Church Featured News

American Sign Language Bible Finally Complete After 39 years

(DISRN) A translation of the Bible in American Sign Language has just been completed after 39 years of work.

Work on the translation into ASL began in 1981 with Independent Christian Church minister Duane King.

In 1970, after meeting a deaf Christian couple who avoided going to church because they did not understand what was going on, King decided he wanted to learn how to sign so that he could help the deaf community.

After King and his wife, Peggy, planted a church and a mission for the deaf in Iowa, King started working on an ASL Bible.

“Most hearing people don’t understand how difficult it is to learn to read what you cannot hear,” King said last year. “Deaf people rely so much on their eyesight that they want everything to be tangible — they want to be able to see everything.”

Harold Noe, who worked with Deaf Missions and was a Hebrew and Greek scholar, said in a 2004 interview that the translation is sometimes difficult due to ASL having a different syntax than English.

“The same sign used for `resurrection’ is the sign for `stand up,'” explained Noe. “I recall working with some children at the Iowa School for the Deaf. When I signed that sign for resurrection, the kids would stand up. I kept saying, `No, it’s not time to go yet.'”

To watch the ASL videos or for more information on Deaf Missions, visit the organization’s website at The organization…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jenny Mount and published at Disrn. Title change by Protestia. Video added by us as well.

Breaking Church News Righteous Defiance

Breaking: John MacArthur Gets a Win: Grace Church To Stay Open Until 2021

Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church scored a big win on Thursday when Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff ruled against LA County for the fifth time. The county wanted a decision against MacArthur for contempt of court charges; the result of the Church having Sunday services indoors after specifically being told not to by the court.

Before contempt charges could be adjudicated, however, lawyers for GCC argued that the Church was first entitled to a full-blown trial on the merits of their lawsuit challenging Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, proposing that “a final determination on the constitutionality of the orders must occur before the county could seek contempt against MacArthur for merely holding church.” The Judge was persuaded and agreed. Special Counsel Charles LiMandri explains in a statement from the Thomas More Society:

We are pleased that Judge Beckloff indicated he agreed with the major points that we made on behalf of Pastor MacArthur and Grace Community Church and we are very gratified that the judge’s ruling today reflects that he appreciates the importance of the constitutionally protected rights at issue in this case.

Special Counsel Jenna Ellis likewise said in a Statement:

This is significant because no person can or should be held in contempt of a constitutionally invalid order. Los Angeles County continues to presume that its order is valid, with utter disregard for First Amendment protections. It’s tyranny to even suggest that a government action cannot be challenged and must be obeyed without question. This case goes to the heart of what our founders designed for the purpose of legitimate government—not to be above the rule of law. Pastor MacArthur is simply holding church, which is clearly his constitutionally protected right in this country.

With LA’s Superior Court suspending civil trials the rest of the year, this decision effectively lets GCC continue holding services for at least 3 and a half months- January 2021 at the earliest. It will cost the church substantially in legal fees, but for now, it guarantees them the freedom to have their services unimpeded.

MacArthur will get a reprieve for a while, barring any funny business on the part of LA County. The next hearing is scheduled on November 13, 2020 to discuss the extent, scope, and merits of the trial.

Church Featured Heresies

Carl Lentz: The Point of Christianity is for Pastors to become Unnecessary

Carl Lentz continues to make clear that he doesn’t understand what his role is as the so-called Pastor of Hillsong Church NYC, much to the great shame of all his congregants who keep on attending. We’ve known this for a while, of course. We knew it when he had an openly homosexual couple leading worship years ago.

We knew it a few months ago when he interviewed the infamous Trinity-denying heretic TD Jakes about racism and black lives matter, in lieu of a church service, fawning over him and encouraging his congregation to follow him. In fact, it was a little more than a month when Lentz said in an interview that Christian churches might be one of the biggest propagators of racist ideology in our country.

Now, in a recent interview with Logan Paul, Lentz set the context by sharing some false teachings with the assembled hosts, declaring that “religion” is terrible and that he doesn’t believe in it. He tells them Christianity isn’t about religion, but a relationship – taking a swing at Roman Catholics and spouting off other half-burnt theology you’d expect to come out of the mouth of a newly saved 11-year-old girl who just started reading the Message bible.

Because Lentz frames Christianity as a relationship and a two-way conversation, it prompts one of the hosts to ask: “Are you more of a facilitator than a church would you say?” Lentz replies:

So Catholicism for instance, their priests are really necessary. Right? The point of Christianity is for the leaders to not be as necessary. So my job is to teach you, or to encourage somebody else to know God so well, where I’m out of the picture. If anything, a pastor should be a bridge. But if you have a religious construct based on the people who are facilitating it, that’s a problem, because you always need me.

