Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics Scandal

Lentz Hires Famous PR Firm To Navigate Swift Restoration to Ministry

Disgraced pastor Carl Lentz (can we stop calling him that yet?) is out at Hillsong, but that he has hired public relations firm Sunshine Sachs to do damage control on his reputation, setting the stage for a swift return to the public eye.

Lentz, who has gone radio silent since announcing the affair with NY designer Ranin Karim, hired the small but influential PR company to begin cultivating the needed narrative. No fly-by-night operation, the scrappy company boasts an impressive client list of Hollywood royalty and sports superstars, such as Mehgan Markle, Justin Timberlake, Leonardo Dicaprio, and the Jackson family. They have a reputation of using ‘bare-knuckle tactics’ when it comes to aggressively protecting and promoting their clients.

The company will have their work cut out for them, as rumors swirl that more women have come forward with allegations of more sexual impropriety- a move if true will further alienate those with a propensity to brush off his 5-month long adulterous affair as a one-time mistake. They also have to contend with the investigation the Hillsong mothership is launching at their satellite campus, to see what other dredges lie beneath the surface.

Still, if Lentz follows in the steps of the typical Christian celebrity or pastor caught in disqualifying sin, he will stay relatively out of sight and out of mind for a few months, share a few photos of his family on Instagram over Christmas, share some inspirational quotes over spring, and announce in June 2021 that he’s starting a new church. The church will have as its motto something like “an authentic church for broken people” and by this time next year will have hundreds of attendees.

We’re not continuationists by any means, but that is one prophecy you can take to the bank.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Young Christian Congressman-Elect Under Fire for Trying to Convert Jews

Rising GOP Star Madison Cawthorn, who is set to become one of the youngest members of Congress in history after winning his seat in North Carolina against Moe Davis, is under fire from leftists for the great and evil sin of trying to proselytize other people to his Christian faith.

Cawthorn, the 25-year-old politician who was paralyzed from the waist down 6 years ago after an automobile accident, has been open about his Christian beliefs and has spent a lot of time preaching at churches and sharing his testimony all through North Carolina.

In an interview with the Jewish Insider, when questions of his faith came up, Cathown was ebullient. “I would say I have a very, very, very strong faith and [am] very grounded in the actual word” he said, and described how he has read the holy books of other religions in order to understand them better and convert them more successfully. “If all you are is friends with other Christians, then how are you ever going to lead somebody to Christ? If you’re not wanting to lead somebody to Christ, then you’re probably not really a Christian.”

The Insider reports:

Had he ever tried to convert any Jews to the Christian faith?

“I have,” he said with a laugh. “I have, unsuccessfully. I have switched a lot of, uh, you know, I guess, culturally Jewish people. But being a practicing Jew, like, people who are religious about it, they are very difficult. I’ve had a hard time connecting with them in that way.”

Cawthorn expressed a similar sentiment during a July 2019 sermon at a church in Highlands, North Carolina. “If you have Jewish blood running through your veins today,” he told the crowd, mulling on a chapter from the Gospel of Mark, “this might not mean as much to you, but for someone like me, who’s a gentile, this means a lot.”

It’s these comments that have caused the ire to rise in many of his critics, accusing the young man of being culturally incentive, judgmental, and downright evil for these endeavors. This negative attention from the media has led Cawthorn to comment

While there are many individuals and organizations aghast at the very act of proselytization itself, there are others who are upset and outraged over what they see as perceived hypocrisy from Cawthorn, who does not have a very good reputation in some circles, with some extremely serious charges being leveled against him.

You can read more here and here but the gist of it is that while Cawthorn was still running for office, 10 students who attended the Patrick Henry College with him, a Christian post-secondary institution in Virginia, wrote and signed a statement accusing him of wide-scaled sexually predatory behavior and a pattern of lying, using filthy language, and being an all-around hypocritical scumbag. This letter was later co-signed by another 150 students and alumni.

