Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Beth Moore Defends Preaching on Mother’s Day: ‘I’m a Mother and the Pastors are Not’

Ex-Southern Baptist Beth Moore, who has been busy going “to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it,” appeared on the Marty Duren podcast to have a conversation about her recent study on Galatians, along with the “current evangelical challenges.”

Chitchatting a bit about the study, and then about Trump and the Access Hollywood tapes and how they impacted her (more on that tomorrow), Moore shed light on the event that was the beginning of the end for her time in the SBC, explaining that she knew she was going to leave back in 2019, but that it took two years for her to make the final plunge.

It had to do with the brouhaha that erupted after Moore, while speaking to a friend nearly two years ago to the day, revealed that she too was preaching a sermon on Mother’s Day.

Moore explains what happened next:

It was like an atomic bomb dropped, and it was at the height, at the absolute height of the worst sexual abuse crisis in our entire SBC history. We’re right in the middle of it. And suddenly, the most important conversation – it was everywhere Marty. Everywhere you looked. Everyone was talking about it. I’m not just talking about hundreds of pastors.

Every now and then someone would tell me ‘it just a fringe thing.’


There was nothing fringe about it. Every kind of article. I was called everything under the sun. And what killed me, and I got to tell you – I can feel a lump in my throat even saying this to you – this was my world and these were my people.

They knew I was not after their pulpit. They knew that there has never been anything in me, never at any time, at any time, that had any ambition to be a senior pastor at a church, I’ve never been any kind of pastor at a church. I loved what I was called to do, and yet it became – my own home, my denomination that knew me, I had served their women, their women, they knew it. Ninety-eight percent of everything I had ever done out and about had been with women, and it was like ‘this is insane.’

And it was over Mother’s Day.

Moore, getting flustered by the theological hot flashes we’ve grown accustomed to hearing from her, makes the argument that it’s completely appropriate to preach on Mother’s Day. She claims the exemption on this one day because she is, after all, a mother, whereas the pastor preaching is not and has never been, thus giving her the necessary qualifications on account that “there is not a man on the earth standing at a pulpit who has ever been a mother.”

I need to tell you Marty because this is going to probably tell you as much about me as anything else. I spoke again last year on Mother’s Day, and I’m speaking again in a few weeks on Mother’s Day because by golly, there is nothing inappropriate about coming before a congregation and speaking to Mother’s Day and speaking to mothers when I promise you there is not a man on the earth standing at a pulpit who has ever been a mother.

Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Seemingly Drunk Jerry Falwell Jr. Crashes Show, Invites Students to Party at his House

Less than two weeks after Liberty University launched a 10 million dollar lawsuit against their former President, accusing him of conspiracy and breach of contract by sullying their reputation with his filthy yacht behavior, sexual escapades with wife Becki, a habit of “liking” bikini-clad images of his former students, and alleging that he failed to disclose “the issue of his personal impairment by alcohol,” Jerry Falwell Jr. showed up at a multi-family gathering celebrating the 2021 class of seniors, and made his way to the stage.

Grabbing a microphone while appearing visibly intoxicated and slurring his speech, Falwell told the people gathered that he was out with his wife Becki when he heard about the comedy show from his daughter who is a junior at Liberty.

Crashing the party, he congratulated the students and invited students back to his house, telling them “I just want to invite all the seniors to our farm on May 8. We’re going to have the real Liberty graduation.”

He then added afterward: “If you’re not a senior but you date one, you can come, too.”

After the invite, he noted that his daughter was “probably so pissed at me right now,” but encouraged students and attendees to spread the word “as fast as you can” about the event on social media, telling them “we gotta move quickly.”

According to RNS, who interviewed him after the April 30 invitation, he laughed it off, saying that he was just joking about it being the “real party” and that he was inviting them because he wanted to “thank the students because they’ve shown me so much love through all this ordeal. Everywhere I go, they’re so forgiving. They’re so loving. And I want to reciprocate by having them out to my farm.”

