Charismatic Nonsense Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Prophetess Gives Wild Answer to Gruesome Q&A about Angels Chopping off Demon Heads

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, that St. Patrick’s mansion is surrounded by giant singing shamrocks, or that heaven is full of 20ft Sasquatch Warriors, ‘Fairies,’ and unicorns, she’s explaining how she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment.

Appearing on Episode 23 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Kerr, who really is excellent at improv [the form of comedy in this case? -Ed.], answers the question from the ever-gullable Steve: “Can I ask my angels to draw their swords and cut off the heads of any and all devils that I find attacking me, and if not, what can I ask them to do?”

Kerr informed the poor tormented soul that she herself can’t kill the demons, but that if she invites heaven’s army to accompany her, the angels can do her dirty work. These are not the 40-foot tall guardian angels that look like people, but rather a separate class called “hosts.” She explains:

The hosts don’t mostly don’t ever look like people, they look like creatures. They’re made out of things like light or sound. But, they’re real and they’re fierce. They can battle the demonic, they can shred them but not kill them and I mean they will literally shred them. They can leave marks on them but they can’t kill them.

I…literally took a picture one time, when I first invited heaven’s army according to the protocol the Father gave me. I invited heaven’s army to be one of my weapons and they began showing up outside in the sky over my home.

And one time, not kidding, there was a whole group of them, the ones that looked like lions, they’re the world guards, they had some demons in chains and brought them over my roof and I got a picture.

Steve: “Really?”

I’m not kidding. I’m, not kidding. They were showing me the ones they had captured and were dragging either for judgment, because I have been in the courtrooms in heaven where sometimes demons are dragged up and judged and then the father deals with them. They’re either thrown in a dry place or they’re thrown in chains. That’s what ‘spear force(?)’ is all about. You’re gonna learn so much about that so I don’t have time or won’t answer any questions, but I can tell you you can command your army if you have an army.


Voddie Baucham Health Update + Book Success

Voddie Baucham appeared on The Sword and Trowel (linked below) with Jared Longshore and Tom Ascol to talk about his new book Fault Lines, as well as Resolution 9, and the SBC and anti-racism. He also discussed how he was doing health-wise, letting the podcasters know that he was doing ok.

I haven’t been doing much or really having to do anything yeah the last couple of months. (Ascol: Just trying to recover, I mean that’s a lot.) Well first just try not to die, and then just you know, trying to get through all this, trying to recover. You know, I’m happy to say I’m doing much better. The road to recovery from this is a long one. Today I’m actually five weeks post-op from open-heart surgery, which is a pretty brutal thing to experience, to go through. God’s been gracious and God’s been kind and I’m, you know, on the road to recovery and looking forward to being restored to complete health and getting back at it.

Ascol finished up the health questions asking him about his book launch and the impact it had on his schedule and sales.

You know it’s been interesting because we were supposed to leave Jacksonville – again all of this stuff was in the works long before we knew what was going on with my heart – and then I had the first procedure in February, and my goal after that was ‘I got to be ready April 5th to start this tour,’ and there were a couple of things that they wanted to do. A couple of things that they wanted to look at, just to make sure.

And they did one of those the day before we were supposed to get out of here, and that’s when the wheels fell off, and that’s when they immediately decided, ‘oh we’re admitting you, we’re doing open-heart surgery.’ So instead of turning around and leave and go do all the tour and everything, I ended up having open-heart surgery during the time that I was supposed to be out promoting the book.

But you know, in God’s providence, like you said, the book just exploded even without promotion. First of all, because of an incredible group of people who signed up to be part of the launch team. So a lot happened before the book launched, and then just because of word of mouth and everything else that has been happening. And so we ended up debuting it at number #7 on USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestsellers list, and it’s been incredible.

Open heart surgery generally takes 6 to 8 weeks to recover, with 80% of healing happening in that time. After this, a cardiac rehabilitation program is paramount, which works on strengthening the heart and building endurance, progressively getting more and more active. Around 10 weeks, regular exercise can resume, and most people are fully recovered within 3-6 months.