It is this inconsistency they say is what makes his statement so gross to his critics, and not the act of converting itself.

Church Coronavirus Featured News Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur to Battle in Court Tomorrow: This is What’s Going Down

John MacArthur, the Senior Pastor at Grace Community Church (GCC) in Sun Valley, California, is scheduled to be in court tomorrow to discuss his upcoming contempt charges and trial stemming from the church’s decision to defy a court order insisting they shut down indoor services in order to comply with Governor Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 lockdown restriction.

Instead of submitting to the government’s will, the church deliberately continued to have church services, despite being ordered not to and disregarding a September 10 injunction. The County wants them to be found in contempt for flouting the injunction. The church argues that the injunction was granted on the faulty premise of an unconstitutional order, and should have rightly been ignored.

On September 24th, Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff ruled against LA county for the fifth time. Rather than adjudicate the contempt charges, GCC lawyers argued that MacArthur and GCC were first entitled to a full-blown trial on the merits of their lawsuit challenging Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, proposing that “a final determination on the constitutionality of the orders must occur before the County could seek contempt against MacArthur for merely holding church.”

The judge was persuaded and agreed. Special Counsel Jenna Ellis explains in a statement from the Thomas More Society:

This is significant because no person can or should be held in contempt of a constitutionally invalid order. Los Angeles County continues to presume that its order is valid, with utter disregard for First Amendment protections. It’s tyranny to even suggest that a government action cannot be challenged and must be obeyed without question. This case goes to the heart of what our founders designed for the purpose of legitimate government—not to be above the rule of law. Pastor MacArthur is simply holding church, which is clearly his constitutionally protected right in this country.

It was a brilliant tactic. With LA’s Superior Court suspending civil trials the rest of the year, this decision effectively let GCC continue holding services for months without being bothered- at least until January 2021 at the earliest. Though it cost the church substantially in legal fees, it guaranteed them the freedom to have their services unimpeded.

The court date tomorrow then is to discuss the extent, scope, and merits of the trial. When it is scheduled to start. How long it will last. What it will cover, and who will be deposed.

One specific matter of contention is the deposition list. Lawyers for GCC are seeking the depositions of LA County Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis and one of their supervisors, Sheila Kuehl. County lawyers argue that such information is not needed, preferring to only have the case assessed on the merits of the contempt of the injunction.

In their court papers, GCC lawyers want to ask Davis to “explain in detail why you have not sought a temporary restraining order against any political protesters or protest organizers,” and have him elaborate on why the church was seemingly singled out, and why Davis specifically sought an injunction rather than fines or citations. They state:

Plaintiffs have refused to produce Dr. Muntu Davis for a deposition, despite him being a named plaintiff and the signatory to a key declaration. By so doing, plaintiffs attempt to render themselves the finder of fact on the issue of contempt and to strip defendants of any ability to effectively defend themselves.

The same thing goes for Kuehl. The church’s attorneys want to ask about “any and all actions taken by the County of Los Angeles against Grace Community Church of the Valley, including evidence regarding the basis, motivation, and reasons for such actions.” The County lawyers, however, are supremely opposed to this, arguing:

Defendants’ attempt to kick the can down the road until after a trial on the merits should be rejected. The contempt proceeding should proceed now and should be limited to defendants’ challenges … as to whether this court exceeded its jurisdiction in issuing the preliminary injunction order, i.e., whether the order is void on its face.

As things happen behind the scenes, there has been no further comment from MacArthur about the trial since the 81-year-old pastor took a break from preaching duties on October 5th, following his long-standing habit of taking about a month off each year.

Church Featured News Righteous Defiance

1 in 10 Churches Still Have Attendance Down more than 70%

While most American Churches are back to having in-person services, the numbers of people attending remain cratered, with a large majority of congregations reaching only 2/3 of their pre-pandemic numbers.

According to Lifeway Research:

One in 10 churches (9%) say their attendance in September was less than 30% of what it was in February before the pandemic spread to the U.S. Another 20% say attendance was between 30% and less than 50% of what it was.

