Very Timely Sermon: Is ‘Holy Misdirection’ on Vaccine Passports Biblically Acceptable?

The short answer; absolutely. In a carefully crafted message with more than a half-dozen references to Sacred Scripture, Pastor Hall will line out time-after-time God commanded (or blessed) “Holy Misdirection” to save lives, liberties, and families. A short tour through Christian history will also demonstrate that this is a sacred, long-standing tradition of the Christian faith.
Pastor Hall will be preaching on this topic this coming Sunday, at 11AM(ish) MST. Don’t miss it.

You can watch live from the Fellowship Baptist Church Livestream at 11:00AM(ish) here. Like or follow that page for an update when the message goes live. Please do not stay home from your local congregation to watch.
You’ll also be able to watch after several days on the Protestia YouTube Channel, the FBC Sidney Rumble Channel, and SermonAudio (here).
To reiterate…
For immediate and/or live viewing, click below at approximately 11AM MST and like or follow the page to receive an update when the sermon goes live.

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Sorry but breaking the law is NEVER allowed under Romans 13. You must take the vaccine and YOU WILL TAKE IT. Quit being babies. Just do it already. Do it. It’s not losing you job over, or being barred entry to your church. DO IT NOW OR ELSE.
Telling people to LIE about taking the vaccine is DOMESTIC TEORRORISM!!!!
I don’t think so, dumbass.
Yes, such misdirection is acceptable from a Biblical standpoint, no question.
But it will not work to just fake the ID. Whether an app or an ID card, it would be checked in real time against a database, whenever and wherever passage is checked. The only way to resist in that case would be to do something to render the entire system unusable or unreliable. Generally, make life as miserable as possible for the gestapo trying to enforce their “papers please” mandates.
You only want to misdirect because you are too cowardly to stand up and fight. And this is partly because you are completely disorganised and relying on anonymous “relationships” instead of knowing each other in real life.
The founders of this country were very plain in what they wanted, and what they would not put up with (like not seizing their arms so they couldn’t defend themselves. They were very patient, but plain and straight. They were also organised, and the fighting started on a church lawn.
Sometimes you have to not be a coward like Peter, and stand up truthfully. The apostle Peter regretted denying his Lord Jesus Christ later, and while this isn’t exactly denying Jesus, everything about forcing people to take things into their bodies, lying about it, and they are lying about it, violating the constitution and abusing their offices, are sins. Boldly standing up against such wickedness is important.
I agree Max. I believe those who can boldly stand should do so. Others may have to be more covert. The same was true back then. Many stood and fought boldly. Others worked behind the scenes. We need both imo.