Lutheran Denomination Becomes First to Elect Transgendered Bishop

In continued acts of demonic rebellion, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has elected their first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination, continuing to demonstrate they have no fear of God and no sense of the Lord’s impending wrath towards them.

On Saturday, California’s Sierra Pacific Synod elected Rev. Megan Rohrer to rule over them as Bishop. This woman, who refuses to use female pronouns and instead insists on identifying as “they/them” and even the occasional “he,” was one of the first LGBTQ “pastors” to become reinstated into the ELCA after they voted in 2010 to allow clergy in “committed relationships” to lead churches.

She has written a few queer books, is married to a woman, and has a few kids.

Prior to this, the denomination’s official position was gay and lesbian pastors could serve in the pastorate but had to take vows of celibacy.

Meghan quickly rose through the queer ranks, becoming Pastor of a church in San Franciso in 2014, becoming a chaplain to the San Franciso Police department in 2017, and now elected Bishop of a damned denomination, populated by a vast herd of goats and a few clusters of remnant sheep.

Featured Heresies In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police Issue 26 Churchgoers The Steepest Known Fines in North America for Attending Services

Police in Nova Scotia have fined 26 churchgoers a total of $2,422 each for attending an “illegal faith gathering” on Sunday. This is believed to be the highest value of fines handed out to individual parishioners in North America since the pandemic began.

Officers were called to Weston Christian Fellowship Church in Weston, N.S., where they found the service in progress. Nova Scotia has one of the strictest rules in Canada, where it is illegal to have any in-person church service, irrespective of the number of people or the space it is being done in. RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Chris Marshall explains:

Twenty-six people were charged in the event, as a result of the gathering, and then the organization itself that was hosting the gathering was also charged. Basically, anybody that was over the age of 16 was issued a fine. There were some children and things there, but the children weren’t issued fines.

Not only were the congregants charged, but the church itself was charged as a corporation and given a $11,622 fine. In total more than $74,000 in fines were issued.

Naturally, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health Robert Strang was supportive of the decision, given that it is the result of his own orders and policies.

We recognize the importance of faith services, of worship. But also recognize that right now, there’s a need to do that in ways that don’t bring people together, and the vast majority of our faith leaders understand and support that. It’s disappointing that this happened, and I hope people understand that we’re not doing this because we want to, but it’s absolutely necessary to keep people safe.

Nova Scotia has a population of a million people and has had 71 deaths, the average age which is 80 years old.

[Editor’s note: Speaking as a Canadian, I have to wonder where all the brown shirts are. When did we wake up in Nazi Germany?]

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Christians News site DISRN is Shutting Down, But Only Sorta

The Christian news website Disrn announced yesterday they are shutting down effective immediately and will be no more, but thankfully they aren’t going far. Rather than disappear altogether, they are retiring the name and the website, but are merging their content with sister site Not the Bee (NTB).

Disrn made its mark by offering the latest news and headlines digested into bite-size pieces, taking a just-the-facts approach that would boil down a 10-minute news story into 30 seconds and a short video, focusing on brevity with a few key insights.

Their closure has nothing to do with social media censors or anything like that, thankfully, but rather is on account of being victims to their own success. Creator Adam Ford explains that despite Disrn accumulating millions of views a month, it’s no match for the juggernaut that is Not the Bee.

Disrn has been a success, yes, but Not the Bee is a rocket ship. Upon NTB’s launch in September it blew up beyond anyone’s expectations. Last month — its 7th month in existence — it notched 9 million page views.

Ford shares that he needs to cultivate and focus on NTB – which has a “more fun and vibrant nature” and has a far stronger emphasis on virality. (One of today’s articles is titled, “Wanna see what it looks like to get chased off by a huge gator while fishing in Florida?”) It also has a built-in social network available to subscribers that would rival the features of any of the big tech offerings.

Not the Bee is essentially the front page of Reddit for conservatives.

Given that NTB shares so much content with Disrn and has taken away a large chunk of its audience, and not wanting to see Disrn stagnate and become a shell of its former self, the merging of the two makes total sense for a site that has such a high degree of overlap, though we will miss their snappy distillations.

Goodbye, Disrn, and congrats.

