
Sex Offender Denied Bid to Work at Hillsong, Despite Endorsements from Members

A young man wanting to join the pastoral staff of Hillsong will not be working at the megachurch anytime soon, after he lost his appeal that prohibited him working around children- the result of being convicted of indecent assault in 2019, according to the Daily Telegraph

The 22-year-old man, who has been identified only as ENT, was forbidden from working with or around children after he was deemed ineligible for a “Working with Children Check” – one of several certifications that is required by Hillsong before anyone can participate in the ministry, along with a reference check, interview with a pastor, and an application.

The man, who has strong references from other Hillsong members pleading his case in a bid to have this overlooked, was convicted of “indecent assault in September 2018 and sentenced to a two-year good behaviour bond after a court found he rubbed his erect penis on a female bus passenger.” The Telegraph further notes:

“Two separate forensic psychologists have since agreed ENT met diagnostic criteria for frotteurism – a paraphiliac disorder characterized by sexual arousal from rubbing the erect penis against a nonconsenting person’s body. NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal senior member Elaine Connor…explained his status:

The applicant seeks a WWCC clearance because he is undertaking studies in pastoral leadership with the Hillsong Church for whom he then hopes to work…(but) The Children’s Guardian submitted ENT had a “recorded history of sexual misconduct” which resulted in one conviction, two acquittals, one police intelligence report and other allegations included in police statements that did not result in a charge.”

Despite seeking to give the Tribunal evidence that he has stopped with the sexual crimes in mid-2020, after allegedly being saved, the Tribunal gave little weight to his profession of faith, nor did they give weight to Hillsong members who were vouching for him, on account of the written reports not referring his sexual assault conviction or making mention of it at all.

They ultimately opined that the average person who read the list of his criminal sexual history would not be comfortable leaving their child alone with him, and unless Hillsong opens up their policies and make an exception for him, he won’t be working there anytime soon.


Pope Compares Calls BLM Rioters ‘Social Poets’ and ‘Collective Samaritans’ For Protesting Racist Death of George Floyd

In a Saturday video message of the chief papist on the occasion of the fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements, Pope Francis insisted on universal basic income, praised the BLM rioters as ‘social poets’ while insisting their demonstrations were keeping Geoge Floyd’s legacy alive in a way that is akin to the story of the ‘Good Samaritan’.

Last we saw the aging pontiff he was affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine, and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.

Now, Francis begins by making a few theologically wretched comments, saying things like: “Every person, every organization, every country, and the whole world needs to look for moments to reflect, discern and choose, because returning to the previous mindsets (pre-Covid) would be truly suicidal and, if I may press the point a little, ecocidal (destruction of the natural environment by deliberate or negligent human action) and genocidal.”

He then declares:

Do you know what comes to mind now when, together with popular movements, I think of the Good Samaritan? Do you know what comes to mind? The protests over the death of George Floyd. It is clear that this type of reaction against social, racial or macho injustice can be manipulated or exploited by political machinations or whatever, but the main thing is that, in that protest against this death, there was the Collective Samaritan who is no fool!

“This movement did not pass by on the other side of the road when it saw the injury to human dignity caused by an abuse of power. The popular movements are not only social poets but also collective Samaritans.”

Sounding right progressive socialist’s playbook:

“I often hear, “Father, we agree, but in real terms, what must we do?” …

 In past meetings we talked about urban integration, family farming and the popular economy. We have to go on working together to make them a reality, and now let me add two more: the universal wage and shortening the workday.

A basic income (the UBI) or salary so that everyone in the world may have access to the most basic necessities of life. It is right to fight for a humane distribution of these resources, and it is up to governments to establish tax and redistribution schemes so that the wealth of one part of society is shared fairly, but without imposing an unbearable burden, especially upon the middle class. I believe these measures are necessary, but of course not sufficient. They do not solve the root problem, nor do they guarantee access to land, housing and work in the quantity and quality that landless farmers, families without secure shelter and precarious workers deserve. Nor will they solve the enormous environmental challenges we face. But I wanted to mention them because they are possible measures and would point us in the right direction.”

