Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff SBC

Buckgate: SEBTS and Friends Keep Digging

Pastor Tom Buck released a statement in response to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary exonerating themselves for the leak of Jennifer Buck’s rough draft and subsequent attempt to blackmail Buck into silence. The statement was released on Buck’s behalf by journalist Janet Mefferd, and offered corrections that included the following:

  • Contrary to SEBTS’s claim, they did not conduct a “careful investigation,” and SEBTS President Danny Akin told Tom Buck he was going back on his agreement to allow a third-party investigation.
  • SEBTS Provost Keith Whitfield held back from Akin the fact that he was the one who contacted Karen Swallow Prior to confirm the authenticity of Jennifer Buck’s rough draft, only revealing the information when directly questioned by Buck.
  • Akin placed unreasonable demands on the third-party investigation, including the requirement that Rachael Denhollander sign off on the investigating firm.
  • Akin claimed that he knew what a third-party investigation would reveal, so he recommended to the SEBTS trustees that they cancel any plans to investigate.
  • The Bucks did not accuse anyone at SEBTS of the attempted blackmail – only with leaking the rough draft to whoever engaged in the blackmailing behavior. Yet those involved (Prior, Todd Benkert, etc.) continued to dodge responsibility by pointing to the strawman that SEBTS employees were being accused of blackmail.
  • The so-called “anonymous couple” sent their email to the contact form on Rachael Denhollander’s website with no actual evidence of what they are supposedly admitting to, yet Akin finds this a satisfactory reason to cancel any further investigation.

Soon after, Tom Buck released videos of a Zoom call featuring Karen Swallow Prior pulling a Clintonesque “not that I recall” when asked if she had given Jennifer Buck’s rough draft to anyone in the last year:

The Buck response contained the fact that David Bumgardner (now on “sabbatical” from writing at fake Baptist news site Baptist News Global) has revealed that newly-graduated, foul-mouthed pastrix Erin Harding was also in possession of the draft and had served as a primary source for Bumgardner’s clownish article on the Buck’s situation:

In addition, Baptist News Global writer David Bumgardner — who wrote a much-maligned April 11 article about the Bucks, in which he alluded to the rough draft — recently revealed to Tom the name of an SEBTS graduate whom he claims not only has a copy of the rough draft, but also served as one of his major sources on the controversial story.

True to form, Erin Harding (who has attacked Tom Buck on social media for months) frantically and aggressively denied possession of the rough draft. Buck responded by releasing phone call audio where Bumgardner admits that Harding indeed did have it, which forced Bumgardner to release a statement claiming he was “confused” when asked directly about Erin Harding, and claiming that his phone conversation with Tom Buck was “confidential”:
Bumgardner’s statement on June 10th.

Buck responded to the (now unpublished) Bumgardner statement:

We warned (along with several others) back in April that David Bumgardner (in a similar fashion to Hannah-Kate Williams) was being used by SBC elites to do their dirty work before being unceremoniously cast aside:

Now the ridiculous “anonymous couple” explanation by Akin and the SBC institutional class is falling apart quicker than the Willy Rice presidential campaign.

Conspiracy Polemics Report SBC Scandal

Polemics Report 7pm MST Tonight: Corruption at SEBTS

JD is on the road but will join David tonight to discuss the latest evidence implicating SEBTS and SBC Voices in the attempted blackmail of Tom Buck.

Conspiracy News

Kyle J. Howard Has Come To Collect the $3500 Bounty We Put On His Head. Should We Pay?

The day has come. Kyle J Howard, race-baiter extraordinaire, has himself stepped forward to claim the long-standing *informational* bounty we have put on his head.

To recap, Protestia, and formerly Pulpit & Pen have multiple issues with this rising star within the woke Christian world. While he would chalk it up to us being a bunch of white racists, it instead has to do with the fact that he has been lying for years about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, and has kept a dizzying clip of saying racist and divisive things; with some of the highlights found below.

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J Howard Says He will no Longer Attend Mostly White Churches or Take Communion There
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women
Kyle J. Howard Claims SBTS Full of Racists, Twauma
Kyle J. Howard Films Himself Crying and Then Shares it Because of Attention

It got to the point that it even necessitated a video about him, and his insistence that everything white or white adjacent is too traumatizing to bear.

Here is our contention.

