Conspiracy Coronavirus Heresies Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope Says Those who Won’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine are Living in ‘Suicidal Denial’

Pope Francis expressed his frustration and exasperation at anyone refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine, describing those questioning its safety and refusing to take it in its present form, if ever, as engaging in “a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.”

Pope Francis, still the object or our ire after making perhaps his most blasphemous statement ever, made the comments in an interview with the Italian television station Canale 5:

I believe that ethically everyone must take the vaccine. It is not an option; it is an ethical action, because you are playing with your health, you are playing with your life, but you are also playing with the lives of others. I’ve signed up. One must do it…

I don’t understand why some say, ‘No, vaccines are dangerous.’ If it is presented by doctors as a thing that can go well, that has no special dangers, why not take it? There is a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.

The endorsement of the Vaccine and the insistence that everyone take it comes after several Bishops and Cardinals released a paper slamming the vaccines as made from fetal tissue from aborted babies. In response to the paper, the Vatican released their own statement affirming that Roman Catholics were permitted to inject themselves with the vaccine, even if it were abortion-tainted, if there were no other ethical alternatives.

According to recent polls, between 30 and 40 percent of Americans do not plan on taking the vaccine.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured News Politics

Greg Locke ‘Mitch McConnell Controlled by Illuminati Hand Signals’

Pastor Greg Locke, the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing, small-time Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary while retaining his position as pastor of Global Vision Bible Church despite his adultery, has made some accusations against Swamp King Cocaine Mitch.

During a recent sermon, he launched a bizarre attack on the Kentucky Senator and House Majority leader, alleging that there were Illuminati members behind McConnell, directing his words using a series of hand signals during talks of election certification.

“I’m here to tell you there’s a group of elites that run this nation, a bunch of globalists that run the world, and their money runs it. It is nothing more than a satanic death cult.

And the clearest thing I’ve ever seen in my life was when Mitch McConnell gets off track, he turns around and the guy behind him gives him the Illuminati hand signal of authoritarianism to make sure he stays on track, just to remind that sucker, ‘We’re still in control, we’re still paying your bills, and you do anything against what we say and we’ll make sure nobody finds your body, Jimmy Hoffa.

It is happening. Satanism has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Child sex-trafficking has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Pedophilia, child-sacrifice—not just abortion, I mean the whole deal—it is everywhere, and we are not paying attention. … We watched plain as day those people give the hand signal to make sure he stays on track.

We’d suggest Locke spends less time running conspiracies, less time challenging internet trolls to fisticuffs, and more time begging God for forgiveness for his messed up personal life, so that he may reconcile and repent.

H/T to the obstreperous ne’er’ do well’s at Right Wing Watch for the story and transcript

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Money Grubbing Heretics

Kat Kerr Prophecies God will Supernaturally Storm Capitol Hill and ‘Kick Out’ Biden

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and ‘Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess making a fool of herself when she tries to control the weather, or recounting how when she visits heaven (trips out on acid/ given visions by satan) that even God and the angels refer to Joe Biden as ‘Sleepy Joe’, or weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, she’s refusing to accept that Trump lost the election and that her prophecies were false, showing herself to be the ultimate “always Trumper.”

In this case, she describes how God appeared in her bedroom, visibly upset and mad as a hornet, saying that Trump won in a landslide and that Biden stole it.

Promising divine retribution, the Lord of Lords declared that nothing will stop him from enacting his divine plan into motion of “putting My son Donald Trump back in that White House” and promising to kick Biden out of the White House in what might be generously described as a supernatural storming of Capitol Hill.

She says that God says:

Can you not stand and not turn to the left and give himself as a partner to the evil that wants to take this land? Well, I say no, it will not happen. It will end and it will be done because I say it will be done!

Watch My hand move! Now that man is done with their process, I will put My show on, and no one will ever forget when that happens. There will be great celebrations in the streets of this country and around the world. That great victory has come on behalf of the body of Christ, on behalf of My America, that I’m not giving up to any enemy.

So be ready to see what will happen, regardless of what they show. The lying frying (?) news and the liars and the stealers and the takers will pay greatly for what they have tried to do. So they will fail and fail greatly in every way, because that landslide will pull every one of them down, and justice will be served, says your God.

So stand in the light, or run to the darkness. But nothing will stop Me from My plan of putting My son Donald Trump back in that White House. Even if they inaugurate the villain and try to put him there, I will kick him out. I will remove him and I remove every obstacle that’s in the way. Maybe they’ll show that in the news, says your God.

