illegal faith gathering” on Sunday. This is believed to be the highest value of fines handed out to individual parishioners in North America since the pandemic began.

Officers were called to Weston Christian Fellowship Church in Weston, N.S., where they found the service in progress. Nova Scotia has one of the strictest rules in Canada, where it is illegal to have any in-person church service, irrespective of the number of people or the space it is being done in. RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Chris Marshall explains:

Twenty-six people were charged in the event, as a result of the gathering, and then the organization itself that was hosting the gathering was also charged. Basically, anybody that was over the age of 16 was issued a fine. There were some children and things there, but the children weren’t issued fines.

Not only were the congregants charged, but the church itself was charged as a corporation and given a $11,622 fine. In total more than $74,000 in fines were issued.

Naturally, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health Robert Strang was supportive of the decision, given that it is the result of his own orders and policies.

We recognize the importance of faith services, of worship. But also recognize that right now, there’s a need to do that in ways that don’t bring people together, and the vast majority of our faith leaders understand and support that. It’s disappointing that this happened, and I hope people understand that we’re not doing this because we want to, but it’s absolutely necessary to keep people safe.

Nova Scotia has a population of a million people and has had 71 deaths, the average age which is 80 years old.

[Editor’s note: Speaking as a Canadian, I have to wonder where all the brown shirts are. When did we wake up in Nazi Germany?]

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Steven Furtick Promotes Trinity Denier’s Book + Says His Kids Think his Words are Scripture

Famous Trinity-denier TD Jakes has been getting an awful lot of love lately, with a raft of Christian people and organizations cuddling up to the money-loving Modalist. For years he was even loved by LifeWay before they quietly stopped carrying his books, the result of a barrage of negative attention and cage-rattling from us back when we were Pulpit and Pen. [Editor’s note: Apparently us “15 angry Calvinists” are a formidable force!]

And why wouldn’t we? T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Despite denying a fundamental, primary doctrine of the Christian faith, T. D. Jakes is widely accepted within Christendom and nowhere more than by Elevation Church’s Steven Furtick, who speaks of him in a way reminiscent of a 12-year-old schoolgirl whose crush just asked her to the prom, gushing praise and affection for an enemy of the church who is leading his congregants to hell.

Naturally, they preach at each other’s churches and attend each other’s conferences – even one that costs $1000 to attend. In this case, Jakes uploaded a video on April 21 featuring a conversation between him and Furtick discussing his new book Don’t Drop the Mic, which was also recently promoted on Charisma News.

Speaking to the audience, Furtick goes on to explain that the Bishop is quoted so often and frequently in his house that his 16-year-old son started believing that his words were bible verses and that Jakes’ snippets were actually scripture. He recounts:

How many have ever listened to Bishop Jakes’ preaching and you’re like, ‘Does he have the same bible that I have?’

I was going to tell you this. So my oldest, Elijah, the other day…we’re on the porch and I quoted a Bishop quote to him. And I said, ‘you know well bishop always says, “badadadada naadada,”‘ one of these little parables that you spit out. You know, just this beautiful, uh, beautiful…beautifully crafted thing right? And he goes, ‘Oh, that’s Bishop? I always thought that was a bible verse.’

[What] I’m saying to you is, you are so loved in the Futick home, that my kids think you wrote parts of the bible that aren’t in the bible, that how much you mean to us.

h/t to Doctrinal Watchdog for the video.