  • Howard was born in incredible privilege, with the proverbial silver spoon placed there by two attorney parents. He was raised in an affluent Atlanta suburb. His brother capitalized on his privilege and became an attorney like his parents before him and Howard has been a professional student for most of his life.
  • However, Howard claims in his website bio that in High School he became “heavily immersed” in the Crips gang. Howard claims he carried a razor blade in his mouth, a .38 revolver on his hip, and drugs in his pocket.
  • Also according to Howard, he lived a double life. He has publicly stated that starting from age 12, he was diagnosed with clinical depression, had suicidal ideations, and other issues like being diagnosed as manic depressive, having ADHD, and also being bipolar. He was so depressed, he claims he played russian roulette with a gun to his head, spinning the cylinder and pulling the trigger.
  • Somehow, however, despite all these psychologica, educational and mental health challenges, he was a gang member by night, and was an honor student by day. He sold drugs at by the pale moon light while doing high school debate and keeping up his academics during the day.
  • His parents apparently weren’t aware of his secret life as a Crips member because he would intellectually debate his parents over supper and then go smoke weed and live the thug life. Howard has posted a photo of himself in a sideways ballcap as apparent evidence of his thuggishness.
  • Howard also claims he was a “battle rapper” in the “underground circuit” while excelling at his High School Latin class.
  • Howard claims that upon meeting his future wife, he gradually walked away from all the gang activity, while in the 11th grade, and they let him go willingly. Howard states that his then future wife was oblivious to his gang activity as well, likewise having no idea.

Now, if you’re asking why he would make up stories that would make even Ergun Caner blush, it’s simple: with someone as privileged as Kyle J. Howard is, it’s critically important that he identifies with the victim class.

To do so, he claims he was a secret gang member in high school, thus establishing his intersectionality creds, which he references over and over and over and over again, in order to attack the church and spread a race-baiting message of Howardian hate.

Consequently, we put out this offer: Protestia will pay anyone $3500 for any evidence substantiating that Kyle J. Howard was in any kind of ‘gang‘ (in high school or college)” while postulating that perhaps one of the 35 thousand active Crips gang members would remember Kyle J. Howard, the rich and affluent kid who joined their gang secretly, never told anybody about it at the time, and then left without anyone caring.

First off, we are pleased that Howard has finally and for the first time specified that the bounty is for information, and not a literal bounty on his head. He has previously said that he fears for his life on account of this offer, and has whipped up his mother in a frenzy because of it, so it’s good to know that he’s taking it in the spirit it was offered.

Second of all, Howard previously claimed that any information corroborating his story would put him in physical danger, while also claiming all of his former gang affiliates are dead or in prison so there were no witnesses left to testify on his behalf. Is Howard now acknowledging that it is safe to release this information?

Third of all, this does nothing to substantiate his claim that he was in the Crips gang. It’s a picture of Kyle wearing what looks to be either a black or navy bandana around his neck. That’s it. That’s the sum of his offering. It’s basically a man wearing a Harley Davidson shirt or bandana and claiming it’s proof he was in the Hell’s Angels, but at least that one has some tenuous suggestive ties. We made it a point to be fairly lax in what we would consider evidence or proof that he was in a gang, but this picture does not even come close to rising to that occasion. It also makes us further Howard’s sincerity and his ability to understand what it means to substantiate.

For example, he had a lot to say about the Rittenhouse trial, claiming that the young man is a white supremacist and racist who *clearly* cried big ole fake crocodile tears on the stand, and that he *purposefully* instigated and sought out a situation that would position him to have the ability defend himself by murdering other people. Rittenhouse, he says, is seeking to become a ‘warrior of white supremacy.’

Howard was able to see the same videos we did and have all the same facts we had, and read ALL THAT into the trial and verdict. Given this, it’s unsurprising that he can present a picture of a guy with a bandana, and declare that this is proof-positive that he substantiated his claim and therefore is worthy of collecting the fee. (Notwithstanding the rest of it and the horde of discrepancies.)

Sorry, Kyle. You’ll have to do better than that.

Until then, the bounty still remains.

bad theology Conspiracy Coronavirus

Pastor: Withold Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Gifts From Grandkids Unless They Get Vaccinated

A Pennsylvania Pastor has made some rather unsettling remarks about how grandparents ought to relate to their grandchildren, encouraging them to withhold holiday meals and gifts until they get the vaccine for the novel coronavirus.