Watch the whole thing below, with the specific comments at the 6:30 mark. She gets a little crazy.

Hopefully the Almighty will have better luck than the rioters in Washington did.

HT to the give of scum and villainy known as the Friendly atheist for the transcript.

Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Christianity Today Lays Responsibility For Violence at Feet of ‘White American Church’

Christianity Today, the progressive rag known for giving a platform to every weird and liberally insidious bent, has come out swinging against the violence at Capitol Hill yesterday, laying the responsibility for the mayhem at the feet of the “white American church” and any leaders who voted for and supported the President.

This is not new ground for the magazine, who released editorials calling Trump voters “jobless” and “uneducated,” with that same Editor-in-Chief writing that he didn’t even know any Trump Supporters (yes, he was the same guy who was a Roman Catholic for the last two years and no one there even cared).

These guys brought us such wonderful articles recently like the new Editor-in-Chief likening any churches being open during Covid to engaging in “snake handling.” Last year, they ran an article saying that polyamory provided an “attractive alternative” and that churches should be affirming. A few months ago they accused white Christians of being inherent racists who were committing acts of spiritual violence against black people by voting GOP.

That’s who we’re dealing with.

But in a new article We Worship with the Magi, Not MAGA, author Tish Harrison Warren contrasts epiphany with the dark deeds done by Trump supporters – categorically anti-epiphany.

She explains that Trump has engaged in an unrestrained defilement of any standard for decency over the last 4 years, with a single-minded goal of shoring up power. Then she takes her first shot, somewhat tentative at first:

Though it saddens me deeply, it must be clearly admitted: Yesterday’s atrocity was in large part brought to us by the white, evangelical church in America.

And then lest there be any doubt, she lays the blame again squarely on white evangelicals and those who voted for and supported Trump, even if they did so not out love for the man, but to stop the even worse monster of a Democrat government with majorities in the House and Senate.

I have at times tried to dismiss these leaders and events as fringe, as the crazy cranks and bizarre displays we ought to ignore. I have instead focused on how, day in and day out, pastors and Christian laypeople are seeking to faithfully follow Jesus, to love their neighbor, and to serve the poor, to embody the truth we proclaim this season. But I cannot overlook the reality that millions of evangelicals are swayed by those who proclaim untruth and ugliness in the name of Jesus.

The responsibility of yesterday’s violence must be in part laid at the feet of those evangelical leaders who ushered in and applauded Trump’s presidency. It can also sadly be laid at the feet of the white American church more broadly.

Naturally, this post was co-signed by a host of fellow progressives, with Beth Moore being no exception.

That’s what it has come down to.

There was chaos at the rally, undoubtedly so. There was violence and terror, and for some unrestrained destruction. Four people died. One woman was shot in the head by police and three other attendees were killed, with at least one woman believed to be trampled to death.

What Christianity Today, Beth Moore, and all the Christian leaders co-signing this screed are saying is this: if you were more or less pleased with Trump’s presidency, if you voted for him and wanted him to win a second term, and if your skin is white, you go to church and you love Jesus while doing all of those things, then “thou art the man.”

You might as well have been there smashing glass, breaking chairs, stealing podiums, pulling the trigger that sent bits of bone and blood splattered across the wall and stepping on spines that crushed the innocent underfoot, the head smashing repeatedly against the marble floor with every unintentional kick and step of the crushing mob.

You are guilty. You are culpable. You are responsible.

And they will not let you forget it.

Briefing Church Conspiracy News Politics Scandal

Mohler Doubles Down on Trump Blame ‘He Encouraged Insurrection’

Dr. Al Mohler doubled down on his criticism and blame on Donald Trump for the raucous events at the Capitol building yesterday, with the Southern Baptist President-elect accusing Trump of inciting rioters to attempt insurrection.

Mohler took to the Briefing to address his role in light of voting for him in November, saying that he did not regret voting for the President at the time, and yet had no idea how bad he would be in his waning days.

What we saw yesterday was the fact that President Trump had incited demonstrators to come to Washington DC for what was advertised as a Save America March, which we are told was organized in order to support President Trump’s assertions that he had actually won the election, and thus that the Congress meeting in joint session presided over by the vice president, as president of the Senate, should declare that he, rather than Joe Biden, had actually won the election.”


I’ll speak bluntly. I voted for Donald Trump for president of the United States. I encouraged others to vote for him too.

Based upon the binary choice we faced on November the third, I believe then that that was the right action to take, and going back to November the third, I would do the same thing again.

