
Op-Ed: NRB was Right to Fire Dan Darling for his Sinful Pro-Vaccination Comments

Update. Please see this post with updated information, including a letter from NRB CEO disputing the RNS story.

As the evangelical intelligentsia and our blue-check spiritual overlords gnash their teeth and rend their garments over the fact that Dan Darling, Senior Vice President of Communications for the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) was fired today for making pro-vaccine comments on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Show, we have a different take.

We believe that Darling sinned with his comments and that NRB was right to fire him and terminate his employment.

We reported on the story this morning and our headline did not sufficiently make clear that he wasn’t fired for making pro-vaccine statements in a vacuum, but rather because he was openly defying the strictures of his contract, and then refusing to recant and repent of his sin in doing so.

In short, he was canned for being in violation of a contractual agreement to be neutral and not push them one way or another. RNS explained:

Earlier this week, leaders at NRB, an international association of Christian communicators with 1,100 member organizations, told Darling his statements violated the organization’s policy of remaining neutral about COVID-19 vaccines. According to the source, Darling was given two options — recant or sign a statement admitting he had been insubordinate. When he refused, Darling was fired and given no severance.

This is absolutely key.

In many ways, rather than saying he was fired for making pro-vaccine comments, as our initial headline read, better headlines would have been:

Dan Darling fired for knowingly breaking written agreement about vaccine neutrality.

Dan Darling fired for not honoring his word about abusing platform to push vaccines.

Dan Darling fired for refusing to apologize for purposefully breaking his word on pushing propaganda.

The fact is that the organization has a policy that insists on neutrality on a certain subject matter. If Darling could not abide by that, he should have done the honorable thing and quit. Rather, he flouted the rules, broke his word, sinned before God, and forced the hand of his employers.

We would have fired him too.


‘God Lives in a Cube of Gelatin?’ Have We Found Someone Crazier than our Favorite Charismatic Prophetess?

Our favorite pink-haired charismatic prophetess Kat Kerr has long been a mainstay at Protestia, on account of being certifiably insane and about as crazy as a rat in a coffee can. Every Wednesday she meets up with the eternally gullible and chief-enabler Steve Shultz and she answers questions about her thousands of trips to heaven, receiving hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of comments per video by prophecy-chasers and fellow charismatics who have said in their hearts that the bible and the scriptures are not enough.

But Shultz also meets with Robin Bullock. He’s functionally the male counterpart to Kerr, but with worse hair. In the video, he claims he has seen, based on his own extensive heavenly tourism, that God has to stay in a cube of gelatinous substance in order to contain his power.

I remember one time, you know, I’ve been to heaven in different throne rooms a few times. And every time I was in a throne room -he has different throne rooms for different things- I watched him create the world one time.

Shultz: “Wow”

“It was the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen. And when you got to the end of it, but the white throne, it’s set up on about seven tiers. And when you look down at it, it was massive. It was a massive thing. And it was inside this cube of like gelatin, it was like clear gelatin. And it went around in a square, around him, in his whole throne.

You can see his hair. You can see the outline of it inside that, in his beard…. He’s watching all of this and his eyes full of fire. And he’s just watching.

And inside this cube of gelatin, it was clear like… it was pure energy. It was power. It was just like electricity alive inside this cube. …When you see him like that, that cube had to be around him, there was too much power coming out of him. It had to be there.

h/t to that hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist.

News Social Issues

Elementary Teacher ‘Misplaces’ American Flag, Has Kids Pledge Allegiance to Trans Pride Flag Instead

In a further sign of the times demonstrating that faithful believers need to pull their children out of the indoctrination machines that are (most, but not all) government-run public schools ASAP, a teacher has posted to TikTok a story of how she lied to her students about misplacing an American flag, on accounts of it making her feel “uncomfortable,” and instead had children pledge to the LGBTQQIP2SAA flag instead. The teacher, who has not been identified yet, explains:

Okay, so during third period, we have announcements and they do the Pledge of Allegiance. I always tell my class ‘stand if you feel like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words’. So my class decided to stand, but not say the words. Totally fine, except for the fact that my room does not have a flag.

It used to be there, but I took it down during COVID because it made me uncomfortable. And I packed it away, and I don’t know where, and I haven’t found it yet.

But my kid today goes “hey it’s kind of weird that we just stand and then you know, we say it to nothing.’ And I’m like, ‘Oh, well, you know, I gotta find it. Like I’m working on it. I got you.’

In the meantime, I tell this kid, we do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to, and he like looks around. He goes. Oh, that one? (Insert Laughter here)

Brainwashing at its finest.


National Religious Broadcasters Spokesperson Fired for For Knowingly Breaking Written Agreement About Vaccine Neutrality

The Senior Vice President of Communications for the National Religious Broadcasters (NBR) was fired today for making pro-vaccine comments on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Show, according to the RNS, in violation of a contractual agreement to not speak on the matter.

