
Mastercard launches tech that lets you pay with your face or hand in stores

(CNBC) Mastercard is piloting new technology that lets shoppers make payments with just their face or hand at the checkout point.

The company on Tuesday launched a program for retailers to offer biometric payment methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning. At checkout, users will be able to authenticate their payment by showing their face or the palm of their hand instead of swiping their card.

The program has already gone live in five St Marche grocery stores in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mastercard says it plans to roll it out globally later this year.

“All the research that we’ve done has told us that consumers love biometrics,” Ajay Bhalla, Mastercard’s president of cyber and intelligence, told CNBC.

“They want making a payment at a store to be as convenient as opening their phone.”

About 1.4 billion people are expected to use facial recognition technology to authenticate a payment by 2025, more than doubling from 671 million in 2020, according to a forecast from Juniper Research.

How does it work?

To sign up on Mastercard, you take a picture of your face or scan your fingerprint to register it with an app. This is done either on your smartphone or at a payment terminal. You can then add a credit card, which gets linked to your biometric data.

It’s similar to tech that’s being trialed by Amazon in the U.S.

Mastercard says it plans to bring the program to the U.S., Europe, the Middle East and Asia…to continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ryane Browne for CNBC


PCA Leader: If You Affirm The Atonement, You MUST Affirm Intergenerational Ethnic Reparations

(WokePreacherTV) Duke Kwon and Greg Thompson are still promoting their book “Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair.” In this January 2022 conversation with Bill Haley of Coracle, Kwon and Thompson cite the Belgic Confession of Faith and the concept of Christ’s penal substitutionary atonement to argue that modern Christians with white skin owe civil judgments to people with black skin, even if they or their ancestors had no part in past generations’ transgressions against black folk.

DUKE KWON: We find in the Belgic Confession, right, this old confession from centuries ago that describes the nature of the atonement in this language, saying of Christ, “He paid back what he had not stolen.” This is the gospel. And so we’re simply called to enter into this as people of love and not to sort of pedantically try to figure out ways to identify only those who are descendants of slaveholders and, if not, then hey, you’re off the hook and be on your way. Or those who participated in the different movements of segregation, but hey, if your family wasn’t even then, you’re not, hey, look! We’re in this together, and we’re in this not just as a culpable people but a people called to love.

…GREG THOMPSON: The most important and most fundamental example of restitution is Christ himself. Anybody that believes in substitutionary atonement believes in restitution, right? They already do. Anybody that believes, as we sing in “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us,” that Christ took our sin and paid this, and suffered the consequences of sin for us already believes in the basic logic of restitution.

There’s something very confusing to me about Christians who, on Sunday, could say, “Thank God that he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God,” and then on Monday say, “I didn’t do that, so I don’t owe reparations.” That is a sign of incoherence.

… DUKE KWON: All the language of paying for our sins is reparation language. That’s actually found in scripture. So we actually talk about reparations and sing about reparations and preach about reparations every Sunday, and you never knew it, you people of reparations!

Transcript and introduction provided by @wokepreachertv, with minor edits.


Baptist Press Chief Insulted Sex Abuse Survivor Community

Jonathan Howe: ‘Online survivor folks just want to burn things to the ground. They just have to be ignored.’

(Capstone Report) Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee Jonathan Howe insulted the online sex abuse survivor community in emails released as part of the Sex Abuse Task Force report. The report released Sunday by Guidestone contained several stunning revelations ranging from an accusation of sexual abuse involving a former President of the Southern Baptist Convention. However, we should not ignore how current SBC employees respond to outside criticism. Howe attacks sex abuse survivors and advocates—which fits in with a long history of incompetence and partisanship.

According to the Guidestone report, “The VP of Communications, Jonathan Howe, replied with an observation on the survivor community’s responses to Ms. Lyell’s tweets: ‘The ‘survivor community’ is all up in arms about things they have no clue about,’ adding later, ‘online survivor folks, they just want to burn things to the ground. They just have to be ignored. They don’t reason; they don’t listen.’ The VP added in his response to Dr. Floyd that ‘Obviously, I don’t know what happened with that email and that entire string – who saw it, what Augie or Sing advised, how much they ever shared with you, or even if you actually wrote that. But that section is the critical part to her . . . because of the way [Ms. Lyell] was treated by those before you got here, she was out of grace and understanding.’”

