Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy News

Charismatic Prophetess Kat Kerr: ‘God and the Angels Call Biden ‘Sleepy Joe’ Too’

When charismatic “prophetess” and Dr. Michael Brown-approved seer Kat Kerr isn’t commanding 100 million angels to guard the RNC, or making a fool of herself when she tries to control the weather, she making daily trips up to heaven, claiming to have gone up and visited heaven thousands of times, to the point she has lost count.

Such a celebrated celestial tourist has naturally made other charismatics inquisitive about what the afterlife is like, what Jesus, God and the angels are up to, and what sort of mystical revelations she’s been given to bring back to the mere mortals on earth.

It was on this occasion that interviewer Steve Shultz, who oversees a litany of crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can malcontent prophets at the Elijah List, (whom incidentally, not a one predicted the pandemic) asked Kerr whether or not God is shocked or disappointed when Trump does something bad.

Absolutely not. He knows exactly who he’s going to pick and you all know none of us are perfect. Is that correct? But he chooses. You know God’s seen the beginning and the end, and he knows exactly who he needs to do those jobs.

After letting us in on a prophetic word that President Trump will win a second term and then after he wins Vice President Pence will run and secure another 8 years, she gives some insider baseball on the nature of those rascally and rapscallion angels, letting us know that heaven is essentially one big MAGA rally.

“God likes bold personalities and I can tell you this: passionate people, that means they’re expressive, they’re fierce about what they believe in, and sometimes those people maybe go over a line we don’t like, but he’s not shocking God at all. That means it’s not necessarily okay, but you get it with the package, ok? And he is definitely accomplishing everything God wants.”

“And Actually, this is hilarious, the angels sometimes will repeat the very things that Trump say. Like they call him ‘Sleepy Joe.’ When God had me prophesying up in Colorado, he actually said these words, ‘Why would you pick a villain for a president when I have already sent you a superhero?’ That would be Trump.”

Lest anyone think that prophtess Kerr is suffering from altituide sickness from her many heavenly voyages, she is not on the fringes of continuationism and charasmaticism, but rather is in the mainstream and represents the center.

Church Featured News Righteous Defiance

A Few Staff Members at Grace Church Have COVID-19, and That is Not a Big Deal

In a notification chain sent out to Church Members, the leadership at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, updated congregants on the LA Times claim that a Coronavirus “Outbreak” has occurred at the Church:

You may have seen a report on the news claiming that there is a COVID-19 Outbreak at our church. There is no Outbreak at Grace Church. We have three part-time employees who tested positive and are now recovering at home, having never been hospitalized. As we enter the flu season, we encourage you to stay at home if you are not feeling well or have COVID-19-like symptoms. We are going to meet for worship this Sunday to celebrate the Lord’s table together.

Grace Chuch made the announcement in order to comply with Los Angeles County’s health protocols, which require all churches and houses of worship to report to the Department of Public Health when three cases of COVID-19 are reported or identified within a period of 14 days.

While it is true that three part-time staff members tested positive, there are other cases of members getting COVID-19 at Grace Church. Tim Hurd at the Biblethumpingwingnut reports that congregation members have contacted him informing him that either they or people they know who attend have it, though to which degree the leadership is aware remains to be seen.

The point remains, however, that a few cases out of more than 7000 people gathered together is hardly news. The overwhelming vast majority of these cases will be resolved in the same way the flu is – with people staying home, feeling sick for a few days, and then recovering. The fact that the media is trying to frame this as an irresponsible superspreader event so that they may point and say, “See? See?!” is beyond the pale.

Furthermore, it has never been the church’s position that it is only safe to hold services if no one ever tests positive. Pastor John MacArthur has acknowledged that congregation members and staff may get sick and even perish, but that the Lord is sovereign and they will not discontinue services for that reason.

In light of this, Grace Church is still going ahead with hosting their annual Fall Fair on Halloween, where the church is hosting a fun afternoon for children. Members are encouraged to invite their friends and neighbors to the event which will take place at the church, and there will be sno-cones, carnival games, bouncy castles, face-painting (a prospect that would be anathema anywhere else) and popcorn for everyone to enjoy.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Tim Keller Tweet Generator. We Found One. That’s It. That’s the Headline

Tim Keller, founder of the Gospel Coalition and cultural Marxist extraordinaire, has a long history of saying awful, terrible things. His church called for more same-sex intimacy in churches, he tweeted out patently, biblically absurd things, walks, talks and acts like a Marxist, trashed the ‘Social Justice and the Gospel Statement’ endorsed the notion of a ‘gay Christian‘, and claimed that people cannot be reached without art.

Recently Tim Keller said that if you have white skin, you’re involved in injustice and that a few weeks ago he argued that Christians have the liberty of conscience to vote for pro-choice Democrats or pretty much damned near anyone.