A third of pastors (34%) say it has reached 50% to less than 70% of previous levels. For 1 in 5 (21%) attendance is between 70% to less than 90%.

Few pastors say attendance is close to what it was earlier in the year. One in 10 pastors (11%) say September’s attendance was 90% to 100% of February’s, while 4% say their current attendance is more than what it was pre-COVID.

We’ve been chronicling here at Protesia what church services have looked like for the past 8 months, and our galleries show that frequently these churches are half-empty and extremely sparsely attended.

It’s not just American churches that are having this problem. Many countries such as Canada, France, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Greece, UK, and others have gone into full or partial lockdown again, forbidding churches from having services altogether, or severely limiting the number of people who can attend under threats of fines or jail time.

In the United States, Joe Biden, the media’s presumptive president-elect, has gone on record saying he would institute a second lockdown if he felt it was required, saying “I would shut it [the country] down; I would listen to the scientists.” One of his main advisors, Dr. Michael Osterholm, is openly advocating a nation-wide lockdown right now to “bring the virus under control.”

Ostensibly these acts would shutter anew Churches with a poor ecclesiology, driving them online and “virtual” with all the sin and wretched theological justification that such a prospect entails.

Or some wolves just voluntarily do that on their own, no persecution needed. J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Summit Church’s Senior Pastor would fall in the former category, purposefully making the choice to suspend services until 2021 despite having the means and mechanism not to.

In any case, it’s not looking good, and likely won’t for a long time.

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church Shutdown

Thousands of Canadian Churches Forced to Shut Down as Country Enters New Lockdown

With COVID cases on the rise, Provincial leaders in Manitoba and parts of Ontario have chosen to enter into a strict lockdown for the next month, closing all non-essential business, which includes churches and houses of worship.

With 8,878 total cases, 114 deaths and a total provincial population of 1.4 million people, all of Manitoba is moving to “Level Red” Thursday, which leaves only essential businesses like grocery stores open at 25% capacity. Churches may only be open virtually, even in locations where there hasn’t been a case of COVID within 100 miles. Failure to comply with the mandatory church closures can result in personal fines of up to $1296 for individuals and $5000 for the churches.

The city of Toronto in the province of Ontario and Peel region is likewise entering the dreaded “red Zone” which allows churches to remain open, but only at 30% capacity, and only while wearing masks and social distancing the entire time. Names and phone numbers of all attendees must be kept and social gatherings after the service of more than 10 people is strictly prohibited.

Canadian Police and RCMP have historically not responded well to Churches that choose to stay open or flout the rules, such as when Pastor Henry Hildebrandt held drive-in services where all church members stayed in their cars the entire time with windows rolled up and the message was piped through their car stereos via FM transmitters. This was viewed as outrageously unsafe and dangerous and the church was harassed mercilessly by police services. Any resistance is sure to be met with swift crackdowns.

Given the general all-around attitude of Canadians towards legislative authorities, expect few pastors, if any, to fight back and refuse to close their church services in Manitoba, but rather the vast majority will comply with government orders, even if, again, there hasn’t been a COVID case within 100 miles.

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Lifeway Children’s Bible Study Highlights Pro-Abortion Democrat Senate Candidate

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) revealed itself to be an arm of the Democratic Party and the Joe Biden campaign. Now comes Lifeway. Lifeway’s Kid’s Bible Study featured a pro-abortion Democrat candidate (and newly elected senator.) Yes, you read that right.

Dr. Tom Buck raised the issue. He asked, “Could @LifeWay explain why they have a pic of Mark Kelly in their Lifeway Kids material? You couldn’t find an example of twins where one wasn’t a staunch abortionist Democrat? Why would you want to promote such a man to our children?”

The newly elected Democrat senator was featured in the Fall 2020 Explore the Bible: Younger Kids Explorer Guide, Volume 7, Number 1.

