Lecrae Recounts Attending Parties Where Sex Orgies Broke Out at 1:00AM

With famous rap Mogul ‘Diddy’ in the news for throwing wild sex parties, deconstructed rap Artist Lecrae has weighed in with his experiences being around this sort of activity.

During a recent episode of his podcast, Lecrae details how he would occasionally (regularly?) attend celebrity parties with artists like “Diddy,” where orgies and sex parties would take place, detailing a couple of encounters.

In particular, he notes one incident where he was warned that he should leave around one in the morning but says he refused when his ‘pride kicked in’ because he wasn’t some ‘little church boy’ and believed he could handle himself around some wild behavior:

What I will say is that one particular party, lots of big names, there was an artist there who said, ‘Hey, Lacrae, around one A.M make sure you’re not here.’ And I was like, ‘what?’ ‘You just don’t wanna be here at one in the morning.’

And I was like, now my pride kicked in, like, yo, you don’t know me. Like, you know what I’m saying? Like I can handle myself. Like I’m not some little church boy who ain’t never seen nothing. I’m good, like, you know what I mean? Like, what you talking about?

Well, it’s probably 12:30. I’m downstairs. I go downstairs to the studio, I come up out the studio, and I’m headed back upstairs to the main area where everyone’s kind of congregating and hanging out, and the music changed.

It was like really hard and heavy at first, and then, you know, like jamming, dancing music; it was a little softer. You know, it was a little more sensual when I came out the studio and started going upstairs.

And on my way upstairs, there was like this couch. I won’t say how the couch is designed, because then that may give away whose party and whose house this was. There was a couch, and on the couch, I saw a couple of guys really going at it, hard and heavy.

Lecrae reveals that once he saw more and more people “going at it” he felt like at this point it was time to leave.

Commenting on this occasion, the Dissenter writes:

“Gross. Why would he want to be at a party with such things going on? I don’t care if he felt forced or coerced to participate or not. He was participating in it just by his very presence…the fact that he’s abandoned the Church to intertwine himself in this lifestyle, whether or not he feels forced to participate in the sex, speaks volumes about him. The fact that he feels comfortable enough to be there, and to lay his eyes on such filth, not just once, but repeatedly, speaks to the state of his soul. Because we know it isn’t just about sex parties after certain hours. These events are fully blasphemous, God-hating events…”

That and the fact that they were comfortable doing it around him speaks to his reputation. Crucially, Lecrae takes great pains not to name any of the artists he saw participating in orgies or at whose house they took place, lest they be exposed and he has his reputation tarnished at a snitch.

We’ve spoken at length about how by every measurable standard, Lecrae’s much-lauded deconstruction is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth leading to death, revealing:

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