So if I’m a pastor or a priest that wants to keep drawing people to me, I’m not going to tell you everything. I don’t want you to be so good. I don’t want you to be so free. I don’t want you to be so free that you don’t need me, so and I’m going to give you a little bit of guilt. I’m gonna preach something that’s a little bit manipulative to keep you coming but we believe the opposite is true. If you preach the truth, people are going to want to keep finding that.

It should go without saying that the Bible is exceedingly clear that pastors and elders are a gift from God to the Church, that they are to exist until Christ comes back, and that they have a variety of purposes and roles. The idea the pastors exist to be a bridge for a time being and then disappear in a puff of vapor because the congregants are so knowledgeable and obedient that they don’t need a shepherd anymore is certainly a new take – credit where credit is due.

His novel take is so deliciously awful and tragically misguided, it’s almost enough to make one wonder if he’s ever read the following 5 verses before, which lays out all those very things he denies and brings great clarity to a mind melted by biblical misapprehension.

He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Ephesians 4: 10-15

This is not the last of wild things Lentz has said in this interview. The rest will be posted over the next few days.

Church News Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur Updates on the Threat of Jails, Fines, and calls Masks ‘A Bacterial Zoo you Have over your Face’

John MacArthur appeared for a brief interview on the Todd Starnes show on Monday afternoon, posted below, to give a minor update on how his church is handling things and the latest word the progression of the court case.

At first, it was the threat of 90 days in jail, then the last time I saw it it was 6 months in jail, but that hasn’t been activated yet. In fact, we had the sixth hearing in court on Friday- six times the county has taken us to court- and the judge has still not ruled on that. So there’s really been no outcome yet that could be measured in terms of a fine or contempt or jail or whatever, so, they can’t seem to get what they want. The county can’t. They’ve been frustrated six times in court but we’ll see what comes next.

MacArthur mentions that two of the health inspectors were believers and they joined in the service during their inspection duties, as well as complimented MacArthur’s son in law on a singing piece. MacArthur mentions that 90% of the health department is disgusted at what they’re doing to Grace Church, a statistic that was first unearthed by Tim Hurd at the Bible Thumping Wingnut, which we also covered here.

MacArthur reiterates that none of his congregation of several thousand have died from it or have been hospitalized despite meeting for 8 weeks, commenting:

Well look, here is the latest statistic. This came out in court Friday. If you’re living in California, here’s the chance you’re going to die from COVID. This was presented to the court. One chance in 19.1 million. That’s the chance you’re going to die from COVID in California currently.

Starnes asks MacArthur what he thinks ultimately is happening with everything that was experienced in terms of COVID, the culture, and the role of the Church. MacArthur shares:

This is not a response to a virus…this is control. We all know that masks are basically a bacterial zoo you have over your face. They’re not healthy. Medical doctors have told me 30 minutes of one of those you gotta get rid of it. So this is about control. This is all part of the strategy. This plays into the same strategies that are being played out on a number of fronts to bring down the country that we’ve always known, to limit our freedom.

I think if you want a socialist country, you have to get rid of the capitalist and they’re doing a number with this on small businesses. It’s almost like a variation of the bolshevik revolution where you take everybody’s business over with the government and you can see moves being made in that direction.

But I think a lot of it has to do with the election. You would say, ‘well is this some kind of conspiracy being orchestrated by one person?’ I don’t know anything about that, but I do know these things play into the chaos, the utter chaos and disillusionment they have generated on other fronts, and this is just of one those additional operations that is making life miserable for Americans and I think they want to blame the president for it.

In further developments, PJ Media is reporting that:

“Los Angeles County has expressed its intention to haul Grace Community Church (GCC) Pastor John MacArthur back into court, attempting to secure a contempt ruling against him, which would involve hefty fines. On Monday, an LA superior court judge punted on contempt, but the county told MacArthur’s lawyers that it intends to refile charges in another court.”

Continue to pray for Pastor MacArthur and all the brothers and sisters at Grace Community Church.

abortion Church Social Issues

Pro-choice Bible Teacher who Attends JD Greear Church Praises Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mourns Death

You would think that the top leader of the Southern Baptist Convention — the largest Protestant denomination in America that calls itself “conservative” — would hold his own church accountable to the Scriptures on issues that shouldn’t even be debatable — like women teaching in churches and holding to theological positions that are opposed to the revealed will of God.