When pressed whether or not his actions were appropriate, given his sordid history with some of the students, plus the current action against him which resulted in him resigning in disgrace, he was unapologetic, arguing, “I live right here, and I’ve got a big farm, and I got a bunch of students that I love and that love me, and I’m going to do it…I don’t care whether anybody likes it or not.”

This is not the first time that he’s appeared looking flush and inebriated. Not only was he out of it when he appeared with pants unzipped at the yacht party, but he called in a radio show a few days later trying to explain it away. Just five days after he stepped down from Liberty, his wife called 911 because Falwell had called down while intoxicated and there was blood everywhere.

According to witnesses who were at the party, alcohol was not being served there, and he would have arrived in that state.


Pastor James Coates’ Trial Starts Today: How You Can Watch

Update #1

Pastor James Coates of Gracelife Church is set to start his trial today at 9:30 AM in Provincial Court in Edmonton. He has been charged with one count of violating the Public Health Act for having church service. If convicted, he faces no jail time, but rather a fine of not more than $1200.

Coates and his lawyers initially planned on challenging the constitutional validity of the Public Health Act that declares his church gatherings illegal. As part of the process, they planned on getting a subpoena for Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer who has spearheaded the lockdowns and has been a driving force behind them. The goal was to force the government to produce scientific evidence in support of her orders, and if they could not, the orders would be rescinded as unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, government lawyers told the Court that the government couldn’t produce scientific evidence in support of Dr. Hinshaw’s health orders in time for the trial, and the court was just fine with that, unbelievably granting their request for delay. Despite the fact that they’ve had 14 months since this all began to produce some hard justification for their actions, this ensures that Coates’ charter challenge will be at an unknown, unspecified later date.

As a result, the trial will last 4 days but then be adjourned until such a time as the government can produce their evidence.

As far as where you can watch it: you can’t, you can only hear it.

The prosecution team petitioned the government not to allow any video of the trial, because they don’t want any images or video of their lawyer to be viewable during the trial- a request that Judge Robert Shaigec granted.

In fact, the lawyer’s name may not even be mentioned during the proceedings by any party involved. This is the same tactic that the government pulled when they initially denied Coates’ initial appeal- when they did not want her name published.

Because we couldn’t care less what they want, we’ll put it on record that the crown prosecution’s name is Karen L. Thorsrud.

Despite not allowing video of the proceedings, the judge did consent to let 1000 people listen to the trial virtually through WebEx, which is the court’s virtual software. He could have allowed more to listen in but chose not to. The link to this software has not been made public yet, but we will post it here as soon as we have access to it, right before the trial.

For now, watch this video below for the edification of your soul.

Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charisma News Promotes Trinity-Denier T.D. Jakes as Wise Christian Leader

Richard Roberts, the CEO of Oral Roberts Ministry, wrote an article for Charisma News where he lauded and praised the famous modalist for his “powerful words” and “wisdom and insight” on the topic of “communicating to breakthrough in relationships” during an appearance on his podcast Expect a Miracle.

Unless an orthodox Trinitarian, T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Despite not being a Christian even a little, Roberts gave Jakes free reign to discuss a host of topics, as well as promote his new book “Don’t Drop The Mic,” all while describing the encounter and conversation with Jakes as “Spirit-filled.”

Unfortunately, this is not the first time the purveyor of theological poison known as Charisma has promoted and endorsed Jakes. They have a long history of it, showing again why they have no discernment, and no regard for the love of truth or foundational Christian doctrine.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Pretends to Cast Out Demon in Hilariously Fake Exorcism

A charismatic “prophetess” and her “apostle” husband have posted a video on social media of a hilariously fake exorcism at one of their revival meetings, a performance that makes Todd White’s leg-lengthening parlor trick look like Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 in comparison.

