Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Russell Moore and Beth Moore Holding Panel to Discuss why Russell is Basically an Abused Wife

“An SBC that doesn’t have a place for Beth Moore doesn’t have a place for a lot of us” Russell Moore. 2019

The gruesome twosome Russell and Beth Moore (no relation, unless it’s to their father the devil) have announced that they are hosting a panel and Q &A to celebrate the relaunch of his podcast “Signposts with Russell Moore.”

The inaugural episode will feature a live conversation between the former ERLC president Russell Moore and former complementarian Beth Moore and “the two will talk about what they’ve learned in their own stories and how Christians can navigate these crazy times in the church and the world without yielding to cynicism or despair.”

Sounds scintillating.

Along with the announcement of the upcoming show, Moore released an article in Christianity Today where he discusses the Ravi Zacharias/ Lori Anne Thompson/ RZIM situation and why they couldn’t see what was in front of them. (This is ironic given that it was Christianity Today that enabled Ravi for years, and only broke the story a month after we did) Moore laments that despite being one of the most powerful and public figures in the Southern Baptist Convention, in reality, he was in an abusive environment and couldn’t see any way out, being subjected to the secret blows of his critics while telling other denominational leaders ‘I fell down the stairs” and “I walked into a door. Clumsy me.”

A spouse who is cheated on sometimes concludes that he or she wasn’t attractive enough, or is in some other way to blame for what happened. This often happens in church situations, where people sometimes find it difficult to see—sometimes until years later—that what they assumed was just “the messiness of dealing with people” turns out to have been a toxic and harmful environmentThat’s especially true when institutions—even churches—sometimes further the abuse of victims (or those who seek to help them) by gaslighting them, as though their reaction to the abuse—not the abuse itself—is the problem.

When I was in a toxic and spiritually abusive environment, I found myself coming out of years of second-guessing and finding ways to blame myself for what I was experiencing. It happened while reading a children’s book to my son. I read the final statement at the end of Mo Willems’s Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs: “If you find yourself in the wrong story, leave.” I put away the book and realized, “I’m in the wrong story.”

Let’s get something straight. Moore wasn’t the abusee, but the abuser. You can read more of that here and here and here and here.

Moore’s shenanigans had the effect of painting the faces of Southern Baptists black and blue with his progressive policies, all the while claiming to be the one wronged. Rather than being the victim, he was the victimizer protesting his innocence even as the skin was hanging off his knuckles and the bloodstains were freshly dripping down on the carpet.

After Moore’s ‘leaked’ bombshell letter went public, it functioned as a conveniently timed kick in the gonads of the Southern Baptist Convention President hopeful Pastor Mike Stone, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sex abuse during his time as Executive Committee chair. This was done with the goal of enabling final boss Albert Mohler to wrest the denomination away from conservatives and into his progressive possession. Yet Stone saw through this, and pointed it out with piercing clarity the problem with Moore telling the world he knew about the abuse happening, but unable to do anything about it:

Think about it for just a moment; here’s a man who’s the highest positioned ethicist in the Southern Baptist Convention – at least he was until just a few days ago. And if you take his letter at face value, then he has known about cover-up, intimidation, bullying, stonewalling, barriers, pressure, all of these sorts of things against victims of sex abuse.

He’s known about lies and backroom deals and corruption and he’s known about it not for days or weeks or months. He’s literally known about it supposedly for years while he has not breathed a word, meanwhile publishing a book called The Courage to Stan

Moore and Moore are going to get together and talk about why they both left the SBC, about how abusive, toxic, and racists it has become, oblivious to their role in its very creation and the way they molested and abused the scriptures for their own gain and the destruction and diminishing of a denomination.

Here comes the fist.

Try not to flinch.


Afghanistan is Latest Faceplant for Ne’er-Do-Well Charismatic Prophets

Those Charismatics are not having a good few years. Not a single one predicted/ prophecies COVID or the destruction of our liberty that accompanied it, showing themselves to be poorly suited for the task. Then once it did come, half of them predicted it would be gone by the end of the year (You’ll recall Dr. Michael Brown made a wager based on this very thing) Once here, no one saw COVID striking the US President, the most powerful man on earth. Then the majority of them engaged in a bit of sinful commission when they prophesied that Trump would win a second term- another failure, despite having literal years to prepare themselves to hear from God.