No. Instead, JD Greear props up a Jezebel named Rebecca Shrader who continues to defy God while representing his church.

Rebecca Shrader refers to herself as a “pro-life feminist, pro-choice Christian” who authored a “statement of lament” for white people to sign denouncing their skin color. Shrader is a small group Bible teacher at Greear’s Summit Church in North Carolina, and proudly boasts it.

Shrader is a very confused person who believes that she is “pro-life” because she chose not to kill her own children. However, Shrader is continually and adamantly clear that she believes every woman should have the “choice” whether or not to end their own children’s lives. She defends Planned Parenthood and does not believe that life begins at conception.

She has also stated that she would join hands with the pro-choice escorts at abortion clinics to protect them from hearing the gospel from pro-life groups.

And she, a “bible teacher,” is apparently clueless as to why Christians believe murder is wrong and should be illegal.

So it should come as no surprise that Shrader, a teacher and member in good standing at the Southern Baptist Convention president’s church, praises one of the most anti-Christ, pro-abortion, pro-sodomy Supreme Court Justices ever to walk the face of this earth, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

People, if you want to know what’s wrong with the Evangelical Church today, look no further than Rebecca Shrader, and particularly, her pastor, JD Greear.

Church Featured Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur to Congregation: ‘You People are Getting Me into a Lot of Trouble’

Pastor John McArthur received another standing ovation from his congregation yesterday, with everyone standing and cheering for nearly 30 seconds as he made his way to the pulpit and shared a short pre-sermon address.

Macarthur will frequently use this ‘opening comments time’ to give an update on the current court case or to share information or brief thoughts with the congregation on current events or other things related to the day or to the church. These are not always captured as part of the online sermons that get posted, and so our friends at Bible Thumping Wingnut has recorded them and posted the video below, which we’ve transcribed.

“You people are getting me in a lot of trouble.” [Laughter and cheers from congregation]

Welcome to Grace Community Church on this Lord’s day. Psalms 67 says

God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us— 
That Your way may be known on the earth,
Your salvation among all nations.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy;
For You will judge the peoples with uprightness
And guide the nations on the earth. 
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.

God blesses us, till all the ends of the earth may fear him.

Father, we offer you our worship in this hour. As those who come before you unworthy, and yet joyfully welcome because we come in the Saviors name. Bless our fellowship and our worship together. Amen.

While not much to update in this case, we don’t know of the ‘You people are getting me in a lot of trouble.’ is related simply to the fines they are incurring, or something else.

Meanwhile, one of the special counsels representing MacArthur and Grace Church, who also happens to be one of President Trump’s Lawyers, pointed out that hundreds were gathering to mourn the loss of Chief Justice Ruth Ginsberg. She noted they were gathering in large groups without adhering to social distancing, which was fine to her, but like large BLM protests, these are encouraged and allowed while churches remain closed. It needed not be said that if the church gathered in the way that these mourners did, they would be in contravention to Governor Gavin Newsom’s lockdown orders and would be fined.

While Grace church was fined another 500$ this week for gathering, an appeal is expected from GCC early this week and we will also be informed as to what further consequences the Los Angeles County and the Judge will impose on the church for ignoring the court’s orders prohibiting them from gathering if it will be simply monetarily punitive, or if the threat of arrest is legitimately on the table.

Church Featured Righteous Defiance

Louisiana Pastor Faces 3 Years in Prison for Defying Church Lockdown Orders. Arraignment set for Tuesday

Rev. Tony Spell, the pastor of Life Tabernacle Church in Central, Louisiana, is set to be arraigned on Sept 22 for six misdemeanor charges incurred in the early months of the pandemic for refusing to abide by Gov. John Bel Edwards’ lockdown orders.

At the time, in the months of March and April, Rev Tony Spell gained national prominence and notoriety for being known as the pastor of the ‘Last Church In America Still Open’ where the Church never shut down and had in-person services without any social distancing, weekly drawing hundreds of congregants, and possibly being the only church in his state never to close. This resulted in him getting arrested, being fitted with an ankle monitor, and defying the restrictions place on him and preaching anyway.

These particular 6 gatherings that he’s being charged for, which at the time exceeded the 10-person limit set by the Democratic governor, each carry a penalty of six months in jail and a $500 fine.

Though this scenario would happen, if the governor and prosecutors were hellbent on it, they could charge Rev. Spell for each of the 80 services he conducted in direct contravention to the orders, each with a sentence of up to six months, resulting in 40 years in prison. The fact that such a sentence is even a theoretical possibility is terrifying.