It’s in this spirit that we introduce you to the Tim Keller Tweet Generator. Created by the folks over at Church News Online, it’s uncanny how accurately it captures his obtuse, frequently indecipherable voice that’s about as clear as mud and twice as shallow. Here is a small sampling:

It’s scary how perfect it is and indistinguishable from the real deal. This is some stage 4, neural network Artificial Intelligence we’re talking about here.

Check it out post-haste!

Church Featured Heresies Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope Appoints Powerful Pro-LGBT Cardinals to Seat of Power

Pope Francis appointed 13 clergymen to the College of Cardinals, many of who will be able to vote in the upcoming Pala conclave, and at least two who hold pro-LGBT views. The move comes on the heels of the Pope coming out last week in full support of same-sex civil unions, further demonstrating there is some “ecclesiastical queering” going on.

With the appointment of these cardinals to this new seat of power, it means that Francis will have appointed nearly 60% of all electors, suggesting that the majority in power will have the same beliefs and vision for the Church that Francis holds, which is one that is more unbiblical and anti-Christal than ever before and is likely to continue the trend he has begun with the selection of the next pope in the years to come.

The most controversial of them all is naming United States Archbishop Gregory Wilton to the college. According to Complicit Clergy:

The other appointee that we know of who holds pro-LGBT views is the  Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Mario Grech, who said that he “feels wounded” when the church calls homosexuality sinful and called a full-page ad defending marriage as between one man and one woman, contra homosexuality, as nothing more than “propaganda.”

While these actions by Pope Francis seems to have shocked devout Roman Catholics, to those paying attending its par for the course from a Pontiff hell-bent on painting the Vatican every color of the rainbow.

Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies News podcast Religion

Kanye West Talks Expository Preaching and Jesus on Joe Rogan Podcast

Musician and designer Kanye West appeared on the Joe Rogan Podcast on Friday, spending nearly three hours conversing with the famed interviewer about running for the presidency, design, record contracts, being bipolar, politics, abortion, family, Jesus, race, war, and everything else under the sun, frequently speaking in self-aggrandizing statements and sharing both good and bad theology.

The hotly anticipated conversation was everything listeners hoped it would be, with West talking nearly the whole time in a stream of consciousness. At times he made perfect sense and at others he struggled to explain his ideas and articulate them in the best possible and clearest way, resulting in a confusing mess. He describes his reasoning and the way he processes and shares information this way:

I think very three-dimensionally. I don’t think in the black-and-white lines that I’ve been programmed to think in. And I think in full color. So when I talk, I have to describe a thought in five ways. We enjoy food that has multiple seasonings in it. We enjoy music that has multiple instruments. So when I talk, it’s not a rant, it’s a symphony of ideas.

It’s in this spirit that we offer a few thoughts from West.

On making music for God

When I made Sunday Service, I completely stopped rapping, because I don’t know how to rap for God. All my raps always had nasty jokes. When I went to the hospital in 2016, I wrote, ‘Started church in Calabasas.’ As we left from 2018 going into 2019, I said; I’m not going to let one Sunday go by without starting this church. To start a ministry, I’m like the little drummer boy, where I’m saying, ‘This is all I got to bring, my drum.’ I might not be well versed in the Word, but I know how to make music and I know how to put this choir together. And all things can be made good for God. It quickly became the best choir of all time, because all the best singers moved to California…I was four months in before I gave my life to God. I wasn’t saved, I just had a calling, saying, ‘Just go make this church.’

God knocked me off my horse, literally called me and said, ‘Now I need you.’ Not that God needs me, but we need God. He called me to serve him. I was tired of serving the music industry, tired of serving filling up stadiums.

On expository preaching:

One of my pastors, pastor Adam, the way he preaches is called expository. It’s like one-to-one by the Word. I like all different kind of preachers but there are some type of preachers they get up, they have the bible in their hand, and they close the bible and they just talk for two hours.

And some do have anointing, but expository preachers go line for line, and for me it’s like I come from entertainment. I got so much sauce, I don’t need no sauce on the word. I need the word to be solid food that I can understand exactly what God was saying to me through the King James version, through this, you know, this translation or the English Standard Version.”

On Abortion:

People saw this clip of me crying. Some people didn’t know what I was crying about. I was crying about that there is a possible chance that Kim and I didn’t make the family that we have today. That’s my most family-friendly way to word that. The idea of it just tears me up inside, that I was a part of a culture that promotes this kind of thing.

One of the major statistics on the subject of life is that the greatest advocates for the A-word [abortion] are men from ages 31-37. That’s how old I was. I felt like I was too busy. My dad felt like he was too busy for me. We have a culture of that…In our culture, we’re doped up, and psyched out, and made to kill our children. We have to decouple the conversation of Planned Parenthood and women’s choice.

