Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Not Satire: Russian Group Hacks Kenneth Copeland -Demands Ransom or Will Release 1.2tb of ‘Sensitive’ Information

In a story that is stranger than fiction, the Russian hacking group REvil announced that they’ve successfully hacked into Kenneth Copeland Ministries and have stolen 1.2 terabytes of “sensitive data.” As a result, they are threatening to release it to the public if the televangelist doesn’t pay their ransom.

Copeland, 83, the arch-heretic who has a net worth of somewhere between 500-700 million dollars, was last seen demonically laughing at the media who were claiming Biden won the election, unsettling news given that he had prophecied already that Trump would take the win.

After their ill-gotten gain, the ransomware group sent out a “press release” on the dark web, bragging that they’ve taken over and encrypted the servers at the Texas-based Kenneth Copeland Ministries and had acquired “financial documents, contracts, bank documents, sales history, [and] emails.” This act leaves the ministry completely locked out and at the mercy of the predatory hackers.

According to CSOOnline,

REvil is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation that has extorted large amounts of money from organizations worldwide over the past year. Its name stands for Ransomware Evil and was inspired by the Resident Evil movie series. According to recent reports from security firms, it is the most widespread ransomware threat and the group behind it doubles down on its extortion efforts by also stealing business data and threatening to release it.

We don’t know at this point how much money REvil is asking for, but given that the statement has been since taken down after it went up on Wednesday, and Copeland is pretty much the richest televangelist in the world, it is assumed that they are in active negotiations, and it will be settled soon.

Conspiracy Featured News Politics

Antifa Voting Systems?

When Donald Trump accused the Obama administration of spying on his campaign, it was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Then it turned out to be entirely true. Now Trump is accusing bad actors of using Dominion Voting Systems to switch votes from Trump to Biden, and the same media is calling him crazy again and Big Tech is ramping up censorship. Yet the Denver-based Dominion employed an Antifa-connected, Trump-hating radical as their Director of Security and Strategy since 2010.

His internet presence has already been scrubbed from most social media sites.

Social media accounts of those who have been exposing this have been censored, but the internet is forever and screenshots of this guy’s awfulness have been captured. His name is Eric Coomer, who reportedly has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, and here is a direct quote from his now-removed Facebook page:

Facebook friend land- open call-

If you are planning to vote for the autocratic, narcissistic, fascists, as–hat blowhard and his Christian jihadist VP pic, UNFRIEND ME NOW! No, I’m not joking. I’m all for reasoned political discourse and healthy debate- I’m looking at you ( 3 names of friends). I disagree with you three on many philosophical grounds but respect your opinions. Only and absolute F—ING IDIOT could ever vote for that wind-bag f–k-tard FASCIST RACIST F–K! No bulls–t, I don’t give a damn if you’re friend, family, or random acquaintance, pull the lever, mark an oval, touch a screen for that carnival barker—UNFRIEND ME NOW. I have no desire whatsoever to ever interact with you. You are beyond hope, beyond reason. you are controlled by fear, reaction, and bulls–t. Get your s–t together.

Oh, it that doesn’t persuade you, F–K YOU! Seriously, this f–king as–clown stands against everything that makes this country awesome! You want in on that? You deserve nothing but contempt.

Eric Coomer’s unhinged screed.
Eric Coomer.
Coomer echoing Antifa.
Coomer’s info on

Joe Oltmann, founder of FEC (Faith Education Commerce) United, covertly participating in an Antifa conference call in late September, when the conversation turned to what would be done if Trump wins, heard “Eric the Dominion Guy” say (paraphrased): “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f–king sure of that!”

Coomer admitted back in 2016 that Dominion software was not recertified for election use each time hardware or software changed, and that with proper access a person can bypass the software and access the raw data tables themselves. 30 states, including every state currently facing dozens of legal challenges to their 2020 election results, used Dominion voting systems. He explains this to Illinois election officials here:

The fact that this information is being censored by Big Tech lend credibility to the information’s importance in untangling the horrific and corrupt 2020 election. More evidence of fraud – mathematical and eyewitness – continues to pour in.