Spokesperson Dan Darling was let go from NBR, the run-of-the-mill, loosey-goosy, organization that bills itself as “a nonpartisan, international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations represent millions of listeners, viewers, and readers” that “works to protect the free speech rights of our members by advocating those rights in governmental, corporate, and media sectors, and works to foster excellence, integrity, and accountability in our membership by providing networking, educational, ministry, and relational opportunities.”

Nearly a month ago, Darling expressed his happiness at having been vaccinated, telling Joe Scarborough: “I believe in this vaccine because I don’t want to see anyone else die of COVID. Our family has lost too many close friends and relatives to COVID, including an uncle, a beloved church member, and our piano teacher.” Around this time he also wrote an op-ed in USA Today, arguing his belief that every Christians ought to be vaccinated.

This, allegedly, was cause to terminate him without severance, with RNS noting:

Earlier this week, leaders at NRB, an international association of Christian communicators with 1,100 member organizations, told Darling his statements violated the organization’s policy of remaining neutral about COVID-19 vaccines. According to the source, Darling was given two options — recant or sign a statement admitting he had been insubordinate. When he refused, Darling was fired and given no severance.

Prior to joining the NBR in 2020, Darling spent 6 years at SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which prompted Ex-ERLC president Russell Moore to respond:

NRB has not commented on the story, other than to confirm that Darling was no longer employed with the company.

Editor’s Note. We modified this headline and added a line, as the original headline was not clear that he was fired for violating the company’s policy on being vaccine neutral, not for speaking out in favor of vaccines perse.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

John MacArthur’s Church Set to Win $800,000 Settlement From County For Shutdown Scheme

The legal battle between John MacArthur and Los Angeles County is set to come to a close next week, with the government poised to pay Grace Community Church 800k in legal fees and compensation for repeatedly taking them to court last summer and seeking to shut them down.

Last year MacArthur and Grace Community Church (CGC) made national news and became the face of the movement of congregations that refused to shut down its services, insisting on having them in person, in their church building, unmasked, in violation of California lockdown laws.

In response to their biblical and principled stand, the County got a court order against GCC, demanding they stop. Instead of submitting to the government’s will, the church deliberately continued to have church services and disregarded an injunction issued against them. The County wanted them to be found in contempt for flouting the injunction, but the church argued that the injunction was granted on the faulty premise of an unconstitutional order, and should have rightly been ignored.

Rather than adjudicate the contempt charges, GCC lawyers argued that MacArthur and GCC were first entitled to a full-blown trial on the merits of their lawsuit challenging Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, proposing that “a final determination on the constitutionality of the orders must occur before the County could seek contempt against MacArthur for merely holding church.”

The Judge agreed, allowing GCC to continue meeting while the contempt charges were pursued, which took several months. Before the case could be adjudicated, the Supreme Court ruled that California’s lockdown rules against churches were indeed unconstitutional, effectively ending the ability of the County to come against them.

But MacArthur and GCC did not simply passively defend against the lawsuit when they were first threatened, but also countersued the state and city officials, claiming that their first amendment rights were violated.

They’ve now seen the fruits of their labor.

In a recent letter to supporters of the John MacArthur Charitable Trust, MacArthur called the County’s decision to back down, pay all their legal fees, and drop all charges a “monumental victory for Grace Community Church” and explained that “We know that there is no circumstance that can cause the church to close. The church is not only a building but is the bride of Christ and exists to proclaim the truth.”


Another Church Mandates Vaccine to Worship, Compares Vaccine-Hesitant Christians to Pharisees

More churches are jumping on the “No Vaccine, No Church” bandwagon, mandating that only the elect of God and unbelievers wanting to know the Lord those who have been vaccinated may attend church, with the latest culprit being Bishop Paul Morton of Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church, an Atlanta-based Megachurch that announced their upcoming service may only be attended by those who have been vaccinated; proof of which will be required at the door.

Not only will they have to be vetted for the vaccine, but they will likewise have to do temperature checks and still wear masks at all times while inside.

Children under the age of 12 may not attend church, as they are not legally allowed to be vaccinated.

The move comes after another Atlanta church, The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church, did the same, refusing to let even children come, lest the dirty little vermin “spread the ‘rona.”

Unsurprisingly, this church has some pretty terrible preaching. Woke Preacher Clips published a video yesterday where a few weeks prior, Morton drew a comparison between the vaccine-hesitant and the Pharisees in John 9.


Biden Compares Military Mission to Prophetic Calling, Quotes Isaiah

It won’t be the first bible verse he’s taken out of context and it won’t be the last. President Biden, speaking to the media after at least 12 US soldiers were killed in a series of terror attack in Kabul, Afghanistan yesterday, monkeys about with the prophetic calling of Isaiah 6:8- an act which would which was preceded by Isaiah famously saying “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

The message the angel would then give would be one of utter judgment and devastation, promising that only a tenth of the people would remain, behind, and everyone else would be taken captive or killed. For Biden though, who hates the Bible and the God therein contained, using its message for the optics is just part of the game,

TRANSCRIPT– I also want to thank the Secretary of Defense, military leadership of the Pentagon, and all the commanders in the field.