Now we are in the process of seeing the collapse of the entire country of Afghanistan, and again, not one charismatic ne’er-do-well’s received a word of the Lord about it. Justin Peter explains further:

And here we are in what is this August 18. And for the last several days, as of this recording what have we been watching? The complete collapse of the entire country of Afghanistan.

None of the prophets saw this coming. Think about this. This is one of the biggest foreign policy failures, one of the biggest debacles in our lifetime. We have been fighting in Afghanistan now for 20 years. Since September 2011… So we’ve been, we have been at war with the Taliban in Afghanistan for 20 years, the longest war in the history of the United States of America by far.

And it all has come to an inglorious end in just the last few days, and the Taliban has completely swept the entire country. And here you see pictures of Taliban leaders sitting in the presidential office of Afghanistan. None of them saw that going. None of them saw this coming. None of them saw the horrific pictures from Kabul airport, with the Afghans holding on to the wheel well, the C-17 as it takes off in the just complete chaos there.

And even a couple of guys who managed to hold on to that thing after it got airborne and then fell a couple of 1000 feet to their death, none of them saw this coming. The prophet saw NONE of this coming. I mean, that the hits keep coming for these false prophets.

So friends, you know, at this point, if you’re following one of these so-called prophets, then it is shame on you.


Hillsong Hosts Roman Catholic Priests For Ecumenical Conference

Hillsong Phoenix has once again opened their doors to the Alpha Conference, a two-event advertised in January 2022 for those” longing to experience spiritual renewal in the local church, hungry to see God work in a post-Christian world, and looking for new ways to reach your community for Jesus.”

The conference, which skews charismatic, has frequently featured Roman Catholic Priests and bishops, including having a full-on Roman Catholic Mass as part of the celebration. This year they’ve brought on at least one priest, with John Riccardo featured as one of the main speakers, and likely to bring on several more.

According to the event:

Alpha is a space where people outside the church can explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open, honest, and informal environment. Alpha is primarily run by churches and hosted in places like church halls, bars, coffee shops, prisons, schools, and homes. Typically, Alpha has ten sessions and includes food, a short talk about the basics of the Christian faith, and a discussion at the end of each session in which guests are encouraged to share their thoughts and perspectives without fear of judgement.  Millions of people have tried Alpha in more than 100 countries. Alpha runs in every part of the global church, including the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and all mainline Protestant denominations.

Hillsong, for their part, has been embroiled in a series of controversies, though this church has managed to stay out of the news for now. It goes without saying though that no one there in leadership has any discernment, and no idea that hosting a Roman Catholic mass or a pagan priest is utterly blasphemous.

h/t Reformation Charlotte


Greg Locke Church Vandalized with ‘Your Lies Cost Lives’ Grafitti

“Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN, had his church vanalzied early Sunday morning by someone who did not like his message, painting ‘F U’ on his pulpit stand and spraypainting ‘your lies cost lives’ on the side of the trailer, referencing his well-known stand against COVID restrictions and masks.

Readers of Protestia will recognize him as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, recently prophecied a massive false flag shooting was about to take place in America, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.”

He shared this update on Facebook:

The reference to his ‘lies’ likely revolved around this sign. Locke famously said that he would kick anyone out of his church service who chose to wear a mask, making it clear that they were not welcome to worship alongside them.

This isn’t the first time the church has been vandalized, and it likely won’t be the last. The Church does not gather in a building, but rather meets outside in a very large tent.

News SBC Scandal

Hannah-Kate Williams, Alleged Sex Abuse Victim, Sues a Ton of SBC Leaders

An alleged sex abuse victim has launched a lawsuit against several well-known SBC leaders and entities, claiming that they either helped cover up her abuse at the hands of her father, or failed to do their due diligence as it pertained to their reporting.