Jennifer Martin, a “prophetic healing evangelist” based in the Nashville area who claims to “both minister and preach in the Glory, blazing a trail of reformation, miracles, healings, signs and wonders, and intense outbreaks of the glory of God,” and is a member of Che Ahn’s apostolic network called H.I.M., uploaded the video of the alleged demonic encounter that took place during their tent revival meetings.

[Editor’s note: Warning: this is so uncomfortably embarrassing to watch it’s not even funny. My browser crashed three times in a desperate attempt to not display it, even as my hard drive whined and whimpered in pain to have to host it while it uploaded to the cloud.]

[Editor’s note 2: I don’t even want to describe what the heck is happening. This makes the Office’s “Scott’s Tots” or “The Dinner Party” look like “Schindler List.” All we will say is, to quote a commentator on the video, “She told the ‘demon’ to repeat after her and to bind the other demons to himself. The demon cast out the other demons. LOL! Then she had to tell the guy it was over and he could stand back up.”]

When told that this video is both clearly fake and blasphemous, Martin responded:


Police Disrupt Outdoor Church Service in the Middle of Communion, Ticket Pastor

A half-dozen police showed up and sought to shut down an outdoor church service in Toronto, Ontario, disrupting them in the middle of serving communion and giving the pastor an $880 fine on account of the church having more than 10 people gathered – a violation of the province’s lockdown laws which prohibits church services to 10 people, irrespective of location, and non-church services to 5 people.

Pastor David Lynn of Christ Forgiveness Ministries was holding his service in the park, preaching to around 30 congregants when he was approached by several police officers. They told him that they had received multiple calls from concerned citizens about the number of people present and they gave the church the option to disperse immediately or stay and be given fines.

After a bit of back and forth, where the police informed him that they had no charter rights to gather, and even if he called his church a “protest” in a bid to stay, protests were now against the law as well (unless it was BLM, cough cough).

Given that there were around 30 people present, Lynn asked the congregation to move away from each other and cluster into 3 smaller and separate churches.

He pointed out to the police that there were now multiple churches present, and that he was going to preach to his church of 10, and if other churches of 10 gathered nearby happened to hear it, then so be it – that he could not stop them, and so concluded the rest of the service.

After the service concluded, he was approached by police and given the $880 dollar fine for organizing an event over 10 people – refusing to hear arguments of how they were technically three separate congregations on account of being dispersed and separate from others.

Lynn took the ticket and told them he would be there next week.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Fifty Eight

The fifty-seventh album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

One year in, and we’re still doing this.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times and others being persecuted by the government for being open, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47 Album #49 Album #50 Album #51 Album #52 Album #53 Album #54 Album #55 Album #56 Album #57

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

News SBC

SBC Presidential Candidate Tweets Out Bizzare Statement on Christian Creeds

A candidate for the position of Southern Baptist Convention President has released a bizarre statement on social media condemning the adoption and advocacy of Christian creeds, declaring “When we become advocates of a creed, something dies; we do not believe God, we only believe our belief about him.” despite the SBC being rife with creeds and confessions.

Alabama Pastor Ed Litton, who is currently in a race against Randy Adams, Albert Mohler, and Mike Stone, posted the comments to Twitter, retweeting an anti-creedal quote from Oswald Chambers:

This, of course, is one one of the most brain-bending things we’ve ever heard and is normally the sort of foolishness you’d find regurgitated by those charismatics who go ‘toking the Holy Ghost’ and take bong rips between ‘grave sucking’ excursions, rather than the potential president of the convention that overseas 47,000 Southern Baptist churches.

For one, creeds, from the Latin word ‘credo’ and which means “I believe,” are little more than formal statements of Christian belief, usually brief, and frequently incorporated into the church liturgy. Some are longer, like the Apostle creed or Athanasian creed, while others are even shorter than that.

