abortion Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Social Justice Wars

AD Robles Dismantles Phil Vischer’s (The Veggie Tales Guy) Video on Abortion

Phil Vischer, the creator of the popular Christian animated series Veggie Tales back in 1993 (crediting his “whiteness” and “privilege” for the show’s success) and BLM/social-justice promoting videos in 2020, released a new one recently where he took aim at the notion that Republicans have the monopoly on pro-lifeism.

In this case, he enlists pastor and author Skye Jethani to specifically argue that liberals are the real pro-lifers who have been reducing abortion, not the conservatives. He states that if people actually care about bringing down the abortion rate they will support the Biden-Harris ticket and vote for the Democrats, not the Republicans.

Responding to this is AD Robles, who swiftly dismantles the twisted logic used to rationalize these talking points and challenges the way we are to think about such things and the presuppositions Christians should have when approaching arguments like these.


cancel culture Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Facebook Demonitizes Babylon Bee after Saying Article ‘Incites Violence’

Three strikes and you’re out? The Babylon Bee has joined Protestia in demonetized-and-‘restricted viewership’-land after they had lost an appeal for a satirical article they posted on October 14, resulting in their post being deleted by Facebook with the claim that it “incited violence.”

The post in question is titled “Senator Hirono Demands ACB Be Weighed Against A Duck To See If She Is A Witch” and spoofs a gag from1975’s Monty Python and the holy grail, where the townsfolk peasants draw a convoluted and dazzling line between wood, ducks and floating witches. See here for the full scene, and see the first three paragraphs of the article in question, which is clearly satire.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After two days of Amy Coney Barrett gracefully and stoically answering questions with perfect recall and no notes, suspicions grew on Capitol Hill that she might be a practitioner of the dark arts. 

“Oh, she’s a witch alright, just look at her!” said Senator Hirono. “Just look at the way she’s dressed and how she’s so much prettier and smarter than us! She’s in league with Beelzebub himself, I just know it! We must burn her!”

Senator Hirono then pulled a live duck out of a massive burlap sack next to her and announced: “In addition to being a Senator, I am also quite wise in the ways of science. Everyone knows witches burn because they are made of wood. I think I read that somewhere. Wood floats, and so do ducks– so logically, if Amy Coney Barrett weighs as much as this duck I found in the reflection pool outside, she is a witch and must be burned.”

Seth Dillon, CEO of the Bee, said in a statement:

Conspiracy Featured Religion Scandal

‘Prominent North Carolina Pastor’ Accused of Peeing on Woman During Flight

A yet unnamed but soon to be revealed ‘prominent’ North Carolina Pastor has peed on a woman during a Delta flight, turning what should have been an enjoyable skip-and-a-hop into the watery trip of a nightmare.

According to reports, Alicia Beverly was flying from Las Vegas to Detroit when the dastardly incident happened, telling WJBK-TV, FOX 2 News in Detroit:

“It felt warm, like on the side of me I felt something warm. I jump up and I seen his private area out and I screamed and that woke everybody up. By that time I actually looked at him and I see him shake himself off and I’m like this man just peed on me! I looked and there was a puddle of pee in the seats!”

After her scream, the pastor was subdued by an off-duty officer flying on the same trip who was woken by the shouts. He restrained the man until landing and handed over to the FBI to be taken into custody.

Initial reports are suggesting the pastor had a bad reaction to some sleeping pills, possibly Ambien, which caused him to unzip his pants, expose himself, and pee on his seatmate. Beverly reports that he didn’t say a word to her the entire time he was relieving himself.

The North Carolina pastor who has been described as “prominent,” “white” and “well-known” was issued a court appearance for misdemeanor assault and released, according to Mara Schneider of the FBI’s Detroit office, saying:

“Until he appears in front of a judge and therefore gets formally charged, we will not be releasing his name.”