And lastly this gem:

In my experience, when people, men and women, have suffered injustice, inequality, abuse of power, deprivations, and xenophobia in their own flesh – in my experience, I can see that they understand much better what others are experiencing and are able to help them realistically to open up paths of hope. How important it is that your voice be heard, represented in all the places where decisions are made. Offer your voice in a collaborative spirit; speak with moral certainty of what must be done.”

h/t to National File

bad theology

Jory Micah Mocks Gospel Message, Puts her Wickedness on Full Display

Jory Micah continues prancing into apostasy without a care in the world, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ, despite her self-touted Master of Arts in Christian Doctrine and History. Not particularly unique or original in her own right, she is essentially the knock-off brand of Jen Hatmaker, only about 20 percent more honest.

Known across social media as a sensation for those man-hating liberal feminazi types who want to pretend like they still practice some form of piety while hating anything and everything about the God revealed in Scripture, she has been on a new kick as of late. When she’s not claiming White Folk Adopt Black Babies so They Can ‘Enslave’ & ‘Abuse’ Them she’s mocking the idea that repentance and faith in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sin and rescue from hell.

She further retweets

Micah, who recently claims she has joined Antifa and has been posting the days about how capitalism is wicked, socialism is good, and how the poor ought to eat the rich, also posted a couple more feminist conspiracy theories laced with pinch of progressive revisionist history with some evil ecclesiology.

She already crossed the pro-choice and LGBTQ thresholds long ago. In under a year, she’ll deny Jesus even rose from dead. You heard it from here first.

Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 12

The twelfth album in our series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers. While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click to enlarge.

For previous albums Album #1Album #2, Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11

For our multi-volume series showing the progression of the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here.

Bonus: Sunday worship at the Agape Church in India

Righteous Defiance

(Not Clickbait!) Canadian Pastor Jailed for NOT Requiring Proof of Vaccination to Attend Church + Sing

A Candian pastor who was fined last week for defying New Brunswick Covid-19 Emergency orders has been jailed for at least a week, the latest religious leader to be imprisoned for refusing to allow the Government to dictate how a Christian Church service must be run.

In the province, the tyrannical government has imposed the following restrictions on all religious gatherings. Churches must choose between:

1. Only allowing fully vaccinated people to attend their service while wearing mandatory masks, checking everyone at the door to ensure they have their “vaccine passport.”
2. If allowing unvaccinated congregants, the church may only meet at 50 percent capacity, must wear masks, must contact trace down to the seat, must social distance, and are strictly forbidden from singing.

Furthermore, the emergency order allows law enforcement to enter the building at any time, without permission or a warrant, to ensure that its inhabitants are complying. [Editor’s note: Yes, and in direct contradiction of Section 15 of the Canadian Constitution.]

As a result of these brutal dictates, Pastor Phillip Hutchings of His Tabernacle Family Church in St Johns, a small Pentecostal Church “co-pastored” by his wife Jamie, announced on social media that the church would not require masks or proof of vaccination, and would not be limiting the amount of people to attend, all in open defiance to some of the strictest pandemic regulation in the country. [Editor’s note: Australia is stricter, but not by much.]

Unlike other pastors like James Coates and Tim Stephens, Hutchings initially agreed to comply when officials visit him to explain the rules on October 1. But two days later at the next visit, they were carrying on their service in an “illegal” manner – unmasked, not asking for proof of vaccination, and even singing.

This scene prompted the officer who arrived to observe to leave after 10 minutes, unable to stay longer on account of being so uncomfortable with “the COVID risks at this service.” 

On October 6th the pastor was fined, and then two days later Hutchins signed an order agreeing to “make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance.” Two days after that, people were filmed coming in and out of the church, which had been under heavy surveillance, and Hutchins was picked up and arrested last night.

Pray for courage and peace for Pastor Hutchins, his family, and the congregation.

Featured Heresies Scandal

Chris Tomlin and Hillsong Concert Reeks of Money-lovin’, Mammon-grubbin’ Commercialism

In typical Christian consumerism that would make the money-lenders in the temple blush, famed artist Chris Tomlin and worship band Hillsong United have joined forces for a 33-stop North American tour together, which will likely be regarded as one the biggest Christian music concert of the year.

“We really believe this tour is going to be something unforgettable,” said Chris Tomlin and Joel Houston (UNITED) in a press release. “We’ve been trying to do something like this for a long time and we have a real sense of trust in the fact that this is the right time. This is the moment for what God has been planning and in that, we think the timing has everything to do with the people joining us each night.”