And that’s because I do not follow a cult of personality. I am committed as a Christian to certain moral principles, to certain political principles that I believe are derived from biblical Christianity, and faced with the same decision, and knowing what I knew, then I would have to take the same actions in support of those policies, principles, indeed, even the platform of the respective parties. In this case support for the Republican platform rather than the Democratic platform.

But what we saw in Washington, what we heard from the president, the United States, not just yesterday, but in recent days is an attempt to subvert the very constitutional order that he took an oath of office to defend. 

In an interview with Robert Downen of the Houston Chronicles, Mohler was pressed on some of the particulars of his points, saying that if he could do it differently, he would. When asked what sort of role he and other #BigEva leaders (our word) had in endorsing Trump, Mohler was contemplative but defensive.

I fully expect the question, but I’ve tried to be extremely clear from the beginning of the Trump phenomenon in terms of my judgment.

And I stand by the comments that I’ve made at every point. If I could rewind history, and know then what I know now, we’d be talking about a different kind of judgment.

But we have to live life in a temporal line and seek to be faithful in those moments. And for most evangelical Christians, voting for Donald Trump was seen as a necessity in a binary system.

Now, there have been some who have just openly celebrated Trump. But I think there will be a great deal of embarrassment for that now.


But what we have seen is the is the true character of Donald Trump come out in a way that I do find not — that I don’t accept was merely inevitable.

He bears full responsibility for his actions and his words. And he bears full responsibility for encouraging what amounted to an attempted insurrection against the United States government.

Mohler finishes off with words of regret, it seems. You can picture him looking past the interviewer, with an unresponsive and unfocused gaze and a far off look of horror in his eyes, seeing what only he can, as he hoarsely whispers:

I don’t believe that there is any inevitability to Donald Trump’s actions, for which he is responsible, over the last several weeks. I did not believe that he was going to go quietly into any potential defeat. But what we have seen is something beyond what, frankly, I would have imagined in an American nightmare.

abortion Church Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Featured

Jackie Hill Perry: White People Only Care about Black Folk in the Womb – Then Comes the Hatred!

Jackie Hill Perry, fresh from saying that all white people are Racists, and that the police should be defunded, took to Twitter again to voice her perception of white folk in light of the Democrats winning the Senate and light-skinned evangelicals bemoaning what this means for the unborn.

Perry, pleased with the victory to give the party of baby-death unfettered access to the syringes and scalpels needed to make their infanticidal dreams a reality, says that while she and other black people appreciate how passionate whities are about saving the unborn, it’s also true that that’s where their passion ends, as they systematically brutalize and mistreat those black babies as soon as they leave the womb, right into adulthood.

As one might expect from the resident gaytheist endorsed by the theological malcontents at the Gospel Coalition, her progressive race-baiting comments drip of CRT and give every indication of the worldview she possesses.

She writes:

After a raft of feedback, Perry conceded that the post was perhaps needlessly pithy and lacked nuance, but doubled down on the point of her post, explaining:

What it does mean is:

1: What I value (love) about many white evangelicals is there unabated commitment to the lives of the unborn. That is the heart of God, so to that, I say ‘Yes!’ And ‘Amen!’ Continue to speak up for those that can’t speak up for themselves. Please.

2: What I am grieved by and will not allow is the hatred, mistreatment, and dishonoring (systemically & interpersonally) of black people outside of the womb. And the way America is set up, our lives here don’t seem to matter as much once we’re born.

There you have it.

A plea to white folk, on behalf of all black folk, to stop hating them after they’re born, and to stop mistreating and dishonoring them on account of their skin.

If you’re a white person, please stop doing what comes naturally to you in a country that is set up to propagate this systematic racial injustice.

Breaking Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Former SBTS Prof: Al Mohler is a ‘Double Agent’

UPDATE: SBTS leadership was aware of problematic dissertation

(Capstone Report) A former member of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) faculty alleged that the SBTS Administration was aware of Nate Collins’s “destructive views” while Collins was a student writing that “Virgin” was a “Secondary Gender Identity” and later while Collins taught at Al Mohler’s SBTS.

According to noted Hebrew scholar Russell Fuller:

“Nate Collins was vocal about his views on gender and homosexuality when he was a student and later an adjunct faculty member at Southern Seminary. The Administration at Southern Seminary knew of Collins’s destructive views but still allowed him to teach. Tom Schreiner was a member of the administration as an associate Dean of the School of Theology when Collins was writing his problematic dissertation at Southern under Tom.”

Collins’s views launched the controversial Revoice Conference—a conference condemned by conservative Christians.

Further, Al Mohler and the seminary are “soft” on homosexuality and LGBTQ+ issues, according to Dr. Fuller.