In fact, there are thought to be several creeds in the scriptures themselves. such as 1 Timothy 3:16 “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” or 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”

Confessions, on the other hand, are more than a sketch, but rather fill out the details. Confessions are essentially very long creeds, taking the brief affirmations and expanding them with specifics and particularities. The two go hand in hand and their intent and purposes are intertwined.

One of the confessions that Ed Litton subscribes to, or at least should subscribe to if he wants to step within 100 feet of the SBC presidency, is the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Does something “die” when it is upheld? Is holding to it a sign of lack of belief in God? Hardly.

To drive the point home even further, the importance and usefulness of creeds and confessions is enumerated in the preamble to the BFAM2000, which reads:

Baptists are a people of deep beliefs and cherished doctrines. Throughout our history we have been a confessional people, adopting statements of faith as a witness to our beliefs and a pledge of our faithfulness to the doctrines revealed in Holy Scripture.

Our confessions of faith are rooted in historical precedent, as the church in every age has been called upon to define and defend its beliefs. Each generation of Christians bears the responsibility of guarding the treasury of truth that has been entrusted to us…

Baptist churches, associations, and general bodies have adopted confessions of faith as a witness to the world, and as instruments of doctrinal accountability. We are not embarrassed to state before the world that these are doctrines we hold precious and as essential to the Baptist tradition of faith and practice.

Like a puppy that peed on the carpet, Litton rightly got his snout smacked with the newspaper from 99% of the commenters on his post, many of who were asking him to clarify his position and elaborate.

Pastor Tom Buck also brought up another great point, which is that in SBC seminaries, professors must sign the Abstract of Principles, another creed/confession/statement of faith.

Despite posting this two days ago and receiving more interaction than any of his previous posts this month, save for when he praised the jury for giving George Floyd justice, Litton has not deigned to respond or clarify further, lettings the comment stand as a monument to his ignorance and arrogance.

Behold, Southern Baptists, your possible future President.

Featured In-person Church Onward to Glory Righteous Defiance Shutdown

After $40,000,000 in fines, Police To Lock Doors and Take Over Canadian Church

“…you joyfully accepted the plundering or your property, since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one.” (Hebrews 10:34)

A judge has ordered a Canadian church to cease worshipping together in their church building, granting the province of Ontario the authority to bar the doors and prevent any congregants from entering. This is the end result after months of fines and threats of fines have proved unsuccessful in coercing the church to cease gathering together as one, an act that is in contravention to provincial lockdown orders that limit church gatherings to 10 people for both indoor and outdoor services regardless of size or capacity limits.

In many ways, Trinity Bible Chapel (TBC) in Waterloo, Ontario has faced the most opposition and steepest price out of any church in North America for being open. GraceLife Church in Alberta had their pastor arrested and spend over a month in jail, and their church is likewise now taken away, but TBC has endured absolutely brutal, punishing, unending fines for being open.

They’re facing 40 million dollars in potential fines right now. 40 million. And while the large multi-million dollar fines might possibly be appealed if granted – some of their large fines like the $83,000 given for a single service cannot be waived, removed, or appealed. These crushing tickets are not just to the Church entity, but parishioner after parishioner is being handed crushing fines for daring to attend. These are crippling numbers, but they have not bent the will of the church.

So now they are having the church building taken away from them.

The judge in the case, Justice John Krawchenko, noted in his decision that the church must be locked up because if it remained open, “the risk of irreparable harm would be too great to ignore.”

In a public statement that everyone should read in full titled We lost the building but kept the church, Pastor Jacob Reaume recounts how they prayed for their own building for years and finally moved into it in the middle of the pandemic, sharing how “It was a time of great joy, and we looked forward to serving our community and worshipping our Saviour in this facility.” But now:

We have around 600,000 people who live in this region.  There are 588 active cases of COVID in the region, with 32 people in the ICU with COVID.  That’s enough to deem the public worship of Jesus Christ dangerous and enough for the Province of Ontario to kick us off our land and bar our doors shut…Our experience (with COVID) doesn’t line up with the hysteria whipped up by government and media, nor do the numbers warrant turning control of the Bride of Christ over to the Premier of Ontario.