Hannah-Kate Williams was the woman at the center of the Mike Stone SBC 2021 Convention controversy. She famously confronted the presidential nominee on the convention floor where they had a brief discussion that ended with Williams in tears, citing him as saying she was bad for the convention. This quickly made the rounds, Stone issued a statement of denial, but it’s a reasonable bet that this had a very adverse effect on Stones’ numbers and, causing him to lose against serial plagiarizer and sermon stealer Ed Litton.

Now, as reported by Religion News Service, she has filed suit against a plethora of entities and personalities, including Lifeway, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mike Stone, Rod Martin, the SBC Executive Committee, and others, alleging that they “conspired to protect the Baptist denomination from a problem of sexual abuse of minors or other vulnerable populations” by not investigating her reports, along with painting her as a liar who has no credibility.

Hannah contends that her father sexually, physically, and psychologically abused her from the ages of 5-16. She says she reported that abuse at the age of 8 to SBC church staff, but they did nothing other than tell her “I’m praying for you.”

(kferg16) is Kathy Litton, Litton’s occasional co-preacher and plagiarized enabler

According to Religion News Service:

Williams, the oldest of six siblings, said she first contacted SBC local pastors and national leaders after she realized her father was also assaulting three of her younger siblings. Her mother severely beat her and her siblings and also sexually abused her two younger brothers, according to public statements by the four oldest siblings (the two youngest siblings are still in her parents’ custody).

The elder four siblings have filed police reports against their parents in several jurisdictions, alleging sexual and physical abuse. But in December, a detective in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, declined to send the case to a prosecutor, citing “factual issues and inconsistencies” among the siblings’ stories, according to the report.

Reports in more than 10 other jurisdictions in Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee remain under investigation.

One person has already publicly responded to previous claims and called her a liar who is making things up.

During the convention, she wrote on Twitter that the man who helped cover up her abortion was outside the convention protesting abotion, and yet refused to tell anyone who he was or reveal his identity.

We are aware that the man’s name is James Farrar. He is a pastor at Alethia Church and released a video at the time explaining that he has been falsely accused and that she is a liar, painting a picture that is diametrically opposite hers.

Prior to the convention, Williams announced that she was abandoning Christianity and the church, explaining that she needed to leave these things behind so that she could “heal,” be “free,” and “live in that freedom.” In the months since then, however, she has “recommitted” her life to the Lord and has made public declarations of belief. including being re-baptized.

As far as what she wants out of all this lawsuit: she says “I’m hoping all abusers will be exposed and brought to justice so they can find redemption, that survivors can receive restitution, and the vulnerable can be protected.”


Doug Heck, Husband Of Susan Heck, Has Passed Away

Pastor Doug Heck of Grace Community Church of Tulsa passed away this morning after a brief bout with Pneumonia and COVID. Doug was the husband of Susan Heck, a well-known theologically sound bible teacher, author, and famed bible memorizer who supported him through 50 years of ministry. He was 68. According to his church bio:

Pastor Doug V. Heck is a graduate of Moody bible Institute in Chicago (B.A.) and The Master’s Seminary (M.DIV), where Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. is President. He graduated Magna Cum Laude and served as President of the Student Government. He has also pursued further graduate level studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Graduate School in Chicago and post-graduate work at The Master’s Seminary, with an emphasis on Expository Preaching. Doug has served as Director of Tulsa-based Bible Teaching Services and Christian Counseling Ministry. Doug has been the teacher of The Quest of the New Testament radio program, formerly heard on KCFO for 7 years, having served as Senior Pastor for 23 years and in full time ministry for 29 years.     

Susan, who has been updating Facebook about her husband’s condition posted this just a few short hours ago:

“My beloved husband went to be with his precious Lord this morning at 1:30 am. To depart from this body is to be present with his Lord. He always thought the first response in glory would be laughter and I am sure He is enjoying His Saviour!
Doug is in glory!  The Lord gives the Lord takes away! Blessed be the name of the Lord!”

Just a month ago, Pastor Heck attended a 50 years of ministry service where he was honored by all, including Dr. John MacAarthur and long-time friend Phil Johnson who sent in video messages of warm wishes, as well as his family and other congregants.

While we mourn, we don’t mourn like those who have no hope.