“The truth is that Southern Seminary went soft on homosexuality years before Collins when Mohler himself accepted the secular idea of sexual orientation,” Dr. Fuller said. “In fact, Mohler ‘repented’ that he rejected the secular teaching of sexual orientation, the lynchpin doctrine of the LGBTQ community. Mohler’s statement of ‘repentance,’ of course, suggests that he was in sin for not accepting sexual orientation. This further suggests that Christians are in sin who do not accept sexual orientation, a blasphemous notion.”

And Dr. Fuller does not stop there. He points out that Mohler cannot answer when confronted…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report, a website which is required reading for anyone in the SBC. Title changed by Protestia

Breaking Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Scandal

Breaking! Ravi Zacharias Ministries Confirms Late Apologist ‘Did Indeed Engage in Sexual Misconduct’

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) has released an interim report on their investigation into sexual misconduct allegations that Protestia (and formerly Pulpit & Pen) have been on the forefront of covering for years, confirming that the world-renowned late apologist did indeed engage in sexual misconduct.

Ravi had been accused by several massage therapists of indecent sexual contact during sessions, including touching them inappropriately, exposing himself, asking them to give him “happy endings,” masturbating during sessions, asking for nude pictures, and propositioning them for sex.

The report was released by Martin and Miller, the investigative firm tasked by RZIM to get to the bottom of these allegations. They report they were given wide discretion and interviewed dozens of witnesses, including “many massage therapists” who treated Zacharias at Touch of Eden and Jivan spa. They also “reviewed numerous documents and electronic devices used by Mr. Zacharias over the years.”

Though specifically tasked with investigating the allegations stemming from the spas that Ravi owned, it seems they went a little further, writing “we were given broad discretion and authority to follow leads into other sexual misconduct that might arise, and that is exactly what we have done.”

Their findings? Guilty as sin.

While some of the massage therapists we have tried to interview are not willing to share their experiences with us, many have spoken candidly and with great detail. Combining those interviews with our review of documents and electronic data, we have found significant, credible evidence that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct over the course of many years. Some of that misconduct is consistent with and corroborative of that which is reported in the news recently, and some of the conduct we have uncovered is more serious. Our investigation is ongoing, and we continue to pursue leads.

The firm notes that that the full report will be released to RZIM board of directors in early 2021, and the board has apparently pledged to release it publicly. The full text can be read below.

RZIM has released a statement in response to the findings, writing in part:

However, while the investigation remains ongoing and is not expected to be completed until January or February, yesterday we received a brief interim update on the investigation we felt we needed to share (attached). Sadly, the interim investigation update indicates this assessment of Ravi’s behavior to be true—that he did indeed engage in sexual misconduct.

This misconduct is deeply troubling and wholly inconsistent with the man Ravi Zacharias presented both publicly and privately to so many over more than four decades of public ministry. We are heartbroken at learning this but feel it necessary to be transparent and to inform our staff, donors, and supporters at this time, even while the investigation continues. We will speak more comprehensively to all concerned after the completion of the investigation.

We are devastated for those who have suffered from Ravi’s misconduct and for the pain that they are enduring. They have asked for confidentiality and anonymity, and both we and the investigators are committed to honoring their wishes.

We await news of the full report, given that there are many unanswered questions, with Ravi’s guilt being a foregone conclusion for years and being the least of these.

Rather, the issue is with the RZIM board and with the way they’ve handled everything over the years, particularly with dismissing concerns and putting out false information when clearly something was seriously amiss.

In fact, when we first reported on the newest round of allegations and broke that story, with the information provided by use by the tireless advocate Steve Baughman, RZIM told us that it would be “virtually impossible to investigate” and then only changed their tune when the story got too big to ignore.

There is also the matter of Lori Anne Thompson. We are confident that she will be completely vindicated, but what manner of obstruction and obfuscations has the board been indulging in for years that has made it possible for her story to have been ignored, covered and buried?

Ravi threatened to kill himself if his interaction with her went public, and the result of that was letting Ravi put out a statement in Christianity Today filled with lies that victim-blamed her and exonerated him, declaring himself wholly innocent of whatever it was that led him to off himself if it ever got out.

We can only hope the investigation addresses RZIM’s complicity in the cover-up because it’s pretty obvious they’ve had their hands all over it.

Charismatic Nonsense Conspiracy Featured Heresies News Scandal

2018 Sex Scandals at Hillsong NY were ‘Mostly True’ Say Church Officials

Hillsong has responded to allegations made in 2018 about widespread and pervasive sexual promiscuity and sexual contact between certain church staff members and interns and parishioners at Carl Lentz’s old stomping grounds at Hillsong NYC, acknowledging that much of the scandals were true, but that they had been dealt with and action was taken.

