Rapper Lecrae: ‘Pay us Money or We will Kill our Babies’

No one ever came up with the political idea of ‘people will kill their babies less if we take money from their neighbors and give it to them’ from reading their Bibles. @NateSchlomann
“Reformed” rapper Lecrae, far removed from his articulation of a biblical worldview and now firmly riding at the back of the #wokebus, has come out with a stellar strategy and justification for reducing abortions that boils down to a tricksy progressive scheme.
Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years. He shows clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent, from promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.
It’s no surprise then that a recent Tweet is particualrily illogical and egregious:

Translation: “Let us steal from you or we will kill our babies. P.S.: Vote Democrat.”
Lecrae’s bright idea to suggest extortion under threat of escalating the incidences of mushed-up baby skulls and cranking up the vacuum suction on that dilation and curettage machine is a bold one for sure. You almost want to ask if he knows how women get pregnant and where babies come from, given that none of his proposals are actually required to conceive and not kill a child.
For someone who paid for a woman to have an abortion back in 2002, you’d think he’d have a deeper appreciation for how morally monstrous that really is, this is, notwithstanding the fact that the “systemic racism” and “income gap” that’s caused so much poverty in the black community comes from leftists whose policies created fatherless homes and welfare dependence.
There’s so much stupid and outrageous about his liberal talking point, however, that we and others can easily play the same game. Rather than abolishing slavery:
“What if Christians in the Antebellum South who want to reduce the amount of slaves, supported funding education for slave owners to learn better agricultural practices to maximize cotton crops, dealt with the inherent dishonestly of traders who were capturing and selling free black men, and addressed the wage gap between rich and poor plantations that necessitated the need for slaves?”
Or Jon Harris with a few of his own:

We could go on and on.
Here’s another way to reduce abortion: don’t vote for the party that idolizes Planned Parenthood – the apex-predator of the baby-killing world, and don’t vote for the party that wants to paint the country red with the slurry of scrambled baby parts in the name of feminism and personal choice, vowing to do all they can to entrench and embed that right into law.
Start there, Lecrae, then we can talk.
He’s such a disappointment. Perhaps someone should tell him that if black women had less sex out of wedlock that it might help the situation? He’s just doing the typical Molech-worshiper move, which is to say that he’ll oppose abortion after every societal ill has been completely fixed, which of course will never happen.
I’ve never really been a fan of rap music, especially not Lecrae as I could see right through him as not being reformed or even Christian for the matter. It’s sad though when many of those you’ve grown up listening to and learning from turn out to be the total opposite of the claimed to be. I just wish I would have known what I do today about them as then I wouldn’t of waisted my time on them.
Its amusing all these christians who keep falling for the ‘black people are just like us” drivel. Hey Dan Cathy! Wanna come lick his boots again? Here’s the real deal, abortion is horrible but it keeps the crime statistics down for one simple reason….. wonder what it is??
Well at least he’s got shiny new sneakers, courtesy of Dan Cathy from a few months ago. How do you polish sneakers anyway? Don’t forget what Lecrae said after that charade that was caught on video over the summer when Lecrae said “how about some stock?” That statement said it all. It’s all about the hustle.