I’m Christian, so I’m pro-life. When I go into office, I’m not changing laws because I realize we live in an imperfect world and an imperfect society. What I will be presenting is a Plan A. We’ve already started working on a Plan A to change the connotation of orphanages, to change the connotation of foster care.

There were 210,000 deaths due to COVID in America. Everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on. With A, the A word, A culture–I’ll say it one time, with abortion culture–there are 1,000 Black children aborted a day. Daily. We are in genocide. More Black children since February than people have died of COVID. And everyone wears a mask. So it’s a matter of where are we turning a blind eye to?

The whole interview is fascinating and be seen here or on Spotify. West talks further about Jesus and God speaking to him in a host of other contexts, all peppered throughout the interview, with some of it good and some of what he has to say very bad.

Continue to pray for West.

Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies Politics

Trump No Longer Identifies as a Presbyterian, Now Calls Himself a…

President Trump, who has for decades has identified himself as a Presbyterian, has repudiated his former denomination and now identifies as a “Non-Denominational Christian.”

In an exclusive interview with Religion News Service, Trump responded in a written statement to a question about whether or not he considered himself an evangelical Christian:

Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian.

Trump did not elaborate or give any indication of when this transition happened or what it means for him personally.

The President’s faith has been the subject of much speculation, but every indication is that he is a false convert and needs to be saved. Lest one think that President Trump previously identified with the conservative PCA, however, the PCUSA would be more in line with his thinking. He told CBN in 2012:

“I’m a Protestant; I’m a Presbyterian. And you know I’ve had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

For years he attended Marble Collegiate Church, a once-Reformed, now fully inclusive, LGBT-supporting church in New York City that was home for half a century to Senior Minister Norman Vincent Peale, author of the best-selling heretical book The Power of Positive Thinking. Naturally, the Church has been a theological nightmare for decades and should not be viewed as a legitimate church.

According to RNS:

Asked whether he learned anything spiritually from his experience of contracting COVID-19, Trump responded that he and Melania ‘felt the prayers of Americans from all across the country — and even around the world’ when he was recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

I said, ‘There were miracles coming down from heaven.’ I meant it — Melania and I are very thankful to God for looking out for our family and returning us to good health.

Church Critical Race Theory Social Justice Wars

Woke Church uses Skittles and Ice Tea for Communion Elements in Honor of Trayvon Martin’s Last Meal

A church up to its eyeballs in wokeness and blasphemy had a communion service for Ash Wednesday last February, taking the bread and wine but also setting up a special table for a secondary set of elements set aside, comprising of Skittles and Arizona ice tea, in honor of Trayvon Martin’s last meal.

Pastrix Jacqui Lewis (because there is no such thing as a woman pastor) oversees the artistic and inclusive Middle Church in New York, which is run by a collective of women, homosexuals and effeminate men who describe the church in the “who we are” and “what we believe” section as:

Middle Church is where therapy meets Broadway; where art and dance meet a gospel revival; where old time religion gets a new twist. We are Bach, Beatles, and Beethoven; we are jazz, hip-hop, and spirituals.”

We believe in the power of Love. Period. Through Love, we are each created in God’s image and filled with the Divine Spark. No matter whom we love, no matter how we look, no matter where we are on our journey, God’s imprint is in every person of every race/ethnicity, every gender, and every sexual orientation.

Naturally, such a church features a busy schedule filled with wokecrafts:

It’s under that context that the service took place. The pastrix elaborates:

During the blessing of the elements, one of the pastrixes explained:

Tonight we especially remember Trayvon’s last meal – Skittles and Ice tea – and we invite you to also participate in that. There’s a spoon and there are cups and all is ready. Won’t you come?

Martin was a 16-year-old teen who was killed in a skirmish with George Zimmerman in 2013, being acquitted on all accounts after the death was ruled an act of self-defense.

While the story went around the internet a bit when it was first brought to light, there was no video present. Thankfully @WokePreacherTV is doing the yeoman’s work and bringing these to life, pointing out that it is details like the pitter-patter of skittles falling happily on the plate that really brings this to life.

For a bit of a bonus, here are some more deep theological truths, uttered by sundry “pastors” during the service.

Church Featured News Politics Righteous Defiance

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Vote for Biden If You Want to Go Back to Church

(Faithwire) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, said this week that the only way to end the lockdowns and return to church is to hand the country over to another Democrat, former vice president Joe Biden.

“If you’re tired of lockdowns, or you’re tired of wearing masks, or you wish you were in church this morning or watching college football or your kids were in-person instruction, it is time for change in this country, and that’s why we’ve got to elect Joe Biden,” she said during a Sunday appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Whitmer, of course, has unilaterally kept her state in perpetual lockdowns since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic — actions the Michigan Supreme Court have since ruled unconstitutional.