Church News

Cultish Bullying! Mark Driscoll Hired 24/7 Surveillance on Congregant + More Abusive Behavior

“There is a pile of dead bodies behind the Mars Hill bus, and by God’s grace, it’ll be a mountain by the time we’re done.” – Mark Driscoll, 2012

Pastor Mark Driscoll and his staff have engaged in a widespread campaign of literal surveillance and slander against former church members by engaging in a series of one-upping paranoid bullying tactics, according to a recent article by The Roys Report.” She quotes Chad Freese, the former Head of Security for the Trinity Church, who says these types of behavior were all too common within Disscoll’s new kingdom, and with one family, he has the receipts to prove it.

These recent allegations are nothing new for Driscoll, who had his Mars Hill Ministry implode in 2014 after his elders accused him of being arrogant, crude, bullying, harsh, and overbearing. Rather than stay and be disciplined, Mark took his ball and went home, starting a new church in Arizona that notably, as discovered by Warren Throckmorton, does not have elders that can reign him in and keep him in check. His lack of elders is not for lack of prospects, but rather is being done to avoid accountability and accumulate maximum control.

Freese shared that the entire church is set up with video and audio monitoring so that there is not an inch that is not being recorded. Further control methods include clauses that state that if anyone wants to volunteer in any capacity, they must sign a non-disclosure agreement promising to not share anything about the church.

Driscoll’s mouth hasn’t gotten any cleaner either, allegedly dropping the f-bomb and telling staffers that they lack “balls” or are acting like a bunch of “p*ssies” when they disagree with him or do not enact his edicts fast enough, according to Freese.

He recounts that with the Driscolls being treated like royalty, Driscoll set up a grading system known as the “Spectrum of Trust” where he ranks staff members and volunteers on a 1-10 scale based on their perceived loyalty to him.  The higher your number, the more access you had to him. If you were caught talking to or being friendly to people Driscoll had deemed off limits your number was lowered, having “broken trust” and you would have to make it up to him.

Former security team member Ben Eneas recounts that he quit the church after he experienced a “downgrade” on the spectrum, resulting in him being continually being accused of being “disloyal.” His crime? Caught associating with a former worship pastor at Trinity who did not leave on good terms. Furthermore, the church maintains a BOLO list, whereby all the undesirables that are banned from church property are displayed.

That’s the context for what’s been happening recently at Trinity and why former member Angelo Manueles say Driscoll is acting like a cult leader after what they did to him and his family.

The Manueles started attending church in the summer of 2020 and their sons became involved with the worship team. Before long, their 15-year-old son Vincent and Driscoll’s 17-year-old daughter started spending more time together and developed feelings for each other. Mark found out about this and set up a meeting with father and son in his office, where he told the boy that the relationship must stay in the friendship stage and that they had better not kiss. Angelo told Mark if he had further issues with his son, to come to him first.

After the meeting, Driscoll’s assistant sent Angelo a text saying, “I know that wasn’t easy but neither is trying to marry one of PMDs kids. Remember that from here on you have a microscope on you, not just from PMD but from everyone, and I mean everyone. Be a man and land the plane.”

But the teens grew closer together and did kiss. Driscoll found out about it and began raging. Freese says Driscoll was “pissed.” 

Shortly thereafter, Pastor Brad Anderson, one of the loyal sycophants who followed Driscoll after the Mars Hill carnage, allegedly took the boy upstairs to his office, locked the door, and began angrily interrogating him about all that he did with the daughter and how much they kissed, shouting at him and asking whether or not they had “made out.” According to David Bonner:

For the next five minutes he yelled and screamed at (Vincent.) Vincent was scared and lived in fear. Brandon screamed at him, “Did you do anything un-Biblical with (Driscoll’s Daughter)?” Vincent out of fear muttered no. Brandon then came back and said, “Well either Pastor Mark Driscoll is a liar or you are!” And the 38-year-old pastor screamed again at the 15-year-old. “Did you kiss (Mark Driscoll’s Daughter?)” Vincent said “yes”, and Brandon told him to get his stuff and he was done

Anderson ordered him to leave the church and to “get out,” ultimately telling both Vincent and Angelo that they were not welcome to attend the men’s meeting that night, that Mark was distraught and could not preach if he had to look at them. One member of security who had been given the order was confused about why it happened, sending Angelo this text:

image source Roys Report

The next morning Vincent sent a message to the daughter by email, which was intercepted by Mark. He responded from his 17-year-old daughter’s email account, telling him:

image source Roys Report

Following this, the shunning began, with members emailing and texting the Manueles that they can no longer be friends or be associated with them. People stopped talking to them and they were blacklisted without a hint of biblical church discipline. 