As far as who he could be, Wikipedia has a list of the largest churches in NC, with their associated pastors, some more prominent than others. It may be one of these men, or someone completely different, but odds are it is someone associated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Given that the pastor was white, and Beverly is black, we imagine if it is revealed to be an SBC pastor, that certain obstreperous elements within the SBC and the echelons of #BigEva will have a racially-fueled field day with such a revelation. Though with the severity of the episode, it seems evident that such actions would only be done by the pastor as a result of mental illness or a drug-induced haze, and not out of sexual perversion and a sound mind.

Conspiracy Featured News

TGC’s Joe Carter’s Interest in QAnon Conspiracy Theories Explained

(Capstone Report) Now I know why Joe Carter writes about QAnon!

A new poll finds that 3 in 4 Americans have either heard absolutely or almost nothing about QAnon, but if you have heard a lot or somewhat about it, you’re most likely a wealthy, city-dwelling, Clinton-voting liberal,” according to Tiana Lowe of the Washington Examiner

It all makes sense now.

He and his wealthy, city-dwelling friends are the ones falling for the conspiracy theory. Despite his protestations to the contrary that it is conservative, churchgoers believing it, this new survey data proves that liberals are the ones falling for it.

According to TGC writer, former ERLC staffer…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report. Title changed by Protestia.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Righteous Defiance

Karen Swallow Prior Doesn’t Know what Persecution is

We’ve written for you before about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and nonplussed that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated below.

Recently, however, she took to calling out Christians who don’t want to wear masks at Church and those arrested while engaging in public worship as not really being persecuted, but rather profaning “True Martyrs” who suffered more severely.

It’s at this point that it’s hard to imagine that the gatekeeping Prior is an English professor, as she seemingly doesn’t understand that there is a semantic domain and range of meaning for the term “persecution” and that’s not all about having one’s toes chopped off or being boiled alive.

No one is saying that the persecution endured by participants in the Psalm Sing event, in which the government arrested Christians for singing hymns in public while not social distancing, despite allowing all sorts of secular public gatherings without the same constraints, is akin to the sufferings of Hugo Jacob Kraen, his wife Mary, and two other unknown souls of Asserow.

In their case, after they became converted they were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church who captured Mary and drowned her in A.D. 1532. Hugo and the two others were likewise soon apprehended and taken to prison into Gravenhage. They were made to renounce their faith through hideous torture but refused to do so. Consequently, they were tied to the stake and burned alive.

No one is saying that the two are comparable. It’s not comparable to having a lion take a hunk out of one’s neck and then feel its bite shatter bits of skull and spinal tendons, but it is indisputable that they are on the same broad spectrum of meaning, particularly when we understand it to include forms like “harassing treatment,” “oppression” due to “religious beliefs and practices” and “persistent troubling.”

Was it persecution when Churches were forbidden from singing in church at all? How about when police threatened to fine churches and arrest pastors having drive-in services where the congregants never even left their cars? Is it persecution when the government said Christians cannot meet in groups of more than 6 for bible studies in private homes and that if they do meet they must wear masks at all times under threat of arrest or fine?

When there is one rule for Churches and Christians, and another for pagans and secular businesses, that is a form of persecution, even if it doesn’t rise to the level of having one’s skin flayed and salted.

Promised enumerations below:

Church Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Religion

LifeWay and the Crimson Tide’s Defensive Collapse

Last Saturday, the Alabama Crimson Tide’s defense played a historically bad game against Ole Miss.  The Rebels gained 647 yards against the Tide and put 48 points on the scoreboard.  Amazingly enough, the Rebels still lost by 15 points.  Their defense was even worse than Alabama’s.  Such a failing is expected in Oxford.  Ole Miss has not historically been known for its defense. 

This is not the case in Tuscaloosa.  Alabama has, especially under head coach Nick Saban, featured a dominant defense.  However, the wheels have fallen off and there is panic in T-town.  Bama’s defense couldn’t get off the field on 3rd down if the turf was on fire.  Yet no such story about Alabama’s defensive collapse can be found this week in The Capstone Reporta long-time Alabama sports interest blog that once grew to such a level of popularity that it was mentioned on the Paul Finebaum show. 

