“Well S***”. Tim Keller-Endorsed ‘Christian Talk Show Host’ Blasts SCOTUS decision, Demands Abortion

Months after Tim Keller argued that talk-show host Stephen Colbert is a believer who has shown the world a “brilliant example of how to be a Christian in the public square” and who has been a ‘witness’ for his faith in a “form the culture can handle,” the Liberal Roman Catholic went on a tear against the Supreme Courts pending decision to overrule Roe and Casey, blasting the judges for destroying a half-century of protections for reproductive rights.
“I’m going to talk about another group of out of touch people and crazy outfits pretending that it’s 1895: The Supreme Court.”
Colbert mocks the idea that abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions, saying “Nothing says ‘looking toward the future’ like adhering to the earliest days of common law. That’s why I believe that life begins at white land-owning male and why horses who read should be arrested for witch mischief.”
He further chastises the notion that the issue of abortion should be returned to the people’s elected representatives, calling the elected representatives crazy and out of touch, and that Roe was an “important precedent that has been repeatedly reaffirmed.” He exclaims:
“Alito was joined in the decision by no one who would surprise you, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. So congratulations, ladies, decisions about what you can do with your body are now being made by four old dudes and a woman who thinks The Handmaid’s Tale is a rom-com.
Normally we’d ask Keller if he is so theologically bankrupt that he’s pointing to a liberal Roman Catholic, one whom the world loves because he has the exact same perspective they do on every sort of unbiblical sexual ethic, as someone whose example and whose nuance and whimsy is to be lauded and followed. But this time we have a simpler one:
Is this the ‘brilliant example of how to be a Christian in the public square’ you were referring to?
>> love your neighbor by killing their baby
>> Romans 13…. Not!
>> my body my choice… now bend over for your mandated clotshot
All the “my body my choice” signs come out of their COVID closets for the new protests.
“The baby’s body is not the mother’s body.” -SCIENCE