Dr. Arthur L. Brown, Senior Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Harrisburg, PA, made the egregious comments during his October 17th Service, engaging in a bit of misinformation along the way as he says that these vaccines have been approved for anyone over the age of 5.

“Get your vaccine. They’ve all been approved. Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, they’ve been approved for children over the age of five. And so make sure your grandkids and your kids are taking care of themselves. Let them know: if you want to come see and visit me, you need to handle your business.

That’s right. If you want to come and get this birthday money I got for you, if you want to come and, eat this Thanksgiving meal I’m preparing for you, if you want to come and get these Christmas gifts I’ve been ordering for you, you need to take care of you. Amen? You hit them where it hurts.”

h/t to Revealing Truth

Conspiracy Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Pastrix: ‘Jesus Laid in that Bed with Me and Started to Play with my Hair’

A Bethel pastrix (because there are no such thing as women pastors) claims that she had a radical encounter with Jesus that resulted in her being healed of mental illness, psychosis and suicide, one that involved the Lord of glory slithering up next to her in bed and playing with her hair, running his fingers through it, his fingertips lightly scraping her scalp and his whispered sweet deliverances.

Jenna Winston is a pastrix at Bethel in California and also the proprietor of the ‘Heartscaping’ ministry. Her testimony is that she is a diagnosed schizophrenic who spent the first 40 years of her life going through psych ward holds and ‘multiple abuses, mental illness diagnosis’, extreme drug addictions and suicide attempts’ before winding up at a faith-based recovery program where she claims to have a radical encounter with Jesus that forever changed the trajectory of her life.’

Finding freedom from her demons, she calls herself a ‘Seer Prophet’ and does counseling through her Heartscaping ministry and “specializes in inner healing, prophetic deliverance, identifying and cultivating your spiritual gifts and restoring your full identity.” One distinctive is that unlike most people shilling their wares, her are unusually upscale in terms of their price, with a typical course video being $129,

In a video published by Reformation Charlotte, she explains what this radical encounter was, while she was in the psych ward.

Not long after I got there I ended up having um this encounter- well no, I ended up having what I now know to be natural deliverance, okay?

So much Jesus was going in and all of a sudden to me it felt like I got connected to all of this rage and I started screaming and yelling and cussing and throwing stuff, and now I know it was actually the demons leaving. And after that happened I literally, I’ve never experienced anything like it. I was spiritually, mentally emotionally physically exhausted- like nothing left in me.

I passed out on my bed and that is when Jesus became real for me, because Jesus walked in there and laid in that bed with me and started to play with my hair. And instead of telling me all the things I needed to fix, he said “I am so sorry for all the things that happened to you that made you not want to feel, and if you trust Me, I’m going to make every day of your life better than any day that you ever lived.”

It makes one wonder if the schizophrenia really left.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

‘The Chosen’ Creator Dallas Jenkins Says Mormons are Saved : ‘I’m Going to Die on That Hill’

Dallas Jenkins, son of “Left Behind” author Jerry Jenkins, and Director of the smash-hit TV show The Chosen appeared on a Mormon podcast LDS Living (Latter Day Saint Living) where he offered up why Mormons and are saved and why he considers the many Mormon folks to work on his show to be believers.

Morgan Jones  1
Well, I am so excited about this. I am honestly such a big fan of “The Chosen,” so this is a treat for me. And I’ll be honest with you, I introduced a good number of people to your show because I love it so much, and I asked several of those people for their thoughts on questions that would be good to ask you. So this is really like a group effort in coming up with these questions for you. But first of all, I just want to establish right off the bat, Dallas, you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which the majority of our audience are members of the Church. I have been told that you are a fierce defender of the Latter-day Saint belief in Jesus Christ, and that is something that honestly, on behalf of all of us, I just want to say thank you for that. But why is it that you are a defender of our belief in Jesus Christ?