Alan Atchison, the founder of that blog, was too busy writing about a developing scandal at LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.  Instead of writing about million-dollar deals for Nick Saban’s coaching staff, Atchison was writing about a million-dollar payment from one LifeWay insider to another.  Things have gotten so bad in the Southern Baptist Convention that Captsone Report almost never publishes a story about Alabama Football anymore.  Almost all of Atchison’s writing is about the tragic downgrade in the Southern Baptist Convention.  Readers should take that to heart.  No one is more obsessive about their top-flight football team than Alabama fans.  The Southern Baptist Convention is in such bad shape that Alan Atchison would rather warn fellow Christians about it than write about Crimson Tide championships.

Just because Alabama’s defense used to be dominant doesn’t mean it is anymore.  The same can be said for the Southern Baptist Convention.  Metaphorically, it’s giving up 647 yards a game and is barely hanging on. Be wary.

Roll Tide and stop giving your money to the SBC. 

Editor’s Note. The following article was written by G. Seth Dunn

*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use.

Church Conspiracy Featured News

Leaked Audio Reveals Details about LifeWay & Thom Rainer’s Sweetheart Deal

(Capstone Report) The $1,000,000-plus severance package given to former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer was kept secret from many trustees including the Compensation Committee and the board executive committee by former LifeWay trustee chairman Jimmy Scroggins. The stunning revelations came to light in audio provided to the Capstone Report of the new LifeWay CEO discussing the recent legal dispute with LifeWay’s former CEO Thom Rainer. The audio confirms the leaked letter to the LifeWay Trustees and LifeWay employees by the current three-member trustee executive committee. 

According to comments made by new LifeWay CEO Ben Mandrell, the current board officers were unaware of the severance package details. Mandrell noted the lack of transparency about Dr. Rainer’s package with trustees in recent comments on the future of LifeWay.

According to the new LifeWay CEO, in a phone conversation between Mandrell and Rainer, Mandrell told the former LifeWay president, “that such a generous transition agreement, in my opinion, should have been approved by a larger set of eyes.”

And, making it even clearer that the $1,000,000-plus severance package was kept secret from many trustees, the new board officers were unaware of it. Mandrell said he informed the board officers about the situation in an effort to get their advice about what to do.

“So, I brought in the board officers to give me some advice—in the company of advisors there is wisdom,” Mandrell said. “I laid out all the information on the table: the generous package that had been given to Dr. Rainer, which they did not know about, and the clear promise he had made that was in effect until October of 2021.”

Ultimately, LifeWay sought legal action against Rainer. You can read more about that below. However, the real story is the severance package, the apparent lack of transparency in it and appearance of a conflict of interest involving former trustee chairman Scroggins.

The lawsuit was attacked by some members of the LifeWay Board of Trustees. This included comments by Scroggins who told the Christian Post the lawsuit was “embarrassing” and “damaging to the kingdom.” Of specific interest for our purposes, Scroggins complained to the Christian Post that the lawsuit was filed without board approval.

That’s funny. Because Scroggins played a significant role in approving the sweetheart deal with Dr. Rainer and kept that information from the many LifeWay Trustees. Scroggins was president of the LifeWay trustees when Rainer announced his retirement and was specifically mentioned in the leaked LifeWay memo. According to the leaked document, (Editors’ note, published by Protestia here)  

“On Aug.13, 2018, in anticipation of his announced retirement, Dr. Rainer signed a lucrative transition agreement. The transition agreement was signed by then Board Chairman Jimmy Scroggins and former Senior Vice President of Organizational Development Selma Wilson on behalf of LifeWay. The document was signed without being reviewed by or with knowledge of the Compensation Committee or Executive Committee.”

Also, Scroggins published a book with Lifeway in 2016 and a student Bible study in 2020.

This type of intimate relationship between Scroggins, LifeWay and Rainer raises a host of ethical questions about non-profit governance; it even poses potential legal problems for the organization.

Also, why were so few people involved in the decision to grant Rainer the sweetheart severance package? Was Scroggins the only person to authorize the severance package? If so, did this comply with LifeWay policies?

Trust the trustees?

That seems like a bad idea when even the trustees are not consulted about seven-figure severance packages.

It is obvious the new LifeWay president is working hard to improve financial accountability at the SBC entity. He wants a culture of accountability at the organization.