It will be big. TIME magazine called Tomlin “the most often sung artist in the world” with his music being played by over 30 million believers in the United States every Sunday. According to his spec sheet:

“Chris has scored 17 #1 one singles at radio, placed 29 top ten hits (more than any other Christian artist), sold more than nine million albums with 4.5 Billion career global streams, earned a Grammy, three Billboard Music Awards, 26 Dove Awards, became a two-time BMI Songwriter of the Year honoree and an ASCAP Songwriter of the Year. In 2016, he was named one of only four artists ever to receive the Sound Exchange Digital Radio Award for over 1 Billion digital radio streams, alongside Justin Timberlake, Pitbull and Garth Brooks.”

By all accounts, Tomlin is the more theologically solid of the two parties, though he is not without his issues, given the other artists he worships with. He has previously toured or put on shows with troublesome performers such as Matt Maher (a practicing Roman Catholic idolater) and Kim Walker-Smith of Jesus Culture, the musical group belonging to the hyper-charismatic cult of perdition that is Bethel Church in Redding, California.

The fact that he’s playing with Hillsong- a mega musical band in their own right that has dominated the worship scene for the last two decades, and who is simply a vehicle to deliver the scandal-riddled organization own brand of wicked prosperity gospel and cauldron of blasphemies does not help his case. We’re not trying to kneecap the guy, but Hillsong is awful, and we regard every aspect of the Hillsong ecosystem designed to draw in Christians and expand their influence to be utterly and completely demonic.

But there is one more thing we wanted to point out.

For an event supposed to be designed to worship the Lord, this reeks of money-lovin’ and mammon-grubbin’ commercialism, offering multiple perks and add-on’s such as closer seats to the band, gifts, merch, lanyards, the ability to shop for merch early, early check-in with a host, and some degree of access to bands so you can bask in their presence. We support any band hocking their wares, as capitalism is a gift from God. But the fact that this is a worship event makes it feel unseemly.

In fact, one of the perks you can pay for is “PRE-SHOW PHOTO OPPORTUNITY WITH YOUR PARTY FROM THE ON-STAGE CATWALK TO COMMEMORATE YOUR NIGHT.**  with the asterisk noting that ‘there is not artist participation with photo opp.’

Yep. You can pony up some cash for the opportunity to stand on the very same stage and catwalk…that the worship band walked and performed, with perhaps the opportunity to touch the hem of their garmen-guitar stand if you’re lucky and blessed enough.

It’s not just them doing it either. The house band at Steven Furtick’s Church, Elevation music, is going on tour with tickets to worship selling for upward of 195$ and just this morning we wrote of a Christian conference that has tickets of $1000.00, offering many of the same perks this one does.

Apparently, no one seems to think this is grossly excessive.

But it’s really getting a bit much.

h/t Christian Post

Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Heresies News

Charismatic Prophetess Claims That in Her Teens, She Ran Covert Op to Bust Drug Lords

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or she’s talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s revealing how in her teens she secretly participated in covert operations to bust drug dealers, all without her parents knowing.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 46 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she reveals the time she sent a whole bunch of people to jail, insisting in such a sensationalistic way that even Ergun Caner would be leery of her childhood claims, while at the same time wondering if she didn’t drop more than a few hits of LSD herself.

It’s not a covert operation anymore, but back in the day in the late 1960s they started a brand new squad for the vice squad in our city…but that was in the day when drugs were really first being released in America…

…Back in the day, most young people didn’t have enough money to do anything…and so the drug lords in the area that moved in, they actually manufactured their own drugs, which actually killed a lot of people, because they didn’t know how to do anything.

Kat goes on to describe the ways that they smuggled drugs in, and how after it was distributed into her school, it killed 10 percent of the student body – killing 60 out of 600 seniors in one year. The drug cartels going undercover in schools as regular students resulting in an epidemic of overdoses and deaths in school was not being reported by the media. [Editor’s note: This seems like a clear attempt to pre-explain things to avoid fact-checking.]