There’s been complete unanimity from every commander on the objectives of this mission and the best way to achieve those objectives. Those who have served through the ages have drawn inspiration from the book of Isaiah, when the Lord says, “Whom shall I send? Who shall go for us?” The American military’s been answering for a long time: “Here I am, Lord. Send me. Here I am, send me.”

Each one of these women and men of our armed forces are the heirs of that tradition of sacrifice, of volunteering to go into harm’s way, to risk everything. Not for glory, not for profit, but to defend what we love and the people we love. And I ask that you join me now in a moment of silence for all those in uniform and out, military and civilians who have given their last full measure of devotion. Thank you. May God bless you all and may God protect those troops and all those standing watch for America. We have so much to do. It’s within our capacity to do it. We just have to remain steadfast.

h/t to WPC for the vid and transcript.


$1090 Sweater? $1990 Handbag? $2720 Coat? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers

You want to know which men of the cloth are spending an arm and a leg on their clothing? We have the deets, compliments of Preachers n Sneakers, who have more of where this came from.

We have TD Jakes with a $1990 Louis Vuitton handbag.

Mike Todd with a $2720 coat. It’s currently half price at the moment, but who knows if he bought it on sale. A few months ago he spent $65,000 on only 168 pairs of sneakers for disadvantaged youth, so it’s likely he paid full price.

Steven Furtick with a $965 of shoes. This is unsurprising, as previously he’s been seen wearing the following:

  • 4-Bar Solid RWB Stripe Shirt $450
  • Farfetch Offwhite Diagonal Arrows Sweatshirt $500
  • Kingsnake Print GG Supreme Baseball hat $390
  • Offwhite distressed bleach denim Jacket $750
  • Saint Laurent men’s brown Boots $1,145
  • Jordan 6 Retro Shoes $300
  • Air Presto Off White White Shoes $637
  • Nike Air Fear of God 1 Triple Black Shoes $610
  • Nike Dunk Low Off-White Pine Green Shoes $510
  • Nike Air Fear Of God 1 Oatmeal Shoes $390$
  • Saint Laurent mens SL10H lace up leather high Top Sneakers $575

Hillsong’s Brian Houston getting his $695 Gucci shoes.

John Gray, the is-he-or-isn’t-he the pastor of Relentless Church on account of his philandering ways, wearing his $1090 ripped hoodie.


Kenneth Copeland Says His Vision of ‘Blanket of Blood’ Evidence that COVID ‘Has Fallen’, is ‘Destroyed’

Arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland has released a new prophetic revelation from God Satan, claiming that COVID has been destroyed, with the proof being the vision he saw of grotesque heavenly imagery.

This morning as we prayed, just suddenly I saw a blanket of blood. It rippled like it had a slight breeze on it. And as I watched it, and I watched this blanket of blood, it was everywhere, particularly over the United States and over our partners everywhere.

And then a golden layer, just so gold…it was hard to-this golden aura and cloud—a golden cloud right on top of the blood. And then I realized that it came up out of the blood. And then I realized that it came up out of the blood, and just stunningly beautiful. And then angels began to crisscross overt the top of all that, and these golden rainbows came up out of that.

And I saw the healing, the healing of lungs…and I knew in my spirit, and I said it out loud with my mouth ‘our breakthrough has come, and glory to God the destruction the final takedown of this synthetic virus that has been made by men as a weapon has fallen, it’s destroyed.’

This isn’t the first time Copeland claimed that COVID was gone. Last year he infamously blew it all away in a wacky and much-mocked display on stage.

h/t Christian Nightmares


Woman Who Launched Lawsuit Against SBC Entities and Personalities Attempts Suicide, Mercifully Fails

Just days after the story broke that Hannah-Kate Williams ( the woman at the center of the Mike Stone SBC 2021 Convention controversy) filed a lawsuit against a plethora of entities and personalities, including LifeWay, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mike Stone, Rod Martin, the SBC Executive Committee, and others, she tried to kill herself again.

The attempt to take her own life came after she publicly accused the pastors who stood by her at SBC 2021 of using her, a claim she took back a few days later, writing that Grant Gaines and Ronnie Parrot did not use her after all. Rather, because she is emotionally damaged from her abuse and not fully healed yet, she was not able to fully discern both their and her actions and motivations about the situation, resulting in her saying what she did.

Sadly, this is not her first attempt, but she also tried a few years ago too, and we are immensely grateful that she did not complete it and that she is still with us here today.

She shared on social media that given the way her plans are going, and the continued roadblocks the SBC is throwing up in order to not properly address and deal with the sexual abuse happening within the denomination, she is going back to her original plan, as stated below.

Though we are frequently at odds with Hannah-Kate and have reported on some of the things she has done and said that have not always been complimentary, we want her to be justified, sanctified, and one day glorified, and we thank God she is still with us. Please pray for her.

A personal plea to Hannah Kate

H, we know you read this, and you’ve been chatting with S for a few months now. His line is always open. Furthermore, if you send me a DM, I’m always open to chat and will gladly give you my number. -D.