Dallas Jenkins ;
Great, so you’re starting off right out of the gate with that one. Well, it’s a tough question. I am happy to answer that and I just say that because I recently have gotten a little bit in trouble in certain circles because I was on another LDS podcast, and I said that LDS and evangelicals love the same Jesus. I got some heat from people who suddenly didn’t want to watch the show anymore because of that. Apparently it’s a controversial statement, which I guess I would have known that a few years ago, but now that I’ve been working with my LDS brothers and sisters over the last couple of years and gotten to know them so well, I’ve learned quite a bit.
I come from a strong evangelical background, and I want to say this, and I’ve said this in a few conversations with LDS people, that there are reasons why I’m an evangelical and not LDS. I do have things theologically that I disagree with or things that even just in kind of practice that aren’t quite my speed in the LDS faith. However, one thing that is unabashedly true and unarguably true is that in getting to know some of my LDS friends here on this, especially through “The Chosen,” you’re passionate about Jesus Christ, and it’s Jesus of Nazareth. When I hear people say, “it’s a different Jesus”—and I’ve heard that, by the way, from both… I don’t know what term, I know you guys don’t use the term Mormon anymore, but it’s too long for me to try to say…

Jenkins goes on to explain how if a man describes a third party as being 6’3 tall and someone else says ‘no, he’s 5’10’ but otherwise the rest of their shared knowledge of that friend is agreed upon, then whether or not a few details are off, it’s still the same person that is being referenced and understood. He says in the same way, Mormons and Christians may have a few different ideas about the biblical Jesus, with some of the details being off, but it’s still the same Jesus, and therefore he considers them his brothers and sisters in the Lord and will die on that hill. He concludes:

So even if you are listening to this right now as an evangelical and are horrified to hear me say some of these things, consider that even if you disagree, even if you think that, “No, it’s two different Jesus’s, and they worship two different Saviors, and what you’re saying is wrong.” Fine, believe what you will. I’m not gonna have these arguments with youI don’t like it when my friends get attacked. So that’s why I tend to be pretty defensive of my friends, even if not always defensive of the theology on which we sometimes disagree...I don’t really care because I can’t be cancelled unless I cancel myself. So I’m totally fine with it. But I’m happy to say, “Yeah, we disagree on some things, but I’m going to die on the hill of, we love the same Jesus, and we want the same Jesus known to the world.”

For a brief overview of the Mormon views on Jesus and other things, they believe that Jesus was once a man who became exalted and turned into a God after doing many good deeds. ‘God the Father’ himself was also once a man on another planet, but because he likewise was such a good Mormon, he was granted the right to become a God over this earth. They believe that they too can become capital ‘G’ Gods of their own planet one day, and in fact, hold that there are millions of Gods. For them, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all and individual separate Gods, and they all have human bodies of flesh- they are not Spirits.

Mormons categorically deny the idea of salvation by grace alone and believe Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers and there was nothing miraculous about Jesus’ birth. They believe the scriptures we have are all corrupted and that’s why they have the new revelation of Joseph Smith,. To read more about why Mormonism is a certified cult, and why Christians have more in common with Muslims than we do with Mormons, click here.

h/t to Colin Miller on YT

Conspiracy Featured

Pastor Greg Locke: If you Deny Existence of Pedophile Tunnels Under the White House, You’re as Complicit as ‘Crack-smoking Perverts’

“Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN, regaled a raucous crowd of clapping and cheering congregants with Q-anon conspiracies, telling them that God was about to “bring the whole house down” and expose pedophilia in high places of government and in the media.

Getting the people pumped up, he declared that anyone who doesn’t believe him, or tries to deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, is just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.”

“God’s about to bring the whole house down. These sex-trafficking mongrels are about to be exposed,” said Locke, promulgating more wild theories. He decried Joe Biden was a “sex-trafficking, demon-possessed mongrel” who is “of the left” and no better than the Pope, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, and other “pedophiles” in Hollywood.

I don’t know why pastors don’t talk about this stuff. Well, I do, they don’t want to seem ‘crazy.’ I’m already crazy!

People are like, ‘Do you really think it’s that much of an epidemic? Do you honestly believe…Pastor Locke…that the military uncovered tunnels beneath the Capitol Building, and beneath the White House, and in the five-fingered lake? Do you really believe that they found kids?’

Yeah, both live ones and dead ones! And if you disagree with that, and if you try to discount that, and if you try to cover that, and if you try to keep that on the DL [Down-low] you’re just as complicit as Hunter Biden, and the rest of them bunch of crack-smoking perverts.

The story that Locke is referring to is likely this post from Rumble, released several months ago, where it is claimed that:

US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan [2021]…The children were believed to have been abused, tortured and killed by political elites in an elaborate tunnel system…as part of an international Child Trafficking Ring run by global and political elites with ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island.”

h/t to Right Wing Watch for the video clip.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

News Station Investigating Mark Driscol Puts Fox in Charge of the Henhouse

(Warren Throckmorton) Mark Driscoll and his religious business The Trinity Church has a show on Salem Broadcasting Network. In essence, it is a replay of him speaking to his congregation.