So we were just targeted for that type of thing, and so they [drug dealers] would go around to different cliques in the school, maybe they didn’t listen, maybe they got into trouble sometimes wherever they would actually watch the students back in the day.

some [dealers] look like just businessmen visiting, or maybe somebody’s uncle supposedly was coming to visit somebody, but they would also have some plants in the school body that looked like teenagers. And so they would seek out the ones they thought would make good pushers, they would give them drugs for free and get them hooked.

Well, they didn’t have money. I mean it would cost a lot of money when you get hooked on these things out back in the day thing was like LSD and other stuff like that are really violent drugs.

And just so you know how bad it was. I have a body of 600 seniors – 60 died from drug overdose. Ten percent of our senior body died because of these pushers that kept coming on the property and getting them hooked.

Enter Kat Kerr- undercover agent.

So the vice squad and FBI back in that day came together with a plan which wouldn’t work today probably. They didn’t ask any parent’s permission. I didn’t sign any papers saying ‘yes’ but they [FBI] would highlight students who were the good students but maybe the loners, you know, stuck to themselves, made pretty good grades, but always listened to those in authority and respected authority.

They would take you aside into a room with just like a vice squad agent, and maybe a police woman, and they would offer you the chance to be a covert operation.
Back in that day, I was all for justice. Let me tell you how much so many of the students died. And they said, ‘would you mind being like an inside spy for us? We’ll give you a code name, here’s a phone number, you call this number, if you know about a drug deal going down.’

Ker claims that she watched the drug pushers that infiltrated her school, and because she says she has a photographic memory, she could recall all their names, faces, details, everything, which she then reported to the FBI.

And then I would just go call the phone number and say, ‘this is so and so again’, my code name, I said ‘there’s going to be a push going down with the drug dealers coming in to leave all the drugs with the teenager.’ They gave him free drugs to push the drugs, thinking they wouldn’t get caught. I think I turned in seven of the biggest pushers – one was the biggest pusher in the city. Yes, he went to prison. And so I called and told them when every time when it was going to go down. I could even be nearby and see him in jail.

My parents never found out until like 40 years later when I told them what I had done. My dad was not shocked…I could just be standing by a tree or something they don’t know. And they had a little group going over there I was not a threat to anybody. I didn’t look like a cop. But you know, we haven’t had a lot of covert people out there right now. And so I did, I just caught him all the information, it was enough to bust down. They did go to court, I didn’t have to be there. They had all the evidence because I gave that to them beforehand. They were caught red handed.”


Joel Osteen Joins T.D. Jakes for $1000.00 Conference

Joel Osteen is joining T.D. Jakes in headlining the 2022 International Leadership Summit (formerly called the International Pastors and Leadership Conference). This is not new, as Osteen frequently joins with other theologically amoral impastors Like Steven Furtick and Judah Smith to hobnob with the famed Trinity-denier, relegating Jakes’ belief that Jesus is merely a ‘manifestation of the Father’ as some irrelevant small detail that makes no difference and therefore maks partnership permissible.

They will be joined by Dr. Dharius Daniels whose biography reveals he is a pastor that is “on a mission to help people become their best selves while doing their best work. Speaker, coach, and certified emotional intelligence specialist, he concentrates on helping others self-optimize without self-destructing” and “nationally acclaimed trauma therapist Dr. Anita Phillips,” with more speakers to be later revealed.

Everything about the conference looks typical for your run-of-the-mill moralistic therapeutic deism leadership conference, except for the eye-watering price for premium tickets to the event.

For that price, the perks are pretty pitiful, with the extra $875 going towards a “special entrance into the sessions”, a seating service, exclusive seating, a small gift, and access to the premier business lounge, where you can stream the event on a TV, possibly meet the guests and speakers, and hope that one of the deigns to converse with you, presuming you can get past their copious amounts of bodyguards. (Which you can’t.)

But because TD Jakes is one of the speakers at the event A WELL AS ITS FOUNDER AND ORGANIZER, that he would jack up the price is hardly suprising. He routined wears outfits that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars and is known for his flashy ways. Besides, those $1990 Louis Vuitton bags aren’t going to buy themselves.