One of the pastors texted Angelo’s friend and told him “I can’t tell you who to be friends with but if you want to stay in leadership you need to curtail communication [with Angelo].” Another sent this to his wife:

image source Roys Report

Angelo would go on to post comments on Facebook complaining about the treatment they received from Mark and Trinity Church on account of their son kissing his daughter, and this resulted in the Police calling them and letting them know that they were reported by the Church for sending threatening communications and would be investigated. The Manueles were added to the BOLO list. 

Following this, Pastor Anderson texted Chad Freese about hiring a private investigator to do surveillance of the Manueles, noting in messages that they should not hire one that is unlicensed to avoid liability. They ultimately hired Celtic Cross security and the surveillance began, with people tracking their every move, surveying him 24/7.

image source Roys Report

A week later, Driscoll pulled the entire staff into a training meeting where he ranked everyone on the “Spectrum of Trust” from 1 to 10. Freese explained that while his security team attained a “level 9,” he and his wife were only personally at a “level 8” on account of them appearing in a picture on social media with a fired pastor, something that was very disloyal. 

This was the final straw for Freese, who resigned the next week. In a statement made to the Roys Report, he lamented:

Their slandering of them is out of control. I’m telling you, across the entire church, everyone’s perception of the Manuele family now is that they’re a bunch of crazy conspiracy lunatics that went off the deep end because Pastor Mark asked them to take a break for the night. But that’s not what happened.

Thankfully, several people have reached out to the Manueles to share their own stories of being victimized and shunned by the church, and Angelo says he plans not only fighting the charge of “threatening communication,” but filed a charge of his own: “false imprisonment” against the church because of Brandon Anderson locking his son in the office and interrogating him nearly two months ago.

Editor’s Note: h/t to David Bonner at Wondering Eagle, Warren Throckmorton, Julie at The Roys Report, as well as a source who will remain nameless There are many more pictures, reports and primary documentation at those sites, and everyone should read it for a fuller picture.

Editor’s Note 2. We were contacted on Twitter by Roys who accused us of plagiarizing her article due to our lack of citation of her post early on, but rather at and near the end. This post has been updated to give her the first citation, as she requested

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Steven Furtick Promotes Trinity Denier’s Book + Says His Kids Think his Words are Scripture

Famous Trinity-denier TD Jakes has been getting an awful lot of love lately, with a raft of Christian people and organizations cuddling up to the money-loving Modalist. For years he was even loved by LifeWay before they quietly stopped carrying his books, the result of a barrage of negative attention and cage-rattling from us back when we were Pulpit and Pen. [Editor’s note: Apparently us “15 angry Calvinists” are a formidable force!]

And why wouldn’t we? T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Despite denying a fundamental, primary doctrine of the Christian faith, T. D. Jakes is widely accepted within Christendom and nowhere more than by Elevation Church’s Steven Furtick, who speaks of him in a way reminiscent of a 12-year-old schoolgirl whose crush just asked her to the prom, gushing praise and affection for an enemy of the church who is leading his congregants to hell.

Naturally, they preach at each other’s churches and attend each other’s conferences – even one that costs $1000 to attend. In this case, Jakes uploaded a video on April 21 featuring a conversation between him and Furtick discussing his new book Don’t Drop the Mic, which was also recently promoted on Charisma News.

Speaking to the audience, Furtick goes on to explain that the Bishop is quoted so often and frequently in his house that his 16-year-old son started believing that his words were bible verses and that Jakes’ snippets were actually scripture. He recounts:

How many have ever listened to Bishop Jakes’ preaching and you’re like, ‘Does he have the same bible that I have?’