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Lifeway Children’s Bible Study Highlights Pro-Abortion Democrat Senate Candidate

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) revealed itself to be an arm of the Democratic Party and the Joe Biden campaign. Now comes Lifeway. Lifeway’s Kid’s Bible Study featured a pro-abortion Democrat candidate (and newly elected senator.) Yes, you read that right.

Dr. Tom Buck raised the issue. He asked, “Could @LifeWay explain why they have a pic of Mark Kelly in their Lifeway Kids material? You couldn’t find an example of twins where one wasn’t a staunch abortionist Democrat? Why would you want to promote such a man to our children?”

The newly elected Democrat senator was featured in the Fall 2020 Explore the Bible: Younger Kids Explorer Guide, Volume 7, Number 1.

Buck, Pastor of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there. Check it out in full.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Christianity Today Promotes the Installation of Solar Panels on Churches as a “Gospel Issue’

Christianity Today, the evangelical rag that recently had a devout Roman Catholic as Editor-in-Chief for three years and never did or say anything about it, is back with a new predictably woke opinion piece opining that the building and construction of solar panels on churches is a ‘gospel issue.’

The article, written by Adam MacInnis, profiles “creation care” advocates like Bob Whitaker who want to see “clean energy projects at churches across the state, dramatically increasing the number of evangelical congregations committed to creation care in a very practical way.”

“This whole thing for me has been a bit of a conversion,” said Whitaker, who has pastored at Evangelical Community Church for 22 years. “I didn’t grow up thinking this way. I didn’t begin serving this church with this mentality…. Among evangelicals—churches, pastors, even theologians—we’ve focused on the salvation of the soul to the exclusion of other parts I now consider to be part of the Good News.

His change was gradual—an expansion of his understanding of how the gospel applies to everyday life and a growing sense that God’s people should treat the earth not as consumers but as caretakers. Now, he wants to take the next step.”

While there is no reason to read the article further after that point, it is a bit amazing to consider what they believe the ‘good news’ to be.

The article breathlessly exclaims that one church “reduced electricity use by 27% and natural gas use by more than 60%.” For another congregation, a third of the church members likewise reduced their “personal energy usage,” some up to 40%.

Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, spokesman for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, proudly proffers that “More than 50,000 people have signed a petition that says, “As a pro-life Christian, I believe pollution harms the unborn, causing damage that lasts a lifetime.” He touts:

The pro-life petitioners are pushing for a repeal of House Bill 6, which sharply lowered the state’s renewable energy and energy efficiency standards while providing a financial bailout to two coal plants and two nuclear power plants.

Schapp writes that the failure to fight for creation care and the environment is a blight to the church, and that “it’s impossible to ignore the threat that climate change is imposing to life around the world. We want to be consistent to our values. We value life from the womb to the tomb.”

Speaking of threats to the life of Church, the planet, and the body, this whole article is filled with them.

cancel culture Conspiracy Featured Politics

Payback: Tweets of Trump Supporters Being Archived for Future Revenge

(Montana Daily Gazette) A liberal organization has admitted to archiving all of your pro-Trump tweets on Twitter for future payback. If it sounds like Orwell’s 1984, well…it’s just 2020.

The infamous Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the socialist Representative from New York, suggested on Twitter that people keep track of tweets from “Trump Sycophants” in case they want to delete their opinions later. An organization calling itself the “Trump Accountability Project” reached out to say they were doing exactly that.

The organization, which sure enough is real, is dedicated to doxing Trump supporters, volunteers, and employees for longterm political payback. Their ethos seems to be, “Remember What They Did.”

Notice that Michael Simon, who is verified on Twitter with a blue checkmark, says that they are archiving tweets. Spooky.