Welcome home, good and faithful one. Enter into your joy and rest.


Atlanta Church that Only Allows Vaxxed Congregants Tells Parents to “Trick” Teens into Getting Vaccine at Church-hosted Mobile Clinic

Just days after ‘pastor’ William Flippin Sr announced that only vaccinated members were allowed to attend his church he told congregants during the Sunday service that they ought to invite their children to come to church and then trick them once they’re here into getting the vaccine.

It’s not just proof of vaccination that is required at the Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church in Atlanta. The church, which has 3000 members, has instituted further strict protocols. These include requiring any vaccinated people wanting to attend to pre-register, submit to a temperature check at the door, wear a mask at all times, and sign waivers attesting that they never got COVID at church.

The church is also only allowing 200 people at a time to attend, and those attending must social distance 6 feet away. With the new policies in place, the church has terminated staff who refuse to get vaccinated, declining their request for a personal or religious exemption, Furthermore, children under the age of 12 who have not been vaccinated have been prohibited from entering and must watch the live stream from home.

Apparently, the pastor believes it is acceptable to lie to your children if it means getting them the shot, using church as a bait and switch. During his August 15th message he explained:

I want to just beg, please, with these younger people, particularly, to please get the vaccine. I guess they don’t listen to the news. The news says that over 90 percent of hospitalizations are persons who have not been vaccined. It didn’t say just young folk, it didn’t say white folk.

I was alarmed this week when Deacon Henderson sent me a little flyer, I don’t know if Patrick has it, that 56 percent of African-Americans in the nation have been vaccinated. I’m just shocked. I thought it would be much higher than that.

So, play this for your children who won’t get the vaccine. If you would get it, no more than for your mother, your grandmother, your grandparents, your elderly relatives, do it for them.

Somebody say “amen,” please. Do it for them. Amen. I have lived long enough to get the measles shot, the flu shot, the shingles shot, the pneumonia shot, this shot and that shot, and I ain’t dead. Say amen. And that I told my wife, Deacon Bell, said if something’s wrong with the vaccine, I’d rather not know I’m gonna die this year. I got maybe 10, 12 years on it. Somebody say, come on y’all, talk to me. Have some sense. Praise the Lord. We just have to trust that, if you will.

We are so serious about this that next week, when we have our community day, giving out bookbags and what have you, we are prayerful that we will have a truck, a mobile clinic here, for anybody to get their vaccines. Say amen. We’re gonna canvass the neighborhood, I want people to stand out with boards on the interstate saying, “Get your vaccine.” Say amen. So please, if you have some crazy children like I do, trick ’em and say you need a ride to church. And once you’re here, you say, “Now, you’re going in there. Do you hear me?” Amen. Tell ’em there’s something there for ’em. Praise the Lord.

Nothing problematic there at all.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the vid and transcript


Canadian Church Facing $60 Million in Fines Remains Locked Down by Govt, Building Seized

Despite the Ontario government finally allowing churches in the province to have indoor services, with restrictions, Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario, has been locked out of their building since April the 3rd, being ordered by a court to stay shuttered until they provide the government with a COVID safety plan, something on principle the churches says they should not have to do.

I’m of the belief that this church, our church, does not belong to the crown. It doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to Jesus and he doesn’t turn people away that come to seek him, and so I don’t want to turn people away from the church. He needs to have crown rights over His church and we want to uphold that.

The faithful church has fought tooth and nail the government’s attempts to shut them down and regulate the way they have service and have received crushing fines for it. In an interview with Rebel News, pastor Jacob Reaume explains the current totals:

If I get my maximum sentence, I mean I don’t know how it’s gonna end up, but if I got my maximum sentence I think I’m up for a maximum $1.1 million dollars and 11 years in jail is the max. The church itself is $60 million dollars and each elder within the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It was a month ago that churches were allowed to gather with no capacity limits, yet indoor mask mandates are still in place, as well as physical distancing limits. Under the reopening act, the church must provide the government with a COVID-19 safety plan, which includes the following:

  • Describe measures and procedures that have been or will be implemented in the business, place, facility or establishment to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • Include measures for screening, physical distancing, masks or face coverings, cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and objects, the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) and preventing and controlling crowding.
  • Be in writing and made available to any person for review, on request.
  • Be posted in a visible place to come to the attention of those working or attending the location.

