
The Supreme Court Has Overturned Roe V. Wade According to Justice Alito’s Initial Draft Opinion

(Dissenter) Abortion has been a horrific injustice in the lives of countless human beings that have been slaughtered and left to die at the hands of bloodthirsty abortionists and parents willing to sacrifice their children on the altar of convenience. The cult-like defense of the practice among those who would hand their children over to the slaughter has been a sight to behold over the past several decades. It is grotesque—there is no word to satisfactorily describe this evil.

And while this nation is far from delivered from this wickedness, at least the doors of its primary defense have been broken down. The ritual sacrament required to enter the cult of feminism is no longer a guaranteed right in America, bringing us one step closer to true justice.

Roe. V. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that solidified a woman’s “right” to murder her own unwanted children, has now been overturned according to the initial draft of Justice Alito’s majority opinion.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Alito wrote in the document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court.” “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

While the battle is far from over, it is certainly a good move. It is now at least possible to fight abortion in the courtroom without a flawed Supreme Court ruling looming over every court decision. As Capstone Report put it, “While we can certa… To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s note This article was written by Jeff Maples at Dissenter.


Liverpool Mayor Tries to Cancel Rev. Franklin Graham’s ‘Hateful’ Christian Bus Ads

(Breitbart) The mayor for the city region of Liverpool, England has claimed advertisements on buses promoting an appearance by American evangelist Reverend Franklin Graham constitute “hate speech” and should be removed.

Steve Rotherham, Labour’s left-wing Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, has called on two British bus companies, Stagecoach and Arriva, to remove advertisements promoting an upcoming event involving Franklin Graham in the city in May.

The advertisements for Graham’s ‘God Loves You Too’ tour merely read: “Looking for something more?” with information about the upcoming event in Liverpool.

Despite the innocuous tone of the message, it still drew the ire of the local politician.

In a letter to the companies quoted by the BBC, Rotherham wrote: “To say that I’m angry that the views of a known hate preacher — who has an appalling track record of homophobic and Islamophobic views — are being displayed anywhere in our city region would be an understatement.”

The left-wing mayor went on to say that it was “inexcusable” for the bus companies to advertise for the famed American preacher as the local people who use the buses “belong to the very communities that Mr Graham directs his bigotry and bile towards.”

How Christian bus users might feel about an evangelical Christian being prevented from advertising in their region did not appear to be a factor in his considerations.

Responding to the political pressure against his tour, Rev Graham said that “there is nothing offensive in these adverts.”

The prominent preacher… to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kurt Zindulka for Breitbart.


SEBTS Email Confirms Karen Swallow Prior Shared Document At Heart of Blackmail Scandal

SEBTS email confirms Karen Swallow Prior shared Bucks’ rough draft with ‘persons for possible publication.’

Tom and Jennifer Buck deny ever authorizing Karen Swallow Prior to share the manuscript with publishers. In fact, the Bucks say there is evidence she never shared it with a publisher.

(Capstone Report) Professor Karen Swallow Prior shared the rough draft at the center of the attempt to blackmail Tom and Jennifer Buck with potential publishers, according to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Tom and Jennifer Buck claim that Karen Swallow Prior did not have their permission to share the rough draft. And in fact, the Bucks say there is evidence against her having shared it.

In an email obtained exclusively by the Capstone Report, SEBTS said that Karen Prior “never shared” the rough draft “with anyone trying to disparage them.” However, in the same email the school’s leadership confirmed that Karen Swallow Prior “shared it with persons for possible publication.”

In fact, SEBTS claims Karen Swallow Prior shared the rough draft with those persons “at their request.” However, the Bucks deny ever giving Karen Swallow Prior that permission.

In a Friday afternoon video, Tom Buck and Jennifer Buck explicitly said they never granted Karen Swallow Prior permission to share the document with anyone.

“There is no evidence whatsoever that she gave it to any other publication,” Tom Buck said. “We didn’t give her verbal or written permission to send it out to anybody.”

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report


Michigan Church Buys $8.3 Million Dollar Mansion

(Ministry Watch) A Michigan church has paid $8.3 million for a Tampa-area estate in Florida that formerly belonged to Tampa Bay Buccaneers co-owner Darcie Glazer Kassewitz and her husband, according to a deed filed in Hillsborough County.

The Kingdom of God Global Church of Taylor secured a $4.9 million mortgage to purchase the 28,893-square-foot main house and a 2,620-square-foot guest house in Avila, the Tampa Bay Business Journal reported. The church’s address is listed on the mortgage as a Chesterfield, Missouri, residence that was sold in March, per TBBJ.

