Liberal Methodists Split to Form Most Progressive Denomination Ever?

(DSRN) A group of United Methodists on Sunday announced their formation of a new denomination: the Liberation Methodist Connexion, also called LMX.
The move comes after half a century of debate within the United Methodist Church about the LGBT movement, including whether LGBT people should be clergy in the church or be married by United Methodist ministers. A potential split was on the agenda for discussion at the 2020 United Methodist conference, but that was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The founders of LMX do not want to wait any longer.
“The timeline of the Holy Spirit is driving our decision to launch LMX at this moment, and we are responding to that call,” said Althea Spencer-Miller, an LMX minister, during an online presentation Sunday.
In a press document linked on the website, LMX calls itself “a grassroots denomination, the first Methodist denomination committed to being intentionally LGBTQIA2S+ affirming and centered in liberating intersectional justice ministries.”
The website also..
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Editor’s note. This article was written by Laura Mize and published at DISRN. Title changed by Protestia
I wonder what John Wesley would say of this and would take credit for his false doctrine of salvation which eventually lead to this abominable move, not that the United Methodist Church wasn’t already apostate. They went wrong way back when when they didn’t align with George Whitefield’s theology. I can tell you from having family members in the UMC and talking to them about their believes and who they follow and it’s heartbreaking. It’s almost as if they never heard any sound teaching.
Unfortunately I’ve had the same experiences and can’t remember meeting a Methodist who knew the Bible well. Not as bad as Catholics but not much better. I also agree on the Whitefield comment. I finished reading Whitefield’s autobiography a few months ago and didn’t know that at one time he was the leader of the Methodists and gave up that position to the Wesleys. Thankfully Whitefield’s theology was solid and was a vessel by which God gave grace to many.
“The timeline of the Holy Spirit is driving our decision”. When all else fails, blame it on the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen this tactic used often as people feel uncomfortable disagreeing with what is supposedly the Holy Spirit. However, it’s not the Holy Spirit speaking, it’s evil spewing out from false teaching.
Clever, evil children subverting God’s Word to justify their sins – nothing new here.
They follow doctrines of demons. Not the Holy Spirit.