I was going to tell you this. So my oldest, Elijah, the other day…we’re on the porch and I quoted a Bishop quote to him. And I said, ‘you know well bishop always says, “badadadada naadada,”‘ one of these little parables that you spit out. You know, just this beautiful, uh, beautiful…beautifully crafted thing right? And he goes, ‘Oh, that’s Bishop? I always thought that was a bible verse.’

[What] I’m saying to you is, you are so loved in the Futick home, that my kids think you wrote parts of the bible that aren’t in the bible, that how much you mean to us.

h/t to Doctrinal Watchdog for the video.


Lecrae and Kyle J. Howard Collaborate to Torch SBC Seminary

In one of the worst collaborations ever seen, “Christian” Rapper Lecrae has come to the defense of self-bruising reed Kyle J. Howard, the race-baiter who gets triggered more times than a Smith & Wesson factory, after he declared that though he was graduating from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), he won’t be there to walk down the aisles and get a diploma, on account of how trauma-triggering it is for him.

Backing him up, Lecrae compared SBTS to Egyptians enslaving the Children of Israel and cast Howard as a Moses figure, writing “Congrats and consider yourself Moses being schooled by the Egyptians so you can help with the Exodus.”

If SBTS thought that they could buy off the wokescold with their $5 million scholarship for African American students and accumulate a bit of goodwill, they had another thing coming.

This is not unusual behavior or Lecrae, or Howard for that matter, which is right on brand. It was mere months ago that Howard recounted how fearful he was going to an SBC conference, on account of receiving alleged death threats sent his way if he dared attend. That was 3 years ago, and he did ultimately attend, but says he purposefully sat in the front row the whole time, lest some assassin off him. Now, he can’t even step foot on campus.

For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb.”


Woke PCA Pastor Says Holy Spirit Insufficient to Overcome Racist Ideologies (This is a Very Dangerous Sermon)

In perhaps one of the most subtle and sneaky sermons we’ve ever heard on the topic, Zachary Bradley, pastor at Atlanta’s Brookhaven Presbyterian Church, which is a Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), does something very interesting: he introduces Critical Race Theory and Ibram X. Kendi’s notion of “The heartbeat of racism is denial” in a way designed to appeal to conservative, reformed Christians.

Buttressing it with the Westminster Confession of Faith, Bradley argues that because we are sinners stained with original sin, we can never get to the point where our sin is so minimal that it is no longer an issue. Being aware of our sin, when someone accuses us of being a racist or having racial undertones, rather than acknowledging the effects of sin in our life and the possibility that the sin may have impacted our thinking, Bradley says our propensity is to deny it, which he describes as a form of Christian perfectionism which claims that we don’t or can’t sin anymore in the realm of racism.

This is why when white Christians are accused of being guilty of racial injustice, we ought to be honest with ourselves and the reality of our sin nature. We should assume we are guilty and there is truth there, given that we cannot be sanctified to the point of sinlessness in this area.

It’s very tricky stuff, and he intermittently weaves some excellent truth into his sermon that any reformed person would give a hearty amen, which is what makes it one of the most dangerous sermons we’ve ever heard on the matter. Here are just a few sermon highlights from one clip, but @wokepreachertv, who provided the video and transcript (save the last one) has a whole series of tweets where he went off on the matter, being as disturbed and affected by it as we were.


If, in discussions of race or riots…people post something along the lines of “I’m not gonna make any sort of statement here on anything that has happened, what we just need is more revival.” Or something like that. That the solution to unrest in our country is revival. What I want to suggest to you is that that is coming from a place of Christian perfectionism…The idea that I can get to a place where my sin is so minimal that I don’t really have to deal with it on a daily or even minute-by-minute basis.

...If you’ve seen anybody suggest, “The problem here is not a race problem. It’s just a sin problem and what we need is more people to come to Jesus…” That’s rooted not in identifying sin in my own heart and then repenting for it. That’s rooted in Christian perfectionism. The idea that, as long as I just become a Christian, that everything else will be okay…To say all we need is revival, as if to say once people are Christians, now all of our other problems will go away, is to subvert and fail to identify what are the specific sins that are going on that need to be addressed?