Notice the smugness in this email. Howe says the survivor community is “up in arms about things they have no clue about.” That’s Caring Well!

And then notice that Howe attributes the worst possible motive to… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Gavin Ortlund says if you like Tucker Carlson, you are White Supremacist

(Capstone Report) Gavin Ortlund attacks Tucker Carlson as leftists attempt to censor the Fox News phenomena.

Earlier, Gavin Ortlund insulted the church as somehow unwilling to talk about White Supremacy—despite everyone in evangelicalism talking nonstop about white supremacy since about 2010. Ortlund (TGC contributor and pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai) doubled down on this when challenged over his remarks. Ortlund says that watching Tucker Carlson is proof that white supremacy is a problem in the church.

Ortlund opined, “For the life of me, I cannot fathom how saying ‘condemnation of white supremacy cannot be assumed’ amounts to an insult. Are people not aware of the influence of folks like Tucker Carlson on church-goers? Do they not think we have to address this?”

Cody Libolt summarized it perfectly, “Agreeing with Tucker Carlson = White Supre…to continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Measuring COVID-19’s Effect: Southern Baptists Report 19% Attendance Drop

(Ministry Watch) Anecdotally, clergy have talked about the disruption in worship attendance in this pandemic age. Now, Southern Baptists have statistics to prove it.

The average in-person weekly attendance at Southern Baptist Convention churches declined 18.75%, from 4,439,797 in 2020 to 3,607,530 in 2021.

Christian education saw an even larger decrease of 22.15%, with Sunday school, Bible study, and small groups reduced from 2,879,130 to 2,241,514. 

The Annual Church Profile, a compilation from the denomination’s state conventions, was released Thursday (May 12) by Lifeway Christian Resources, the convention’s data gathering division.

Researchers also blamed COVID-19 for the slowdown in baptisms in the past two years. While there has been a 26% annual increase in baptisms at Southern Baptist churches, from 123,160 in 2020 to 154,701 in 2021, overall baptisms are nowhere near the total of 235,748 reported in 2019, the year before the pandemic began.

Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research, said the recent rise in baptisms was due not only to…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Adelle Banks and published at Ministry Watch


Fearing Discovery, Depositions David Platt Appears Ready to Settle Lawsuit

(Capstone Report) After repeated losses in Virginia court, David Platt and McLean Bible Church surrender in lawsuit against the church’s violation of its longtime voting process.

What does David Platt and McLean Bible Church not want to come out during discovery?

McLean Bible Church has set May 18, 2022, to vote on a settlement resolution that grants most if not all the requests made by dissident conservative members of the church in a lawsuit filed against David Platt, MBC elders and the church. The settlement resolution vote was scheduled after repeated losses in court brought David Platt and McLean Bible Church within weeks of depositions and discovery.

Plaintiffs were ready to depose (a legal process where potential witnesses are interviewed under oath) current and past church leaders and were ready to issue subpoenas for evidence in the discovery process. Without question the desire to avoid discovery and depositions spurred MBC toward this settlement offer.

The lawsuit was prompted last year… to continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


VIDEO: Alito’s Neighbor Plays ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus’ as Pro-aborts Protest the Justice’s House

(Standing For Freedom) One week after Politico published the leaked opinion draft of Dobbs v. Jackson, which strongly indicated a reverse to Roe v. Wade, nearly 200 pro-abortion activists took to the streets — but not the streets of Capitol Hill or downtown Washington D.C. A quiet northern Virginia community was disrupted by loud and vulgar chants in angry response to the impending decision that will gut abortion access in the United States.

The crowd met at a local parking lot and marched to the home of Justice Samuel Alito, which garnered a heavy police presence.

En route to Alito’s house, chants, which rung more vulgar than at most demonstrations, echoed throughout the upscale suburban community.

F*** the Court and the legislature!
We are not your incubator!

What do we want?
When do we want it?
If we don’t get it…
Shut it down!

