North Point Pastor Praises Gay Man’s Affirming Org. ‘Lord, Let Him Create More Allies for the LGBTQ Community’

B.T. Harman (Brett Trapp) is an Atlanta-based content creator. He is perhaps best known for his memoir series Blue Babies Pink: A Southern Coming Out Story, which over a series of 44 podcasts, details his journey from growing up in a Christian home to coming out as a celibate ‘gay Christian,’ to finally a non-celibate gay Christian who would eventually ‘marry’ another man.
Along with Blue Babies Pink, he would also found Harbor, an online support program for Christian Parents of LGBTQ Kids. He explains this program is helpful for all Christians regardless of their convictions regarding sodomy. “I fall on the “affirming” side of the theological spectrum. This is where I am, but I’m still committed to engaging all parents in a loving, respectful, non-shaming way. Harbor is about learning to create peace with your child, regardless of how everyone’s theology shakes out. It is more practical and less theological.“
Despite suggesting the counseling is theologically agnostic, many of the resources he offers are pro-homosexuality and his message is that gay kids can’t change, and so parents need to accept them and celebrate them for who they are. In an unlisted video for his live workshops, he features Susan Cotrell, who runs the gay-afirming ministry Freed Hearts, Greg and Lynn McDonald, founders of the gay-affirming ministry Embracing the Journey, and Amy Blakeslee, the lesbian gay-affirming Director of North Point Community Church’s Parent Connect.
In 2017, North Point Community Church Lead Pastor Clay Scroggins invited Harman to give a message to his church. Calling him a “vulnerability expert,” Scroggins would heap effusive praise on him and his podcast, clearly enraptured by the telling.
One key takeaway from the talk was the importance of being seen as 100% safe and trustworthy for gay people come out to, not 99% safe. Harman recounts that while he spent 20 years in the closet, he remembered and noted every stray anti-gay comment made by his friends. When it came time for him to out himself, he purposefully did not tell anyone who he recalls making critical “unsafe” comments about homosexuality. He instead only spoke to friends that were 100% safe, and Scroggins highlights this as something to emulate and strive to be.
At the end of the event, Scroggins invites Harman to close out in prayer, but not before delivering his supplications, where he openly prays that Harman’s ministry and influence flourish, notably in making allies for the LGBTQ community.
“Father, we just thank you for tonight. I thank you for Brett… I just thank you for his courage and for his authenticity and his genuineness…I just pray that you would continue to use him in powerful ways. I pray that you’d continue to give him creativity in the way he shares his message. You’ve clearly gifted him massively God, just the way he uses words, the way you’ve given him so much help.
...I just pray that you would continue to use him, not just with the LGBT community, but God that you would use him to create more allies for that community. That you would use him in the lives of parents who have kids who have come out. But God for everyone of us that has a secret that we’d never told anybody or something that about ourself that we feel like you can’t accept, I just pray that you’ll continue to use him in powerful ways to free prisoners. Because that’s your ministry and that’s ultimately what we’re all here to do. So I just thank you for him, and I thank you for his willingness to be a part of this tonight.”
This event took place in 2017, but it would not be his only involvement with North Point Community Church. As mentioned, he would cut a promo with North Point leader Amy Blakeslee years later and would give his endorsement to Embracing the Journey Ministries, a gay-affirming counseling resource that North Point church uses.
In 2022 his ministry was given as a recommended resource by Debbie Causey, a gay-affirming pastor at North Point, who was leading a breakout session at the Queer Christian Conference.

North Point Community Church has been going off the rails for a long time, and every new revelation is another nail in the coffin.
For more information about North Point church, click here:
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They’ve obviously abandoned the Gospel for the world’s approval. This church is lost.
Synagogue of Satan. Andy and his other wolfs play the reprobate. Christ and His Apostles warned us of such. We live in the 2nd Dark Ages of theology…but Christ sits on the throne and all is well with my soul.
Synagogue of Satan. Andy and his other wolves play the reprobate. Christ and His Apostles warned us of such. We live in the 2nd Dark Ages of theology…but Christ sits on the throne and all is well with my soul.
Synagogue of Satan. Andy and his other wolves play the reprobate. Christ and His Apostles warned us of such. We live in the 2nd Dark Ages of theology…but Christ sits on the throne and all is well with my soul.
North Point is a social club not a church. There are many buildings that have gatherings on Sunday, but that does not mean they are local churches.
If God accepted sin, then there would be no need for a Savior.
They mock and ridicule Jesus every time they convey their wicked message that He died for nothing.