The place on a daily basis where most of us encounter our tacit Christian perfectionism is our quickness toward defensiveness when we are confronted about anything…If you encounter me on a normal day, usually, if you challenge me, I’m going to say, “That’s not true! I didn’t do X.” That’s me not leading with the idea of saying, “My sin is so wrapped up in my entire being that of course I’m sinful, and let’s try to untangle where it is.” But even moreso, it’s also me saying, especially on issues of race and such in America, saying, “The way that I think must be right, and therefore you must be wrong, and now let’s get into an argumentative stance.”

…The [Westminster] Confession comes in and says you cannot trust the way that you think. You cannot trust basically anything that you do, that it is free from sin…Christianity looks at you and me and says, “It’s not that you are innocent until proven guilty. It’s not even that you are guilty until you are proven innocent. You’re just guilty.” That’s just all it is.

This is why it’s hard for us to deal with, but the Confession is very clear and scripture is very clear. Your sin is literally everywhere. Literally everywhere. It is in the way that you think, it is in the things that you do, it is in the way that you process things, it is in your relationships, it is in your emotions. And when we get defensive about something, then it betrays the idea that I think that, and particularly if I justify it, because I’m a Christian, I must be right about something, instead of leading with saying, “I must be wrong, and so if you present something to me, you’re probably right. Let’s investigate that a little bit more.”

So if somebody drops the term ‘White Privilege’ and your immediate reaction is to get defensive, that’s probably a problem…If someone says ‘Black Lives Matter,’ and my immediate response is to get defensive and say something along the lines of ‘All Lives Matter’ – that’s a problem. That’s defensiveness. It is a tacit Christian perfectionism which is what I am kind of saying...If someone mentions the term ‘reparations’ or ‘Critical Race Theory’ and the immediate response is to get defensive and give arguments, that’s probably a problem. As opposed to saying, ‘Look, every human being here is made in the image of God, I probably have something to learn from you and I am probably sinful – and not just probably but most assuredly sinful – in some area if not every facet aspect of this area. So let’s try to work through this in some ways in humility.’

This is in some ways just a sermon in praise of gospel humility.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics SBC

SBC’s National Day of Prayer Rips Off the NAR’s ‘Seven Mountain Mandate’

The SBC Executive committee released a guide designed to support members during the upcoming National Day of Prayer. Captioned ‘How to pray the 2021 theme, Lord, Pour out your Love, Life, and Liberty into the Seven Centers of Influence in America for the National Day of Prayer, May 6, 2021.‘ The guide is the spitting image of the New Apostolic Reformation’s notion of the “Seven Mountain Mandate.”

The idea of the “Seven Mountain Mandate” was first introduced in the summer of 1975 by Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright, it’s birth the result of a “direct revelation from God.” The two men brought it to the Church as something that must be shared and it was quickly latched on to and popularized within charismatic circles by “prophets,” “prophetesses,” and “apostles” such as C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Lance Wallnau, and Cindy Jacobs.

According to, “Those who follow the seven mountain mandate believe that, in order for Christ to return to earth, the church must take control of the seven major spheres of influence in society for the glory of Christ. Once the world has been made subject to the kingdom of God, Jesus will return and rule the world.”

The seven mountains, according to the seven mountain mandate, are:
1) Education, 2) Religion, 3) Family, 4) Business, 5) Government/Military, 6) Arts/Entertainment, 7) Media.

These seven sectors of society are thought to mold the way everyone thinks and behaves. So, to tackle societal change, these seven “mountains” must be transformed. The mountains are also referred to as “pillars,” “shapers,” “molders,” and “spheres.” Those who follow the seven mountain mandate speak of “occupying” the mountains, “invading” the culture, and “transforming” society.

When we look at the guide that the SBC introduced, we see the exact same mandate and the exact same mountains:

While the NAR wants to take dominion and sociopolitical control of these categories through their prayers, with the help of their apostles and prophets, in the form of dreams, visions, and direct revelation from God, we are thankful that the SBC hasn’t gone there.

But ripping off a play from their playbook is wildly inappropriate and completely unnecessary. The SBC needs to stop borrowing from the NAR and stop repackaging “the seven spheres of influence” as “the seven centers of influence.” SBC Churches don’t need to borrow anything from the NAR, and that includes inspiration for their prayer guides.