Lifeway Eats Itself from Within as Golden Goose Continues to Create Women Pastors

Christine Caine is one of Lifeway’s most prized possession. She’s the golden goose-one of the famed ‘Lifeway Women’ who have her own landing page, where the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention promotes her relentlessly, along with a gaggle of other women. In fact, the ratio of women authors to men is so great, that we’ve had to seriously ask Does Lifeway Only Carry Women Authors?
This is nothing surprising from Lifeway, given that they’re by and large a bunch of progressives. How else do you explain why Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1? Or refusing to carry Voddie Baucham’s anti CRT, best-selling Fault Lines book? or how LifeWay’s Spring 2022 Curriculum Written By Non-SBC Pastor Who Denies BFAM, Has 5 Pastrixes on Staff. Forever and always, this purveyor of spiritual strychnine is always seeking a way to defy and undermine the SBC and their beliefs, and Caine is special in how hard she goes at it.
Caine is the charismatic, egalitarian, one-time leader from Hillsong who preaches the word/faith prosperity gospel. Caine holds to the notion that Jesus died on the cross to give you possessions, wealth, and health, and that it is there for the taking if you have enough faith and confess it positively. It’s no surprise then that she cut her teeth on Hillsong, the Brian Houston-led boondoggle that has the reputation for being among the most immature, Scripturally ignorant, and carnal people in the history of the world to ever call themselves Christians.
She also leads Propel Women, a network designed to empower women to become preachers and pastors, and they just graduated a bunch of them yesterday, ready to unleash upon the world prospective pastrixes who have cut their teeth on Caine’s own teaching. She shared on Twitter:

Given that 10% of the biggest SBC churches already have women pastors, they’ll likely have far more job opportunities than previously imagined. Retweeting the picture and in fact featured in the picture is none other than Ed Stetzer, the former Executive Director of Nashville-based LifeWay Research. To quote JD Hall:
Stetzer is a guy who has projected himself as a church planting specialist, even though he’s never once successfully planted a church (he’s done so unsuccessfully on multiple occasions). He has projected himself as an expert on culture, which might be his only accomplishment, but only because his devotion to momentary fads is his shtick. Every time we see him on stage giving advice on the church’s decline it reminds of what a hypothetical absurdity it would be to see a whore have a day job of selling antibiotics out of her trunk to clear up all the venereal diseases she passed around during her night-job. In short, he is the problem in the church, but makes a living selling the latest evangelical elixirs.”
While Lifeway has been a lost cause for a long time, it’s nice to see a bit of clarity now and then in order to assess how badly the rot has set in within the organization, to what degree they’ll partner and promote folk so bent on undermining the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and their own denomination.
1 Timothy 2:12
1 Corinthians 14:34
1 Corinthians 11:3
1 Timothy 3:2
The New Testament is explicit on the matter.
So is the Old Testament. The priesthood was for Levite men. I believe Orthodox Jews still only allow men to be Rabbis.
Why I don’t do church…..
Stop sinning, gather together with the brethren in fellowship and worship of the Lord. You are disobeying Holy God when you fail to meet with the brethren.
As a former LifeWay employee, to see them decline even farther, is so sad. The best thing that can happen to the SBC, and subsequently LifeWay, would be for Tom Ascol voted in as President and Voddie Bauchman voted in to President of Pastoral Conferences. I pray the Lord uses these men to bring these entities back to the foundation of Christ and His Word.