Pastor Greg Locke Talks Jack-O’-Lanterns, Demonic Druids, Rapin’ Demons, and the Gnostic Origins of Halloween

“Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN is spending his downtime after being permanently banned from Twitter in unhelpful ways, regurgitating conspiracy theories and bizarre unbiblical notions of demonic powers and abilities.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” All that when he was not putting up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”

Speaking during his October 13th service, Locke explained the origins of “Trick or Treat,” the Jack-o’-lantern and why his family doesn’t carve pumpkins anymore, blaming it on European demonic druids that would agitate and cast spells on their communities. Locke also pulled back the curtain to reveal gnostic insights into the secret powers of raping demons, proposing a power the scriptures never give them. Demons do not take on corporeal form with corporeal sex organs that they then use to rape human beings hundreds of times in a row. That is not a thing that happens.

Parents could literally give over one of their children for a demonic sacrifice – you study if I’m not telling you the truth – they would either have to give one of their children over to a demonic sacrificial system, or the treat was their virgin daughter to be raped by demons.

Did you hear me? I know a girl in this town that’ll put her hand on a mile-high stack of Bibles and let you know that every night for over a year she was raped in her bedroom by a demon and it changed her life tragically forever.

…I’m telling you that mess is a reality in the witchcraft world and they know it and they don’t want us exposing it but La-di-dah, the cat’s out the bag now jack, the black cat’s out the bag now.

So here’s what would happen: you would either give your child or you would give your virgin daughter. And do you know what the druids would do in return? They would place a pumpkin, started with gourds, they would place a pumpkin on your porch with the face of a demon on it, and if you had obeyed the sacrificial satanic system, they would then put a light inside of it so the demon would pass your house.

That is the cultural history and the truth behind the Jack-o’-lantern. Because if you did not give them the treat, the demon on you would play the trick. And that’s where they got the phrase, ‘Trick or Treat.’

Editor’s note. For a biblical alternative to whatever this is, read Op-Ed: Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

h/t to the hive of scum and villainy that is the Friendly Atheist


Ronnie Floyd Resigns from the Executive Committee, Warns of Threat on Way Out

Less than two years into his tenure, Pastor Ronnie Floyd resigned as CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, citing the need to prevent the ongoing damage to his reputation as the impetus for leaving, as well as the absurdity of the Executive Committee’s decision to waive attorney-client privilege in the face of sex scandals- an unnecessary move that does little except expose the denomination to enormous risk and potential implosion.

In the letter, Floyd laments that “In the midst of multiple challenges facing the SBC, I was asked to come here because of my proven personal integrity, reputation, and leadership. What was desired to be leveraged for the advancement of the Gospel by those who called me here, I will not jeopardize any longer because of serving in this role.” He further shares

“Due to my personal integrity and the leadership responsibility entrusted to me, I will not and cannot any longer fulfill the duties placed upon me as the leader of the executive, fiscal, and fiduciary entity of the SBC. In the midst of deep disappointment and discouragement, we have to make this decision by our own choice and do so willingly, because there is no other decision for me to make.”

He’s not the only one who has left. At least 10 other members have left, as well as the longtime lawyers for the denomination, pulled back in order to preserve their own reputations and livelihood.

Historically we have been very critical of Ronnie Floyd and the goofy, worldly behavior he has employed during his tenure as an Arkansaw megachurch pastor and later as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

As previously cited, Floyd does things like hang out with the likes of charismatic arch-charlatan, Kenneth Copeland joins forces with the hyper-charismatic IHOP. In many ways, Floyd started the ‘woke’ movement in the SBC, claiming prophetic utterance that God has commanded the denomination to repent for racism (again and again and again). Floyd’s church is an ungodly mess, worldly and carnal (but large and attractive). The church spends hundreds of thousands on fireworks, he has a set of luxury automobiles, and he pays a full-time photographer to follow him around take pictures of him. Heck, Floyd is perhaps best known, among other things, for having a Walt Disney designer create his children’s ‘set’ and manufacture a baptistry that looks like a fire engine that shoots confetti over the audience when someone is baptized.

Despite our disagreements with him, it is beyond dispute that he was done dirty by a cabal of #BigEva progressives, including Russell Moore, who has been an especially hellacious thorn in his side and has been working to undermine and dismantle Floyd and the SBC. This is true as Moore has been particularly incensed after Floyd supported the recent SBC Executive Committee investigation into the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and how that entity’s progressive politics was negatively affecting giving to the Cooperative Program.

For Moore, who for years has been working behind the scenes to bring down the SBC, Floyd’s resignation and head on a platter will be a victory indeed.