Buck, Pastor of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there. Check it out in full.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

A Compendium of False Trump Prophecies by False Prophets

2020 has been a bad year for charismatic prophets. First, they got hit with the wallop that was a worldwide pandemic that not a single charismatic prophet predicted. Not one. Dr. Michael Brown, being essentially an apologist for the devil tried to point out two prophets who “prophesied” about it, but these guys also said it would be diminished and end by Jewish Passover- which was back in April 2020, and that clearly has not happened. As you’d expect, Brown has been silent about that one.

They doubled down on their omission with a bit of commission, when a cornucopia of them prophecied that Trump would win the election, frequently in a “landslide” and a “red wave.”

While we understand that some giant revelations may be revealed that demonstrates voter fraud extensive enough to overcome the tens of thousands of votes that Biden leads by, at this point it’s in the bag and these prophets have been proven false.

Thankfully, we have Steven Kozar of the Messed Up Church to hold some feet to the fire, as he documented just a smattering of this continuationist malfeasance.

Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Sid Roth, Stephen Strang, Jeremiah Johnson, Kat Kerr, John Hemans, Robert Henderson, Tracy Eckhert, Mark Taylor, Chuck Pierce, Mike Lindell, Kevin Zadai, Tracey Cooke, Paula White, Mario Murilla, Francis Myles, Kim Clement, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Kris Vallotton, and host of others.

Have you ever seen a more motley crew? False prophets all. The fact that they got it wrong should surprise no one, and should only serve to mark them even more forcefully, so we can avoid them more strenuously.

Church Featured

Costi Hinn Launches Podcast and New Ministry

Costin Hinn, nephew of famed arch-heretic Benny Hinn, has announced that he and his ministry are launching a new podcast, along with a series of teachings articles.

Hinn, who frequently teams up with Justin Peters and who we’ve favorably featured several times on this site, announced that his personal blog has made the leap to a “multi-faceted resource ministry that exists to provide sound doctrine for everyday people. ”

Writing that their weekly “For the Gospel podcast will have a stellar lineup of shows already in the queue with our team” it will feature guests like “Nancy Guthrie, Randy Alcorn, Lee Strobel, Carl Trueman (Ask him about his claim that Tim Keller could not be a Marxist because he is a theist) Kristyn Getty, and more.” He states that “Through this podcast, we want to help everyone grasp theological truths in simple ways, and inspire you to live for the gospel.”

They plan on having weekly articles on a host of the subject and have high doctrinal standards for their contributors, explaining:

“In today’s evangelical culture, it’s not as easy as it used to be to find reliable sources of truth along with pastors, church leaders, teachers, and writers you can trust. Our contributors are doctrinally sound, doctrinally aligned, and get the “hook” if they go rogue theologically. Their bios, church roles, and church locations are available on our team page. While our ministry doctrinal position may not be something every school of thought agrees with across the board, you can trust that we’ll be consistent to what we say we believe and teach.”

You can check out more on his page here and view his podcast page here.

When you’re not listening to the Polemics Report or The Christian Commute, or anything from the Bible Thumping Wingnut’s stellar podcast network. this may be a worthy addition to your rotation.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Politics

David French Joins Southern Baptist Leaders in Praising Joe Biden for “Character”

(Reformation Charlotte) David Fench, a political commentator at the National Review — who also happens to be in bed with the leftist wing of Evangelicalism — has joined hands with progressive Southern Baptists such as Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and president of the denomination, J.D. Greear to congratulate and extend a warm welcome to Joe Biden as their future pastor-in-chief.

After years of relentless attacks on the current president Donald Trump over his “character flaws,” these men now praise Joe Biden for carrying the moral high ground despite the fact Biden opposes God from every conceivable angle.

In a recent piece at his personal blog titled…

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and posted on Reformation Charlotte.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Thirty Three

The thirty-third album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32

These churches are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services. Some with masks. Some without masks.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.