Pastor Reaume explains that while the motivations of the government are clear, they underestimate the body’s commitment to the public gathering and worship of Jesus, even as the judge in the case told them that they can do “virtual services” as an alternative.

The purpose of this seizure is to prevent us from meeting as a church.  They believe that we will continue meeting in our facility, no matter the fines or the public shame heaped on us.  We are willing to pay any price necessary to worship our Saviour because He is worth it.  He died for us, and we want Him to receive a reward for His suffering.  Churches used to sing songs like Charles Wesley’s “O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing” and mean it.  We still do. 

He continues, offering a master class in how believers ought to think about these things:

But it’s now cost us our facility.  That’s after policemen sat outside our lot in cruisers on Sunday to chase our people down and ticket them after the service for gathering to worship.  That’s after each elder received a ticket this past week for opening the church.  That’s after the church itself received a ticket this week.  That’s after we were convicted of our second count of contempt of court today. That’s after we’ve now received so many dozens of charges I’ve actually lost track.  Combined we are facing over $40 million in fines with jail time.  That’s not enough, so they’ve taken our building.

They took our building because they think that will stop us from worshipping.  For twenty years our church has worshipped together each Lord’s Day, and we’ve only met in our own building for eleven months.  So the best part of our history we have not owned a building.  We managed just fine to gather together without our own building, and now we don’t have our own building again.  The early church met in the catacombs under Rome.  The Covenanters met in fields.  John Bunyan led his services in forests.  Churches find ways to worship together, as surely as water flows downhill.

He concludes:

During that season we could have complied with all the nonsense protocols.  But if we had done that, we would have already conceded the facility to the Province.  The Province would have essentially owned not only our building, but also our fellowship and also our worship.  We did not let them own our building.  We did not let them own our worship.  We did not let them own our fellowship.  So they stole our building, at least temporarily.  We’ll keep our worship.  And we’ll keep our fellowship. 

Many churches around these parts think they still own their buildings, but they already voluntarily handed their buildings and their people and their worship over to Caesar months ago.  We just forced Caesar to come and take the building, but we’ve kept the church. 

Caesar can have the brick and mortar.  We’ve kept the church for Jesus.  He who seeks to preserve his church will lose it, but he who loses the church for Christ’s sake will keep it.


Josh Duggar Charged with Possession of Child Porn

Josh Duggar has been arrested and charged for possessing material depicting the sexual abuse of children, court records have revealed, accusing the former 19 Kids and Counting Star of using the internet to downloads material which depicted the molestation and rape of children under the age of 12, which he is alleged to have done in early 2019.

Duggar has pleaded not guilty to all the charges. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000 on each count.

According to the documents “This case is being prosecuted as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice. Led by U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and CEOS, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the Internet, as well as to identify and rescue victims.”

Josh Duggar has previously admitted to molesting his sisters and a family friend when he was 14 years old, after inTouch broke the story in 2015, but he was never charged.

Josh’s lawyers, Justin Gelfand, Travis W. Story and Greg Payne, released statement in defense of their client, noting:

Josh Duggar has been charged in a two-count indictment. He has pled not guilty to both charges and we intend to defend this case aggressively and thoroughly. In this country, no one can stop prosecutors from charging a crime. But when you’re accused, you can fight back in the courtroom—and that is exactly what Josh intends to do.”

In response to the news, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have released a family statement on their website, writing:

“We appreciate your continued prayers for our family at this time. The accusations brought against Joshua today are very serious. It is our prayer that the truth, no matter what it is, will come to light, and that this will all be resolved in a timely manner. We love Josh and Anna and continue to pray for their family.”

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

If he is granted bond, he will have to live away from his six children and will not be allowed unsupervised contact with them, if at all.

Pray for The Duggar family, especially Anna and their children.