The Michigan attorney general announced in early October she would no longer enforce Whitmer’s orders.

In early May, Michigan churches filed a lawsuit against Whitmer

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and originally published at Faithwire.

Church Evangelical Stuff News

Reformed Pastor Quits his Church Because Congregation Too Supportive of Trump

The pastor of a small reformed congregation in Michigan has quit his church and left the ministry because his congregation members were too supportive of President Donald Trump, leaving this flock without a senior Pastor after serving for just 4 years.

Pastor Keith Mannes preached his last service on October 11th to the congregation of East Saugatuck Church that was gathered outside on a windy Sunday. He did not address in that sermon his motives for leaving, speaking only for a short time, and overseeing communion.

In an interview with the Holland Sentinel, however, Mannes explained that he could no longer oversee a flock that was giving such broad support to Trump, saying that he believed the church had “abandoned its role” by not holding the president more accountable for his miscreant behavior.

Mannes said he started getting uncomfortable and unsettled by Trump back in June of 2015, over 14 months before Trump won the presidency.

It’s only been building ever since. From the beginning I thought there’s something about this man and the instrument that he is for a lot of things that are just very not Jesus…

It just floors me how church-going people who read the Bible and sing the hymns can show up at a (Trump) rally and just do that deep bellow like an angry mob supporting these horrible things that come out of his heart and his mind. It just began to trouble me so much that I am a pastor in this big enterprise…

It’s not only me, but quite a number of pastors I know are just like, ‘This is it? All this preaching we did about Jesus and there’s this big of a disconnect?’ I think that’s a real burden on a lot of pastors’ hearts. I love these people, I love God, I love Jesus, I love the church, but there’s something happening here.

As the pastor became more and more upset by the actions of Trump over the course of years, his disdain for the President began to manifest in his sermons, with him taking potshots here and there or inserting the occasional stray or offhanded comment. Mannes describes the pressure to internalize all his angst about Trump and not unload on his congregation during the service as “tearing me up.”

Despite this, his congregation kept on voicing support for Trump and signaling their intent to vote for him, with some glossing over his misdeeds.

“The question of the church largely and how it’s functioned in this moment has been really disturbing. That’s been troubling enough that I need to lay it all down.”

Mannes, who served as a Reformed pastor for over 30 years, doesn’t know what he will do next or where he will go, but says “at least I have my conscience.”

With the departure of Mannes, another Pastor, Wayne Baker, told the congregation during yesterday’s service that he understood that the congregation needed time to process everything, as there was not much warning between Mannes announcing he was leaving and then his final Sunday, acknowledging that Mannes “will carry some hurts with them as they leave the church and that certainly doesn’t feel good” and they as a congregation will carry some hurt as well.

Church Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Religion

LifeWay and the Crimson Tide’s Defensive Collapse

Last Saturday, the Alabama Crimson Tide’s defense played a historically bad game against Ole Miss.  The Rebels gained 647 yards against the Tide and put 48 points on the scoreboard.  Amazingly enough, the Rebels still lost by 15 points.  Their defense was even worse than Alabama’s.  Such a failing is expected in Oxford.  Ole Miss has not historically been known for its defense. 

This is not the case in Tuscaloosa.  Alabama has, especially under head coach Nick Saban, featured a dominant defense.  However, the wheels have fallen off and there is panic in T-town.  Bama’s defense couldn’t get off the field on 3rd down if the turf was on fire.  Yet no such story about Alabama’s defensive collapse can be found this week in The Capstone Reporta long-time Alabama sports interest blog that once grew to such a level of popularity that it was mentioned on the Paul Finebaum show. 

Alan Atchison, the founder of that blog, was too busy writing about a developing scandal at LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.  Instead of writing about million-dollar deals for Nick Saban’s coaching staff, Atchison was writing about a million-dollar payment from one LifeWay insider to another.  Things have gotten so bad in the Southern Baptist Convention that Captsone Report almost never publishes a story about Alabama Football anymore.  Almost all of Atchison’s writing is about the tragic downgrade in the Southern Baptist Convention.  Readers should take that to heart.  No one is more obsessive about their top-flight football team than Alabama fans.  The Southern Baptist Convention is in such bad shape that Alan Atchison would rather warn fellow Christians about it than write about Crimson Tide championships.

Just because Alabama’s defense used to be dominant doesn’t mean it is anymore.  The same can be said for the Southern Baptist Convention.  Metaphorically, it’s giving up 647 yards a game and is barely hanging on. Be wary.

Roll Tide and stop giving your money to the SBC. 

Editor’s Note. The following article was written by G. Seth Dunn

*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use.