Of course, the SBC Elites led by Scroggins dislike this level of accountability and publicly opposed the legal moves of the new administration.

Why is that?

See below the transcript of Mandrell’s extended comments. It is encouraging that the new LifeWay leadership wants transparency and accountability.

Transcript of Mandrell’s Comments on LifeWay & Lawsuit against Thom Rainer

In audio of new LifeWay President Ben Mandrell obtained by the Capstone Report, Mandrell explain why the new administration entered into a legal fight with former LifeWay President Thom Rainer. Mandrell spoke about the need to move forward and the need for a accountability and transparency at the organization.

“How is it that it honors the Lord to enter into a legal battle with the former leader of LifeWay?

“I get the question. It is fair. But, it is far more complicated than you might think. Back in March when COVID-19 began, our ELT (executive leadership team) went into an intense cost-cutting mode that was unavoidable. $25 million dollars had to be removed from the budget. Most of that would involve losing great teammates. It was gut-wrenching work.

“If you recall, I sent out a very emotional video apologizing to the number of people whose jobs were being deleted. Behind the scenes the ELT were having all these hard conversations. And I knew that I had to do something as a leader to do my part to search for every dollar that could be saved.

“So, I picked up the phone and called Dr. Rainer and I said, I had to have a hard conversation with him that my conscience would not let me rest and I asked him to give back a portion of the money he had been receiving from LifeWay so that we could save some jobs.

“I told him that such a generous transition agreement in my opinion should have been approved by a larger set of eyes.

“He was upset with me, but told me he would…

To continue reading, visit Capstone Report.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there. Title changed by Pulpit and Pen

Church Conspiracy Money Grubbing Heretics

Televangelist Pat Robertson: ‘I don’t think most Christians are Stupid enough to Believe in Creationism’

Longtime Televangelist Pat Robertson, (90 years old) who should have retired decades ago/ never started at all, took to the airways on his program The 700 Club to a question asking why his show promoted the Old Earth Theory “rather the biblical viewpoint that is shared by most Christians.”

Robertson, whose advice tends to fluctuate between the passable to the unbiblical ramblings of a decrepit old man, responded:

… I don’t think most Christians are stupid enough to believe that other… The other is the Ussher theory… if you added all the generations from Adam until the current time, and you say, “Alright, that adds up to 7,000. Okay. And so, therefore, the Earth’s only 7000 years old.” Well, that’s just nonsense.

I mean, there are just too many geological factors, too many things that have happened on our Earth. The Earth is about 14 billion years old, and there’s just no question about it.

You’ve got the dinosaurs. You’ve got all the things that have happened on this Earth. And there’s too much geology, I mean, it’s just established science. So the idea of having a 6-7,000-year Earth is just… It’s just… Any Christians who believe that, just, I’m telling you that, they aren’t very up on today’s…

I believe science! I mean, let’s face it! You know, God didn’t… This whole planet was set up for God’s purpose. The universe is tuned for life. But it didn’t get here in 6-7,000 years! It got here over… almost 14 billion years to get this Earth to where it is right now.

It’s not the first time that Robertson has taken potshots at Biblical Christianity presentation of the timeline and origins of the earth. In 2015 he responded to another question in the same vein, proffering:

… I appreciate the fact that you’re trying to grapple with it… the truth is, you have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to think that this Earth that we live in only has 6,000 years of existence. It just doesn’t. I’m sorry…

…We haven’t worked all the wrinkles out, but I think to deny the clear record that’s there before us makes us looks silly… There’s no way that all this that you have here took place in 6,000 years. It just couldn’t have been done, couldn’t possibly have been done.

H/t to the unfriendly pagans at the Friendly Atheist for this story and for the transcript.

Conspiracy Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson: ‘Not Voting Makes you a Contributor to Evil – Voting Releases Power of God into the Atmosphere’

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson, a man who has given so many false “words of knowledge from the Lord” that the prophets of Baal and Asherah are rolling in their graves, burning in incorporeal jealously at why they had to be cut down in the Kishon Valley although Johnson gets off scot-free, has once again turned the providentially mundane into something deeply weird.