Rev Spell has released a statement, saying in part:

“…At the state level, the state legislature makes the law.  While the Governor may be authorized to issue emergency orders, he cannot make law. It should be clear that no emergency order of a Governor can lawfully take away our constitutional rights under the First Amendment, which includes Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Assembly.  Any attempt by the Governor to do so is ultra vires, or outside the law and of no effect.”

“When the Governor had the Chief of Police of Central come and arrest me in the sanctuary of Life Tabernacle Church, that arrest was totally unlawful.  When District Judge Fred Crifasi ordered me not to preach in church on Sunday morning, ordered that I be confined to my home, and ordered an ankle bracelet attached to my leg, all of those things were unlawful too.

“Here at Life Tabernacle, the persecution of our congregation and me personally continues, but I will not bow to the state and agree that the Governor has the lawful authority to bar me from the pulpit, or close down our church — or any church for that matter!”

Rev. Spell’s attorney, Jeff Wittenbrink, relayed that the defiant reverend will enter a plea at the time of the arraignment and we expect him to plead ‘not guilty.’

As a bit of insider baseball, Spell’s Lawyer contacted us here at Protestia wanting to know why we referred to Rev Spell as a heretic in one of our responses, writing: “Pastor Spell has stood up for our God-given rights to worship and assemble freely since the beginning of the Wuhan virus.   I recently saw a reply to a friend that you made saying that he was a “heretic.”   I read your “About P & P News” section.  My question:  exactly how is Pastor Spell a heretic?”

Our response is simple. For as much as we admire his courage, we would never advise anyone to worship with this group on any day of the week, much less during a pandemic. In fact- any true believer would run screaming like a banshee from this hellacious cauldron of blasphemy.

Services of the self-declared “Apostolics of Baton Rouge” are riddled with the worst excess of pentecostal concoctions. Imagine 30 middle-aged women dancing at the front during worship while waving hands and lavender flags to the irksome beats of Hillsong, and you get the picture.

If that by itself wasn’t enough to shudder the spine of even the reformed-est of men, their statement of faith paints an even clearer picture of theological decrepitude: that of Oneness Pentecostals who deny the Trinity, who believe water baptism using a certain formula and baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of tongues to be the conditions for salvation, and who hold to the doctrine of sinless perfectionism.

Church Featured Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur Says Calif. Lockdowns Based on ‘False Science.’ Compares Tactics to Hitler and Nazi Regime

Pastor John MacArthur appeared on Eric Metaxas show to update on things were at with Grace Church, providing nothing new in terms of teh case, but he did provide a bit of information on how things are progressing internally.

Speaking against the impossibility of his church gathering outside in any practical sense, as social distancing protocols would leave them with only 300-400 congrats allowed to attend, MacArthur blasted Governor Gavin Newsom’s unscientific basis for locking the state and churches down, comparing the same justification that California is using to the ones that the Nazi’s used in Germany.

Hitler used false science. Hitler used false science about race as a people, about black people and about jewish people. He tried to basically use that false science to lock down the Reichstag in Nazi power. That is essentially what’s happening in California and even across the country, the false science of this virus is being used again as a club by the governor of California and others across the country to affect the political change they want to see.

Speaking to anecdotal evidence, MacArthur relays that they’ve met for 9 weeks and don’t know anyone in the congregation of 7000 who have had COVID and disputes that it should be properly classified as a pandemic in the first place, given the low number of deaths comparatively. MacArthur shares that Grace Church being open has been met with overwhelming support by congregants and guests who have been attending his services in great numbers have been encouraged and given hope to to see other brothers and sisters holding the line.

We are absolutely shocked at the number of people pouring into this church who have not been here before, filling up the worship center, filling up the chapel, filling up a tent in the parking lot, going into other buildings. Several hundred thousand devices are connected for online. We’re now broadcasting every service in six languages around the globe.

People want to hear the truth and they want hope in the midst of what seems a bleak kind of history for them. They see churches kind of folding up under the pressure and it frightens them if their own churches aren’t gonna stand and hold the line, where will they turn? So there’s almost a rush, there’s an exhilaration in the people that are coming here and freely worshipping the Lord.

It’s not normally that they can defy the government, but they watch this government collapsing in every sense that they hold dear, and for them to be able to take a stand against that and know its right because they are obeying Christ is an exhilarating spiritual experience, and there’s a joy here that’s beyond what I’ve seen in 50 years.