Kingdom of God, based in the Detroit suburb of Taylor, Michigan, is led by pastor David E. Taylor, who is also the head of Joshua Media Ministries International (JMMI), described as a global outreach movement “committed to establishing God’s Kingdom through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel” in Taylor’s biography.

Taylor also leads a daily broadcast called Miracles Today, which the ministry says is broadcast to more than 190 countries to minister “the healing, delivering, saving, and resurrecting power of Jesus to millions of souls throughout the globe.” 

Along with products, from books and worship CDs to T-shirts and beverage cups, the ministry offers dream interpretation by Taylor through its website… to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anne Stych and published at Ministry Watch


Ex-Hillsong Leader says Houston Knew of Dad’s Abuse in Early 90s

(NewsNation) — As the global megachurch Hillsong fights off criminal accusations against its former leader, a former high-ranking member of the organization says the church founder knew of his father’s sexual abuse allegations in the early 90s.

Hillsong — a massive organization with a presence in 30 countries — has come under fire in recent years with leader Brian Houston facing a criminal charge for allegedly concealing his father, church founder Frank Houston’s pedophilia. Brian Houston resigned from the church earlier this year after an internal investigation revealed details of his own inappropriate behavior with two women.

A Hillsong leader from the church’s early days, Geoff Bullock, spoke publicly for the first time to NewsNation about his 1995 departure from the church and its current turmoil. 

“The whole problem with fundamentalist Christianity is that you end up feeling like you have to protect the institution, and that comes with a growing sense of fear that if you don’t protect the institution, you are against the institution.”

Bullock says he started “The Hills Christian Life Center” along with Brian Houston in 1983 outside of Sydney, which later became Hillsong Church. He says he even named the church. Bullock oversaw the music and production of all services for more than a decade and many of the songs he wrote became global hits. When asked if the world was witnessing the beginning of the end of his former church, Bullock said:

“It’s certainly the beginning of huge change and what (Hillsong church leaders) face now is whether they continue to protect the institution and try to spin their way out of it or they’re brutally honest with themselves and really come clean.”

Neither Brian Houston nor Hillsong Church have responded to NewsNation’s requests for comment.


In August 2021, Brian Houston was charged by Sydney police with concealing child sex offenses allegedly committed by his father in the 70s. While he denies having any knowledge of abuse committed by his father before 1999, Bullock claims Brian Houston had known about it much before that.

Frank Houston’s alleged victim told the Sydney Morning Herald in 2006 that he was in training to be a pastor at the time of the abuse and claimed gay conversion counseling sessions with the elder Houston were “nothing more than sexual abuse.”

Bullock says Brian Houston told him about the allegations himself before Bullock left Hillsong in 1995.

“Frank [Brian Houston’s father] performed rituals with him to try and cure him of his homosexual leadings, this was deviant behavior. This story came out after 1999 when Brian said he first found out about his father’s behavior but unfortunately the story was known about in the early 90s by a few senior members of what was then the Assemblies of God. And I know that because I knew about it.”

And senior ministers, senior pastors in New South Wales knew about it as well. Now, can I tell you how hard that is to say, and it really does make me shake, but there you go. That’s the truth.”

So why speak up now, nearly three decades after leaving the church?

“It’s taken me only till recently to be able to speak up and speak clearly about my experiences without feeling like I’m doing something wrong. The more (the turmoil in the church) has progressed, the more I feel that I have a responsibility to speak. I lived through it and there are a multitude of hurting people that I think I have to start the story and hopefully that’ll give people courage to tell their story.”

To continue reading, and watch an interview, click here.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Rich McHugh and Posted at News Nation Now. Edited for formatting.


Steven Furtick Says Jesus’ Death on the Cross Was Basically a Gimmick Because He is ‘Sneaky’

(Reformation Charlotte) The Scripture tells us that Jesus’ death on the cross was victorious because he took the punishment that sinners deserved and died in their place, and rose on the third day defeating sin and death for all who would repent and believe in Him. But leave it to Steven Furtick to completely make something up and paint an entirely different gospel altogether.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. —Galatians 1:8

The gospel according to Steven Furtick says that Jesus’ death was basically a ruse to fool people because He is “sneaky” and couldn’t “bring victory into the earth looking like victory.” Instead, Furtick says, he had to “dress it up like death and hang it on a cross because He’s sneaky.”

First off, saying that Jesus is “sneaky” is to imply that Jesus is somehow dishonest. The Scriptures describe Jesus in a lot of ways, but “sneaky” or dishonest is never one of them. The Scriptures…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.


Naming and Shaming: #BigEva Leaders who Celebrated Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation

(Evangelical Dark Web) It’s high time we name and shame Evangelical “thought leaders” who make a living working cushy jobs only to turn and celebrate evil on an income that in many cases subsists from tithes. Supporting the latest liberal judge’s confirmation is yet the latest celebration and obfuscation of evil in our society. This is meant to be a reference to deny credibility to these men in the future.