Some of the former members and staff of The Trinity Church are bothered that their former pastor is promoted by this show and so they wrote to Salem Broadcasting’s affiliate Faithtalk 1360 in Phoenix to complain. They were represented by Chad Freese who was director of security at the Driscoll church until he quit a few weeks ago.

This in itself is noteworthy because The Trinity Church exiles are following a similar pattern as the former Mars Hill Church members who felt harmed by their experience at the Seattle church. However, what I want to focus on is the reply of Marc Lucas Local Ministry Director at the station. Chad gave me the following email reply:

Hi Chad, We at FaithTalk 1360 have been investigating the claims filed against Mark Driscoll.  We are working closely with Dunham Agency to review the information against Mark Driscoll.  We appreciate your email to the radio station.

Marc Lucas

While it sounds good that the claims are being investigated, check out who is doing the investigating. Lucas says “The Dunham Agency” is working with them. In this story, the claims and former members are in the henhouse, and the Dunham Agency is the fox who is in charge of investigating a mysterious disappearance of some chickens.

One of Mark Driscoll’s long time associates and damage control guru — Randal Taylor — just happens to work…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Warren Throckmorton and published at Title changed by Protestia.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy News

Greg Locke Claims ‘Political Elites’ Fake Vaccination, Get Injected with ‘Sugar Water’ Instead

Greg Locke, pastor of Global Vision Bible Church, is well known for his massive social media following and politically incorrect social media rants about politics and religion. 

Readers of Protestia will recognize him as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, small-time Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently prophecied a massive false flag shooting was about to take place in America.

Now, Locke is passing off more conspiracy theories from his pulpit, berating any congregants as being on drugs if they believe that politicians took the vaccine rather than just placebo, according to Right Wing Watch.

Wound up and ready to spring, Locke also offers to write a religious objection for any congregants whose work requires them to get vaccinated, warning they’ll take legal action against them if they try, all those the raucous cheering and laughing of the crowd, reminiscent more of a political rally than a church service.

It is very, very theatrical.

I have not changed my stance. I haven’t softened my stance. I have strengthened, strictly my stance against the vaccine. It is not FDA arrpoved. I don’t care what Pfizer—I don’t care what any of the four groups do out there. 

Look…if you think for one minute that those political elites actually got that vaccination you are smoking meth in your mamma’s basement. A bunch of fake liars is they are. They didn’t shoot nothing into their arm but a bunch of sugar water.

Now look, I know some of you are like, ‘My goodness, what am I gonna – my boss told me that if I don’t get the vaccination that I’m going to lose my job,’ I can write you a religious exception and we will sue their stinking pants off! We will sue their pants off! This is America not China! This America!

They can keep their stinking sheep shot!
Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Coronavirus

Televangelist Jim Bakker talks End-time Astroids, Transdimensional Beings, Wormwood, and Alien Virus

(Right Wing Watch) While televangelist Jim Bakker’s daily television program has always been a repository for misinformation, baseless conspiracy theories, and End Times fearmongering, his show has gotten decidedly stranger in recent days.

Earlier this week, Bakker interviewed right-wing conspiracy theorist Steve Quayle, who spent two programs warning about aliens, demons, trans-dimensional beings, and “diseases that are designed to initiate cannibalism in human beings” and turn them into literal zombies. On the heels of those programs, Bakker interviewed End Times conspiracy theorist Tom Horn, who warned that an asteroid will strike the Earth in 2029, unleashing an alien virus that will give rise to the Antichrist.

On Thursday’s program, Horn discussed his recent book, “The Wormwood Prophecy,” which claims that the government is covering up the fact that an asteroid known as Apophis will strike the Earth in 2029. While scientists say that Apophis will simply pass by our planet in 2029, Horn insists that it will actually strike the Earth and fulfill the prophecy in Revelation 8: “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”

“I believe Apophis is the asteroid that is talked about in the book of Revelation, chapter eight,” Horn said. “It is what is called ‘Wormwood’ in the Bible.”

“I believe that Apophis is carrying an alien microorganism on…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kyle Mantyla and published at Right Wing Watch. Title changed by Protestia