The church has resisted on principle, explaining that Christ is head of the church not government, and they don’t get to dictate what congregants must wear, or where they must stand, or who may attend, in order to be given the privilege of worshiping Jesus as part of their service.

He continues:

It really bothers me when people are saying the government has our best interest in mind, because if you talk to people, if you observe the various data that’s been put up there, this is not in the best interest of the people.

They’ve reduced people, at least convinced people that they’ve reduced them to biological units, whereby our only purpose in life is to avoid contracting and spreading a sickness. That’s enslavement! Life is full-orbed, it’s meant to be lived in a multi-dimensional way.

Pastor Reaume concludes:

One of the things that I’ve told our people is Caesar can steal our building but he can’t steal the church. The church is the people of God. The church is where the people gather and the people sing God’s praises and that where the living God dwells. The building is a wonderful asset to have. It’s a tool in our hands at our disposal, but Caesar will not have the people of God and we’re not going to let him have the people of God.

For those who want to show support, click on their gofundme page


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 3

The third album in our series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers. While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click to enlarge.

For previous albums Album #1, Album #2,

For our multi-volume series showing the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here


World Vision Teacher Suggests Churches are White Supremacist by Default, Must ‘Name’ and ‘Balance’ Power Dynamics

Continuing the trend in the wikification of World Vision, Dr. Soong-Chan Rah interviews Dr. Korie Little Edwards, who joins Dr. Soong-Chan Rah for their “May We Be One” course.

Dr. Korie Little Edwards is perhaps the most radical progressive and given over to a racialized mindset as they come. While she teaches some relatively benign (for this crowd) bad advice about race and power, she is listed as a recommended resource, and her other works include some incredibly divisive and destructive teachings. One example is on her Elusive Dream podcast where it is asserted that if you’re on this side of the grave, no matter who you are, “you most assuredly have something to repent of as it relates to white supremacy in this society, and if you think you don’t, well, hmm hmm hmm.”

In this case, she explains how because “there are power dynamics outside the church, and those come into the church” the church can’t help but be a racial minefield where persons of color will in some way be subjugated.

Pastors of color have to really deal with people considering them being legitimate authorities. And that white pastors, that is not something they have to really navigate, they are perceived and understood as being legitimate authorities, people that they should be listened to, and followed. It’s not to say that white pastors don’t have a problem to they do [sic]. I mean, they still have to navigate white hegemony or white supremacy, they still have to navigate that in the church. But one thing they do have, is they’re perceived as legitimate authorities.

Unlike white pastors, black pastors have to deal with the emotional impacts of not being viewed as a legitimate authority, and this sort of reality “also extends to congregants. Even congregants of colour deal with similar kinds of pain, where what it means to be and how to express yourself in the worship context, is not considered Christian.”

So one of the key things that happens in multiracial churches is that white supremacy and what I broadly and more generally call ‘white hegemony’ begins to really dominate the space. And that is so powerful. It’s so powerful. And if pastors and leaders are aware of that, it will continue to manifest and really hinder the ministry of the church…what happens often in multiracial churches is you want to ignore the power dynamics that happen outside the church and pretend that it doesn’t matter for with what’s going on in the church. And then what happens is we (believe), everybody’s on equal, everybody’s on equal stand. And that’s just that’s just not true. Everybody’s not. Everybody’s not on equal standing in multiracial churches, white people have greater power outside the church, and they have it in the church.

In order to combat the white supremacy that infiltrates and permeates churches, especially ones that are considered multiracial, Edwards gives her solution:

And I would suggest that one of the key things that multiracial churches have to do is name that immediately and deal with it. Don’t pretend it’s not there, because it’s hurtful to people of color. I’ll tell you that’s number one. Because whenever you don’t name it, whenever you don’t speak the truth about a social fact, it will continue to have power in that space. So the first thing is to name it and to acknowledge it and to talk about how are we going to bring balance to the power imbalance. What are we going to do?