Big Eva Favorite ‘Christian’ Scientist Lauds Pride Month, Promises To Be A Good ‘Ally’

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins, the acclaimed scientist, geneticist, and professing Christian, released a statement several months ago for PRIDE month, where he publically revealed himself to be thoroughly compromised on the Christian’s view of LGBTQ issues and the scriptures, offering them his personal support as an “ally” and regurgitating all the progressive talking points while using progressive language that those interested in tearing down the biblical view of family have.

The (NIH) is the primary agency of the United States government and is responsible for biomedical and public health research, compromised of nearly 20,000 employees and having an annual budget of 42 billion dollars. For this reason, it is no surprise that the organization might issue a woke statement, using “we” language to represent everyone as a matter of policy. They certainly have a media relations team that would put out such a statement.

Yet Collins’s letter is personal. We don’t know why he felt he had to release a statement in the first place, but even if he as the Director was being pressured to and he was forced to under penalty of losing his job, he personalizes it using “I” rather than “we,” saying among other things:

  •  I applaud the courage and resilience it takes for individuals to live openly and authentically
  •  As a White cisgender and heterosexual man, I have not had the same experiences, but I am committed to listening, respecting, and supporting those individuals as an ally and advocate.
  • I know that developing allyship is critical as we continue to make NIH, and the world, a more inclusive place for all.
  • For that reason, I am excited to share this year’s Pride theme, Allyship in Action
  •  To address this need, I am proud to announce that NIH recently funded a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine consensus study to review current measures and methodological issues related to measuring sex as a non-binary construct.
  • I hope that you join me this Pride Month in exemplifying allyship and celebrating the broad diversity of SGM communities.

There is one thing about working for an organization that puts out statements in support of so-called “sexual minorities” that celebrates sexual perversions of God’s design for men and women. It’s another thing to personally go out of your way to ensure that your public statements are as far as a view from Romans 1 as possible, all the while crowing about how proud you are of them.

This is disgusting and terrible. Coupled with his low view of church and refusing to condemn “pregnant people” language, we have no reason to suppose that this man is a brother.

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11 thoughts on “Big Eva Favorite ‘Christian’ Scientist Lauds Pride Month, Promises To Be A Good ‘Ally’

  1. Proverbs 21:4: Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin.
    Proverbs 8:13: Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

  2. Nothing is more repugnant than a professing Christian (‘professing’ being the key word here) celebrating mental illness and unholy deviancy.

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