But through the shouts and vulgarities, one neighbor found comfort in the hymn “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” and wanted others to hear it, too. With open windows, the pianist played the age-old hymn on the family’s grand piano, which was easily heard from the street.

The neighbor wished to remain anonymous for safety concerns but provided the Standing for Freedom Center with a quote:

“I wanted to do something beautiful and thoughtful to counter the noise, the chaos, the sadness of those protesting…

to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by John Wesley Reid and published at Standing for Freedom


SBC Prez. Candidate Tom Ascol Blasts Sex Abuse Task Force Over Mishandling Blackmail Case

(Capstone report) Tom Ascol details how Ed Litton’s Sex Abuse Task Force politicized its entire process. He explains how the Task Force bungled its handling of the attempt to blackmail Tom and Jennifer Buck.  

Ascol: ‘Jennifer Buck deserves the exact same kind of care that we say as a convention we want to extend to those who have been sexually abused. Yet, she has not received that and I am grieved over that.’

Disgraced SBC President Ed Litton’s handpicked Sex Abuse Task Force bungled its handling of the SBC attack on abuse victims Tom and Jennifer Buck and Tom Ascol blasted the chairman of the task force Bruce Frank in a powerful comment during an SBC candidate forum this week.

“I do have some concerns that this process has been politicized,” Dr. Tom Ascol said.

This is true. The process is political. As we’ve pointed out Ed Litton’s personal choice to lead the Sex Abuse Task Force is biased and has repeatedly made clear it detests the Conservative Baptist Network.

And Ascol has specifics in mind—like how Sex Abuse Task Force leader acted in the case of Willy Rice as compared to the task force’s actions in the blackmail attempt against Tom and Jennifer Buck. First, Ascol explains the background of the attempt among SBC leadership to blackmail Tom Buck.

“A case in point is what is going on in a church not far from here—about 50 miles from here, First Baptist Church of…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report.


Louis Giglio Says If Everything Is About God, You’re Not Living Within God’s Will

(Dissenter) Louis Giglio, the pastor of Passion City Church and the leader of the highly popular youth-oriented Passion Conference that regularly features people like Christine Caine and John Piper, says that making everything about God puts you outside of God’s will.

Giglio posted his quip on his Facebook page where it received thousands of likes and tons of affirming comments.

His comment appears to be a rewording of the old adage, “don’t be so heavenly-minded that you’re of no earthly good.” Of course, he’s attacking a straw man and that is certainly no biblical adage. It’s really an attack on the sovereignty and supremacy of God in all things. To translate what Giglio actually means when he says this, he’s essentially saying that if all you do is think about God all the time, you’ll wind up with a theology that doesn’t take into account social justice and commands to love your neighbor, and so on and so forth…

Nobody who is actually heavenly-minded by the Bible’s definition is outside of the will of God. Whatever earthly good they may be is a result of their being truly heavenly-minded. It’s not that…to continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Dissenter.


Amazon, Yelp, Uber, Citigroup Announce They Will Pay for Employees to Travel for Abortions After SCOTUS Opinion Leak

(Faithwire), Inc., the second-largest private employer in the country, announced Monday it will pay U.S. employees up to $4,000 in travel expenses for non-life-threatening treatments and procedures, including abortions.

According to Reuters, Amazon is not alone in its pro-abortion offering. Other companies offering similar reimbursements include Yelp, Inc., and Citigroup, Inc. The corporate actions are in response to Republican-led states whose lawmakers have approved so-called “trigger laws” that will ban abortions should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the precedent established by, Inc., the second-largest private employer in the country, announced Monday it will pay U.S. employees up to $4,000 in travel expenses for non-life-threatening treatments and procedures, including abortions. Roe v. Wade granted nationwide legal cover to abortion in 1973.

The high court looks poised to do exactly that, according to a leaked opinion on the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, which centers on a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks. Should the leaked document become official, abortion would move from a federal issue to a states’ rights matter.

Amazon’s newly announced benefit — effective to Jan. 1 retroactively — applies if an operation is more than 100 miles away from the employee’s residence and a virtual visit is not an option. It is worth… to continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and published at Faithwire. Title changed by Protestia