Kyle J. Howard Says The Dead Children in Texas were Victims of ‘White Supremacy’

This is the last Kyle J. Howard update for a while. Unless he can really, really outdo himself, we’re going to leave it at this for several months. We pretty much had our fill after Kyle J. Howard says Black Boys being Molested by Black Men is the Fault of (Checks Notes) White People, and this last post puts the last nail in that coffin. See below for some of his greatest hits
Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women
Now, in light of the terrible, agonizingly painful school shooting in Texas by a Hispanic 18-year-old, where 19 children and 2 adults were murdered, Howard had this to say about the whole affair:

For Howard, the ethnicity of the shooter is completely irrelevant. Over the 2021 July weekend in Chicago, 104 people were shot and 19 of them were killed, including 13 children injured. This violence was almost exclusively perpetrated on black folk and Latinos by black folk and Latinos, yet Howard would say that this too is because of White Supremacy, given that white people created the conditions where this would be the natural consequence.
It doesn’t matter the race of who killed who, all that matters is that white people are liable and made it all possible. Consequently, the rest of his day was filled with similar tweets, taking potshots at the light-skinned while wrapped in his blanket of hate.

Though on occasion Kyle will say “by White People, I’m not talking about AAAAAAAALL of them” he’ll always end up making it exquisitely clear that he’s talking about damn near every one.
It’s reprehensible, it’s not unexpected in the least, but it’s enough that it’ll b the last we hear from him in a while.
Black guy is a racist bigot towards white people, news at 11
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Kyle J Howard counseling …
KJH: Now tell me what’s going on.
Client: Ok, well, here’s …
KJH: It’s the white man’s fault.
Client: But …
KJH: Thank you, that’ll be $500 please.