The report, in a nutshell, claimed that “Hillsong staffers used the church like a seedy dating service, ‘sleeping around’ with volunteers and asking them to send nude pictures.”

In a statement to the Christian Post, Hillsong officials explained in part:

In February of 2018, Hillsong Church received a letter with serious allegations regarding specific members of the Hillsong NYC volunteer and staff teams. We were very concerned to learn that any church member, volunteer or staff member would feel unsafe. Immediately, we launched a comprehensive three-month inquiry into the claims made in the letter.

Sadly, we learned that some of the allegations were true. In response, our team took immediate action to address those allegations. Though some of the letter’s allegations were found to be inaccurate, we realized that those situations required care and concern as well…

We created a Team Code of Conduct, which now serves as the standard of ethics for every volunteer who serves at any Hillsong East Coast locations. We also created a team relations department to help us examine any future allegations of volunteer or staff misconduct that violate our Code of Conduct…”

The response from Hillsong comes in light of new allegations of sexual impropriety from their former pastor Carl Lentz. We revealed last week that a longtime employee of the Lentz family walked in on him and a young pop star “making sex sounds” and emerging disheveled from a bedroom where they were alone and didn’t realize anyone was home.

Lentz has reportedly recently been dropped by his PR firm and is in counseling for “pastoral burnout.”

Church Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Social Justice Wars

Kyle J. Howard Claims SBC Seminary Prof. told him ‘Black Peeps have Inferior Theology’

Kyle J. Howard, between breaths of saying that he would never join a denomination led by white folk because of how inherently racist they are, and telling people it’s ok to not read God’s word or go to church if they find it “triggering” (see screencaps at end of post) has thought up a wonderful new tall tale describing shockingly racist behavior he experienced during his time at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS).

While Howard over the years has described in uncomfortable detail how much spiritual trauma he was traumatized with while being traumatized by anti-trauma experts who racially traumatized him and left him even more traumatized than the last time he was being spiritually and racially traumatized, this is a new story. You’ll recall he preciously claimed that someone told him “Since you’re black you probably don’t know what reformed theology is” and all these stories here .

In this case, Howard claims that one of his professors, desiring his class to do a research paper on a famous preacher, told the young skulls full of mush that he didn’t have any black pastors to recommend as black preachers had “inferior theology” to white preachers.

He then embellishes further.

Some very strong “I was in the line at the grocery store when a woman tapped me on the back and said ‘I don’t like your shirt that says “God bless the USA” on it.’ Then I loudly responded so that half the store could hear….and then everyone clapped and cheered and the manager came over and shook my hand,” and similar claptrap.

You know how that goes.

Unfortunately, Howard is known for his exaggerations and complete fabrication. This is why we’ve had a running bounty of $3000 to anyone who can bring proof that Howard was a gun-toting gang member for the Crips.

Lest anyone forget, Howard was born with incredible privilege, with the proverbial silver spoon placed there by two attorney-parents. He was raised in an affluent Atlanta suburb. His brother capitalized on his privilege and became an attorney like his parents before him and Howard has been a professional student for most of his life.

However, Howard claims in his website bio that in High School he became “heavily immersed” in the Crips gang. Howard claims he carried a razor blade in his mouth, a .38 revolver on his hip and drugs in his pocket.

Also according to Howard, he lived a double life, selling drugs at night but doing high school debate and keeping up his academics during the day. His parents apparently weren’t aware of his secret life as a Crips member because he would intellectually debate his parents over supper and then go smoke weed and live the thug life.

Howard also claims he was a “battle rapper” in the “underground circuit” while excelling at his High School Latin class.

Howard claims that upon meeting his future wife, he gradually walked away from all the gang activity (in the 11th grade – lol) and they let him go willingly. [Editor’s note: Apparently they didn’t want him around either?] Howard states that his then future wife was oblivious to his gang activity as well (this leaves a total of zero people who can substantiate Howard’s claims).

If you’re asking why he would make up stories that would make even Ergun Caner blush, it’s simple: with someone as privileged (and White-privileged at that) as Kyle J. Howard is, it’s critically important that he identify with the victim-class.

To do so, he claims he was a secret gang member in high school, thus establishing his intersectionality creds.

So no. We don’t believe him for a second. If he wants to name names we would welcome that. But until he does, it’s just another Howardian allegation, and we know how seriously we should take those.