The organization is collecting and saving the data of those who voted or financially supported Donald Trump (see below).

Editor’s Note. This article was Written by JD Hall and published at the Montana Daily Gazette. Reprinted in full with permission.

Conspiracy podcast Polemics Report Politics Religion Righteous Defiance

Podcast: Voter Fraud, Carl Lentz Adultery, and Time to Dig Trenches

On today’s episode, JD speaks about voter fraud, the election results, and gives news updates from Protestia. Then, JD discusses evangelical arguments for Biden and why no one is really both a Democrat and a Christian. He uses the example of Lecrae and Pastor Matthew Lyon to discuss those who “creep in unawares” and “wear sheep’s clothing.” He also brings up Keller and Deve both being registered Democrat. JD also discusses Carl Lentz’ “fall” from ministry.

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Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy News

‘Government Anointing’ – It’s A Thing, Apparently?

On the Charisma News website an article was posted about the faith of President Trump. The story of money-grubbing false prophetess and pastrix Paul White-Cain leading President Trump in praying where he presumably asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior.  It is difficult to say if it is true, but one has to wonder, did the prayer include a confession of sin and repentance?  The reason that needs to be asked is because President Trump stated that he doesn’t believe he has ever asked for repentance of anything, because “he tries to live a good life” and fix anything he does that is bad “without getting God involved,” and this was after his meeting with floozy pastrix White-Cain.

The author, Dr. Jim Garlow, talks about a timeline since that fateful meeting.  It is an account of Trump’s spiritual walk and how he is progressing and maturing as a Christian.  A reference of how the President was a little confused when people laid hands on him to pray for him but that now he is asking his team of spiritual advisors and others to lay hands on him and pray. Dr. Garlow spends the rest of the article expressing his observation and opinion about the spiritual state of President Trump.

In the middle of his section on the character of President Trump, Dr. Garlow relates the following Damascus Road esperience:

I have observed politics and government closely since age nine when Dwight Eisenhower was running against Adlai Stevenson. (I know that is strange, but from August 13 of my ninth year, a “government anointing”—that’s what I call it—came upon me, I have followed politics virtually every day since).

Under this reckoning, there are a lot of people who have this anointing.  I could have this anointing because I follow politics every day.  I’m not consumed by it, but I stay informed.  Anyone could have this anointing.  There could be millions.  This could be the most common anointing in the spiritual world.  All the false prophets who make their false prophecies about politics could have the anointing, too.  I suspect my cat may have a government anointing as well.

There is no such thing as a special anointing like a “government anointing” or any other of the myriad of anointings that are espoused by Charismaniacs.  They are made up as if the term adds weight to the word salad of the claimant.  And I am also certain that if Dr. Michael Brown reads this, he will have Dr. Garlow on his radio program to defend his self-proclaimed anointing.

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Jerry Falwell Jr. and Wife Played Kinky ‘Would you Rather’ Game with Liberty Students

(Politico) When Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife Becki strolled around the Lynchburg, Va., campus of Liberty University, the evangelical school which Falwell led as president, they would play a secret game called “Would you rather.”

The middle-aged couple would point to students, men and women, and imagine what it would be like to have sex with them, according to a former student who said Becki told him about the game.

The former student, a member of a band with the Falwells’ son Trey, has said that Becki initiated oral sex with him while he stayed overnight at the Falwell home, following other attempts to seduce him. She confided to him the details of the game she and her husband would play, and told him multiple times how she and Jerry would take note of students’ appearances.

“Her and Jerry would eye people down on campus,” the former student, who was 22 when Becki performed oral sex on him and is now 32, said. “She didn’t go into specifics, but said, ‘Oh, me and Jerry play games all the time, like “Would you rather?” with people on campus.’ I’ll never forget that.”