Brent Leatherwood (ERLC)

Brent Leatherwood is a blogger at the ERLC, the Southern Baptist Convention’s political arm which is nothing more than a glorified and overpriced blog. He celebrates the historic moment.

It is no surprise that an ERLC blogger would tout this tokenism as an achievement.

Erick Erickson

In-between tweets virtue signaling how he is getting his kids Covid tested and simping for Zelensky and the Great Reset, Erick Erickson defends the ERLC once again.

This is not a surprising take for the midwit commentator.

Daniel Darling..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web.


New Chinese Law Bans the Word ‘Christ’ on Social Media, Says it Causes ‘Incitement’

(Christian Headlines) China has banned “Christ” and other religious words from social media apps under a new policy that went into effect on March 1. According to a new report, the policy also requires licensing and training to post Christian and religious content on the internet

The Chinese Communist Party’s new law – dubbed the “Measures for the Administration of Internet Religious Information Services” – prohibits individuals and organizations from posting religious information on the internet unless they have first obtained permission from a provincial government department, according to China Aid, which monitors religious freedom within the country.

Early Rain Covenant Church, a Chinese congregation, recently discovered the far-reaching impact of the new law. Using the messaging app WeChat, a church member tried posting the names of eight books for members of a reading group, asking them to vote on their favorite. Among the titles: The Defense of the Faith by Cornelius Van Til, Tradition and the Individual Talent by T. S. Eliot and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis.

But the WeChat app rejected the post, saying the word “Christ” was not allowed.

“The word ‘Christ’ you are trying to publish violates regulations on Internet Information Services, including but not limited to the following categories: pornography, gambling, and drug abuse; excessive marketing; incitement.”

The issue could only be resolved by editing the post,..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published on Christian Headlines.


John MacArthur’s Church to Produce Feature Length Documentary About Fighting Pandemic Health Restrictions

(Church Leaders) In 2020, Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA became the center of controversy when it flouted pandemic health guidelines in favor of holding in-person church gatherings. Now, the John MacArthur pastored church is producing a feature-length documentary about their dispute with the California government, including a lawsuit that the church ultimately won. 

Titled “The Essential Church,” the documentary will be released by Grace Productions, a ministry of Grace Community Church. 

“When Grace Community Church faces state orders to shut down indefinitely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they realize the state’s attempt to replace Jesus Christ as the head of the Church,” the film’s synopsis reads. “This sets off a series of challenges leading to a surprising pathway forward, suing the government.”

“This upcoming feature-length documentary explores the ancient struggle between the Satanic World System and Christ’s people through the story of Grace Community Church’s legal battle, church history, and the church during worldwide lockdowns,” the film’s website goes on to describe. 

In the film’s trailer, a man can be seen in a storage room looking through old cassette tape recordings of John MacArthur’s sermons, selecting a 1975 sermon on the…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Dale Chamberlain and published at Church Leaders.


NAMB 2021 Financials: Mission Board or Financial Institution?

(Evangelical Dark Web) In early March, the North American Mission Board released their 2022 Ministry Report, outlining their FY 2021 performance. NAMB has been the SBC arm for planting churches domestically and is helmed by Kevin Ezell, who we label as the Phantom Menace within Big Eva. Based on their financial reports, this label, along with the description that Ezell is a part of the Baptist Biumvirate is entirely vindicated. Unfortunately, too many faithful Southern Baptist donate to the various SBC wings or the Annie Armstrong offering without a clear picture of what happens to the money.

NAMB’s Opening Statement

To begin their report, NAMB offers its spin on the financials by detailing at length the activities they are involved in, which can be categorized by church planting, evangelism, relief efforts, and leadership development. In short, they are burying their financial report underneath their lengthy outline of their organizational activities.

Of all the numbers they release, the church planting data is not updated to reflect 2021. Their fiscal year ends in September, and in releasing their report on March 4th, one has to wonder why the church plant numbers for 2021 are not featured in this report. Instead, they feature their 2020 data, which is verbatim from their 2021 Ministry Report.

Southern Baptists planted 588 new churches, 143 new churches affiliated with the SBC and 126 church campuses were launched. To better understand and assess the status of churches in the SBC, new church campuses began to be tabulated in 2019. Altogether, Southern Baptists added 857 new congregations in 2020. (Pg 4)

Out of the 588 churches they planted, only 143 (24%) are actually SBC churches. NAMB has been caught funding woke, egalitarian and outright apostate churches in the past. These include…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anthony Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web. Title changed by