One member who attends Grace Church estimated perhaps 5500 people attended one of the earlier services after they first opened up again, and that many people attending were not members, but either Christians wanting to go to church whose local churches are not open, or were attending to encourage Pastor MacArthur. He even recounted “I met a couple who flew in from Texas just to participate in a Sunday meeting time.”

Church Featured Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur on Defying Courts: ‘I Don’t Mind Being a Little Apostolic if they want to Tuck me into Jail…Bring it on’

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church appeared on Laura Ingraham ‘The Ingram Angle’ last night for a brief chat and update on his situation with being ordered to ceast and desist from having indoor services . Explaining why it’s so important to stand up to onerous edicts, Macarthur stated that the government leaders are going against the constitution and reiterating that the odds of getting the novel coronavirus are 1/100th of 1%, saying it’s not a legitimate basis for eliminating worship.

“The constitution supports us, and by the way, I am so thankful that President Trump has told me personally that he supports the church as essential, and that the churches need to stay open. So with the constitution on our side and the president’s backing, we’re open.”

Ingram references Kamala Haris saying that the United States needs to have a ‘time of crisis’ mentality as they did during World War 2, where society sacrificed for the needs of the collective. In this case, shutting down churches where the coronavirus may spread for the sake of the community. Ingram asks if that’s where America is now, and MacArthur rejects the idea

“The church preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ- that Jesus died and rose again and is the only source of eternal salvation. The church doesn’t exist to make sure it navigates around politicians whims, the church exists in the world to preach the saving gospel of Christ. We’re not concerned about the flu, we’re concerned about eternity, eternal life, salvation, and the more dire circumstances become in the world around us, the more critical, the more essential the church becomes and the more important the gospel becomes.

I’ll tell you something, our church is literally flooded with people. We have them in every nook and cranny, jammed together, inside, outside, on several floors, in our children’s education building, in the gym, in a tent outside. They’re flooding the place to hear the message of forgiveness and salvation in a time where fear is being propagated on every street.”

Ingraham, a Roman Catholic, says that admires MacArthur’s conviction, courage and strength, describing it as admirable and inspiring and relates how disappointed she is that her own Church has rolled over and has been hesitant to return. Praising MacArthur for his willingness to preach and face jail time, she asks whether or not Gavin Newsom threatened to do anything to MacArthur personally for defying his orders.

No, not personally, but we received a letter with a threat saying that we could be fined or I could go to jail for a maximum of 6 months. Of course, my biblical hero apart from the Lord Jesus Christ is the Apostle Paul. And when he went into a town he didn’t ask what the hotel was like, he asked what the jail was like because he knew that’s where he was gonna spend his time. So I don’t mind being a little apostolic if they want to tuck me into jail. I’m open for a jail ministry. I’ve done a lot of other ministries and I haven’t had the opportunity to do that one, so bring it on.

Church Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA

New Strict UK Shutdown Orders Exempt LGBT Support Groups, Not Bible Studies

In order to prevent a second shutdown, the United Kingdom is now under the ‘Rule of Six’, a new set of strict social distancing laws making it a criminal offense for more than six people from different households to gather together, as well a host of different policies based on what region one is in.

The draconian law brings with it a limiting of normal activities. A mother and father with 4 kids would not be able to socialize with other families, or even stop to talk on the street for a brief chat with their in-laws or friend while wearing masks, as that would be ‘mingling’ and against the law. Lest one think that an extreme example, the health minister cited that very thing as being against the rules.

Church is allowed, but families may not cluster in more than 6 people and must socially distance while wearing masks, with singing strongly discouraged. Small groups bible studies may also take place in people’s private homes or in church, but they must be limited to 6, and all participants must socially distance and wear masks, under threat of punitive monetary damages.

At the same time that small group bible studies or small group prayer groups of more than 6 are absolutely prohibited, even in a private residence, the new regulations allow those attending ‘support groups that ‘provide mutual aid, therapy or any other form of support to its members or those who attend its meetings’ to be exempt. What are some of those categories? Those suffering bereavement, those caring for persons with, any long-term illness or terminal, condition, and anyone ‘facing issues’ related to being gay or transgendered.

If you are a heterosexual needing spiritual support, facing issues relating to your identity in Christ, then you’re out of luck. If you’re transgendered deciding whether or not to get top surgery, then you’re fine.

The government is encouraging neighbors to snitch on each other and to report all breaches to a non-emergency number, with the police being given the power to fine rule-breakers up to £3,200.