A close friend and neighbor of the Falwells told POLITICO that Becki confided to her about the relationship with the student. When the friend warned that Jerry would be upset to hear about it, the friend said, Becki told her that the only thing Jerry would be upset about was…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by By MAGGIE SEVERNS, BRANDON AMBROSINO and MICHAEL STRATFORD and published at Politico. Title changed by Protestia.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy News

Charismatic Prophetess Kat Kerr: ‘God and the Angels Call Biden ‘Sleepy Joe’ Too’

When charismatic “prophetess” and Dr. Michael Brown-approved seer Kat Kerr isn’t commanding 100 million angels to guard the RNC, or making a fool of herself when she tries to control the weather, she making daily trips up to heaven, claiming to have gone up and visited heaven thousands of times, to the point she has lost count.

Such a celebrated celestial tourist has naturally made other charismatics inquisitive about what the afterlife is like, what Jesus, God and the angels are up to, and what sort of mystical revelations she’s been given to bring back to the mere mortals on earth.

It was on this occasion that interviewer Steve Shultz, who oversees a litany of crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can malcontent prophets at the Elijah List, (whom incidentally, not a one predicted the pandemic) asked Kerr whether or not God is shocked or disappointed when Trump does something bad.

Absolutely not. He knows exactly who he’s going to pick and you all know none of us are perfect. Is that correct? But he chooses. You know God’s seen the beginning and the end, and he knows exactly who he needs to do those jobs.

After letting us in on a prophetic word that President Trump will win a second term and then after he wins Vice President Pence will run and secure another 8 years, she gives some insider baseball on the nature of those rascally and rapscallion angels, letting us know that heaven is essentially one big MAGA rally.

“God likes bold personalities and I can tell you this: passionate people, that means they’re expressive, they’re fierce about what they believe in, and sometimes those people maybe go over a line we don’t like, but he’s not shocking God at all. That means it’s not necessarily okay, but you get it with the package, ok? And he is definitely accomplishing everything God wants.”

“And Actually, this is hilarious, the angels sometimes will repeat the very things that Trump say. Like they call him ‘Sleepy Joe.’ When God had me prophesying up in Colorado, he actually said these words, ‘Why would you pick a villain for a president when I have already sent you a superhero?’ That would be Trump.”

Lest anyone think that prophtess Kerr is suffering from altituide sickness from her many heavenly voyages, she is not on the fringes of continuationism and charasmaticism, but rather is in the mainstream and represents the center.

Conspiracy News Politics

UK Police to Enter Homes and Shutdown Christmas Gatherings If Strict Lockdown Rules Not Followed

Police chiefs in Britain have warned that law enforcement officers will come into people’s homes and break up their Christmas family celebrations if they disregard lockdown rules which prohibit and limit who or when can gather.

Parts of Britain are currently under “tier 2 and tier 3” restrictions, with higher tiers garnering harsher curtailment, and in those zones it is against the law to meet up with people outside of one’s immediate household or support bubble.

West Midlands Police and Crime Chief David Jamieson said that if people flout the rules, he has instructed his officers to enter homes, break up the gatherings, and separate the households, telling the Telegraph:

“If we think there’s large groups of people gathering where they shouldn’t be, then police will have to intervene. If, again, there’s flagrant breaking of the rules, then the police would have to enforce.

It’s not the police’s job to stop people enjoying their Christmas. However, we are there to enforce the rules that the Government makes, and if the Government makes those rules then the Government has to explain that to the public.”

Though not as stringent, this is reminiscent of what Governor Gavin Newsom is doing in California, where he recently declared that no more than 3 families can get together for thanksgiving, that they must wear masks at all times, that the host must record all names and contact information for whoever is attending, that they must gather outdoors and they can’t gather for more than two hours.

Realizing the madness of what the government is proposing, Jamiesen said that his force is on high alert, with civil unrest being a real possibility.

We’re sitting on a time bomb here. We’re getting very near the stage where you could see a considerable explosion of frustration and energy. Things are very on the edge in a lot of communities and it wouldn’t take very much to spark off unrest, riots, damage.”