Appearing at Todd White’s Lifestyle Church service, the invertebrate pastor touched briefly on politics, bringing some of that California charismatic woo-woo to the state of Texas, saying:

“There are tens of millions of believers who did not vote in the last election, and I’ll tell you why: is because they don’t believe their vote matters. They don’t believe that when you do a natural thing a spiritual power is released.

They actually believe that the world is supposed to get worse and worse and that’s when the Lord comes back, and so why work against that which brings Jesus back to earth? They don’t have an expectation of the glory of God, they have an expectation of the increasing evil, and that would be the sign that brings the Lord back, so why work against the purposes of the Lord?

So they actually become contributors, their silence makes them a contributor to the growing evil in the land.

Physical obedience brings spiritual release. Every time you vote in Jesus’ name’ you release the power of God into the atmosphere. You’re not voting by yourself, there’s an angelic presence with you that is shouting ‘amen’ to voting the value system of heaven. Stop voting for personality, start voting for values.

Refusing to vote for a candidate in either a local, statewide or national election of whatever stripe, political or otherwise, because one’s conscience binds them and prevents them from doing so does not make someone a “contributor to evil.”

Furthermore, God’s power is already everywhere. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. It’s not like people are micro-dosing on God’s power through the power of their vote, releasing puffs of glory clouds into the atmosphere every time they head to the ballot box while celebratory angels dance on the heads of pins at the news that Mrs. Perry has been elected to the board of the Library because you voted the value system of heaven and released a flood of spiritual power.

If the charismatics could stop laying bizarre theological blankets on top of everything, that would be great.

Conspiracy Featured News Uncategorized

Canadian Billboard Campaign: Stop Having Children

A series of billboards have cropped up across large metro cities in Canada encouraging families to stop having children in an effort to promote population control and consequently minimize climate change.

The campaign, put on by World Population Balance (WPB) , is designed to disseminate long-discredited propaganda that says the world is overpopulated. Taking their ideological cues from China’s murderous one-child policy, the group wants every family to only have one child and drastically lower birth rates, lest the world be consumed in a fiery apocalyptic terror.

The group’s vision is “a world where no one suffers in dire poverty and misery for lack of enough food, water, and other basic needs.” and where “all species thrive and where lower consumption and population are in balance with Earth’s finite resources.” They routinely post inspiring stories of brave men and women who have chosen not to have any children, emphasizing how much financial freedom and less stress they have.

What some have found particularly galling is that one of the ads, along with “congestion begins at conception” and “conservation begins at conception” is the claim that “The most loving gift you can give your first child is not to have another.”

Not a loving home, or loving parents, or affection and security – but rather a tubal ligation from mom or a vasectomy from dad- that is more loving than all those things. That’s a strange assertion from the group that wants to eliminate the notions of “brothers” and “sisters.”

All this is notwithstanding the fact that this group is spreading basic misinformation about population trends. In June, the BBC ran an article about the “jaw-dropping global crash in children being born” noting that countries aren’t reproducing at rates enough to sustain them, and by the year 2100, if current trends continue or escalate, many countries will see their population halved, with whatever population is left being primarily comprised of senior citizens. They note:

Japan’s population is projected to fall from a peak of 128 million in 2017 to less than 53 million by the end of the century.

Italy is expected to see an equally dramatic population crash from 61 million to 28 million over the same timeframe.

They are two of 23 countries – which also include Spain, Portugal, Thailand and South Korea – expected to see their population more than halved.

While WPB is seeking to stop people from having babies, virtually no one agrees. Currently, there are dozens of countries trying to increase their population, either by immigration, such as Canada, or by employing “enhanced maternity and paternity leave, free childcare, financial incentives, and extra employment rights” in order to encourage greater fertility, often to dismal results. Sweden, in a herculean effort to raise its birth rates through vast social benefits and programs, only raised it from an average of 1.7 children to 1.9, an amount quite shy of the 2.1 children per family needed to sustain their country.

The group says it plans to expand its billboard campaign to other cities in the very near future.